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Acute, Adtalelm, AGACNP, AGPCNP, altogether, APRN, Ashley, aware, balloon, bipartisan, black, border, buyer, candidacy, Chaka, Chegg, claimant, Codification, coincide, collector, communicable, contemplate, counterparty, coupled, dampened, dealing, Democratic, Deputy, ease, ECFMG, Ensino, epidemiology, escrow, essentially, ETR, FCA, FDII, floor, fluid, globe, GMC, Graham, HBCU, head, hedge, hedged, Hollywood, HSI, hypothetical, incidence, influx, insight, institutionally, Inventory, Iowa, Kmart, Laura, Ltda, Magana, magistrate, mathematical, mentioned, Moriarty, NaN, necessarily, noncurrent, notional, omission, outbreak, pandemic, panel, par, Patterson, Perdoceo, Phelan, prepayment, proforma, prolonged, Prometric, quickly, redeemable, redistributed, Registry, remeasurement, remote, remotely, reopening, repeated, repetition, Roebuck, slowdown, Sociedade, Split, spread, standing, stemmed, sum, Supplementary, tragic, twelfth, underway, undiscounted, unexpected, unsealed, vacated, validated, Vandiver, waived
accelerate, ACCET, advisor, advocating, afford, AGM, Alan, Alert, Anima, Ann, Apollo, appointment, Ashe, assume, atmosphere, attracting, attractive, austerity, averaged, bar, bargaining, Begley, Boa, branch, Bridgepoint, British, broadest, Burke, buy, buyback, campaign, Capella, Cardinal, Carroll, CASA, categorized, Centro, chose, clarify, collective, competence, Conceito, concentration, convertible, cooperation, correct, CPC, created, cultivate, Curso, customized, Damasio, Daniel, David, declining, derivatively, devaluation, Diferencial, diplomatic, Discontinuance, discontinue, display, dissemination, distributed, diversify, documentation, Dow, dropping, DtR, duly, Educacional, elevated, eleven, ENADE, engineering, entering, escalation, Estudantil, excluded, exhibit, explained, Faci, Facid, Facimp, Faculdade, failing, faith, fall, faster, fastest, FDIC, Fenner, Fernando, Financiamento, floating, FMF, forfeiture, forgive, forma, format, Fortaleza, fragmented, franchise, Fundo, gaining, Geral, grace, Groenwald, Grove, Grupo, Gunst, Hamburger, Harbor, Harriet, Hart, herewith, Hialeah, highlighted, HSBC, ibmec, Ideal, identifiable, IGC, Imperatriz, import, important, Incorporation, indefinite, Indemnification, Injunction, Instance, intention, Janeiro, jeweler, Joao, Kingdom, Kroton, Label, land, Latin, launching, laundered, leveraging, limiting, Linkbase, listing, Logan, Louisiana, Lyle, Lynch, Magnet, Malafronte, marketed, Martha, MEC, merger, Merrill, Merten, metric, Metrocamp, minimize, Ministry, misconduct, mix, Montreal, motivation, narrowly, Niche, nominal, northeast, NYAG, objective, occupation, organized, overstated, OVERVIEW, page, paper, para, Patrick, Paul, Paulo, payer, Pension, PepsiCo, permitted, Pessoa, Pierce, platform, PNC, possessing, poster, postponing, Pound, precede, Preliminar, pro, Programa, progression, prominent, PROUNI, psychological, psychomotor, Quaker, question, questioned, radio, recurrence, refrain, reliance, rendered, renewed, request, reset, retrospectively, Richard, Rim, rio, Ronald, Ruiz, rulemaking, SAC, salaried, Salvador, Sao, satisfaction, Schema, scheme, Seasonality, selection, SER, short, shortfall, size, slightly, Smith, Sodeika, sophisticated, Southeast, span, speak, spectrum, spring, standardized, stating, statistic, steady, Sterling, Stipulation, stop, substantiation, Subtopic, succeeding, supply, supportive, survey, Susan, Swing, Taxonomy, Taylor, team, television, theoretical, thereunto, Timothy, trailing, trillion, turned, undersigned, undue, unifavip, unissued, Universidade, unsatisfactory, unsubstantiated, Unzicker, upcoming, URS, Utah, Vestibular, Viagem, video, viewed, visit, volatile, volume, weaken, Weaver, White, Whitehall, William, written, XBRL
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