Natural Gas And Oil Producing Activities | (4 ) NATURAL GAS AND OIL PRODUCING ACTIVITIES (UNAUDITED) The Company’s natural gas and oil properties are located in the United States and Canada. Net Capitalized Costs The following table shows the capitalized costs of natural gas and oil properties and the related accumulated depreciation, depletion and amortization as of December 31, 201 5 and 201 4 : 201 5 201 4 (in millions) Proved properties $ 18,751 $ 15,860 Unproved properties (1) 3,727 4,646 Total capitalized costs 22,478 20,506 Less: Accumulated depreciation, depletion and amortization (16,248) (8,327) Net capitalized costs $ 6,230 $ 12,179 (1) Includes $ 50 million and $ 76 million related to the Company’s exploration program in Canada as of December 31, 201 5 and 201 4 , respectively. Natural gas and oil properties not subject to amortization represent investments in unproved properties and major development projects in which the Company own s an interest. These unproved property costs include unevaluated costs associated with leasehold or drilling interests and unevaluated costs associated with wells in progress . The table below sets forth the composition of net unevaluated costs excluded from amortization as of December 31, 201 5 . 2015 2014 2013 Prior Total (in millions) Property acquisition costs (1) $ 274 $ 2,870 $ 42 $ 105 $ 3,291 Exploration and development costs (1) 128 56 29 36 249 Capitalized interest (1) 120 22 11 34 187 $ 522 $ 2,948 $ 82 $ 175 $ 3,727 (1) Property acquisition costs include $ 16 million, exploration costs include $ 26 million and capitalized interest includes $ 8 million related to the Company’s exploration program in Canada. Of the total net unevaluated costs excluded from amortization as of December 31, 201 5 , approximately $2.9 billion is related to the Chesapeake Property Acquisition, approximately $ 265 million is related to the acquisition of undeveloped properties in the Company’s New Ventures, excluding its exploration program in Canada , and approximately $ 121 million is related to the acquisition of the Company’s undeveloped properties in the Marcellus Shale. The Company has $ 50 million of unevaluated costs related to its exploration program in Canada. Additionally, the Company has approximately $ 157 mil lion of unevaluated costs related to costs of wells in progress. The remaining cos ts excluded from amortization are related to properties which are not individually significant and on which the evaluation process has not been completed. The timing and amount of property acquisition and seismic costs included in the amortization computation will depend on the location and timing of drilling wells, results of drilling, and other assessments. The Company is, therefore, unable to estimate when these costs will be included in the amortization computation. Costs Incurred in Natural Gas and Oil Exploration and Development The table below sets forth capitalized costs incurred in natural gas and oil property acquisition, exploration and development activities: 2015 2014 2013 (in millions, except per Mcfe amounts) Proved property acquisition costs $ 81 $ 1,455 $ 1 Unproved property acquisition costs (1) 692 3,934 168 Exploration costs (2) 50 232 192 Development costs 1,417 1,600 1,662 Capitalized costs incurred 2,240 7,221 2,023 Full cost pool amortization per Mcfe $ 1.00 $ 1.10 $ 1.08 (1) Included $ 1 million and $ 17 million in 201 4 and 201 3 , respectively, related to the Company’s exploration program in Canada. (2) Include d $ 3 million and $ 12 million in 201 4 and 201 3 , respectively, related to the Company’s exploration program in Canada. Capitalized interest is included as part of the cost of natural gas and oil properties. The Company capitalized $204 million , $ 55 million and $ 62 million during 201 5, 2014 and 2013 , respectively, based on the Company’s weighted average cost of borrowings used to finance expenditures. In addition to capitalized interest, the Company capitalize d internal costs totaling $307 mi llion, $320 million and $264 million during 2015, 2014 and 2013, respectively, which were directly related to the acquisition, exploration and development of t he Company’s natural gas and oil properties . Included in these amounts are internal costs from the Company’s subsidiaries involved with vertical integration of the Company’s exploration and develop ment activities and totaled $118 million , $123 million and $103 million during 2015, 2014 and 2013 , respectively. All internal costs are included in the Company’s cost of natural gas and oil properties. Results of Operations from Natural Gas and Oil Producing Activities The table below sets forth the results of operations from natural gas and oil producing activities: 201 5 201 4 201 3 (in millions) Sales $ 2,074 $ 2,862 $ 2,404 Production (lifting) costs (989) (776) (629) Depreciation, depletion and amortization (1,028) (884) (735) Impairment of natural gas and oil properties (6,950) – – (6,893) 1,202 1,040 Provision (benefit) for income taxes (2,619) 457 416 Results of operations (1) $ (4,274) $ 745 $ 624 (1) Results of operations exclude the gain (loss) on derivatives, unsettled, on commodity derivative instruments. See Note 5 - Derivatives and Risk Management. The results of operations shown above exclude gene ral and administrative expenses and interest expense and are not necessarily indicative of the contribution made by the Company’s natural gas and oil operations to its consolidated operating results. Income tax expense is calculated by applying the statutory tax rates to the revenues less costs, including depreciation, depletion and amortization, and after giving effect to permanent differences and tax credits. Natural Gas and Oil Reserve Quantities The Company engaged the services of Netherland, Sewell & Associates, Inc., or NSAI , an independent petroleum engineering firm, to audit the reserves estimated by the Company’s reservoir engineers. In conducting its audit, the engineers and geologists of NSAI studied the Company’s major properties in detail and independentl y developed reserve estimates. NSAI’s audit consists primarily of substantive testing, which includes a detailed review of the Company’s major properties and accounted for approximately 100% , 97% and 95% of the present worth of the Company’s total proved reserves as of December 31, 201 5 , 201 4 and 201 3 , respectively. A reserve audit is not the same as a financial audit and a reserve audit is less rigorous in nature than a reserve report prepared by an independent petroleum engineering firm containing its own estimate of reserves. Reserve estimates are inherently imprecise and the Company’s reserve estimates are generally based upon extrapolation of historical production trends, historical prices of natural gas and crude oil and analogy to similar properties and volumetric calculations. Accordingly, the Company’s estimates are expected to change, and such changes could be material and occur in the near term as future information becomes available. For more information over reserves, refer to the table titled “Changes in Proved Undeveloped Reserves (Bcfe)” in “Business – Exploration and Production” in Item 1 of this Annual Report. The following table summarizes the changes in the Company’s proved natural gas , oil and NGL reserves for 201 5 , 2 01 4 and 201 3 all of which were located in the United States: 201 5 201 4 201 3 Natural Natural Natural Gas Oil NGL Gas Oil NGL Gas Oil NGL (Bcf) (MBbls) (MBbls) (Bcf) (MBbls) (MBbls) (Bcf) (MBbls) (MBbls) Proved reserves, beginning of year 9,809 37,615 118,699 6,974 373 – 4,017 244 – Revisions of previous estimates (3,458) (28,394) (75,664) 542 (14) 66 325 38 50 Extensions, discoveries and other additions 546 1,367 6,274 1,692 250 48 3,284 229 – Production (899) (2,265) (10,702) (766) (235) (231) (656) (138) (50) Acquisition of reserves in place 97 525 2,340 1,367 37,246 118,816 4 – – Disposition of reserves in place (178) (95) – – (5) – – – – Proved reserves, end of year 5,917 8,753 40,947 9,809 37,615 118,699 6,974 373 – Proved developed reserves: Beginning of year 5,675 7,445 38,632 4,237 372 – 3,196 243 – End of year 5,474 8,753 40,947 5,675 7,445 38,632 4,237 372 – Proved undeveloped reserves: Beginning of year 4,134 30,170 80,067 2,737 1 – 821 1 – End of year 443 – – 4,134 30,170 80,067 2,737 1 – The Company’s estimated proved natural gas and oil reserves were 6,215 Bcfe at year-end 201 5 , compared to 10,747 Bcfe at year-end 201 4 . The significant decrease in the Company’s reserves in 201 5 was primarily due to the decrease in commodity prices . In 2015, the Company’s natural gas and liquids production was 976 B cfe, up from 768 Bcfe in 2014. The increase in production in 201 5 resulted primarily from a 140 Bcfe increase in net production from the Company’s Southwest Appalachia properties, a 106 Bcf increase in net production from its Northeast Appalachia properties, partially offset by 29 Bcf and 9 Bcfe decrease s in net production from its Fayetteville Shale and other properties , respectively . The Company had net downward revisions of 4 ,083 Bcfe and disposition of reserves in place of 179 Bcfe , partially offset by 592 Bcfe of proved reserve additions and 114 Bcfe of proved reserve additions from acquisitions . Of the reserve additions , 202 Bcf, 84 Bcfe, 1 29 Bcf and 1 Bcfe from the Company’s Northeast Appalachia, Southwest Appalachia , Fayetteville Shale and other divisions, respectively, were proved developed and 138 Bcf, 4 Bcfe and 34 Bcf from its Northeast Appalachia, Southwest Appalachia and Fayetteville Shale divisions, respectively, were proved undeveloped. In 201 5 , downward reserve revisions resulting from lower prices totaled 2,315 Bcf, 1,875 Bcf e, 1,496 Bcf and 32 Bcfe in the Company’ s Northeast Appalachia , Southwest Appalachia , Fayetteville Shale and other divisions, respectively. The Company also had upward performance revisions in 2015 of 1,383 Bcf, 209 Bcfe , 10 Bcf and 33 Bcfe in its Northeast Appalachia, Southwest Appalachia , Fayetteville Shale and other divisions, respectively. The Company’s December 31, 2015 proved reserves include d 217 Bcfe of proved undeveloped reserves from 75 locations that had a positive present value on an undiscounted basis in compliance with proved reserve requirements, but do not have a positive present value when discounted at 10% . These properties had a negative present value of $34 million when discounted at 10%. The Company made a final investment decision and is committed to developing these reserves within the next five years . The Company’s estimated proved natural gas and oil reserves were 10,747 Bcfe at year-end 2014, compared to 6,976 Bcfe at year-end 2013. The significant increase in the Company’s reserves in 2014 was primarily due to the acquisition of approximately 413,000 net acres in Southwest Appalachia, successful development drilling programs in the Fayetteville Shale and Northeast Appalachia and upward performance revisions in Northeast Appalachia. In 2014, the Company’s natural gas and liquids production was 768 Bcfe, up from 657 Bcfe in 2013. T he increase in production in 201 4 resulted primarily from a 103 Bcf increase in net production from the Company’s Northeast Appalachia properties, a n 8 Bcf increase in net production from its Fayetteville properties , and a 3 Bcf e increase in net production from its Southwest Appalachia properties, which more than offset a combined 3 Bcfe decrease in net production from its East Texas and Arkoma Basin properties. The Company replaced 591% of its production volumes with 1,693 Bcfe of proved reserve additions, net upward revisions of 543 Bcfe, and 2,304 Bcfe of proved reserve additions as a result of acquisitions primarily associated with acreage in Southwest Appalachia. Of the reserve a dditions, 283 Bcf, 246 Bcfe and 2 Bcfe from the Comp any’s Fayetteville Shale, Northeast Appalachia and Brown Dense divisions, respectively, were proved developed an d 573 Bcf and 589 B cfe from its Fayetteville Shale and Northeast Appalachia divisions, respectively, were proved undeveloped. In 2014, upward reserve revisions resulting from higher gas prices totaled 38 Bcf, 10 Bcf and 6 Bcf in the Fayetteville Shale, Northeast Appalachia, and Ark-La-Tex division, respectively. The Company also had performance revisions in 2014 of (126) Bcf, 636 Bcf and (21) Bcf in its Fayetteville Shale, Northeast Appalachia, and Ark-La-Tex divisions, respectively. The Company’s December 31, 2014 proved reserves include 181 Bcfe of proved undeveloped reserves from 60 locations that had a positive present value on an undiscounted basis in compliance with proved reserve requirements, but did not have a positive present value when discounted at 10% . These properties had a negative present value of $28 million when discounted when at 10%. The Company’s estimated proved natural gas and oil reserves were 6,976 Bcfe at year-end 2013, compared to 4,018 Bcfe at year-end 2012. The overall increase in total estimated proved reserves in 2013 was primarily due to its successful development drilling programs in the Fayetteville Shale and Northeast Appalachia and the higher natural gas price environment compared to 2012. In 2013, the Company’s natural gas and liquids production was 657 Bcfe, up from 565 Bcfe in 2012. The increase in production in 2013 resulted primarily from a 97 Bcf increase in production from the Company’s Northeast Appalachia properties, a 1 Bcfe increase in net production from its New Ventures properties, and a 1 Bcf increase in net production from its Fayetteville Shale properties, which more than offset a combined 7 Bcfe decrease in net production from its East Texas and Arkoma Basin properties. The Company replaced 550% of its production volumes with 3,285 Bcfe of proved reserve additions, 557 Bcf, 386 Bcf and 2 Bcfe from the Company’s Fayetteville Shale, Northeast Appalachia and Brown Dense divisions, respectively, were proved developed and 1,530 Bcf and 810 Bcf from its Fayetteville Shale and Northeast Appalachia divisions, respectively, were proved undeveloped. In 2013, upward reserve revisions resulting from higher gas prices totaled 191 Bcf, 35 Bcf and 21 Bcf in the Fayetteville Shale, Northeast Appalachia, and the Company’s Ark-La-Tex division, respectively. The Company also had upward performance revision in 2013 of 16 Bcf, 62 Bcf and 1 Bcfe in the Fayetteville Shale, Northeast Appalachia, and the Company’s New Ventures division, respectively. Additionally, the Company’s reserves increased by 4 Bcf in 2013 as a result of the acquisition of natural gas leases and wells in Northeast Appalachia. The Company’s December 31, 2013 proved reserves included 662 Bcfe of proved undeveloped reserves from 268 locations that had a positive present value on an undiscounted basis in compliance with proved reserve requirements, but did not have a positive present value when discounted at 10% . These properties had a negative present value of $97 million when discounted when at 10%. The Company has no reserves from synthetic gas, synthetic oil or nonrenewable natural resources intended to be upgraded into synthetic gas or oil. The Company used standard engineering and geoscience methods, or a combination of methodologies in determining estimates of material properties, including performance and test date analysis offset statistical analogy of performance data, volumetric evaluation, including analysis of petrophysical parameters (including porosity, net pay, fluid saturations (i.e., water, oil and gas) and permeability) in combination with estimated reservoir parameters (including reservoir temperature and pressure, formation depth and formation volume factors), geological analysis, including structure and isopach maps and seismic analysis, including review of 2-D and 3-D data to ascertain faults, closure and other factors. Standardized Measure of Discounted Future Net Cash Flows The following standardized measures of discounted future net cash flows relating to proved natural gas and oil reserves as of December 31, 201 5 , 201 4 and 201 3 are calculated after income taxes and discounted using a 10 % annual discount rate and do not purport to present the fair market value the Company’s proved gas and oil reserves: 2015 2014 2013 (in millions) Future cash inflows $ 11,887 $ 41,812 $ 22,624 Future production costs (7,376) (16,477) (8,896) Future development costs (792) (5,750) (3,626) Future income tax expense (1) – (4,743) (3,223) Future net cash flows 3,719 14,842 6,879 10% annual discount for estimated timing of cash flows (1,302) (7,299) (3,143) Standardized measure of discounted future net cash flows $ 2,417 $ 7,543 $ 3,736 (1) The December 31, 2015 standardized measure computation does not have future income taxes because the Company’s tax basis in the associated oil and gas properties exceeded expected pre-tax cash inflows. Future net cash flows are not permitted to be increased by excess tax basis. Under the standardized measure, future cash inflows were estimated by applying an average price from the first day of each month from the previous 12 months, adjusted for known contractual changes, to the estimated future production of year-end proved reserves. Prices used for the stand ardized measure above were $ 2.59 per MMBtu for natural gas, $ 46.79 per barrel for oil and $6.82 per barrel for NGLs in 201 5 , $ 4.35 per MMBtu for natural gas , $ 91.48 per barrel for oil and $23.79 per barrel for NGLs in 201 4 , and $ 3.67 per MMBtu for natural gas , $ 93.42 per barrel for oil and $43.45 per barrel for NGLs in 201 3 . Future cash inflows were reduced by estimated future production and development costs based on year-end costs to determine pre-tax cash inflows. Future income taxes were computed by applying the year-end statutory rate to the excess of pre-tax cash inflows over the Company’s tax basis in the associated proved gas and oil properties after giving effect to permanent differences and tax credits. Following is an analysis of changes in the standardized measure during 201 5 , 201 4 and 201 3 : 201 5 201 4 201 3 (in millions) Standardized measure, beginning of year $ 7,543 $ 3,736 $ 2,051 Sales and transfers of natural gas and oil produced, net of production costs (1,082) (2,084) (1,774) Net changes in prices and production costs (8,075) 1,192 1,853 Extensions, discoveries, and other additions, net of future production and development costs 162 1,049 1,454 Acquisition of reserves in place 28 1,897 5 Sales of reserves in place (244) – – Revisions of previous quantity estimates (1,385) 622 349 Accretion of discount 946 513 232 Net change in income taxes 1,915 (522) (1,120) Changes in estimated future development costs 2,007 110 (196) Previously estimated development costs incurred during the year 875 815 223 Changes in production rates (timing) and other (273) 215 659 Standardized measure, end of year $ 2,417 $ 7,543 $ 3,736 |