Loans and Related Allowance for Credit Losses | L OANS A ND R ELATED A LLOWANCE F OR C REDIT L OSSES Loan Portfolio Our loan portfolio consists of two portfolio segments – Commercial and Consumer. Each of these segments comprises multiple loan classes. Classes are characterized by similarities in risk attributes and the manner in which we monitor and assess credit risk. Commercial Consumer • Commercial and industrial • Residential real estate • Commercial real estate • Home equity • Equipment lease financing • Automobile • Credit card • Education • Other consumer See Note 1 Accounting Policies included in Item 8 of our 2021 Form 10-K for additional information on our loan related policies. Credit Quality We closely monitor economic conditions and loan performance trends to manage and evaluate our exposure to credit risk within the loan portfolio based on our defined loan classes. In doing so, we use several credit quality indicators, including trends in delinquency rates, nonperforming status, analysis of PD and LGD ratings, updated credit scores and originated and updated LTV ratios. The measurement of delinquency status is based on the contractual terms of each loan. Loans that are 30 days or more past due in terms of payment are considered delinquent. Loan delinquencies include government insured or guaranteed loans, loans accounted for under the fair value option and PCD loans. Table 40 presents the composition and delinquency status of our loan portfolio at September 30, 2022 and December 31, 2021. We manage credit risk based on the risk profile of the borrower, repayment sources, underlying collateral and other support given current events, economic conditions and expectations. We refine our practices to meet the changing environment resulting from rising inflation levels, supply chain disruptions, higher rates, and secular changes fostered by the COVID-19 pandemic. To mitigate losses and enhance customer support, we have customer assistance, loan modification and collection programs that align with the CARES Act and subsequent interagency guidance. As a result, under the CARES Act credit reporting rules, certain loans modified due to COVID-19 related hardships are not being reported as past due as of September 30, 2022 and December 31, 2021 based on the contractual terms of the loan, even where borrowers may not be making payments on their loans during the modification period. Table 40: Analysis of Loan Portfolio (a) (b) Accruing Dollars in millions Current or Less 30-59 60-89 90 Days Total Nonperforming Fair Value Total Loans September 30, 2022 Commercial Commercial and industrial $ 172,550 $ 321 $ 55 $ 139 $ 515 $ 748 $ 173,813 Commercial real estate 35,424 11 4 5 20 148 35,592 Equipment lease financing 6,173 6 6 12 7 6,192 Total commercial 214,147 338 65 144 547 903 215,597 Consumer Residential real estate 43,467 298 95 196 589 (c) 429 $ 572 45,057 Home equity 24,693 46 16 62 530 82 25,367 Automobile 14,735 96 21 6 123 167 15,025 Credit card 6,636 44 30 58 132 6 6,774 Education 2,162 36 26 63 125 (c) 2,287 Other consumer 5,212 21 15 12 48 33 5,293 Total consumer 96,905 541 203 335 1,079 1,165 654 99,803 Total $ 311,052 $ 879 $ 268 $ 479 $ 1,626 $ 2,068 $ 654 $ 315,400 Percentage of total loans 98.61 % 0.28 % 0.08 % 0.15 % 0.52 % 0.66 % 0.21 % 100.00 % December 31, 2021 Commercial Commercial and industrial $ 151,698 $ 235 $ 72 $ 132 $ 439 $ 796 $ 152,933 Commercial real estate 33,580 46 24 1 71 364 34,015 Equipment lease financing 6,095 25 2 27 8 6,130 Total commercial 191,373 306 98 133 537 1,168 193,078 Consumer Residential real estate 37,706 379 119 328 826 (c) 517 $ 663 39,712 Home equity 23,305 53 18 71 596 89 24,061 Automobile 16,252 146 40 14 200 183 16,635 Credit card 6,475 49 33 62 144 7 6,626 Education 2,400 43 25 65 133 (c) 2,533 Other consumer 5,644 35 22 17 74 9 5,727 Total consumer 91,782 705 257 486 1,448 1,312 752 95,294 Total $ 283,155 $ 1,011 $ 355 $ 619 $ 1,985 $ 2,480 $ 752 $ 288,372 Percentage of total loans 98.19 % 0.35 % 0.12 % 0.21 % 0.69 % 0.86 % 0.26 % 100.00 % (a) Amounts in table represent loans held for investment and do not include any associated ALLL. (b) The accrued interest associated with our loan portfolio totaled $1.0 billion and $0.7 billion at September 30, 2022 and December 31, 2021, respectively. These amounts are included in Other assets on the Consolidated Balance Sheet. (c) Past due loan amounts include government insured or guaranteed Residential real estate loans and Education loans totaling $0.3 billion and $0.1 billion at September 30, 2022. Comparable amounts at December 31, 2021 were $0.4 billion and $0.1 billion. (d) Consumer loans accounted for under the fair value option for which we do not expect to collect substantially all principal and interest are subject to nonaccrual accounting and classification upon meeting any of our nonaccrual policies. Given that these loans are not accounted for at amortized cost, these loans have been excluded from the nonperforming loan population. (e) Includes unearned income, unamortized deferred fees and costs on originated loans and premiums or discounts on purchased loans totaling $0.7 billion at both September 30, 2022 and December 31, 2021. (f) Collateral dependent loans totaled $1.3 billion and $1.7 billion at September 30, 2022 and December 31, 2021, respectively. At September 30, 2022, we pledged $26.0 billion of commercial and other loans to the Federal Reserve Bank and $90.7 billion of residential real estate and other loans to the FHLB as collateral for the ability to borrow, if necessary. The comparable amounts at December 31, 2021 were $25.7 billion and $66.2 billion, respectively. Amounts pledged reflect the unpaid principal balances. Nonperforming Assets Nonperforming assets include nonperforming loans and leases, OREO and foreclosed assets. Nonperforming loans are those loans accounted for at amortized cost whose credit quality has deteriorated to the extent that full collection of contractual principal and interest is not probable and include nonperforming TDRs and PCD loans. Interest income is not recognized on these loans. Loans accounted for under the fair value option are reported as performing loans; however, when nonaccrual criteria is met, interest income is not recognized on these loans. Additionally, certain government insured or guaranteed loans for which we expect to collect The following table presents our nonperforming assets as of September 30, 2022 and December 31, 2021, respectively: Table 41: Nonperforming Assets Dollars in millions September 30 December 31 Nonperforming loans Commercial $ 903 $ 1,168 Consumer (a) 1,165 1,312 Total nonperforming loans (b) 2,068 2,480 OREO and foreclosed assets 33 26 Total nonperforming assets $ 2,101 $ 2,506 Nonperforming loans to total loans 0.66 % 0.86 % Nonperforming assets to total loans, OREO and foreclosed assets 0.67 % 0.87 % Nonperforming assets to total assets 0.38 % 0.45 % (a) Excludes most unsecured consumer loans and lines of credit, which are charged off after 120 to 180 days past due and are not placed on nonperforming status. (b) Nonperforming loans for which there is no related ALLL totaled $0.9 billion at September 30, 2022 and primarily include loans with a fair value of collateral that exceeds the amortized cost basis. The comparable amount at December 31, 2021 was $1.0 billion. Nonperforming loans include certain loans whose terms have been restructured in a manner that grants a concession to a borrower experiencing financial difficulties. In accordance with applicable accounting guidance, these loans are considered TDRs. See Note 1 Accounting Policies included in Item 8 of our 2021 Form 10-K and the Troubled Debt Restructurings section of this Note 4 for additional information on TDRs. Total nonperforming loans in Table 41 include TDRs of $0.7 billion and $1.0 billion at September 30, 2022 and December 31, 2021, respectively. TDRs that are performing, including consumer credit card TDR loans, are excluded from nonperforming loans and totaled $0.7 billion and $0.6 billion at September 30, 2022 and December 31, 2021, respectively. Additional Credit Quality Indicators by Loan Class Commercial Loan Classes See Note 4 Loans and Related Allowance for Credit Losses included in Item 8 of our 2021 Form 10-K for additional information related to these loan classes, including discussion around the credit quality indicators that we use to monitor and manage the credit risk associated with each loan class. The following table presents credit quality indicators for the commercial loan classes: Table 42: Commercial Credit Quality Indicators (a) Term Loans by Origination Year September 30, 2022 In millions 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 Prior Revolving Loans Revolving Loans Converted to Term Total Commercial and industrial Pass Rated $ 31,271 $ 14,475 $ 9,018 $ 7,607 $ 4,858 $ 14,602 $ 85,101 $ 69 $ 167,001 Criticized 802 439 360 429 334 643 3,777 28 6,812 Total commercial and industrial 32,073 14,914 9,378 8,036 5,192 15,245 88,878 97 173,813 Commercial real estate Pass Rated 6,789 4,114 3,684 5,975 3,198 7,957 266 31,983 Criticized 332 39 235 583 833 1,584 3 3,609 Total commercial real estate 7,121 4,153 3,919 6,558 4,031 9,541 269 35,592 Equipment lease financing Pass Rated 1,168 1,010 1,000 718 454 1,599 5,949 Criticized 45 59 61 42 21 15 243 Total equipment lease financing 1,213 1,069 1,061 760 475 1,614 6,192 Total commercial $ 40,407 $ 20,136 $ 14,358 $ 15,354 $ 9,698 $ 26,400 $ 89,147 $ 97 $ 215,597 Term Loans by Origination Year December 31, 2021 In millions 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 Prior Revolving Loans Revolving Loans Converted to Term Total Commercial and industrial Pass Rated $ 27,104 $ 12,053 $ 10,731 $ 6,698 $ 6,355 $ 11,759 $ 71,230 $ 90 $ 146,020 Criticized 283 368 815 649 496 824 3,448 30 6,913 Total commercial and industrial 27,387 12,421 11,546 7,347 6,851 12,583 74,678 120 152,933 Commercial real estate Pass Rated 4,110 4,109 6,355 4,234 2,634 7,562 436 29,440 Criticized 294 298 999 820 566 1,552 46 4,575 Total commercial real estate 4,404 4,407 7,354 5,054 3,200 9,114 482 34,015 Equipment lease financing Pass Rated 1,212 1,190 942 682 507 1,410 5,943 Criticized 37 54 41 29 19 7 187 Total equipment lease financing 1,249 1,244 983 711 526 1,417 6,130 Total commercial $ 33,040 $ 18,072 $ 19,883 $ 13,112 $ 10,577 $ 23,114 $ 75,160 $ 120 $ 193,078 (a) Loans in our commercial portfolio are classified as Pass Rated or Criticized based on the regulatory definitions, which are driven by the PD and LGD ratings that we assign. The Criticized classification includes loans that were rated special mention, substandard or doubtful as of September 30, 2022 and December 31, 2021. Consumer Loan Classes See Note 4 Loans and Related Allowance for Credit Losses included in Item 8 of our 2021 Form 10-K for additional information related to these loan classes, including discussion around the credit quality indicators that we use to monitor and manage the credit risk associated with each loan class. Residential Real Estate and Home Equity The following table presents credit quality indicators for the residential real estate and home equity loan classes: Table 43: Credit Quality Indicators for Residential Real Estate and Home Equity Loan Classes Term Loans by Origination Year September 30, 2022 In millions 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 Prior Revolving Loans Revolving Loans Converted to Term Total Loans Residential real estate Current estimated LTV ratios Greater than 100% $ 46 $ 24 $ 6 $ 6 $ 40 $ 122 Greater than or equal to 80% to 100% $ 979 529 173 67 19 95 1,862 Less than 80% 8,168 16,197 7,240 2,409 852 7,493 42,359 No LTV available 53 1 8 62 Government insured or guaranteed loans 3 9 50 35 24 531 652 Total residential real estate $ 9,150 $ 16,834 $ 7,488 $ 2,517 $ 901 $ 8,167 $ 45,057 Updated FICO scores Greater than or equal to 780 $ 5,416 $ 12,138 $ 5,267 $ 1,644 $ 465 $ 4,113 $ 29,043 720 to 779 3,152 3,294 1,457 499 212 1,610 10,224 660 to 719 442 752 403 190 91 806 2,684 Less than 660 42 109 112 83 71 775 1,192 No FICO score available 95 532 199 66 38 332 1,262 Government insured or guaranteed loans 3 9 50 35 24 531 652 Total residential real estate $ 9,150 $ 16,834 $ 7,488 $ 2,517 $ 901 $ 8,167 $ 45,057 Home equity Current estimated LTV ratios Greater than 100% $ 2 $ 12 $ 7 $ 1 $ 14 $ 220 $ 95 $ 351 Greater than or equal to 80% to 100% 4 52 27 4 30 748 1,058 1,923 Less than 80% 179 2,143 1,004 300 3,021 7,861 8,585 23,093 Total home equity $ 185 $ 2,207 $ 1,038 $ 305 $ 3,065 $ 8,829 $ 9,738 $ 25,367 Updated FICO scores Greater than or equal to 780 $ 109 $ 1,400 $ 577 $ 162 $ 1,895 $ 5,154 $ 5,123 $ 14,420 720 to 779 51 537 269 69 602 2,274 2,582 6,384 660 to 719 21 212 138 44 307 1,059 1,331 3,112 Less than 660 4 55 53 29 251 324 633 1,349 No FICO score available 3 1 1 10 18 69 102 Total home equity $ 185 $ 2,207 $ 1,038 $ 305 $ 3,065 $ 8,829 $ 9,738 $ 25,367 (Continued from previous page) Term Loans by Origination Year December 31, 2021 In millions 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 Prior Revolving Loans Revolving Loans Converted to Term Total Loans Residential real estate Current estimated LTV ratios Greater than 100% $ 10 $ 52 $ 21 $ 12 $ 13 $ 77 $ 185 Greater than or equal to 80% to 100% 1,460 560 221 86 66 190 2,583 Less than 80% 15,213 7,822 2,834 1,004 1,570 7,385 35,828 No LTV available 275 6 1 1 22 305 Government insured or guaranteed loans 3 33 37 30 39 669 811 Total residential real estate $ 16,961 $ 8,473 $ 3,114 $ 1,133 $ 1,688 $ 8,343 $ 39,712 Updated FICO scores Greater than or equal to 780 $ 11,110 $ 5,898 $ 1,996 $ 596 $ 1,029 $ 4,052 $ 24,681 720 to 779 4,921 1,735 643 247 345 1,619 9,510 660 to 719 717 463 255 136 133 796 2,500 Less than 660 83 103 96 75 94 848 1,299 No FICO score available 127 241 87 49 48 359 911 Government insured or guaranteed loans 3 33 37 30 39 669 811 Total residential real estate $ 16,961 $ 8,473 $ 3,114 $ 1,133 $ 1,688 $ 8,343 $ 39,712 Home equity Current estimated LTV ratios Greater than 100% $ 1 $ 16 $ 14 $ 3 $ 2 $ 25 $ 329 $ 90 $ 480 Greater than or equal to 80% to 100% 7 85 62 13 11 66 990 674 1,908 Less than 80% 204 2,487 1,189 370 549 3,200 7,868 5,806 21,673 Total home equity $ 212 $ 2,588 $ 1,265 $ 386 $ 562 $ 3,291 $ 9,187 $ 6,570 $ 24,061 Updated FICO scores Greater than or equal to 780 $ 124 $ 1,619 $ 692 $ 201 $ 364 $ 2,035 $ 5,490 $ 3,320 $ 13,845 720 to 779 61 666 348 96 116 642 2,283 1,679 5,891 660 to 719 23 248 167 56 53 327 1,071 872 2,817 Less than 660 4 53 57 32 28 277 325 615 1,391 No FICO score available 2 1 1 1 10 18 84 117 Total home equity $ 212 $ 2,588 $ 1,265 $ 386 $ 562 $ 3,291 $ 9,187 $ 6,570 $ 24,061 Automobile, Credit Card, Education and Other Consumer The following table presents credit quality indicators for the automobile, credit card, education and other consumer loan classes: Table 44: Credit Quality Indicators for Automobile, Credit Card, Education and Other Consumer Loan Classes Term Loans by Origination Year September 30, 2022 In millions 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 Prior Revolving Loans Revolving Loans Converted to Term Total Loans Updated FICO Scores Automobile FICO score greater than or equal to 780 $ 1,984 $ 2,327 $ 1,041 $ 887 $ 301 $ 111 $ 6,651 720 to 779 1,277 1,503 649 635 277 100 4,441 660 to 719 622 728 388 470 229 79 2,516 Less than 660 117 289 242 404 266 99 1,417 Total automobile $ 4,000 $ 4,847 $ 2,320 $ 2,396 $ 1,073 $ 389 $ 15,025 Credit card FICO score greater than or equal to 780 $ 1,835 $ 2 $ 1,837 720 to 779 1,945 7 1,952 660 to 719 1,876 15 1,891 Less than 660 952 32 984 No FICO score available or required (a) 107 3 110 Total credit card $ 6,715 $ 59 $ 6,774 Education FICO score greater than or equal to 780 $ 18 $ 55 $ 51 $ 63 $ 52 $ 373 $ 612 720 to 779 20 28 25 31 25 151 280 660 to 719 12 8 8 10 9 64 111 Less than 660 2 1 1 2 2 22 30 No FICO score available or required (a) 16 8 9 6 2 1 42 Education loans using FICO credit metric 68 100 94 112 90 611 1,075 Other internal credit metrics 1,212 1,212 Total education $ 68 $ 100 $ 94 $ 112 $ 90 $ 1,823 $ 2,287 Other consumer FICO score greater than or equal to 780 $ 176 $ 118 $ 68 $ 59 $ 20 $ 22 $ 51 $ 2 $ 516 720 to 779 240 149 84 80 28 16 93 2 692 660 to 719 182 122 83 83 37 11 96 3 617 Less than 660 15 49 42 48 26 7 45 2 234 Other consumer loans using FICO credit metric 613 438 277 270 111 56 285 9 2,059 Other internal credit metrics 78 44 39 59 8 31 2,950 25 3,234 Total other consumer $ 691 $ 482 $ 316 $ 329 $ 119 $ 87 $ 3,235 $ 34 $ 5,293 (Continued from previous page) Term Loans by Origination Year December 31, 2021 In millions 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 Prior Revolving Loans Revolving Loans Converted to Term Total Loans Updated FICO Scores Automobile FICO score greater than or equal to 780 $ 3,247 $ 1,496 $ 1,380 $ 533 $ 226 $ 79 $ 6,961 720 to 779 2,119 983 1,030 499 195 62 4,888 660 to 719 969 609 772 413 155 44 2,962 Less than 660 277 315 583 429 162 58 1,824 Total automobile $ 6,612 $ 3,403 $ 3,765 $ 1,874 $ 738 $ 243 $ 16,635 Credit card FICO score greater than or equal to 780 $ 1,815 $ 2 $ 1,817 720 to 779 1,836 9 1,845 660 to 719 1,856 19 1,875 Less than 660 943 29 972 No FICO score available or required (a) 114 3 117 Total credit card $ 6,564 $ 62 $ 6,626 Education FICO score greater than or equal to 780 $ 37 $ 60 $ 77 $ 62 $ 48 $ 392 $ 676 720 to 779 20 29 37 30 21 160 297 660 to 719 7 9 11 11 7 73 118 Less than 660 1 1 2 2 2 25 33 No FICO score available or required (a) 11 10 7 2 1 31 Education loans using FICO credit metric 76 109 134 107 78 651 1,155 Other internal credit metrics 1,378 1,378 Total education $ 76 $ 109 $ 134 $ 107 $ 78 $ 2,029 $ 2,533 Other consumer FICO score greater than or equal to 780 $ 199 $ 131 $ 123 $ 47 $ 12 $ 32 $ 95 $ 1 $ 640 720 to 779 250 172 167 68 15 19 125 816 660 to 719 190 145 165 82 16 11 122 731 Less than 660 50 62 85 54 10 6 50 1 318 Other consumer loans using FICO credit metric 689 510 540 251 53 68 392 2 2,505 Other internal credit metrics 87 31 35 23 22 48 2,955 21 3,222 Total other consumer $ 776 $ 541 $ 575 $ 274 $ 75 $ 116 $ 3,347 $ 23 $ 5,727 (a) Loans with no FICO score available or required generally refers to new accounts issued to borrowers with limited credit history, accounts for which we cannot obtain an updated FICO score ( e.g. , recent profile changes), cards issued with a business name and/or cards secured by collateral. Management proactively assesses the risk and size of this loan category and, when necessary, takes actions to mitigate the credit risk. Troubled Debt Restructurings Table 45 quantifies the number of loans that were classified as TDRs as well as the change in the loans’ balance as a result of becoming a TDR during the three and nine months ended September 30, 2022 and September 30, 2021. Additionally, the table provides information about the types of TDR concessions. See Note 1 Accounting Policies and Note 4 Loans and Related Allowance for Credit Losses included in Item 8 of our 2021 Form 10-K for additional discussion of TDRs. Table 45: Financial Impact and TDRs by Concession Type (a) Pre-TDR Post-TDR Amortized Cost Basis (c) During the three months ended September 30, 2022 Dollars in millions Number Principal Rate Other Total Commercial 15 $ 96 $ 10 $ 67 $ 77 Consumer 2,232 40 29 6 35 Total TDRs 2,247 $ 136 $ 39 $ 73 $ 112 During the nine months ended September 30, 2022 Dollars in millions Commercial 42 $ 184 $ 9 $ 10 $ 135 $ 154 Consumer 8,152 126 95 18 113 Total TDRs 8,194 $ 310 $ 9 $ 105 $ 153 $ 267 Pre-TDR Post-TDR Amortized Cost Basis (c) During the three months ended September 30, 2021 Dollars in millions Number Principal Rate Other Total Commercial 13 $ 123 $ 139 $ 139 Consumer 1,340 31 $ 21 7 28 Total TDRs 1,353 $ 154 $ 21 $ 146 $ 167 During the nine months ended September 30, 2021 Dollars in millions Commercial 43 $ 320 $ 315 $ 315 Consumer 4,822 86 $ 49 28 77 Total TDRs 4,865 $ 406 $ 49 $ 343 $ 392 (a) Impact of partial charge-offs at TDR date is included in this table. (b) Represents the amortized cost basis of the loans as of the quarter end prior to TDR designation. (c) Represents the amortized cost basis of the TDRs as of the end of the quarter in which the TDR occurs. After a loan is determined to be a TDR, we continue to track its performance under its most recent restructured terms. We consider a TDR to have subsequently defaulted when it becomes 60 days past due after the most recent date the loan was restructured. The following table provides a summary of TDRs that subsequently defaulted during the periods presented and were classified as TDRs during the applicable 12-month period preceding September 30, 2022 and September 30, 2021. Table 46: Subsequently Defaulted TDRs In millions 2022 2021 Three months ended September 30 $ 23 $ 6 Nine months ended September 30 $ 45 $ 25 Allowance for Credit Losses We maintain the ACL related to loans at levels that we believe to be appropriate to absorb expected credit losses in the portfolios as of the balance sheet date. See Note 1 Accounting Policies included in Item 8 of our 2021 Form 10-K for a discussion of the methodologies used to determine this allowance. A rollforward of the ACL related to loans follows: Table 47: Rollforward of Allowance for Credit Losses Three months ended September 30 Nine months ended September 30 2022 2021 2022 2021 In millions Commercial Consumer Total Commercial Consumer Total Commercial Consumer Total Commercial Consumer Total Allowance for loan and lease losses Beginning balance $ 2,937 $ 1,525 $ 4,462 $ 3,812 $ 1,918 $ 5,730 $ 3,185 $ 1,683 $ 4,868 $ 3,337 $ 2,024 $ 5,361 Acquisition PCD reserves (54) (5) (59) 774 282 1,056 Charge-offs (73) (149) (222) (50) (156) (206) (162) (506) (668) (393) (484) (877) Recoveries 25 78 103 29 96 125 78 251 329 81 263 344 Net (charge-offs) (48) (71) (119) (21) (60) (81) (84) (255) (339) (312) (221) (533) Provision for (recapture of) credit losses 174 67 241 (129) (100) (229) (34) 93 59 (193) (332) (525) Other (2) (1) (3) (5) (1) (6) (6) $ (1) (7) (3) (1) (4) Ending balance $ 3,061 $ 1,520 $ 4,581 $ 3,603 $ 1,752 $ 5,355 $ 3,061 $ 1,520 $ 4,581 $ 3,603 $ 1,752 $ 5,355 Allowance for unfunded lending related commitments (a) Beginning balance $ 630 $ 51 $ 681 $ 533 $ 112 $ 645 $ 564 $ 98 $ 662 $ 485 $ 99 $ 584 Acquisition PCD reserves 43 3 46 Provision for (recapture of) credit losses (22) 23 1 2 (1) 1 44 (24) 20 7 9 16 Ending balance $ 608 $ 74 $ 682 $ 535 $ 111 $ 646 $ 608 $ 74 $ 682 $ 535 $ 111 $ 646 Allowance for credit losses at September 30 (b) $ 3,669 $ 1,594 $ 5,263 $ 4,138 $ 1,863 $ 6,001 $ 3,669 $ 1,594 $ 5,263 $ 4,138 $ 1,863 $ 6,001 (a) See Note 9 Commitments for additional information about the underlying commitments related to this allowance. (b) Represents the ALLL plus allowance for unfunded lending related commitments and excludes allowances for investment securities and other financial assets, which together totaled $162 million at both September 30, 2022 and 2021. The ACL related to loans at September 30, 2022 totaled $5.3 billion, a decrease of $0.2 billion since December 31, 2021. The following summarizes the changes in factors that influenced the ACL decline during the nine months ended September 30, 2022. • The reassessment of pandemic-related risks drove reduced reserves at September 30, 2022, partially offset by the heightened economic stress which impacted our macroeconomic scenarios and related weightings. |