Sample Extraction — The Company offers Accelerated Solvent Extraction® (ASE®) for automated sample extraction. In fiscal 2000, the Company introduced the ASE 300, an automated sample extraction instrument for large samples up to 100 mL. In all respects, except sample capacity handling, the ASE 300 is similar to the ASE 200, introduced by the Company in fiscal 1995. Both ASE systems extract solid samples using common solvents at elevated temperatures and pressures. The ASE systems extract solid samples in an automated fashion using the same solvents used in traditional soxhlet techniques. Competitive techniques include soxhlet, sonication, microwave extraction and supercritical fluid extraction. The ASE 200 and 300 systems offer several advantages over other solvent based extraction techniques including lower solvent consumption, reduced extraction time, higher throughput through automation and ease of use. ASE 200 and 300 systems are used worldwide for a number of environmental, industrial and food and beverage applications. In fiscal 1997, the Company enhanced its ASE 200 system by introducing the ASE 200 Solvent Controller Module, which automates the delivery of multiple solvents to the ASE 200 system, and AutoASE™, an add-on software feature which allows control of up to eight ASE 200 systems from one location, as well as methods storage and documentation. Both the Solvent Controller Module and AutoASE are also used with the ASE 300 system. In fiscal 2000, the Company introduced several new applications for the ASE 200 and ASE 300. These applications include time and labor savings for the extraction of polymers and environmental samples. Automation Products — As part of its efforts to make chemical analyses simpler, faster and more reliable, Dionex offers a family of products that automate sample handling, system operation and data analysis for chromatography systems. These products include PeakNet, PeakNet PA for Process Analysis and CHROMELEON. In addition, several automated sample injection modules are available for IC and HPLC applications. Software PeakNet 6, introduced in fiscal 2000, is the Company’s latest release of Windows-based applications for IC and BioLC. PeakNet 6 makes possible the use of multi-featured, high performance computer systems to automate control, data acquisition, analysis and reporting for the DX-120, DX-320, DX-600, DX-800 and BioLC systems. In fiscal 1994, the PeakNet PC-based Chromatography Workstation was first introduced. In fiscal 1997, the Company introduced its latest version of the software, PeakNet 5.0, a 32-bit automation product designed for use with Windows 95 and Windows NT. In fiscal 1998, the Company enhanced its PeakNet chromatography software by introducing PeakNet 5.1. This release added new capabilities to the PeakNet software, including full control and support of the EG40 and enhanced reporting capabilities. PeakNet 6 continues to build on the previous software while adding many technological advances made possible by the Company’s acquisition of Softron GmbH in October 1998. These advances include multi-vendor support, provisions for electronic signature and sign-off, SQL-based data management/retrieval, security features, system wellness, and validation measures. 5 |