Leases | Leases Adoption of ASC 842 On January 1, 2019, the Company adopted ASC 842 applying the modified retrospective method. Results for reporting periods beginning after January 1, 2019 are presented under ASC 842, while prior period amounts are not adjusted and continue to be reported under the accounting standards in effect for the prior period. The Company's lease portfolio is comprised of vessels chartered-in, office space and equipment under agreements with contractual periods ranging from less than 1 year to 16 years . Many of the Company's leases contain one or more options to extend. The Company includes options that it is reasonably certain to exercise in its evaluation of the lease term after considering all relevant economic and financial factors. The impact of adopting this standard resulted in the recording of right of use assets of $264,546 and right of use liabilities of $280,407 at January 1, 2019. The standard did not impact the Company's accumulated deficit, consolidated statements of operations or consolidated statements of cash flows. The Company calculates the initial lease liability as the present value of fixed payments, or in substance fixed payments, not yet paid and variable payments that are based on an index (e.g., CPI), measured at commencement. The Company's leases are discounted using its incremental borrowing rate adjusted for risk based on the length of the lease term because the rate implicit in the lease is not readily determinable. The Company applied the package of practical expedients that allows companies not to reassess whether any expired or expiring contracts are or contain leases, lease classification for any expired or expiring leases and initial direct costs for any expired or expiring leases. Also, the Company made the accounting policy election to keep leases with a term of 12 months or less off the balance sheet. Finally, the Company implemented changes to processes and internal controls to meet the standard's updated reporting and disclosure requirements The Company's lease right-of-use assets and liabilities, which relate to operating leases, at March 31 were as follows: March 31, 2019 Vessels chartered-in Current portion of operating lease liabilities $ 81,209 Noncurrent operating lease liabilities 178,811 260,020 Office space Current portion of operating lease liabilities 688 Noncurrent operating lease liabilities 2,400 3,088 Total operating lease liabilities $ 263,108 Charters-in On January 2, 2019, the Company entered into a 10 year bareboat charter agreement for a U.S. flagged product tanker. The Company's annual commitments under the bareboat charter agreement are $2,782 (2019), $4,172 (2020), $4,161 (2021), $4,161 (2022), $4,161 (2023) and $21,352 thereafter. At March 31, 2019, the vessel was undergoing a required special survey to re-certify the vessel in class. The vessel will be ready to participate in the Jones Act trade in the second quarter of 2019. As of March 31, 2019 , the Company had commitments to charter-in 10 vessels. All of the charters-in are accounted for as operating leases and all are bareboat charters. The Company holds options for the charters-in that can be exercised for 1 , 3 or 5 years with the 1 year option only usable once, while the 3 and 5 years year options are available forever. The lease payments for the charters-in are fixed throughout the option periods and the options are on a vessel by vessel basis that can be exercised individually. The option on one of the Company's vessels has been extended until June 2025. For the remaining nine vessels, on December 10, 2018, the Company declared its extensions of the charter agreements. The charter agreements were extended for five of the vessels for additional 3 year terms ending December 2022 and four of the vessels were extended for additional 1 year terms ending December 2020. Five of the Company's chartered in vessels contain a deferred payment obligation (DPO) which relates to charter hire expense incurred by the Company in prior years and payable to the vessel owner in future periods. This DPO is due in quarterly installments with the final quarterly payment due upon lease termination. The future minimum commitments under these operating leases are as follows: At March 31, 2019 Amount 2019 $ 61,582 2020 89,503 2021 55,329 2022 71,819 2023 9,143 Thereafter 13,702 Net minimum lease payments 301,078 Less: present value discount 41,058 Total lease liabilities $ 260,020 The bareboat charters-in provide for the payment of profit share to the owners of the vessels calculated in accordance with the respective charter agreements. Because such amounts and the periods impacted are not reasonably estimable, they are not currently reflected in the table above. Due to reserve funding requirements and current rate forecasts, no profits are currently expected to be paid to the owners in respect of the charter term through December 31, 2019 . For the three months ended March 31, 2019, lease expense for the 10 chartered-in vessels was $22,298 which is included in charter hire expense on the consolidated statements of operations. The Company recognized sublease income of $44,428 for the three months ended March 31, 2019. Office space The Company has lease obligations for office space that generally require fixed annual rental payments and may also include escalation clauses and renewal options. The future minimum commitments under lease obligations for office space as of March 31, 2019 are as follows: At March 31, 2019 Amount 2019 $ 495 2020 630 2021 631 2022 649 2023 474 Thereafter 1,186 Net minimum lease payments 4,065 Less: present value discount 977 Total lease liabilities $ 3,088 For the three months ended March 31, 2019, the rental expense for office space, which is included in general and administrative expenses on the consolidated statements of operations was $159 . At March 31, 2019, for the Company's operating leases, the weighted average remaining lease term was 3.75 years and the weighted average discount rate was 7.47% . Charters-out The Company enters into time charter contracts under which a customer pays a fixed daily or monthly rate for a fixed period of time for use of a vessel. The Company recognizes revenues from time charters as operating leases ratably over the noncancelable contract term. Customers generally pay voyage expenses such as fuel, canal tolls and port charges. The Company also provides the charterer with services such as technical management expenses and crew costs. Services are recognized ratably over the life of the contract term. The Company is the lessor under its time charter contracts. For time charters, the Company applied the practical expedient to combine the lease and non-lease components for these contracts. Total time charter revenue for the three months ended March 31, 2019 was equal to lease income from lease payments of $63,437 less straight-line adjustments of $317 . The net book value of owned vessels on noncancelable time charters was equal to $250,973 at March 31, 2019. The future minimum revenues, including rent escalations, which is equal to lease payments expected to be received over the noncancelable time charters term are as follows: At March 31, 2019 Amount 2019 $ 160,537 2020 42,032 2021 26,624 2022 30,675 2023 31,405 Thereafter 46,059 Net minimum lease receipts $ 337,332 Revenues from a time charter are not generally received when a vessel is off-hire, including time required for normal periodic maintenance of the vessel. In arriving at the minimum future charter revenues, an estimated time off-hire to perform periodic maintenance on each vessel has been deducted, although there is no assurance that such estimate will be reflective of the actual off-hire in the future. |
Leases | Leases Adoption of ASC 842 On January 1, 2019, the Company adopted ASC 842 applying the modified retrospective method. Results for reporting periods beginning after January 1, 2019 are presented under ASC 842, while prior period amounts are not adjusted and continue to be reported under the accounting standards in effect for the prior period. The Company's lease portfolio is comprised of vessels chartered-in, office space and equipment under agreements with contractual periods ranging from less than 1 year to 16 years . Many of the Company's leases contain one or more options to extend. The Company includes options that it is reasonably certain to exercise in its evaluation of the lease term after considering all relevant economic and financial factors. The impact of adopting this standard resulted in the recording of right of use assets of $264,546 and right of use liabilities of $280,407 at January 1, 2019. The standard did not impact the Company's accumulated deficit, consolidated statements of operations or consolidated statements of cash flows. The Company calculates the initial lease liability as the present value of fixed payments, or in substance fixed payments, not yet paid and variable payments that are based on an index (e.g., CPI), measured at commencement. The Company's leases are discounted using its incremental borrowing rate adjusted for risk based on the length of the lease term because the rate implicit in the lease is not readily determinable. The Company applied the package of practical expedients that allows companies not to reassess whether any expired or expiring contracts are or contain leases, lease classification for any expired or expiring leases and initial direct costs for any expired or expiring leases. Also, the Company made the accounting policy election to keep leases with a term of 12 months or less off the balance sheet. Finally, the Company implemented changes to processes and internal controls to meet the standard's updated reporting and disclosure requirements The Company's lease right-of-use assets and liabilities, which relate to operating leases, at March 31 were as follows: March 31, 2019 Vessels chartered-in Current portion of operating lease liabilities $ 81,209 Noncurrent operating lease liabilities 178,811 260,020 Office space Current portion of operating lease liabilities 688 Noncurrent operating lease liabilities 2,400 3,088 Total operating lease liabilities $ 263,108 Charters-in On January 2, 2019, the Company entered into a 10 year bareboat charter agreement for a U.S. flagged product tanker. The Company's annual commitments under the bareboat charter agreement are $2,782 (2019), $4,172 (2020), $4,161 (2021), $4,161 (2022), $4,161 (2023) and $21,352 thereafter. At March 31, 2019, the vessel was undergoing a required special survey to re-certify the vessel in class. The vessel will be ready to participate in the Jones Act trade in the second quarter of 2019. As of March 31, 2019 , the Company had commitments to charter-in 10 vessels. All of the charters-in are accounted for as operating leases and all are bareboat charters. The Company holds options for the charters-in that can be exercised for 1 , 3 or 5 years with the 1 year option only usable once, while the 3 and 5 years year options are available forever. The lease payments for the charters-in are fixed throughout the option periods and the options are on a vessel by vessel basis that can be exercised individually. The option on one of the Company's vessels has been extended until June 2025. For the remaining nine vessels, on December 10, 2018, the Company declared its extensions of the charter agreements. The charter agreements were extended for five of the vessels for additional 3 year terms ending December 2022 and four of the vessels were extended for additional 1 year terms ending December 2020. Five of the Company's chartered in vessels contain a deferred payment obligation (DPO) which relates to charter hire expense incurred by the Company in prior years and payable to the vessel owner in future periods. This DPO is due in quarterly installments with the final quarterly payment due upon lease termination. The future minimum commitments under these operating leases are as follows: At March 31, 2019 Amount 2019 $ 61,582 2020 89,503 2021 55,329 2022 71,819 2023 9,143 Thereafter 13,702 Net minimum lease payments 301,078 Less: present value discount 41,058 Total lease liabilities $ 260,020 The bareboat charters-in provide for the payment of profit share to the owners of the vessels calculated in accordance with the respective charter agreements. Because such amounts and the periods impacted are not reasonably estimable, they are not currently reflected in the table above. Due to reserve funding requirements and current rate forecasts, no profits are currently expected to be paid to the owners in respect of the charter term through December 31, 2019 . For the three months ended March 31, 2019, lease expense for the 10 chartered-in vessels was $22,298 which is included in charter hire expense on the consolidated statements of operations. The Company recognized sublease income of $44,428 for the three months ended March 31, 2019. Office space The Company has lease obligations for office space that generally require fixed annual rental payments and may also include escalation clauses and renewal options. The future minimum commitments under lease obligations for office space as of March 31, 2019 are as follows: At March 31, 2019 Amount 2019 $ 495 2020 630 2021 631 2022 649 2023 474 Thereafter 1,186 Net minimum lease payments 4,065 Less: present value discount 977 Total lease liabilities $ 3,088 For the three months ended March 31, 2019, the rental expense for office space, which is included in general and administrative expenses on the consolidated statements of operations was $159 . At March 31, 2019, for the Company's operating leases, the weighted average remaining lease term was 3.75 years and the weighted average discount rate was 7.47% . Charters-out The Company enters into time charter contracts under which a customer pays a fixed daily or monthly rate for a fixed period of time for use of a vessel. The Company recognizes revenues from time charters as operating leases ratably over the noncancelable contract term. Customers generally pay voyage expenses such as fuel, canal tolls and port charges. The Company also provides the charterer with services such as technical management expenses and crew costs. Services are recognized ratably over the life of the contract term. The Company is the lessor under its time charter contracts. For time charters, the Company applied the practical expedient to combine the lease and non-lease components for these contracts. Total time charter revenue for the three months ended March 31, 2019 was equal to lease income from lease payments of $63,437 less straight-line adjustments of $317 . The net book value of owned vessels on noncancelable time charters was equal to $250,973 at March 31, 2019. The future minimum revenues, including rent escalations, which is equal to lease payments expected to be received over the noncancelable time charters term are as follows: At March 31, 2019 Amount 2019 $ 160,537 2020 42,032 2021 26,624 2022 30,675 2023 31,405 Thereafter 46,059 Net minimum lease receipts $ 337,332 Revenues from a time charter are not generally received when a vessel is off-hire, including time required for normal periodic maintenance of the vessel. In arriving at the minimum future charter revenues, an estimated time off-hire to perform periodic maintenance on each vessel has been deducted, although there is no assurance that such estimate will be reflective of the actual off-hire in the future. |