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acknowledging, Advisory, aggressive, ahead, aimed, allocat, ally, American, AMI, AMR, analytical, analyze, analyzed, attention, auction, automated, body, Boulo, bulk, Bypassable, Canada, Canadian, carrying, CCEF, CEAB, CfD, charitable, cited, Clarke, climate, CMEEC, Comendul, conviction, correlated, correspondingly, costly, Counse, Cs, Cyber, Danbury, Davidow, decoupling, defe, degree, depicted, deployed, deployment, desire, disagreeing, displace, displaced, dissolution, divid, dividing, DPU, dramatically, educational, EEI, embezzlement, Enterp, Entrepreneur, equire, evenue, exc, excused, exec, Exerc, feasibility, felony, Fifteenth, fine, floor, formation, gate, global, Governa, gradually, Gri, hardship, Healthy, heater, holder, holiday, icut, illion, imilar, ineligible, ing, interfering, introduction, inured, IRP, Jean, Kay, Kensington, lapsed, lation, LaVecchia, Lynch, mated, mathematical, Mercantile, meter, metering, mid, midpoint, Mohr, nce, nditioned, newly, nnual, notwithstanding, numerical, ny, obligor, obsolete, Officerof, ong, ordinary, ou, outlined, overload, Peter, pilot, pipeline, played, priority, procedu, proportionately, purport, qualification, quartile, ra, radical, rateably, reading, reallocate, recordkeeper, recoup, reliance, Reliant, Residence, Robb, round, rred, Russell, scope, SERP, shortly, Society, solidify, speak, square, st, startup, submission, subset, successfully, suffered, sustained, switchgear, synergy, tank, TCAM, theFERC, Thefollowing, theft, thermal, toJuly, top, trend, tube, unbudgeted, Uncertainty, underwater, undue, unexercised, unissued, utive, Vernon, weekend, whichever, wilful, wound, yearended, yielded
accepting, addressed, administratively, agree, amounting, arbitration, assistance, attestation, attorney, back, banc, Bechtel, beneath, bid, book, broad, cautionary, cent, CEO, collection, conflicting, conformity, conjunction, consecutive, Constellation, constructing, consulting, credited, CSC, CY, Dana, decided, decontaminated, decontamination, Delaware, delivering, denying, DeSimone, disallowance, dispositive, dispute, divested, employ, en, engineering, Enron, EPMI, estate, executed, expressed, extending, fall, fix, Footnote, franchised, fraudulent, furnishing, greatest, Hampden, highest, horsepower, imprudent, indirect, individually, inducement, installed, involve, joining, justified, Kerry, Kuhlman, Lawrence, locational, lowering, materiality, megawatt, Memorandum, merchant, MetLife, misrepresentation, MWh, negligent, negotiation, NGC, NRC, occupy, offer, older, permission, pertaining, pooling, pre, proportional, prudent, pursue, question, real, recipient, recognition, reinvested, reinvestment, rejection, reportable, restriction, retained, SESI, show, Simone, SMD, software, Sound, southwestern, SOX, spring, stayed, stipulation, submit, Supreme, suspending, unrelated, Vermont
Filing tables
Filing exhibits
- 10-K Annual report
- 10.3 EX-10.3
- 10.1.2 EX-10.1.2
- 10.20.2 EX-10.20.2
- 10.26 EX-10.26
- 10.27.9 EX-10.27.9
- 12 EX-12
- 13 EX-13
- 13.1 EX-13.1
- 13.2 EX-13.2
- 13.3 EX-13.3
- 21 EX-21
- 23 EX-23
- 31 EX-31
- 31.1 EX-31.1
- 31 EX-31
- 31.1 EX-31.1
- 31 EX-31
- 31.1 EX-31.1
- 31 EX-31
- 31.1 EX-31.1
- 32 EX-32
- 32 EX-32
- 32 EX-32
- 32 EX-32
- CORRESP Corresp
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