ALLOWANCE FOR LOAN LOSSES | ALLOWANCE FOR LOAN LOSSES We maintain an ALL at a level determined to be adequate to absorb estimated probable credit losses inherent in the loan portfolio as of the balance sheet date. We develop and document a systematic ALL methodology based on the following portfolio segments: 1) CRE, 2) C&I, 3) Commercial Construction, 4) Consumer Real Estate and 5) Other Consumer. The following are key risks within each portfolio segment: CRE —Loans secured by commercial purpose real estate, including both owner-occupied properties and investment properties for various purposes such as hotels, strip malls and apartments. Operations of the individual projects and global cash flows of the debtors are the primary sources of repayment for these loans. The condition of the local economy is an important indicator of risk, but there are also more specific risks depending on the collateral type and the business prospects of the lessee, if the project is not owner-occupied. C&I —Loans made to operating companies or manufacturers for the purpose of production, operating capacity, accounts receivable, inventory or equipment financing. Cash flow from the operations of the company is the primary source of repayment for these loans. The condition of the local economy is an important indicator of risk, but there are also more specific risks depending on the industry of the company. Collateral for these types of loans often do not have sufficient value in a distressed or liquidation scenario to satisfy the outstanding debt. Commercial Construction —Loans made to finance construction of buildings or other structures, as well as to finance the acquisition and development of raw land for various purposes. While the risk of these loans is generally confined to the construction period, if there are problems, the project may not be completed, and as such, may not provide sufficient cash flow on its own to service the debt or have sufficient value in a liquidation to cover the outstanding principal. The condition of the local economy is an important indicator of risk, but there are also more specific risks depending on the type of project and the experience and resources of the developer. Consumer Real Estate —Loans secured by first and second liens such as home equity loans, home equity lines of credit and 1-4 family residential mortgages, including purchase money mortgages. The primary source of repayment for these loans is the income and assets of the borrower. The condition of the local economy, in particular the unemployment rate, is an important indicator of risk for this segment. The state of the local housing market can also have a significant impact on this segment because low demand and/or declining home values can limit the ability of borrowers to sell a property and satisfy the debt. Other Consumer —Loans made to individuals that may be secured by assets other than 1-4 family residences, as well as unsecured loans. This segment includes auto loans, unsecured loans and lines and credit cards. The primary source of repayment for these loans is the income and assets of the borrower. The condition of the local economy, in particular the unemployment rate, is an important indicator of risk for this segment. The value of the collateral, if there is any, is less likely to be a source of repayment due to less certain collateral values. We further assess risk within each portfolio segment by pooling loans with similar risk characteristics. For the commercial loan classes, the most important indicator of risk is the internally assigned risk rating, including pass, special mention and substandard. Consumer loans are pooled by type of collateral, lien position and loan to value, or LTV, ratio for Consumer Real Estate loans. Historical loss rates are applied to these loan pools to determine the reserve for loans collectively evaluated for impairment. The ALL methodology for groups of loans collectively evaluated for impairment is comprised of both a quantitative and qualitative analysis. A key assumption in the quantitative component of the reserve is the loss emergence period, or LEP. The LEP is an estimate of the average amount of time from the point at which a loss is incurred on a loan to the point at which the loss is confirmed. Another key assumption is the look-back period, or LBP, which represents the historical data period utilized to calculate loss rates. Management monitors various credit quality indicators for both the commercial and consumer loan portfolios, including delinquency, nonperforming status and changes in risk ratings on a monthly basis. The following tables present the age analysis of past due loans segregated by class of loans as of the dates presented: December 31, 2017 (dollars in thousands) Current 30-59 Days Past Due 60-89 Days Past Due Non- performing Total Past Due Loans Total Loans Commercial real estate $ 2,681,395 $ 997 $ 134 $ 3,468 $ 4,599 $ 2,685,994 Commercial and industrial 1,426,754 420 446 5,646 6,512 1,433,266 Commercial construction 377,968 2,473 20 3,873 6,366 384,334 Residential mortgage 687,195 2,975 1,439 7,165 11,579 698,774 Home equity 480,956 2,065 590 3,715 6,370 487,326 Installment and other consumer 66,770 193 170 71 434 67,204 Consumer construction 4,551 — — — — 4,551 Loans held for sale 4,485 — — — — 4,485 Total $ 5,730,074 $ 9,123 $ 2,799 $ 23,938 $ 35,860 $ 5,765,934 December 31, 2016 (dollars in thousands) Current 30-59 Days Past Due 60-89 Days Past Due Non- performing Total Past Due Loans Total Loans Commercial real estate $ 2,479,513 $ 2,032 $ 759 $ 16,172 $ 18,963 $ 2,498,476 Commercial and industrial 1,391,475 1,061 428 8,071 9,560 1,401,035 Commercial construction 450,410 547 — 4,927 5,474 455,884 Residential mortgage 689,635 1,312 1,117 9,918 12,347 701,982 Home equity 476,866 1,470 509 3,439 5,418 482,284 Installment and other consumer 65,525 176 43 108 327 65,852 Consumer construction 5,906 — — — — 5,906 Loans held for sale 3,793 — — — — 3,793 Total $ 5,563,123 $ 6,598 $ 2,856 $ 42,635 $ 52,089 $ 5,615,212 We continually monitor the commercial loan portfolio through an internal risk rating system. Loan risk ratings are assigned based upon the creditworthiness of the borrower and are reviewed on an ongoing basis according to our internal policies. Loans within the pass rating generally have a lower risk of loss than loans risk rated as special mention and substandard. Our risk ratings are consistent with regulatory guidance and are as follows: Pass —The loan is currently performing and is of high quality. Special Mention —A special mention loan has potential weaknesses that warrant management’s close attention. If left uncorrected, these potential weaknesses may result in deterioration of the repayment prospects or in the strength of our credit position at some future date. Economic and market conditions, beyond the borrower’s control, may in the future necessitate this classification. Substandard —A substandard loan is not adequately protected by the net worth and/or paying capacity of the borrower or by the collateral pledged, if any. Substandard loans have a well-defined weakness or weaknesses that jeopardize the liquidation of the debt. These loans are characterized by the distinct possibility that we will sustain some loss if the deficiencies are not corrected. The following tables present the recorded investment in commercial loan classes by internally assigned risk ratings as of the dates presented: December 31, 2017 (dollars in thousands) Commercial Real Estate % of Total Commercial and Industrial % of Total Commercial Construction % of Total Total % of Total Pass $ 2,588,847 96.4 % $ 1,345,810 93.9 % $ 368,105 95.8 % $ 4,302,762 95.5 % Special mention 66,436 2.5 % 54,320 3.8 % 9,345 2.4 % 130,101 2.9 % Substandard 30,711 1.1 % 33,136 2.3 % 6,884 1.8 % 70,731 1.6 % Total $ 2,685,994 100.0 % $ 1,433,266 100.0 % $ 384,334 100.0 % $ 4,503,594 100.0 % December 31, 2016 (dollars in thousands) Commercial Real Estate % of Total Commercial and Industrial % of Total Commercial Construction % of Total Total % of Total Pass $ 2,423,742 97.0 % $ 1,315,507 93.9 % $ 430,472 94.4 % $ 4,169,721 95.7 % Special mention 33,098 1.3 % 40,409 2.9 % 14,691 3.2 % 88,198 2.0 % Substandard 41,636 1.7 % 45,119 3.2 % 10,721 2.4 % 97,476 2.3 % Total $ 2,498,476 100.0 % $ 1,401,035 100.0 % $ 455,884 100.0 % $ 4,355,395 100.0 % We monitor the delinquent status of the consumer portfolio on a monthly basis. Loans are considered nonperforming when interest and principal are 90 days or more past due or management has determined that a material deterioration in the borrower’s financial condition exists. The risk of loss is generally highest for nonperforming loans. The following tables present the recorded investment in consumer loan classes by performing and nonperforming status as of the dates presented: December 31, 2017 (dollars in thousands) Residential Mortgage % of Total Home Equity % of Total Installment and other consumer % of Total Consumer Construction % of Total Total % of Total Performing $ 691,609 99.0 % $ 483,611 99.2 % $ 67,133 99.9 % $ 4,551 100.0 % $ 1,246,904 99.1 % Nonperforming 7,165 1.0 % 3,715 0.8 % 71 0.1 % — — % 10,951 0.9 % Total $ 698,774 100.0 % $ 487,326 100.0 % $ 67,204 100.0 % $ 4,551 100.0 % $ 1,257,855 100.0 % December 31, 2016 (dollars in thousands) Residential Mortgage % of Total Home Equity % of Total Installment and other consumer % of Total Consumer Construction % of Total Total % of Total Performing $ 692,064 98.6 % $ 478,845 99.3 % $ 65,744 99.8 % $ 5,906 100.0 % $ 1,242,559 98.9 % Nonperforming 9,918 1.4 % 3,439 0.7 % 108 0.2 % — — % 13,465 1.1 % Total $ 701,982 100.0 % $ 482,284 100.0 % $ 65,852 100.0 % $ 5,906 100.0 % $ 1,256,024 100.0 % We individually evaluate all substandard and nonaccrual commercial loans greater than $0.5 million for impairment. Loans are considered to be impaired when based upon current information and events it is probable that we will be unable to collect all principal and interest payments due according to the original contractual terms of the loan agreement. All TDRs will be reported as an impaired loan for the remaining life of the loan, unless the restructuring agreement specifies an interest rate equal to or greater than the rate that would be accepted at the time of the restructuring for a new loan with comparable risk and it is expected that the remaining principal and interest will be fully collected according to the restructured agreement. For all TDRs, regardless of size, and all other impaired loans, we conduct further analysis to determine the probable loss and assign a specific reserve to the loan if deemed appropriate. The following tables summarize investments in loans considered to be impaired and related information on those impaired loans as of the dates presented: December 31, 2017 December 31, 2016 (dollars in thousands) Recorded Investment Unpaid Principal Balance Related Allowance Recorded Investment Unpaid Principal Balance Related Allowance With a related allowance recorded: Commercial real estate $ — $ — $ — $ — $ — $ — Commercial and industrial 1,735 1,787 29 964 2,433 771 Commercial construction — — — — — — Consumer real estate 21 21 21 26 26 26 Other consumer 27 27 27 1 1 1 Total with a Related Allowance Recorded 1,783 1,835 77 991 2,460 798 Without a related allowance recorded: Commercial real estate 3,546 3,811 — 16,352 17,654 — Commercial and industrial 5,549 7,980 — 5,902 7,699 — Commercial construction 5,464 8,132 — 6,613 10,306 — Consumer real estate 10,467 11,357 — 12,053 12,849 — Other consumer 14 22 — 24 31 — Total without a Related Allowance Recorded 25,040 31,302 — 40,944 48,539 — Total: Commercial real estate 3,546 3,811 — 16,352 17,654 — Commercial and industrial 7,284 9,767 29 6,866 10,132 771 Commercial construction 5,464 8,132 — 6,613 10,306 — Consumer real estate 10,488 11,378 21 12,079 12,875 26 Other consumer 41 49 27 25 32 1 Total $ 26,823 $ 33,137 $ 77 $ 41,935 $ 50,999 $ 798 As of December 31, 2017, we had $26.8 million of impaired loans which included $5.1 million of acquired loans that experienced credit deterioration since the acquisition date. The following table summarizes investments in loans considered to be impaired and related information on those impaired loans for the years presented: For the Year Ended December 31, 2017 December 31, 2016 (dollars in thousands) Average Recorded Investment Interest Income Recognized Average Recorded Investment Interest Income Recognized With a related allowance recorded: Commercial real estate $ — $ — $ — $ — Commercial and industrial 968 52 2,438 — Commercial construction — — — — Consumer real estate 23 2 28 2 Other consumer 34 2 2 — Total with a Related Allowance Recorded 1,025 56 2,468 2 Without a related allowance recorded: Commercial real estate 6,636 177 17,496 144 Commercial and industrial 9,897 257 6,141 160 Commercial construction 6,828 253 7,723 162 Consumer real estate 11,037 487 11,939 523 Other consumer 23 — 35 1 Total without a Related Allowance Recorded 34,421 1,174 43,334 990 Total: Commercial real estate 6,636 177 17,496 144 Commercial and industrial 10,865 309 8,579 160 Commercial construction 6,828 253 7,723 162 Consumer real estate 11,060 489 11,967 525 Other consumer 57 2 37 1 Total $ 35,446 $ 1,230 $ 45,802 $ 992 The following tables detail activity in the ALL for the periods presented: 2017 (dollars in thousands) Commercial Real Estate Commercial and Industrial Commercial Construction Consumer Real Estate Other Consumer Total Loans Balance at beginning of year $ 19,976 $ 10,810 $ 13,999 $ 6,095 $ 1,895 $ 52,775 Charge-offs (2,304 ) (4,709 ) (2,571 ) (2,274 ) (1,638 ) (13,496 ) Recoveries 810 654 851 342 571 3,228 Net (Charge-offs) Recoveries (1,494 ) (4,055 ) (1,720 ) (1,932 ) (1,067 ) (10,268 ) Provision for loan losses 8,753 2,211 888 1,316 715 13,883 Balance at End of Year $ 27,235 $ 8,966 $ 13,167 $ 5,479 $ 1,543 $ 56,390 2016 (dollars in thousands) Commercial Real Estate Commercial and Industrial Commercial Construction Consumer Real Estate Other Consumer Total Loans Balance at beginning of year $ 15,043 $ 10,853 $ 12,625 $ 8,400 $ 1,226 $ 48,147 Charge-offs (3,114 ) (6,810 ) (1,877 ) (1,657 ) (2,103 ) (15,561 ) Recoveries 692 722 21 433 356 2,224 Net Recoveries (Charge-offs) (2,422 ) (6,088 ) (1,856 ) (1,224 ) (1,747 ) (13,337 ) Provision for loan losses 7,355 6,045 3,230 (1,081 ) 2,416 17,965 Balance at End of Year $ 19,976 $ 10,810 $ 13,999 $ 6,095 $ 1,895 $ 52,775 Loans acquired in the Merger were recorded at fair value with no carryover of the related allowance for loan losses from Integrity. As of December 31, 2017, acquired loans from the Merger of $387 million were outstanding, which decreased from $543 million at December 31, 2016. Additional credit deterioration on acquired loans during 2017 in excess of the original credit discount embedded in the fair value determination on the date of acquisition was recognized in the ALL through the provision for loan losses. The following tables present the ALL and recorded investments in loans by category as of December 31: 2017 Allowance for Loan Losses Portfolio Loans (dollars in thousands) Individually Evaluated for Impairment Collectively Evaluated for Impairment Total Individually Evaluated for Impairment Collectively Evaluated for Impairment Total Commercial real estate $ — $ 27,235 $ 27,235 $ 3,546 $ 2,682,448 $ 2,685,994 Commercial and industrial 29 8,937 8,966 7,284 1,425,982 1,433,266 Commercial construction — 13,167 13,167 5,464 378,870 384,334 Consumer real estate 21 5,458 5,479 10,488 1,180,163 1,190,651 Other consumer 27 1,516 1,543 41 67,163 67,204 Total $ 77 $ 56,313 $ 56,390 $ 26,823 $ 5,734,626 $ 5,761,449 2016 Allowance for Loan Losses Portfolio Loans (dollars in thousands) Individually Evaluated for Impairment Collectively Evaluated for Impairment Total Individually Evaluated for Impairment Collectively Evaluated for Impairment Total Commercial real estate $ — $ 19,976 $ 19,976 $ 16,352 $ 2,482,124 $ 2,498,476 Commercial and industrial 771 10,039 10,810 6,866 1,394,169 1,401,035 Commercial construction — 13,999 13,999 6,613 449,271 455,884 Consumer real estate 26 6,069 6,095 12,079 1,178,093 1,190,172 Other consumer 1 1,894 1,895 25 65,827 65,852 Total $ 798 $ 51,977 $ 52,775 $ 41,935 $ 5,569,484 $ 5,611,419 |