Section 1 – Conflict Minerals Disclosure
Item 1.01 Conflict Minerals Disclosure and Report
Conflicts Minerals Disclosure
This Form SD of Nobility Homes, Inc. (the “Company”) is filed pursuant to Rule 13p-1 promulgated under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, for the reporting period January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018.
The Company has not completed its reasonable country of origin inquiry, in which it surveys suppliers regarding whether the materials or products provided by the suppliers contained cassiterite, columbite-tantalite, wolframite, gold, and the following derivatives, tin, tantalum and tungsten (“Conflict Minerals”), and whether such minerals had been sourced from the Democratic Republic of the Congo or an adjoining country (“Covered Countries”). Most of the responses the Company received in prior years indicated that the Conflict Minerals in the suppliers’ components and materials either did not originate from a Covered Country or, due to the uncertainty of certain suppliers, the source country was undeterminable.
During its reasonable country of origin inquiry, the Company has previously determined that the source of some of its necessary Conflict Minerals used in its manufactured homes could not be identified and as a result may have been sourced from a Covered Country and accordingly should be considered DRC conflict undeterminable. The Conflict Minerals Report includes a discussion of the due diligence procedures performed and the disclosures required by the Securities and Exchange Commission.
A copy of the Company’s Conflict Minerals Report is provided as Exhibit 1.01 to this Form SD and is publicly available
The Company does not believe any changes to prior disclosures are required for the current reporting period. Once its current survey is substantially complete, the Company will file an updated Form SD if any information from prior reports needs to be updated.
Item 1.02 Exhibit
As specified in Section 2, Item 2.01 of this Form SD, the Company is hereby filing its Conflict Minerals Report as Exhibit 1.01 to this report.
Section 2 – Exhibits
Item 2.01 Exhibits
The following exhibit is filed as part of this report.