Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document and Entity Information
- Consolidated income statement
- Consolidated statement of compr
- Consolidated balance sheet
- Consolidated balance sheet (Par
- Consolidated statement of cash
- Consolidated statement of chang
- Consolidated statement of cha_2
- A1 Significant accounting polic
- A2 Critical accounting estimate
- A3 Changes in accounting polici
- B1 Segment information
- B2 Net sales
- B3 Expenses by nature
- B4 Other operating income and e
- B5 Inventories
- B6 Customer contract related ba
- B7 Other current receivables
- B8 Trade payables
- B9 Other current liabilities
- C1 Intangible assets
- C2 Property, plant and equipmen
- C3 Leasing
- D1 Provisions
- D2 Contingent liabilities
- D3 Assets pledged as collateral
- D4 Contractual obligations
- E1 Equity
- E2 Business combinations
- E3 Associated companies
- F1 Financial risk management
- F2 Financial income and expense
- F3 Financial assets, non-curren
- F4 Interest-bearing liabilities
- G1 Post-employment benefits
- G2 Information regarding member
- G3 Share-based compensation
- G4 Employee information
- H1 Taxes
- H2 Earnings per share
- H3 Statement of cash flows
- H4 Related party transactions
- H5 Fees to auditors
- H6 Events after the reporting p
- A1 Significant accounting pol_2
- A1 Significant accounting pol_3
- A3 Changes in accounting poli_2
- B1 Segment information (Tables)
- B2 Net sales (Tables)
- B3 Expenses by nature (Tables)
- B4 Other operating income and_2
- B5 Inventories (Tables)
- B6 Customer contract related _2
- B7 Other current receivables (T
- B8 Trade payables (Tables)
- B9 Other current liabilities (T
- C1 Intangible assets (Tables)
- C2 Property, plant and equipm_2
- C3 Leasing (Tables)
- D1 Provisions (Tables)
- D2 Contingent liabilities (Tabl
- D3 Assets pledged as collater_2
- D4 Contractual obligations (Tab
- E1 Equity (Tables)
- E2 Business combinations (Table
- E3 Associated companies (Tables
- F1 Financial risk management (T
- F2 Financial income and expen_2
- F3 Financial assets, non-curr_2
- F4 Interest-bearing liabiliti_2
- G1 Post-employment benefits (Ta
- G2 Information regarding memb_2
- G3 Share-based compensation (Ta
- G4 Employee information (Tables
- H1 Taxes (Tables)
- H2 Earnings per share (Tables)
- H3 Statement of cash flows (Tab
- H5 Fees to auditors (Tables)
- Significant Accounting Policies
- Significant Accounting Polici_2
- Critical Accounting Estimates a
- Changes In Accounting Policies
- Changes in Accounting Policie_2
- Changes in Accounting Policie_3
- Changes in Accounting Policie_4
- Changes in Accounting Policie_5
- Segment Information - Additiona
- Segment Information - Summary o
- Segment Information - Summary_2
- Net Sales - Summary of Net Sale
- Expenses by Nature - Summary of
- Expenses by Nature - Additional
- Expenses by Nature - Summary _2
- Other Operating Income and Expe
- Other Operating Income and Ex_2
- Inventories - Summary of Invent
- Inventories - Additional Inform
- Inventories - Movements in Obso
- Customer Contract Related Balan
- Customer Contract Related Bal_2
- Customer Contract Related Bal_3
- Other Current Receivables - Sum
- Trade Payables - Summary of Tra
- Other Current Liabilities - Sum
- Intangible Assets - Summary of
- Intangible Assets - Additional
- Property, Plant and Equipment -
- Property, Plant and Equipment_2
- Property, Plant and Equipment_3
- Leasing - Additional Informatio
- Leasing - Summary of Future Min
- Provisions - Summary of Provisi
- Provisions - Additional Informa
- Contingent liabilities - Summar
- Contingent Liabilities - Additi
- Assets Pledged as Collateral -
- Contractual Obligations - Summa
- Equity and Other Comprehensive
- Equity and Other Comprehensiv_2
- Equity and Other Comprehensiv_3
- Business Combinations - Summary
- Business Combinations - Summa_2
- Business Combinations - Additio
- Business Combinations - Summa_3
- Business Combinations - Summa_4
- Business Combinations - Summa_5
- Associated Companies - Equity i
- Financial Risk Management - Add
- Financial Risk Management - Sch
- Financial Risk Management - Sum
- Financial Risk Management - S_2
- Financial Risk Management - Dis
- Financial Risk Management - D_2
- Financial Risk Management - S_3
- Financial Risk Management - S_4
- Financial Risk Management - S_5
- Financial Risk Management - S_6
- Financial Risk Management - S_7
- Financial Risk Management - S_8
- Financial Risk Management - D_3
- Financial Risk Management - S_9
- Financial Risk Management - _10
- Financial Risk Management - _11
- Financial Risk Management - _12
- Financial Risk Management - _13
- Financial Risk Management - _14
- Financial Income and Expenses -
- Financial Income and Expenses_2
- Financial Assets, Non-current -
- Interest-Bearing Liabilities -
- Interest-Bearing Liabilities _2
- Interest-Bearing Liabilities _3
- Interest-Bearing Liabilities _4
- Post-Employment Benefits - Addi
- Post-Employment Benefits - Summ
- Post-Employment Benefits - Su_2
- Post-Employment Benefits - Su_3
- Post-Employment Benefits - Su_4
- Post-Employment Benefits - Su_5
- Post-Employment Benefits - Su_6
- Post-Employment Benefits - Su_7
- Post-Employment Benefits - Su_8
- Post-Employment Benefits - Su_9
- Post-Employment Benefits - S_10
- Information Regarding Members o
- Information Regarding Members_2
- Information Regarding Members_3
- Information Regarding Members_4
- Share Based Compensation - Summ
- Share Based Compensation - Addi
- Share Based Compensation - Su_2
- Share Based Compensation - Su_3
- Share Based Compensation - Su_4
- Share Based Compensation - Su_5
- Share Based Compensation - Su_6
- Share Based Compensation - Su_7
- Share Based Compensation - Su_8
- Share Based Compensation - Su_9
- Share Based Compensation - S_10
- Employee Information - Summary
- Employee Information - Summar_2
- Employee Information - Summar_3
- Employee Information - Summar_4
- Employee Information - Summar_5
- Employee Information - Summar_6
- Employee Information - Summar_7
- Taxes - Additional Information
- Taxes - Components of Income Ta
- Taxes - Reconciliation of Swedi
- Taxes - Reconciliation of Swe_2
- Taxes - Tax Effects of Temporar
- Taxes - Changes in Deferred Tax
- Taxes - Tax Loss Carry-forwards
- Earnings Per Share - Schedule o
- Statement of Cash Flows - Addit
- Statement of Cash Flows - Summa
- Statement of Cash Flows - Sum_2
- Fees to Auditors - Summary of F
- Fees to Auditors - Additional I
- Events After The Reporting Peri