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abbreviated, ABFO, abroad, absence, absent, accredited, accuracy, acid, Acrotech, Actinium, Adma, adrenal, adult, affinity, affirmatively, Afinitor, agency, Agostini, Agriculture, air, aircraft, alerting, alongside, alopecia, alpha, alter, altered, amenable, Amersham, Amgen, amino, analogue, analytical, ANDA, animal, anniversary, annuity, annum, antibody, antiviral, APA, Aphaia, Apr, array, Arriva, arrive, ARTBIO, AstraZeneca, asymptomatic, ATM, attack, Attorney, ATXCo, augment, Australia, Australian, autoimmunity, Avallone, Avenue, AzurRx, BA, backup, balloon, barred, barrier, Bayer, bearing, Bedford, begun, bench, Benipal, Bertero, beta, Bexxar, Big, billion, biodistribution, biologic, biological, BioMed, biopharma, biopharmaceutical, Bioscience, biosimilar, BioTheryX, biweekly, Blade, Blue, bone, Boston, bound, BRAF, Branch, breadth, break, breakthrough, bribery, Bristol, brochure, Brook, Burlington, buyer, Bystander, cage, CAGR, camera, candidate, carcinoembryonic, cardiology, cardiorenal, CATX, CEA, cease, ceiling, Celgene, Cellectar, cellular, cessation, Chair, chaired, Chan, check, chelating, chelator, chemistry, Chimerix, China, Choti, chromosomal, circumstance, citizenship, Clarity, climate, cloud, Clyde, CMO, Coast, COBRA, coincide, coincided, collimator, colloquially, column, commensurate, complainant, complaint, complement, complexion, complicating, composition, compound, concession, concurrent, confirmatory, consecutive, conspicuity, constantly, contrast, contributory, Convergent, convey, COO, copayment, copper, Coralville, cornerstone, correlation, Coulter, courtesy, covenant, creation, criterion, CRL, crossover, Crosspark, ct, CTCAE, culture, curative, Curium, Curr, customary, cyber, cybersecurity, Dasari, Database, Davidson, debarment, Dec, deceptive, deep, deeper, default, defense, degradation, degrade, degrader, denial, deoxyribonucleic, depicted, description, deterioration, deviate, deviation, DHA, died, Diego, diligence, diligent, diminished, disabled, disagree, disagreement, discarded, discourage, discovery, discretionary, discrimination, disgorgement, dismissal, dispersed, display, disproportionate, distant, distinct, District, divested, divesting, divestiture, DNA, DoD, dosimetry, DOTA, DOTATOC, DoubLET, DoubleTwist, drastically, Dresden, dying, EANM, earliest, Earth, EC, EISAI, electrical, Eli, Elliott, EMA, emission, emit, emitted, emitting, enable, enabling, encased, endpoint, enjoy, enlarging, entrench, Enzyme, Eos, Epidemiology, escrow, Estate, ethical, EUR, evading, evergreen, ExB, excretion, expedited, expeditiously, expend, experimental, explicitly, exploitation, faith, FAMP, FAP, Fastrack, fatal, fatigue, Fava, FCP, feature, feedstock, feel, FFDCA, Fiber, Fierro, figure, Florida, FluoroPharma, ForeSight, forgave, forgiven, forgo, forma, formula, formulary, forthcoming, Fortune, frame, Franchise, Froman, FSS, FTC, fundraising, Fusion, Galecto, Gallo, gamma, gap, garnered, gastroenteropancreatic, gastrointestinal, GCP, GDPR, GE, geopolitical, Georgetown, GEP, Gilead, GlaxoSmithKline, GlobalData, globe, GloboCan, GLP, GMP, goal, goodwill, Grandview, greatest, GU, Guard, Gurgaon, GYN, Halperin, hampered, heat, Heidi, Henson, hepatic, heterogeneity, highlighted, highlighting, hijacking, histologically, histopathology, Hitachi, hood, hundred, IA, ideal, ideally, IEDA, IIIA, IIID, IIT, illegal, illuminate, illustration, Imbria, immensely, imminent, immunogenicity, immunology, implicate, implied, imply, impossible, improperly, imputed, inaccurate, Inadequate, inappropriate, incidental, incomplete, inconclusive, incorrect, IND, indemnify, Indiana, indirect, indolent, induction, ineligibility, infiltrate, infiltrated, infusion, ingredient, inhibitor, injected, injection, Innate, inoperable, Inspector, insufficient, intangible, intervene, Intevo, intolerant, intracellular, intravenously, invalidate, invalidated, investee, involuntary, ionizing, Iowa, IPO, Ipsen, IRA, IRB, irreversible, Ishita, issuable, ITM, JAMA, Jan, Janssen, Johan, Johnson, jointly, JonesTrading, JP, judicial, jurisdiction, Justice, KBP, kBq, kidney, kinase, Korea, Kura, land, lapse, laundering, lawfully, lawsuit, layer, leakage, leap, lethal, leverage, leveraged, leveraging, Li, lifelong, Lilly, linear, linker, Lista, loan, logo, longstanding, lt, Ludwig, Lutathera, lymphatic, MA, macroeconomic, malware, MAPKi, Marburg, massive, Mastorino, Mayo, MBA, MBq, McDonough, mCi, meaningful, MEDraysintell, medullary, melanin, melanocortin, membrane, Memorial, Menda, Mengshi, Merli, metabolic, metabolism, metallic, metropolitan, MFD, mice, microscopy, mild, misclassify, misconduct, misread, misreport, misrepresentation, mm, MN, mobile, moiety, Mol, molecule, monoclonal, Morgan, Morich, mouse, MT, MTD, mucosal, multiplied, Munich, murine, mutation, myelodysplastic, naive, Nanovector, Nasdaq, nausea, NCE, NCI, NDA, negligent, neovasculature, neural, neuroblastoma, neuroendocrine, Niche, NIDC, NIH, nivolumab, NJ, noise, nonclinical, noncompetitive, nonperformance, nonreciprocal, nonrecurring, nonspecific, Nordic, North, northeastern, notably, novelty, NOXXON, nuclide, Oak, obesity, Oct, Oliver, onboard, onboarding, oncogenic, oncolytic, OncoMyx, onsite, opt, opted, Orano, orphan, outermost, outright, outsourced, outweigh, overage, overcharge, overexpressed, overexpression, overlap, overseen, owe, owed, pair, Pala, panel, paraganglioma, parallel, parent, particle, partnership, path, pathology, PATRIOT, payload, PBM, PCT, pediatric, PepGen, peptide, PERCIST, permission, perspective, PET, petition, petroleum, Pfizer, pharmacodynamic, pharmacoeconomic, pharmacokinetic, pharmacologic, pharmacological, pharmacology, pharmacy, PharmAkea, Pharmasset, PharmD, PhD, pheochromocytoma, physicist, pinpoint, PK, Plough, Pluvicto, PMCID, PMP, polymerase, Pomona, Ponti, positron, potency, potent, pre, PREA, precisely, precision, preclinical, preclude, precursor, predefined, predetermined, preferentially, prejudice, prematurely, premium, preparatory, prescription, preserve, presidential, pretax, prioritize, priority, pro, proceed, processor, Prognostic, prominent, promissory, pronouncement, propagate, provisional, proximity, PRRT, PRV, PSC, PSMA, Pty, Puhlmann, purity, purposefully, pursuit, Quaglino, qualification, radiochemistry, radiographic, radiolabeled, radioligand, radiomedix, RadRelease, rapid, rata, rationale, RayzeBio, RCC, reaction, readout, reassessed, reauthorize, reauthorized, recalculation, receptor, RECIST, recommence, reconsider, refractory, refund, relaxation, relinquish, remanufacturing, remarkable, remission, renal, Rep, repair, repaired, repealed, representation, repriced, reproduce, repudiate, resale, rescind, rescinded, resistance, resistant, Respivant, rest, restitution, restoration, resubmission, resubmit, resubmitted, retail, retailer, retention, reveal, revealed, reward, Ribero, ribose, Ridge, Riley, Robert, Rochester, RPT, Rubatto, sacrificing, safer, salivary, Sandostatin, SAS, satisfactory, SBIR, scalability, Schering, Sci, scientist, scintigraphy, Seagen, secret, SEER, Seller, Sen, Senetta, Seoul, Sept, sequential, sequestration, shareholder, shelf, Shen, shortage, shorten, signal, similarly, simultaneously, sit, SNMMI, SOC, solve, somatostatin, Somatuline, Somerset, SPECT, spectrometry, spent, SPORE, Squibb, stable, standstill, Stanford, statutorily, stemming, stimulate, Stony, store, storing, stricter, stroma, subaward, sublicense, sublicensee, suboptimal, subset, substandard, subtype, suicide, Suisse, sum, surrogate, suspected, Sutent, Symbia, symptomatic, synergistic, synergistically, synergy, synthesizing, SyntheX, Takeda, takeover, tangible, TAT, telecommunication, Telix, temperature, tender, terminology, terrorism, theranostic, thereto, thousand, threatened, thyroid, tier, tomography, Tonella, Toronto, toxicology, TP, TPD, tracer, tranche, transmit, transparency, trapping, traverse, tricare, Triumvira, tropical, UIRF, UK, Ulm, ultraviolet, unacceptable, unapproved, uncontrollable, uncured, underage, undertaken, underway, undesirable, unenforceable, Unico, UNM, unmanaged, unmet, unpaid, unpatented, unreimbursed, unresectable, unsealed, unsolicited, unstable, unsuccessful, untitled, untreated, unvested, upfront, upper, uptake, urothelial, USA, uveal, valuable, venture, Verifi, verification, verify, version, VHCA, vi, view, viewed, vitro, vivarium, vivo, voluntarily, voucher, wage, warranty, Water, welfare, Wellspring, Westcor, wet, whichever, wholesaler, widen, wider, wifi, Williamson, win, window, withdrawn, workforce, workshop, worthy, wrong, wrongfully, Wyman, xenograft, Xofigo, Zealand, Zevalin, Zhang, Zug
AAPM, AB, abandoned, abdominal, ABS, Abstract, acceptability, accident, accumulating, Accuray, adapt, addendum, adjunct, adjuvant, admitted, adsorbed, advocacy, Africa, aggressive, aggressively, aging, ago, AJCC, Albuquerque, alleged, alternate, altogether, amounted, analyze, anatomy, androgen, announcement, APEL, APM, appeal, applicator, argument, Arizona, armed, article, assembling, assembly, assign, assume, ASTRO, attachment, attained, attempt, attended, attracting, attractive, AUA, audience, author, automatically, AVEO, await, backlog, Baker, banking, Bard, bargaining, Barrow, BD, Belgium, belonging, Benoit, Benton, Bhupesh, bidding, bill, billed, billing, bioabsorbable, biochemical, biocompatible, biodegradable, Biol, biomedical, Biotech, blockade, Blu, bombardment, boost, bowel, Braccioforte, Brachman, breakdown, bringing, British, broken, BSI, burden, Buron, call, Callaway, calling, Canadian, cancellation, cancericidal, Canyon, capsule, capture, carbonate, carrier, cartridge, cashflow, casing, casualty, categorized, cavity, CE, centralized, ceramic, certainty, chance, chapter, Chicago, choosing, chronic, Ciezki, Cincinnati, claimed, Clarifying, Clawback, clean, clinician, closer, coding, Cognitive, collaborated, collagen, collective, comfortable, committed, compare, comparing, compelling, compromised, conceal, concentrating, conference, configuration, configure, configured, confined, confirmation, conformal, conserve, considerable, consigned, consignment, consisting, consolidate, consolidating, constructed, construction, consult, consumed, consumption, contact, Contemp, contemplate, continually, continuity, contraction, conventionally, convince, convincing, copyright, cord, Cornell, correct, correction, correctly, corruption, couple, cranial, craniotomy, CRM, cryosurgery, cryotherapy, CSERION, cumulative, curtailed, custody, custom, customizable, customization, customize, customized, Cyclacel, David, DC, decided, declining, dedicated, deferring, demanding, dendritic, Dentistry, deployable, deployed, deprivation, deriving, designator, destruction, detecting, diagnosed, die, differential, difficulty, directing, disaggregated, disaster, discharged, discontent, dispensing, disqualification, disrupted, dissuading, distinguishable, distributing, distributor, divided, doctor, DOH, domestically, dramatically, DRG, driven, driver, dropped, dual, durable, durably, easy, EBRT, economy, educate, Elekta, elevated, eleven, email, embedding, embezzling, embodied, emerging, emphasize, encouraged, epidemic, episode, Epub, erectile, eroded, escalated, evidenced, excision, exempt, exhibiting, exit, expedient, exploring, extend, extending, extensively, extraordinary, facilitated, facilitating, facing, faculty, FDC, FDIC, fear, Feddock, Federation, female, FFS, fifty, filer, fill, finalized, finally, financially, fire, fit, flat, flight, float, floor, Fluctuation, fluid, focal, founded, Francisco, freestanding, freight, French, fulfill, fulfillment, Gabriella, Galaxy, gammatile™, gathered, geographical, Glaser, gold, Golf, governed, gradually, graduate, Grand, greatly, Greek, grew, Grimm, ground, guaranteed, gynecologic, Haakon, hard, HDR, historic, hit, home, Hong, honorably, hormonal, hormone, hospitalized, hypofractionated, hypothesized, Idera, impeding, imperative, implant, implantable, implantation, implanted, impotence, IMRT, inconsistency, inconsistent, incontinence, incorporate, incorporating, ineffective, inert, influencing, inform, inhibition, injunction, INM, inpatient, insertion, insight, instability, instituting, integrating, intensely, interact, interchangeably, internally, internationally, interruption, intracavitary, intracranial, intraoperative, intrusion, invasive, inventor, invested, invite, iodine, irradiation, irritative, ISO, IsoAid, Italy, Jefferson, jeopardize, JSC, Judith, Julie, Kalash, Kentucky, keV, Keytruda, Kong, labor, lacked, language, Laparoscopic, largely, LaSalle, laser, Lawrence, LDR, legislated, lessor, lift, linked, linking, loaded, loader, loose, loved, Lovelace, luxury, Maine, malfunction, malfunctioned, mapped, margin, Marine, marker, Master, materialize, matrix, mature, MD, meantime, medically, Medikor, mentioned, Merrick, mesh, message, messaging, metastasized, Meyer, Michigan, Mick, microbiology, migrate, MIM, moderate, modular, modulated, momentary, Moran, motion, motivation, moved, multicenter, NE, needle, NEO, Neurocognitive, Neurologic, Neurological, Neurooncol, Neurosurgery, Neurosurgical, neutron, newer, Nike, Nodal, nominal, nonconformance, nondisclosure, notion, NQSO, nutraceutical, NY, nylon, observation, observational, obstacle, obstructing, Occupational, offense, offered, older, oncologic, Onconova, onset, operative, opposed, ORA, ordered, ordering, Ottawa, outage, outbreak, outline, output, outreach, oversaw, pain, palladium, pandemic, paper, Parashar, partnering, patented, payer, PC, Pearl, pelvic, penetration, percentile, permanently, Peru, Pham, picture, pictured, piece, Pittsburgh, Plant, plot, pocket, Poland, political, pool, popular, Port, posed, positively, postponed, postponement, practical, practitioner, predominant, preference, preloaded, preloading, premarket, prerequisite, Presbyterian, pressured, Preventative, print, proactive, producer, productivity, profession, Professor, programmed, promised, proper, proportion, prostatectomy, proved, proven, province, prudent, PSA, publicized, publish, pure, purification, Purified, put, QSIT, quantity, quicker, Radiat, radiating, radical, radiological, radiosurgery, Ragde, randomize, reactor, ready, realizing, receptive, recertification, recession, rectal, recur, recurred, redacted, referenced, refine, refined, Reflective, refresh, Reg, region, Registry, relapse, relocate, remitted, remove, rental, reoccurred, repay, repeatable, repeated, replace, replacement, reproductive, rescheduled, Rescission, resected, residual, resolution, responsive, restocking, retrospective, returning, revitalization, revoke, RIAR, rigid, RO, robotic, roll, Roman, rounding, row, RP, RTOG, Russian, salvage, Sangretech, SAR, satisfying, SBRT, scheduled, scoped, score, screening, scrotum, seamlessly, seasonal, seasonality, seemingly, seminal, serum, sewn, sexual, Shah, Sharkey, shortest, shut, shutdown, situation, sleeve, slightly, slower, slowly, SNO, soft, solicit, sourcing, spacer, spared, specialist, spinal, sponsored, Sportswear, spouse, spring, SRS, St, stapled, statistically, steady, stealing, stereotactic, sterile, sterilization, Stittman, strand, stranded, stranding, STS, studying, subdivision, subjected, submittal, substituting, suggested, summer, Supershuttle, Suppl, Suppression, surgically, sustainable, suture, Sylvester, symptom, talk, Tech, technique, telephonic, tenant, territory, testosterone, theft, theory, thin, thoracic, thought, Tile, TIs, titanium, today, tolerate, tool, topical, TRACON, tradeshow, transact, transitioned, translate, traveling, trending, twenty, umbrella, Unavailability, undergo, undergraduate, underwent, unexpectedly, unfulfilled, uniform, uninterrupted, unreliable, unrest, unscreened, unsuitable, untapped, upcoming, upgrading, UPMC, urethra, urination, Urol, Urological, urologist, usage, USPSTF, USPTO, vacation, vaginal, Varian, vast, Vermont, video, ViewRay, virtual, virtually, visual, Vol, voluntary, vulvar, wait, watch, watching, Waterhouse, wedge, weigh, Weill, welded, welding, Wernicke, Western, widespread, women, word, worsen, Youssef, zip
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Subsidiaries of the Company
Isoray Medical, Inc., a Delaware corporation
Isoray International, LLC, a Washington limited liability company
Viewpoint Molecular Targeting, Inc. a Delaware corporation
Perspective Therapeutics Pty Ltd, an Australian Company