Forward Looking Statements Forward Looking Statements *Statements contained in this presentation may contain forward-looking *Statements contained in this presentation may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements are based on the beliefs and expectations of of 1995. These statements are based on the beliefs and expectations of management as well as the assumptions made using information currently management as well as the assumptions made using information currently available to management. Since these statements reflect the views of available to management. Since these statements reflect the views of management concerning future events, these statements involve risks, management concerning future events, these statements involve risks, uncertainties uncertainties and and assumptions, assumptions, including, including, among among others: others: changes changes in in market market interest rates and general and regional economic conditions; changes in interest rates and general and regional economic conditions; changes in government regulations; changes in accounting principles; and the quality or government regulations; changes in accounting principles; and the quality or composition of the loan and investment portfolios and other factors that may composition of the loan and investment portfolios and other factors that may be described in the Company’s quarterly reports of Form 10-Q and its annual be described in the Company’s quarterly reports of Form 10-Q and its annual report on Form 10-K, each filed with the Securities and Exchange report on Form 10-K, each filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, which are available at the Securities and Exchange Commission, which are available at the Securities and Exchange Commission’s internet website ( and to which reference is Commission’s internet website ( and to which reference is hereby made. Therefore, actual future results may differ significantly from hereby made. Therefore, actual future results may differ significantly from results discussed in the forward-looking statements. results discussed in the forward-looking statements. |