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AA, AB, ability, absence, absent, absenteeism, AC, Academy, accelerate, accelerating, Accelerator, acceptable, accepted, accessed, accessible, accrued, accurately, achieve, achieved, achieving, ACL, Actand, Actby, Actfrom, active, activity, Actlargely, Actof, AD, adapt, added, Addiction, Adding, adequacy, adequate, adequately, administering, advance, advanced, advancing, advantage, adverse, adversely, advertising, advisor, advisory, AE, aerial, AF, affiliate, afforded, AG, agency, aggregate, aggregation, agile, agreement, AH, AI, aimed, air, airline, airport, airtime, AJ, AK, al, alarm, AlarmForce, Alberta, Alcatel, Aliant, Alimentation, allegation, allege, alleged, alleging, Allen, Alliance, allied, Alt, alternative, amalgamated, amalgamation, Amazon, Ambulance, America, American, amplitude, andBell, Android, announced, anticipated, anxiety, AO, app, appeal, appealed, appellant, Apple, AppleTV, applied, appointed, appointment, approach, AQ, architecture, armed, arrangement, arrived, Ashburn, Asia, aspect, asserted, asserting, assessing, assessment, asset, assumed, assuming, assumptionsof, assumptionson, AST, Astral, ATD, Atlantic, attended, attest, attorney, attract, attracting, attributed, attrition, audio, August, auto, AutoEver, automation, average, award, awarded, Axia, bachelor, Back, backbone, bad, balancing, band, bandwidth, bank, banking, Bargaining, Barry, BBB, BCEof, Bear, began, begin, beginning, Bench, beneficial, beneficially, Bibic, bid, billion, biobank, biological, BlackBerry, Bloomberg, Blue, BNN, BNY, body, BOMA, bonding, boost, borrow, borrower, borrowing, Boston, box, brain, brand, branding, breach, breadth, bring, British, broad, broadband, broadcast, broadcasting, broader, broadest, Brooklyn, Brotherhood, brought, Brown, browser, budget, budgeted, Buffalo, buffering, buildout, built, bundle, bundled, bundling, Bureau, bus, buy, bypassed, cable, Cablevision, calculated, calculating, Calgary, Calin, call, calling, CAMH, campaign, Canadien, cancellation, cancelled, CAPA, capability, capable, capacity, capitalof, Car, carbon, care, Carleton, carried, carrier, carry, carrying, case, cash, cast, catalogue, CDMA, CDP, CDS, ceased, cellular, Central, centralizing, centre, centred, certified, certify, chain, challenge, championing, channel, channelsin, charitable, charter, chartered, chat, CHEO, Chevalier, Chi, Chicago, children, China, choice, Chromecast, CIBC, Cieslok, Cinema, Cineplex, circular, Cisco, citizen, claim, claimant, claimed, Clan, Clarington, Clearnet, CLEC, clerical, climate, closer, cloud, Club, coast, collaboration, colleague, collected, collective, collectively, collusion, Columbia, combination, combined, combining, commerce, commercial, commit, commitment, committed, Committeesand, Compact, Companion, comparability, comparable, compared, compatible, compensation, compensatory, compete, competition, competitive, competitor, complement, complemented, complementing, complex, complexity, compliant, component, Computershare, computing, conclusion, congestion, consecutive, consideration, considerationsof, consist, consistently, consisting, constant, constitute, constructive, consultation, consulting, consumer, consumption, contact, contacting, context, contract, convenience, conventional, conversation, cooperative, coordinated, Cope, copper, copyright, core, correct, cost, Council, counsel, country, coupled, court, coverage, CPA, craft, Crave, create, creating, creation, credit, criteria, critical, CRTC, CTV, cultural, Cumulative, currency, customarily, customer, cyber, Dalhousie, Danbe, David, de, deal, Dearborn, debt, debtof, deceit, decide, decided, decision, declaration, declaratory, declared, declining, decommissioned, decommissioning, dedicated, deem, deemed, default, defend, defendant, defending, degree, delegate, delineating, deliver, delivered, delivering, delivery, demand, dematerialization, demonstrated, dense, Department, depend, dependence, dependent, Depending, deploy, deployed, deploying, deployment, deploymentin, deposit, Depository, derive, des, detail, detailed, detract, Detroit, develop, developed, development, device, diagnosed, died, differentiate, differentiation, digital, dilution, direct, direction, directly, director, disagreement, disaster, discharge, disciplined, disconnection, discontinued, discount, discounted, Discovery, discretion, dismissed, disposal, dispose, distance, distort, distributed, distribution, distributor, diverse, diversified, divestiture, divided, dividend, division, Doctor, dollar, domain, dominant, donated, donation, doubled, downgrade, download, driven, driver, DSL, DTC, du, duty, DWDM, earlier, earned, easier, Eastern, easy, EB, economic, economy, ecosystem, EDGAR, education, efficiency, efficient, efficiently, effort, elastic, Eleanor, Electrical, Element, eliminated, Embrace, Emmy, Empire, employ, employed, employing, en, enable, enabled, enabling, encompassed, encompassing, Encore, energy, engineer, Engineering, enhance, enhanced, enhancement, enhancing, enjoy, enrichment, entered, enterprise, entertainment, entitledCompetitive, entity, Entrepreneurship, entry, environment, environmental, environmentof, equal, equipment, equity, Ernst, ESG, estate, estimate, estimated, Ethibel, Euronext, Europe, European, evenko, event, evolution, evolve, evolving, exacerbated, exceed, exceeding, EXCELLENCE, exclusive, exercise, exercised, exercising, exist, existing, expand, expanded, expanding, expansion, expensed, experience, Expertech, expertise, expire, expired, exploitation, exposed, exposure, expressed, ExpressVu, extension, extensive, extent, extreme, EY, face, Facebook, facility, fail, failure, Fame, family, fast, faster, Fastest, fault, FC, FCA, FCPA, feature, featured, featuring, February, federal, Federation, FEE, fellow, Fellowship, fewer, Fibe, fibre, fidelity, fiduciary, Fiera, filled, final, Finally, financing, fire, fix, fixed, fleet, flexibility, flexible, flow, focused, focusing, footprint, force, Ford, foregoing, foreign, foremost, Forum, forward, fostering, foundation, founder, fragmentation, framework, France, Francisco, fraudulent, free, freedom, frequency, friend, FTTN, FTTP, fuel, fulfill, full, fully, Function, functionality, fund, fundamental, funded, funding, furniture, gain, gas, Gateway, Gatineau, GC, GE, general, generally, generate, generated, generating, generation, George, GHz, gigabit, gigahertz, Glentel, global, goal, Gold, Google, Gordon, governmental, governor, Graham, grant, granted, great, greater, Greenest, greenhouse, groundbreaking, group, grow, growing, guarantee, guaranteed, guidance, guided, guiding, Hall, handset, harbour, hardware, harnessing, hashtag, hassle, Hat, HBO, HBOCanada, head, healthcare, heavily, hedged, Heritage, higher, highest, highly, historical, Hockey, hold, holder, holding, home, honesty, honorary, honourary, Hospital, hosting, house, housing, HSPA, HSSEC, HTC, Huawei, Hub, human, Humanitarian, Hyundai, Ian, IBEW, ideal, identical, ii, iii, immaterial, impact, impacting, impair, imperative, imperativesin, imperativesof, importance, important, impose, imposed, improve, improved, improvement, improving, inability, inaccurate, inclusion, Income, increase, increased, increasing, increasingly, incumbent, indemnity, indenture, index, indexation, indexed, indirect, indirectly, individual, induced, influence, influenced, infotainment, infrastructure, infringe, infringed, infringement, ING, inherent, initiated, initiative, injunctive, Innovation, innovative, Input, inquiry, Instagram, Installation, instant, institute, institutional, instructed, Insurance, intangible, integral, integrate, integrated, integration, integrity, intellectual, intend, intensity, interconnection, interexchange, Internationally, Internet, interpretation, introduced, introduction, intrusion, invalid, inventory, invest, invested, investigation, Investissement, investment, investor, invite, invoiced, involved, iOS, IoT, IP, IPTV, ISO, issuable, issuance, Itata, IV, IX, Jantzi, January, Jewish, John, join, joined, joining, joint, Journalistic, July, June, Karen, Katherine, key, Kia, Kinamatwin, King, Kingston, knowledge, Korea, KPMG, label, labour, Lallemand, landline, landscape, large, largest, launch, launched, laureate, Laval, law, LAWSUIT, layer, Le, lead, leader, leadership, leading, Leaf, leak, leakage, learn, leased, leaving, LEED, legacy, legislation, Lenbrook, level, leverage, leveraged, leveraging, LG, liable, licence, licensed, licensee, licensing, life, lifetime, light, likelihood, Lincoln, line, Liner, lineup, liquidity, literate, litigation, live, lived, living, LLC, local, located, location, logged, long, longer, lost, Love, low, lower, loyalty, LP, LTE, Lucky, Ma, Madison, Magnetic, main, mall, mandate, mandated, mandatory, manner, manufacture, manufacturing, Maple, Maritime, market, marketed, marketing, marketplace, mature, maturity, Mawi, maximize, maximum, McGill, McKelvey, meaningful, measure, Medal, Mediatube, Medicine, medium, Mellon, member, membership, mental, mentale, mentioned, merit, message, messaging, met, metropolitan, MHz, Michelin, migrate, migrating, military, MIMO, minimize, minimized, minimizing, minute, Mirko, mirror, misrepresentation, misrepresented, Mississauga, misunderstood, mitigate, mitigating, mitigation, mobile, Mobility, moderate, modified, modulation, momentum, monetary, monetize, Monique, monitor, monitoring, month, monthly, Montreal, Moody, Motor, Motorola, move, moved, Movie, MTN, multiple, multiplexing, multiply, municipal, Municipality, music, musical, myriad, NAS, nationwide, natural, nature, NC, NCIB, negative, negligence, negligent, nergir, Netflix, NetMedia, network, networking, Neurological, neuronavigator, newer, Nixon, Nokia, nominated, Nord, North, northern, NorthernTel, NorthVu, Note, notice, Nova, Novatel, November, objective, objectivity, obtain, obtained, obtaining, occupation, occur, occurrence, occurring, October, oekom, offset, offsetting, Ogijiita, ongoing, online, Ontario, OOH, Oosterman, open, opinion, opportunity, optic, optical, optimal, optimize, option, ordinary, Ordre, original, originally, Orillia, Oshawa, Ottawa, outbound, outcome, outdoor, Output, outreach, outsourced, overlapped, overlaying, oversee, overseen, ownership, Pacific, packet, paid, pair, paper, parent, partly, partner, Partnership, patent, Patriot, Patrol, Paul, pay, payable, payout, PCAOB, PCMag, peer, pending, pension, people, percentage, permanent, permissible, perpetual, phase, phone, physical, Pimatiswin, piracy, plaintiff, plan, planned, platform, play, played, policiesof, pollution, Poor, popular, population, portfolio, portion, position, positioned, positioning, positive, postpaid, power, powered, powerful, practice, precluded, predict, preferred, premier, premium, prepaid, presence, presenteeism, pressure, previously, price, priced, pricing, primarily, Prime, principle, privacy, private, privately, proactively, procedure, proceed, procurement, procuring, produced, producer, product, productivity, profit, profitably, program, programming, project, proliferation, promote, promoter, promoting, promotional, Propane, proper, properly, property, proposed, proprietary, prosecuting, protect, protected, protecting, protection, protocol, provincial, proxy, PSP, psychological, published, punitive, purported, purpose, pursue, QAM, Quad, quadrature, qualitative, quality, quantitative, Queen, question, questionable, quorum, radio, radiofrequency, range, ranging, rapidly, rate, rated, ratified, rating, ratio, RBA, reach, reached, real, rebranded, receipt, receivable, receive, received, receiver, receiving, recent, recently, recertified, recipient, recognition, recognize, recognized, recommendation, recovery, recycling, Red, Redeemable, redeemed, redemption, reduce, reduced, reducing, reduction, redundancy, Reform, refuse, region, regional, registrar, regular, Rehab, reimbursement, reinforcing, reinvest, REIT, relevant, relief, rely, relying, remain, remaining, remedying, remote, remotely, removal, remove, removed, remuneration, renew, renewed, renewing, repay, repayment, repetitive, replace, replaced, repurchase, repurchased, repurposed, reputation, research, reserved, reside, resident, residential, resignation, resiliency, resolution, Resolve, response, responsibility, responsible, rest, Restart, restricting, restriction, resum, retail, retain, retaining, retention, retired, retirement, retrospectively, return, reveal, revenue, revenuesof, rewind, rich, risksand, risksof, roaming, Robert, robust, roll, rolled, Roosevelt, Rossy, rotation, round, rounded, Rovi, Rovinescu, Royal, running, rural, safe, safeguarding, sale, Samsung, San, sant, Saskatchewan, satellite, satisfaction, satisfactory, satisfy, save, scale, school, Science, score, Scotia, screen, seamlessly, season, Seasonality, seasoned, Seattle, seclusion, sector, securitiesin, SEDAR, seek, seeking, select, selected, selecting, selection, sell, selling, send, sending, senior, sensitive, Seoul, September, serial, serve, served, serving, session, share, shareholder, shelf, Sheriff, show, showing, shown, signage, significantly, Silver, similar, Similarly, simple, simultaneously, Singapore, single, size, skepticism, skill, slightly, small, smaller, smart, Snapchat, society, software, solution, Sonim, Sony, Sophie, sought, Soulpepper, source, span, specialty, spectrum, speculative, speed, spend, spending, spent, SPGI, spot, St, stable, staffing, staggering, stake, stated, stayed, Steering, stewardship, Stewart, Stick, stigma, stigmatized, stimulate, Stimulation, stoppage, STOXX, straightforward, strategic, strategically, strategy, strategyof, stream, streaming, street, strength, strengthsin, strong, Strongest, structure, struggled, student, style, subordinated, subscribed, subscriber, subscription, Subsequent, subsequently, subsidiary, substantial, substitution, suburban, successful, successfully, successor, suffer, suffered, sufficient, suicide, suite, superior, SuperNet, supervisory, supplement, supply, support, supported, supporting, Supreme, surpassing, surveillance, susceptible, suspend, sustain, sustainability, sustainable, sustained, switch, switching, symbol, systematic, systematically, talk, tank, target, Tbooth, team, technological, technologically, technology, Ted, telephony, Telesat, television, temporary, terabit, termination, ternet, territory, test, testing, text, Theatre, theBell, theBroadcasting, theCanada, theCompetition, theOrdre, theoretical, thePension, therapy, thereof, thereunder, thoughtful, threatened, threshold, Tivo, TMN, today, Tokyo, tool, top, Toronto, Torstar, tort, touch, toy, trade, traded, trading, traditional, traffic, training, transaction, Transcranial, transfer, transferred, transform, Transformation, transforming, transmission, transparency, transport, trauma, travel, treated, treating, treatment, Trending, trendsandPrincipal, trial, trillion, True, trust, TSN, TSX, tumour, turn, turning, TV, TVs, Twitter, typically, UBC, ultimate, ultimately, unable, unacceptable, unanimously, unauthorized, unbiased, uncertainty, underfunded, underground, underlie, underlying, underserved, understanding, underThe, unexpected, unfavourable, unified, Unifor, unilaterally, uninterrupted, union, unionized, unique, universal, Universit, universitaire, university, unjust, unlimited, unpaid, unprecedented, unsecured, unspecified, upgrade, upgraded, upgrading, upload, upper, uptake, UQAM, urban, usage, USB, user, utilization, utilize, valuable, Vancouver, variously, vary, vast, Velma, vendor, VGH, VI, Vice, video, videoconference, videoconferencing, view, viewed, viewership, viewing, Vigeo, vigorously, VII, VIII, Viptela, Virgin, virtual, virtualization, virtualized, virtually, visited, VNS, voice, volatility, VoLTE, volume, voluntary, volunteer, vote, voting, VPN, vulnerable, Wade, waive, Wajax, Walmart, warn, warning, warranty, waste, watch, watched, water, wavelength, weaken, wealth, weather, week, wellbeing, West, western, wholesale, Wi, Wilson, wind, Winnipeg, wired, Wirelessand, WIRELESSWAVE, wireline, WirelineandBell, withdrawn, women, Woodrow, workforce, workplace, worldwide, WTTP, XI, XII, Xplornet, Young, youth, ZTE
absolute, accumulated, Actduring, addressed, behaviour, CEO, CFO, chapter, check, clarify, Classification, close, communicated, condition, Controller, CT, designated, desirable, disclosed, duly, electronically, Employer, file, filing, furnish, hereto, Identification, Industrial, listing, Manual, mark, matter, Notwithstanding, paragraph, participation, post, posted, preceding, processed, promptly, recorded, registrant, Rule, shorter, standing, submit, supervision, tabular, theExchange, Treasurer, uncover, undersigned, WASHINGTON, zip
Filing tables
Filing exhibits
- 40-F Annual report (Canada)
- 99.1 Annual Information Form of BCE Inc. for the Year Ended December 31, 2018
- 99.2 Annual Audited Consolidated Financial Statements of BCE Inc. for the Year Ended
- 99.3 Management Report on Internal Control Over Financial Reporting and the Report of
- 99.4 Consent of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
- 99.5 Bell Canada Unaudited Selected Summary Financial Information
- 99.6 Exhibit to 2018 Annual Financial Statements - Earnings Coverage
- 99.31 Certifications of the CEO and CFO Pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-oxley
- 99.32 Certification of the CEO and CFO Pursuant to 18 U.s.c. Section 1350 of the Sarba
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Exhibit 99.6
BCE Inc.
The following consolidated financial ratios are calculated for the twelve months ended December 31, 2018 and give effect to the issuance and redemption of all long-term debt since January 1, 2018 as if these transactions occurred on January 1, 2018 and are based on unaudited financial information of BCE Inc.
December 31, 2018 | |
Earnings coverage of interest on debt requirements based on net earnings attributable to owners of BCE Inc. before interest expense and income tax: | 4.6 times |
Earnings coverage of interest on debt requirements based on net earnings attributable to owners of BCE Inc. before interest expense, income tax and non-controlling interest: | 4.7 times |