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accelerated, check, complying, correct, correctly, emerging, filer, Fiscal, Gregory, Identification, incorrectly, inline, Interactive, large, mark, Original, page, Powell, practicable, read, registered, SEC, shell, shorter, transition, typographical, unchanged
ability, acceptable, accepted, accompanying, account, accounted, accrue, accrued, accumulated, achieve, acquired, acquiree, acquirer, acquisition, actively, activity, added, addition, additional, adequate, adjusted, adjustment, administrative, adverse, advisory, affect, aggregate, agree, agreed, agreement, Alan, allocated, amended, America, amortization, amortized, amortizing, amount, announce, annual, annually, annum, anticipate, anticipated, APLC, applicable, application, apply, appointed, appointment, approach, approval, approved, approximate, approximately, April, arise, arm, arrangement, art, ASC, assessing, assessment, asset, assigned, assignment, assist, assumed, assuming, assurance, assured, attained, attempting, attributable, attributed, August, automatically, average, award, balance, base, based, basic, bear, begin, beginning, Beijing, beneficially, Board, buyer, BVI, calculated, calculating, calendar, Canada, capacity, capital, capitalized, caption, capture, carry, carryforward, carrying, case, cash, cautioned, ceased, Center, Centralia, Certificate, Chairman, charge, charged, Chief, China, classification, classified, climate, closed, closing, coal, Code, Codification, collectability, collected, combination, combined, combustion, commencing, commercial, commercialize, commercializing, communicated, comparable, compared, comparing, compensation, competition, competitive, complex, component, comprised, computed, concluded, condition, confidential, conformity, connection, consideration, consist, consisting, consolidated, constituting, construction, consultant, consulting, contemplated, context, contingency, contingent, continuation, continue, continued, continuing, contract, contracted, control, controlled, conversion, convert, converted, convertible, converting, copy, corporate, corporation, cost, counsel, covered, created, credit, credited, Crew, criteria, critical, cumulative, currency, customary, customer, Dakota, death, debt, December, deemed, deferred, deficit, Delaware, delivered, Delivery, demand, denominated, deployment, deposit, depreciated, depreciation, derive, detailed, detection, determinable, determination, determined, determining, develop, developing, development, devoted, difficult, Digicorp, diluted, dilution, dilutive, director, disability, disclosed, disclosure, discontinued, discount, discounted, discussed, discussion, disposed, disposition, disruption, dissolving, document, Dollar, domicile, doubt, due, earlier, Eastern, economic, EERC, effect, effected, effecting, effective, effort, electric, electronic, eligible, eliminated, employed, employee, employment, enacted, enactment, encountered, end, engineering, ensure, enter, entered, enterprise, entirety, entitled, entitling, entity, Environment, environmental, equal, equipment, equity, established, estimate, estimated, Europe, evaluated, evaluating, evaluation, evidence, exceed, exchanged, excluding, exclusive, exclusively, exclusivity, execute, exempt, exemption, exercisable, exercise, exist, existence, existing, expand, expanding, expansion, expect, expected, expense, expenseswere, experience, experienced, expire, expired, expressed, expressly, extend, Extensible, extent, fail, failure, fair, favor, FDIC, February, federal, federally, fee, financing, fired, fixed, flow, forChina, forecasted, foregoing, foreign, foreseeable, forfeiture, formation, formed, forward, Foundation, founder, fourth, frequently, Full, fully, functional, fund, funding, future, GAAP, gain, general, generally, generate, generated, Golden, good, goodwill, Grand, grant, granted, greater, group, harbor, health, heavy, hereinafter, highly, hiring, historical, HK, hold, holder, holding, Hong, hour, hundred, identifiable, identified, identifying, idling, ii, iii, impact, impaired, impairment, implementation, implemented, implied, import, important, improve, improved, improving, inability, incentive, inception, include, income, incorporated, increase, increased, incur, incurred, individually, inherently, Injection, inNote, institution, instrument, insufficient, insured, intangible, intellectual, intend, interest, internal, Investing, involve, involved, involvement, issuable, issuance, issue, issued, item, January, Jay, John, Johnny, Jr, judgment, July, Kelley, key, Kong, Language, Law, lead, lease, Lebrecht, legal, length, level, liability, license, licensed, licensor, life, limit, limited, liquid, liquidity, litigation, LLC, loan, long, longer, lower, maintain, maintenance, make, management, market, marketing, material, materially, maturity, measured, measurement, Media, meet, meeting, megawatt, mercury, merge, merged, merger, method, million, minimum, model, Mojo, month, monthly, multiplied, Music, mutually, nameplate, nature, negative, negotiation, net, newly, nonqualified, North, note, November, obligation, obtain, obtained, occur, occurred, October, offer, offering, office, ongoing, operating, operation, opinion, option, order, ordinary, organized, ownership, Oxidation, paid, part, participate, participation, party, passed, patent, pay, payable, payment, Pelino, pending, People, percentage, perform, performance, performed, performing, periodically, personnel, Persuasive, Pig, placement, plan, planning, plant, policy, portion, position, post, potential, potentially, power, preferred, preparation, prepared, presentation, presented, President, previously, price, pricing, primarily, prior, private, proceeding, processed, product, professional, project, promissory, promulgated, property, publicly, purpose, qualified, qualifying, range, ranging, rate, ratio, realized, Rebel, recapitalization, receipt, receivable, receive, received, recent, recently, reclassified, recognition, recognized, recorded, recoverability, recoverable, recovered, recurring, reduce, reduced, refer, reference, referred, reflect, reflected, Reform, registration, regulator, regulatory, related, relating, release, reliance, relied, relief, remained, remaining, remediate, remedy, remote, Removal, removed, rendered, renewable, Renminbi, Rent, rental, repayment, replaced, reported, representing, Republic, require, research, resolved, restricted, resulted, resulting, retained, retired, revenue, reverse, review, reviewed, Rick, Rifkin, risk, RMB, running, safe, salary, sale, SAR, Scale, schedule, scientific, seeking, SeeRecent, segregated, sell, seller, selling, September, service, set, settled, shareholder, sheet, short, significant, similar, similarly, site, situated, Sky, Sorbent, sought, space, specific, split, stage, statement, stockholder, subjective, sublicense, subscription, Subsequent, subsidiary, substantial, substantially, sufficient, summarized, summary, supervision, supply, surviving, sustain, table, tax, taxable, taxed, technical, technology, temporary, term, terminated, test, Testing, theCompany, thereof, thereto, thermal, threshold, timely, Title, training, transaction, transactional, Transfer, transferred, treasury, treated, twelve, typically, unanticipated, unasserted, unbudgeted, uncertain, uncertainty, underlying, undiscounted, unfavorable, unit, United, University, unrecognized, unreimbursed, unrelated, unsecured, update, upgrade, Utah, utilization, utilized, valuation, vested, vesting, volatility, voting, warehouse, warrant, Washington, weighted, wife, work, working, world, worldwide, Youth
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