Segment Reporting Disclosure [Text Block] | Note 12: We discover, acquire and develop mines and other mineral interests and produce and market concentrates, containing silver, gold (in the case of Greens Creek), lead and zinc, (ii) carbon material containing silver and gold, and (iii) doré containing silver and gold. We are currently organized and managed in five General corporate activities not not The tables below present information about our reportable segments as of and for the years ended December 31, 2020, 2019 2018 2020 2019 2018 Net sales to unaffiliated customers: Greens Creek $ 327,820 $ 299,722 $ 265,650 Lucky Friday 63,025 16,621 9,750 Casa Berardi 209,224 192,944 210,339 San Sebastian 32,906 56,210 50,224 Nevada Operations 58,898 107,769 31,174 Total sales to unaffiliated customers $ 691,873 $ 673,266 $ 567,137 Income (loss) from operations: Greens Creek $ 108,230 $ 84,868 $ 70,293 Lucky Friday (1,711 ) (12,520 ) (20,199 ) Casa Berardi 1,359 (33,499 ) 881 San Sebastian 2,793 569 (14 ) Nevada Operations (6,674 ) (49,224 ) (26,715 ) Other (52,416 ) (47,303 ) (63,372 ) Total (loss) income from operations $ 51,581 $ (57,109 ) $ (39,126 ) Capital additions (including non-cash additions): Greens Creek $ 23,665 $ 35,829 $ 43,631 Lucky Friday 27,284 7,861 14,236 Casa Berardi 47,576 33,906 39,816 San Sebastian (47 ) — 3,906 8,492 Nevada Operations 4,003 42,154 35,721 Other 38 73 4,555 Total capital additions $ 102,519 $ 123,729 $ 146,451 Depreciation, depletion and amortization: Greens Creek $ 49,692 $ 47,587 $ 46,511 Lucky Friday 11,473 1,175 1,012 Casa Berardi 69,572 73,960 71,302 San Sebastian 3,548 9,772 4,602 Nevada Operations 22,845 67,024 10,617 Total depreciation, depletion and amortization $ 157,130 $ 199,518 $ 134,044 Other significant non-cash items: Greens Creek $ 3,103 $ 2,868 $ 3,325 Lucky Friday 881 996 618 Casa Berardi (1,741 ) 5,203 696 San Sebastian 456 492 419 Nevada Operations 2,039 2,911 8,758 Other 6,426 (6,595 ) (23,358 ) Total other significant non-cash items $ 11,164 $ 5,875 $ (9,542 ) Identifiable assets: Greens Creek $ 610,360 $ 639,047 $ 637,386 Lucky Friday 520,463 440,615 437,499 Casa Berardi 694,522 703,511 754,248 San Sebastian 42,617 48,294 44,152 Nevada Operations 513,309 528,466 581,194 Other 286,453 277,375 249,465 Total identifiable assets $ 2,667,724 $ 2,637,308 $ 2,703,944 The following are our long-lived assets by geographic area as of December 31, 2020 2019 2020 2019 United States $ 1,701,307 $ 1,748,406 Canada 635,788 660,859 Mexico 8,124 14,433 Total long-lived assets $ 2,345,219 $ 2,423,698 Our products consist of metal concentrates and carbon material, which we sell to custom smelters, metal traders and third may For sales of metals from refined doré, which we currently have at our Casa Berardi and San Sebastian units, the performance obligation is met, the transaction price is known, and revenue is recognized at the time of transfer of control of the agreed-upon metal quantities to the customer by the refiner. For sales of unrefined doré, the performance obligation is met, the transaction price is known, and revenue is recognized at the time of transfer of title and control of the doré containing the agreed-upon metal quantities to the customer. Refining, selling and shipping costs related to sales of doré and metals from doré are recorded to cost of sales as incurred. For sales of carbon materials, which we have at our Nevada Operations unit commencing in 2020 For concentrate sales, which we currently have at our Greens Creek and Lucky Friday units, the performance obligation is met, the transaction price can be reasonably estimated, and revenue is recognized generally at the time of shipment. Concentrates sold at our Lucky Friday unit typically leave the mine and are received by the customer within the same day. However, there is a period of time between shipment of concentrates from our Greens Creek unit and their physical receipt by the customer, and judgment is required in determining when control has been transferred to the customer and the performance obligation has been met for those shipments. We have determined control is met, title is transferred and the performance obligation is met upon shipment of concentrate parcels from Greens Creek because, at that time, 1 2 3 4 5 Judgment is also required in identifying what our performance obligations for our concentrate sales are. Most of our concentrate sales involve “frame contracts” with smelters that can cover multiple years and specify certain terms under which individual parcels of concentrates are sold. However, some terms are not The consideration we receive for our concentrate sales fluctuates due to changes in metals prices between the time of shipment and final settlement with the customer. However, we are able to reasonably estimate the transaction price for the concentrate sales at the time of shipment using forward prices for the month of settlement, and previously recorded sales and accounts receivable are adjusted to estimated settlement metals prices until final settlement with the customer. Also, it is unlikely a significant reversal of revenue for any one December 31, 2020, Note 11 Sales and accounts receivable for concentrate shipments are recorded net of charges for treatment, refining, smelting losses, and other charges negotiated by us with the customers, which represent components of the transaction price. Charges are estimated by us upon shipment of concentrates based on contractual terms, and actual charges typically do not may Sales of metal concentrates and metal products are made principally to custom smelters, third Year Ended December 31, 2020 2019 2018 Greens Creek 47.4 % 44.5 % 46.7 % Lucky Friday 9.1 % 2.5 % 1.8 % Casa Berardi 30.2 % 28.7 % 37.1 % San Sebastian 4.8 % 8.3 % 8.9 % Nevada Operations 8.5 % 16.0 % 5.5 % 100 % 100 % 100 % Sales of products by metal for the years ended December 31, 2020, 2019 2018 Year Ended December 31, 2020 2019 2018 Silver $ 260,227 $ 192,235 $ 144,609 Gold 356,166 388,602 313,076 Lead 48,776 35,777 33,829 Zinc 95,065 89,656 99,800 Less: Smelter and refining charges (68,361 ) (33,004 ) (24,177 ) Sales of products $ 691,873 $ 673,266 $ 567,137 The following is sales information by geographic area based on the location of smelters and metal traders (for concentrate shipments) and the location of parent companies (for doré sales to metal traders) for the years ended December 31, 2020, 2019 2018 2020 2019 2018 United States $ 292,704 $ 53,612 $ 48,437 Canada 145,670 379,095 322,402 Japan 39,418 48,841 42,885 Netherlands (923 ) 38,420 — Korea 165,302 154,581 145,263 China 66,082 — 66 Total, excluding gains/losses on forward contracts $ 708,253 $ 674,549 $ 559,053 Sales by significant product type for the years ended December 31, 2020, 2019 2018 Year Ended December 31, 2020 2019 2018 Doré and metals from doré $ 266,536 $ 340,912 $ 306,328 Carbon 60,302 37,645 5,239 Lead concentrate 281,050 200,456 148,880 Zinc concentrate 76,481 74,160 80,938 Bulk concentrate 23,884 21,376 17,668 Total, excluding gains/losses on forward contracts $ 708,253 $ 674,549 $ 559,053 Sales of products for 2020, 2019 2018, Note 11 Sales from continuing operations to significant metals customers as a percentage of total sales were as follows for the years ended December 31, 2020, 2019 2018: Year Ended December 31, 2020 2019 2018 CIBC 32.7 % 23.1 % 29.7 % Teck Metals Ltd. 16.1 % 8.2 % 8.4 % Ocean Partners 13.9 % 5.7 % 2.5 % Korea Zinc 13.3 % 17.4 % 17.8 % Scotia 2.9 % 24.0 % 15.3 % Our trade accounts receivable balance related to contracts with customers was $27.9 million at December 31, 2020 December 31, 2019, no We have determined our contracts do not We do not not not December 31, 2020 December 31, 2019. |