Leadership and Compensation Committee
The Leadership and Compensation Committee of the Board is currently composed of Mr. Sanchez, Chair of the committee, Mr. Pinchev, Mr. Rothman and Mr. Singer, all of whom are independent directors, including all applicable enhanced independence requirements for compensation committee members under NYSE listing standards. The Leadership and Compensation Committee’s primary mission is to ensure the Company provides appropriate leadership and compensation programs to enable the successful execution of its corporate strategy and objectives and to ensure the Company’s programs and practices are market competitive and consistent with corporate governance best practices. The Leadership and Compensation Committee’s primary objectives are to (1) review and approve the Company’s compensation philosophy, strategy and practices, (2) review and approve executive compensation for all executive officers (other than for the CEO) and make recommendations to the Board regarding CEO andnon-employee director compensation, (3) review the Company’s strategy and practices relating to the attraction, retention, development, performance and succession of its leadership team, and (4) develop guidelines to be used by the Company’s management for establishing and adjusting the compensation of allnon-executive vice presidents.
Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee
The Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee is currently composed of Mr. Press, Chair of the committee, Mr. Singer and Mr. Rothman, all of whom are independent directors, as defined in the applicable NYSE listing standards. The Corporate Governance and Nominating Committee assists the Board by identifying and recommending prospective director nominees, develops corporate governance principles for Quantum, advises the Board on corporate governance matters, including Board and committee composition, roles and procedures, recommends to the Board a Chair of the Board, oversees the evaluation of the Board, considers questions of possible conflicts of interest of Board members and of senior executives, oversees and reviews the process for succession planning of the Company’s Chief Executive Officer and considers nominees recommended by stockholders.
Non-Management Director Meetings
We regularly schedule executive sessions in whichnon-employee directors meet without the presence or participation of management. The lead independent director serves as the presiding director of such executive sessions. If there is no lead independent director, thenon-management directors elect anon-management director to preside at such executive sessions.
Communication with our Board of Directors
Stockholders, employees and other interested parties may contact the Board, the Chairman of the Board, the independent directors as a group or any of our directors by writing to them c/o Quantum Corporation, attention: Company Secretary, 224 Airport Parkway, Suite 550, San Jose, CA 95110, or by email to BoardofDirectors@Quantum.com. Communications that are intended specifically for the Chairman or the independent directors should be sent to the email address or street address noted above, to the attention of the Chairman or the independent directors, as applicable. If any such interested party wishes to contact the Board, a member of the Audit Committee, the Chairman of the Board, our independent directors as a group or any of our directors to report a concern about Quantum’s conduct or about questionable accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters, such party may do so anonymously by using the address above and designating the communication as “confidential.” Alternatively, concerns may be reported anonymously by phone or via the Internet to the following toll-free phone number or Internet address1-866-ETHICSP(1-866-384-4277); www.ethicspoint.com. These resources are operated by Ethicspoint, an external third-party vendor that has trained professionals to take calls in confidence, and to report concerns to the appropriate persons for proper handling. Communications raising safety, security or privacy concerns, or that otherwise relate to improper activities will be addressed in an appropriate manner.