Summary of Significant Accounting and Reporting Policies (Policies) | 12 Months Ended |
Dec. 31, 2016 |
Accounting Policies [Abstract] | |
Basis of Presentation | Basis of Presentation - The operations of NextEra Energy, Inc. (NEE) are conducted primarily through Florida Power & Light Company (FPL), a wholly owned subsidiary, and NextEra Energy Resources, LLC (NEER), a wholly owned indirect subsidiary. FPL, a rate-regulated electric utility, supplies electric service to approximately 4.9 million customer accounts throughout most of the east and lower west coasts of Florida. NEER invests in independent power projects through both controlled and consolidated entities and noncontrolling ownership interests in joint ventures essentially all of which are accounted for under the equity method. NEER also participates in natural gas, natural gas liquids and oil production primarily through non-operating ownership interests and in pipeline infrastructure through either wholly owned subsidiaries or noncontrolling or joint venture interests. The consolidated financial statements of NEE and FPL include the accounts of their respective majority-owned and controlled subsidiaries. Intercompany balances and transactions have been eliminated in consolidation. Certain amounts included in prior years' consolidated financial statements have been reclassified to conform to the current year's presentation. The preparation of financial statements requires the use of estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses and the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities. Actual results could differ from those estimates. |
NextEra Energy Partners, LP | NextEra Energy Partners, LP - NEE, through NEER, formed NextEra Energy Partners, LP (NEP) to acquire, manage and own contracted clean energy projects with stable, long-term cash flows through a limited partner interest in NextEra Energy Operating Partners, LP (NEP OpCo). On July 1, 2014, NEP closed its initial public offering (IPO) by issuing 18,687,500 common units representing limited partner interests. The proceeds from the sale of the common units, net of underwriting discounts, commissions and structuring fees, were approximately $ 438 million . NEP used such proceeds to purchase 18,687,500 common units of NEP OpCo, of which approximately $ 288 million was used to purchase common units from an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of NEE and $ 150 million was used to purchase common units from NEP OpCo. Through an indirect wholly owned subsidiary, NEE retained 74,440,000 units of NEP OpCo representing a 79.9% interest in NEP's operating projects. Additionally, NEE owns a controlling general partner interest in NEP and consolidates NEP for financial reporting purposes and presents NEP's limited partner interest as a noncontrolling interest in NEE's consolidated financial statements. Certain equity and asset transactions between NEP, NEER and NEP OpCo involve the exchange of cash, energy projects and ownership interests in NEP OpCo. These exchanges are accounted for under the profit sharing method and resulted in a profit sharing liability, net of amortization, of approximately $ 757 million and $ 447 million at December 31, 2016 and 2015 , respectively, which is reflected in noncurrent other liabilities on NEE's consolidated balance sheets. The profit sharing liability will be amortized into income on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful lives of the underlying energy projects held by NEP OpCo. Accordingly, the profit sharing liability amortization totaled approximately $ 37 million during 2016 and is included in taxes other than income taxes and other - net in NEE’s consolidated statements of income. During the purchase price adjustment period associated with the IPO, which ended in November 2016, approximately $288 million of the profit sharing liability was not amortized. During 2015 and 2016, NEP sold an additional 35,527,435 common units and purchased an additional 35,527,435 NEP OpCo common units. Also, in 2015, a subsidiary of NEE purchased 27,000,000 of NEP OpCo's common units. After giving effect to these transactions, NEE’s partnership interest in NEP OpCo's operating projects is approximately 65.2% as of December 31, 2016 . As of December 31, 2016 , NEP, through NEER's contribution of energy projects to NEP OpCo, owns or has an interest in a portfolio of 22 wind and solar projects with generating capacity totaling approximately 2,787 megawatts (MW), as well as a portfolio of seven long-term contracted natural gas pipeline assets located in Texas. In October 2015, NEE authorized a program to purchase, from time to time, up to $ 150 million of common units representing limited partner interests of NEP. Under the program, any purchases may be made in amounts, at prices and at such times as NEE or its subsidiaries deem appropriate, all subject to market conditions and other considerations. The common unit purchase program does not require NEE to acquire any specific number of common units and may be modified or terminated by NEE at any time. The purchases may be made in the open market or in privately negotiated transactions. As of December 31, 2016 , NEE had purchased approximately $ 36 million of NEP common units under this program. |
Rate Regulation | Rate Regulation - FPL is subject to rate regulation by the Florida Public Service Commission (FPSC) and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). Its rates are designed to recover the cost of providing electric service to its customers including a reasonable rate of return on invested capital. As a result of this cost-based regulation, FPL follows the accounting guidance that allows regulators to create assets and impose liabilities that would not be recorded by non-rate regulated entities. Regulatory assets and liabilities represent probable future revenues that will be recovered from or refunded to customers through the ratemaking process. NEE's and FPL's regulatory assets and liabilities are as follows: NEE FPL December 31, December 31, 2016 2015 2016 2015 (millions) Regulatory assets: Current: Derivatives $ — $ 218 $ — $ 218 Storm reserve deficiency 203 — 203 — Other 321 285 321 284 Total $ 524 $ 503 $ 524 $ 502 Noncurrent: Purchased power agreement termination $ 636 $ 726 $ 636 $ 726 Other 1,258 1,052 937 787 Total $ 1,894 $ 1,778 $ 1,573 $ 1,513 Regulatory liabilities: Current: Derivatives $ 208 $ — $ 208 $ — Other 91 14 86 12 Total $ 299 $ 14 $ 294 $ 12 Noncurrent: Accrued asset removal costs $ 1,956 $ 1,930 $ 1,944 $ 1,921 Asset retirement obligation regulatory expense difference 2,294 2,182 2,294 2,182 Other 656 494 655 492 Total $ 4,906 $ 4,606 $ 4,893 $ 4,595 Cost recovery clauses, which are designed to permit full recovery of certain costs and provide a return on certain assets allowed to be recovered through various clauses, include substantially all fuel, purchased power and interchange expense, certain costs associated with the acquisition of certain generation facilities, certain construction-related costs for certain of FPL's solar generation facilities, and conservation and certain environmental-related costs. Revenues from cost recovery clauses are recorded when billed; FPL achieves matching of costs and related revenues by deferring the net underrecovery or overrecovery. Any underrecovered costs or overrecovered revenues are collected from or returned to customers in subsequent periods. In 2015, FPL assumed ownership of a 250 MW coal-fired generation facility located in Jacksonville, Florida (Cedar Bay generation facility) and terminated its long-term purchased power agreement for substantially all of the facility’s capacity and energy for a purchase price of approximately $521 million . The FPSC approved a stipulation and settlement between the State of Florida Office of Public Counsel and FPL regarding issues relating to the ratemaking treatment for the Cedar Bay generation facility which provides for recovery of the purchase price and associated income tax gross-up as a regulatory asset of approximately $847 million which will be amortized over approximately nine years . At December 31, 2016 and 2015 , the regulatory assets, net of amortization, totaled approximately $726 million and $817 million , respectively, and are included in current and noncurrent regulatory assets on NEE’s and FPL’s consolidated balance sheets. This settlement also reduced the reserve amount that was available for amortization under the 2012 rate agreement by $30 million to $370 million . See Revenues and Rates - FPL Rates Effective January 2013 through December 2016 below. In December 2016, FPL retired the Cedar Bay generation facility. If FPL were no longer subject to cost-based rate regulation, the existing regulatory assets and liabilities would be written off unless regulators specify an alternative means of recovery or refund. In addition, the FPSC has the authority to disallow recovery of costs that it considers excessive or imprudently incurred. The continued applicability of regulatory accounting is assessed at each reporting period. |
Revenues and Rates | Revenues and Rates - FPL's retail and wholesale utility rate schedules are approved by the FPSC and the FERC, respectively. FPL records unbilled base revenues for the estimated amount of energy delivered to customers but not yet billed. FPL's unbilled base revenues are included in customer receivables on NEE's and FPL's consolidated balance sheets and amounted to approximately $261 million and $246 million at December 31, 2016 and 2015 , respectively. FPL's operating revenues also include amounts resulting from cost recovery clauses (see Rate Regulation above), franchise fees, gross receipts taxes and surcharges related to storm-recovery bonds (see Note 8 - FPL). Franchise fees and gross receipts taxes are imposed on FPL; however, the FPSC allows FPL to include in the amounts charged to customers the amount of the gross receipts tax for all customers and the franchise fee for those customers located in the jurisdiction that imposes the amount. Accordingly, franchise fees and gross receipts taxes are reported gross in operating revenues and taxes other than income taxes and other in NEE's and FPL's consolidated statements of income and were approximately $700 million , $722 million and $716 million in 2016, 2015 and 2014 , respectively. The revenues from the surcharges related to storm-recovery bonds included in operating revenues in NEE's and FPL's consolidated statements of income were approximately $119 million , $115 million and $109 million in 2016, 2015 and 2014 , respectively. FPL also collects municipal utility taxes which are reported gross in customer receivables and accounts payable on NEE's and FPL's consolidated balance sheets. |
Revenue Recognition | NEER's revenue is recorded on the basis of commodities delivered, contracts settled or services rendered and includes estimated amounts yet to be billed to customers. Certain commodity contracts for the purchase and sale of power that meet the definition of a derivative are recorded at fair value with subsequent changes in fair value recognized as revenue. See Energy Trading below and Note 3. In May 2014, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued an accounting standards update which provides guidance on the recognition of revenue from contracts with customers and requires additional disclosures about the nature, amount, timing and uncertainty of revenue and cash flows from an entity's contracts with customers. The standards update will be effective for NEE and FPL beginning January 1, 2018 with early adoption on January 1, 2017 permitted. The standards update may be applied retrospectively to each prior period presented or retrospectively with the cumulative effect recognized as an adjustment to retained earnings as of the date of initial application (modified retrospective method). NEE and FPL are currently reviewing individual contracts within various identified revenue streams in order to determine the impact, if any, this standards update will have on their consolidated financial statements. A number of industry-specific implementation issues are still unresolved and the final resolution of certain of these issues could impact NEE's and/or FPL's current accounting policies and/or revenue recognition patterns. NEE and FPL currently anticipate adopting the standards update on January 1, 2018 using the modified retrospective method. |
Electric Plant, Depreciation and Amortization | Electric Plant, Depreciation and Amortization - The cost of additions to units of property of FPL and NEER is added to electric plant in service. In accordance with regulatory accounting, the cost of FPL's units of utility property retired, less estimated net salvage value, is charged to accumulated depreciation. Maintenance and repairs of property as well as replacements and renewals of items determined to be less than units of utility property are charged to other operations and maintenance (O&M) expenses. At December 31, 2016 , the electric generation, transmission, distribution and general facilities of FPL represented approximately 50% , 11% , 33% and 6% , respectively, of FPL's gross investment in electric utility plant in service and other property. Substantially all of FPL's properties are subject to the lien of FPL's mortgage, which secures most debt securities issued by FPL. A number of NEER's generation and pipeline facilities are encumbered by liens securing various financings. The net book value of NEER's assets serving as collateral was approximately $15.5 billion at December 31, 2016 . The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, as amended (Recovery Act), provided for an option to elect a cash grant (convertible investment tax credits (ITCs)) for certain renewable energy property (renewable property). Convertible ITCs are recorded as a reduction in property, plant and equipment on NEE's and FPL's consolidated balance sheets and are amortized as a reduction to depreciation and amortization expense over the estimated life of the related property. At December 31, 2016 and 2015 , convertible ITCs, net of amortization, were approximately $2.1 billion ( $147 million at FPL) and $1.8 billion ( $153 million at FPL). At December 31, 2016 and 2015 , approximately $289 million and $207 million , respectively, of such convertible ITCs are included primarily in other receivables on NEE's consolidated balance sheets. Depreciation of FPL's electric property is primarily provided on a straight-line average remaining life basis. FPL includes in depreciation expense a provision for fossil and solar plant dismantlement, interim asset removal costs, accretion related to asset retirement obligations (see Decommissioning of Nuclear Plants, Dismantlement of Plants and Other Accrued Asset Removal Costs below), storm recovery amortization and amortization of pre-construction costs associated with planned nuclear units recovered through a cost recovery clause. For substantially all of FPL's property, depreciation studies are typically performed and filed with the FPSC every four years. In accordance with the 2012 rate agreement, FPL was not required to file depreciation studies during the effective period of the agreement; therefore, previously approved depreciation rates which became effective January 1, 2010 remained in effect through December 2016. As discussed in Revenues and Rates above, the use of reserve amortization was permitted under the 2012 rate agreement. In accordance with the 2012 rate agreement, FPL recorded reserve amortization (reversal) of approximately $13 million , $(15) million and $(33) million in 2016, 2015 and 2014 , respectively. The reserve is amortized as a reduction of (or reversed as an increase to) accrued asset removal costs which is reflected in noncurrent regulatory liabilities on NEE's and FPL's consolidated balance sheets. The weighted annual composite depreciation and amortization rate for FPL's electric utility plant in service, including capitalized software, but excluding the effects of decommissioning, dismantlement and the depreciation adjustments discussed above, was approximately 3.4% , 3.3% and 3.3% for 2016, 2015 and 2014 , respectively. As part of the 2016 rate agreement, the FPSC approved new depreciation rates which became effective January 1, 2017. These new rates are expected to increase depreciation expense. The 2016 rate agreement also permits reserve amortization during the term of the agreement. See Revenues and Rates above. FPL files a twelve-month forecast with the FPSC each year which contains a regulatory ROE intended to be earned based on the best information FPL has at that time assuming normal weather. This forecast establishes a fixed targeted regulatory ROE. In order to earn the targeted regulatory ROE in each reporting period under the effective rate agreement, reserve amortization is calculated using a trailing thirteen-month average of retail rate base and capital structure in conjunction with the trailing twelve months regulatory retail base net operating income, which primarily includes the retail base portion of base and other revenues net of O&M, depreciation and amortization, interest and tax expenses. In general, the net impact of these income statement line items is adjusted, in part, by reserve amortization or its reversal to earn the targeted regulatory ROE. NEER's electric plant in service less salvage value, if any, are depreciated primarily using the straight-line method over their estimated useful lives. At December 31, 2016 and 2015 , wind, nuclear, natural gas and solar plants represented approximately 62% and 62% , 10% and 11% , less than 1% and 3% , and 14% and 9% , respectively, of NEER's depreciable electric plant in service and other property. The estimated useful lives of NEER's plants range primarily from 25 to 30 years for wind, natural gas and solar plants and from 25 to 47 years for nuclear plants. NEER reviews the estimated useful lives of its fixed assets on an ongoing basis. NEER's oil and gas production assets, representing approximately 8% and 7% , respectively, of NEER's depreciable electric plant in service and other property at December 31, 2016 and 2015 , are accounted for under the successful efforts method. Depletion expenses for the acquisition of reserve rights and development costs are recognized using the unit of production method. |
Nuclear Fuel | Nuclear Fuel - FPL and NEER have several contracts for the supply of uranium and the conversion, enrichment and fabrication of nuclear fuel. See Note 13 - Contracts. FPL's and NEER's nuclear fuel costs are charged to fuel expense on a unit of production method. |
Construction Activity | Construction Activity - Allowance for funds used during construction (AFUDC) is a non-cash item which represents the allowed cost of capital, including an ROE, used to finance construction projects. The portion of AFUDC attributable to borrowed funds is recorded as a reduction of interest expense and the remainder is recorded as other income. For FPL, FPSC rules limit the recording of AFUDC to projects that have an estimated cost in excess of 0.5% of a utility's plant in service balance and require more than one year to complete. FPSC rules allow construction projects below the 0.5% threshold as a component of rate base. During each of 2016, 2015 and 2014 , FPL capitalized AFUDC at a rate of 6.34% , which amounted to approximately $97 million , $88 million and $50 million , respectively. See Note 13 - Commitments. FPL's construction work in progress includes construction materials, progress payments on major equipment contracts, engineering costs, AFUDC and other costs directly associated with the construction of various projects. Upon completion of the projects, these costs are transferred to electric utility plant in service and other property. Capitalized costs associated with construction activities are charged to O&M expenses when recoverability is no longer probable. NEER capitalizes project development costs once it is probable that such costs will be realized through the ultimate construction of a power plant or sale of development rights. At December 31, 2016 and 2015 , NEER's capitalized development costs totaled approximately $193 million and $133 million , respectively, which are included in noncurrent other assets on NEE's consolidated balance sheets. These costs include land rights and other third-party costs directly associated with the development of a new project. Upon commencement of construction, these costs either are transferred to construction work in progress or remain in other assets, depending upon the nature of the cost. Capitalized development costs are charged to O&M expenses when it is no longer probable that these costs will be realized. NEER's construction work in progress includes construction materials, progress payments on major equipment contracts, third-party engineering costs, capitalized interest and other costs directly associated with the construction and development of various projects. Interest capitalized on construction projects amounted to approximately $107 million , $100 million and $104 million during 2016, 2015 and 2014 , respectively. Interest expense allocated from NextEra Energy Capital Holdings, Inc. (NEECH) to NEER is based on a deemed capital structure of 70% debt. Upon commencement of plant operation, costs associated with construction work in progress are transferred to electric plant in service and other property. |
Asset Retirement Obligations | Asset Retirement Obligations - NEE and FPL each account for asset retirement obligations and conditional asset retirement obligations (collectively, AROs) under accounting guidance that requires a liability for the fair value of an ARO to be recognized in the period in which it is incurred if it can be reasonably estimated, with the offsetting associated asset retirement costs capitalized as part of the carrying amount of the long-lived assets. The asset retirement cost is subsequently allocated to expense, for NEE's non-rate regulated operations, and regulatory liability, for FPL, using a systematic and rational method over the asset’s estimated useful life. Changes in the ARO resulting from the passage of time are recognized as an increase in the carrying amount of the liability and as accretion expense, which is included in depreciation and amortization expense in the consolidated statements of income for NEE's non-rate regulated operations, and ARO and regulatory liability, in the case of FPL. Changes resulting from revisions to the timing or amount of the original estimate of cash flows are recognized as an increase or a decrease in the asset retirement cost, or income when asset retirement cost is depleted, in the case of NEE's non-rate regulated operations, and ARO and regulatory liability, in the case of FPL. See Decommissioning of Nuclear Plants, Dismantlement of Plants and Other Accrued Asset Removal Costs below and Note 12. |
Decommissioning of Nuclear Plants, Dismantlement of Plants and Other Accrued Asset Removal Costs | Decommissioning of Nuclear Plants, Dismantlement of Plants and Other Accrued Asset Removal Costs - For ratemaking purposes, FPL accrues for the cost of end of life retirement and disposal of its nuclear, fossil and solar plants over the expected service life of each unit based on nuclear decommissioning and fossil and solar dismantlement studies periodically filed with the FPSC. In addition, FPL accrues for interim removal costs over the life of the related assets based on depreciation studies approved by the FPSC. As approved by the FPSC, FPL previously suspended its annual decommissioning accrual. For financial reporting purposes, FPL recognizes decommissioning and dismantlement liabilities in accordance with accounting guidance that requires a liability for the fair value of an ARO to be recognized in the period in which it is incurred. Any differences between expense recognized for financial reporting purposes and the amount recovered through rates are reported as a regulatory liability in accordance with regulatory accounting. See Revenues and Rates, Electric Plant, Depreciation and Amortization, Asset Retirement Obligations above and Note 12. Nuclear decommissioning studies are performed at least every five years and are submitted to the FPSC for approval. FPL filed updated nuclear decommissioning studies with the FPSC in December 2015. These studies reflect FPL's current plans, under the operating licenses, for prompt dismantlement of Turkey Point Units Nos. 3 and 4 following the end of plant operation with decommissioning activities commencing in 2032 and 2033, respectively, and provide for St. Lucie Unit No. 1 to be mothballed beginning in 2036 with decommissioning activities to be integrated with the prompt dismantlement of St. Lucie Unit No. 2 in 2043. These studies also assume that FPL will be storing spent fuel on site pending removal to a United States (U.S.) government facility. The studies indicate FPL's portion of the ultimate costs of decommissioning its four nuclear units, including costs associated with spent fuel storage above what is expected to be refunded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) under a spent fuel settlement agreement, to be approximately $7.5 billion , or $3.0 billion expressed in 2016 dollars. Restricted funds for the payment of future expenditures to decommission FPL's nuclear units are included in nuclear decommissioning reserve funds, which are included in special use funds on NEE's and FPL's consolidated balance sheets. Marketable securities held in the decommissioning funds are primarily classified as available for sale and carried at fair value. See Note 4. Fund earnings, consisting of dividends, interest and realized gains and losses, net of taxes, are reinvested in the funds. Fund earnings, as well as any changes in unrealized gains and losses, are not recognized in income and are reflected as a corresponding offset in the related regulatory liability accounts. FPL does not currently make contributions to the decommissioning funds, other than the reinvestment of fund earnings. During 2016 , 2015 and 2014 fund earnings on decommissioning funds were approximately $102 million , $96 million and $91 million , respectively. The tax effects of amounts not yet recognized for tax purposes are included in deferred income taxes. Fossil and solar plant dismantlement studies are typically performed at least every four years and are submitted to the FPSC for approval. In accordance with the 2012 rate agreement, FPL was not required to file fossil and solar dismantlement studies during the effective period of the agreement; therefore, previously approved studies which became effective January 1, 2010 remained in effect through December 2016 and resulted in an annual expense of $18 million which is recorded in depreciation and amortization expense in NEE's and FPL's consolidated statements of income. As part of the 2016 rate agreement, the FPSC approved a new annual expense of $26 million based on FPL's 2016 fossil and solar dismantlement studies which became effective January 1, 2017. At December 31, 2016 , FPL's portion of the ultimate cost to dismantle its fossil and solar units is approximately $1.3 billion , or $480 million expressed in 2016 dollars. NEER records nuclear decommissioning liabilities for Seabrook Station (Seabrook), Duane Arnold Energy Center (Duane Arnold) and Point Beach Nuclear Power Plant (Point Beach) and dismantlement liabilities for its wind and solar facilities, when required in accordance with accounting guidance that requires a liability for the fair value of an ARO to be recognized in the period in which it is incurred. The liabilities are being accreted using the interest method through the date decommissioning or dismantlement activities are expected to be complete. See Note 12. At December 31, 2016 and 2015 , NEER's ARO, which is primarily related to nuclear decommissioning and wind and solar dismantlement, was approximately $817 million and $647 million , respectively, and was primarily determined using various internal and external data and applying a probability percentage to a variety of scenarios regarding the life of the plant and timing of decommissioning or dismantlement. NEER's portion of the ultimate cost of decommissioning its nuclear plants, including costs associated with spent fuel storage above what is expected to be refunded by the DOE under a spent fuel settlement agreement, is estimated to be approximately $11.8 billion , or $2.0 billion expressed in 2016 dollars. The ultimate cost to dismantle NEER's wind and solar facilities is estimated to be approximately $1.8 billion . Seabrook files a comprehensive nuclear decommissioning study with the New Hampshire Nuclear Decommissioning Financing Committee (NDFC) every four years; the most recent study was filed in 2015. Seabrook's decommissioning funding plan is also subject to annual review by the NDFC. Currently, there are no ongoing decommissioning funding requirements for Seabrook, Duane Arnold and Point Beach, however, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), and in the case of Seabrook, the NDFC, has the authority to require additional funding in the future. NEER's portion of Seabrook's, Duane Arnold's and Point Beach's restricted funds for the payment of future expenditures to decommission these plants is included in nuclear decommissioning reserve funds, which are included in special use funds on NEE's consolidated balance sheets. Marketable securities held in the decommissioning funds are primarily classified as available for sale and carried at fair value. Market adjustments result in a corresponding adjustment to other comprehensive income (OCI), except for unrealized losses associated with marketable securities considered to be other than temporary, including any credit losses, which are recognized as other than temporary impairment losses on securities held in nuclear decommissioning funds in NEE's consolidated statements of income. Fund earnings are recognized in income and are reinvested in the funds. See Note 4. The tax effects of amounts not yet recognized for tax purposes are included in deferred income taxes. |
Major Maintenance Costs | Major Maintenance Costs - FPL recognizes costs associated with planned major nuclear maintenance in accordance with regulatory treatment and records the related accrual as a regulatory liability. FPL expenses costs associated with planned fossil maintenance as incurred. FPL's estimated nuclear maintenance costs for each nuclear unit's next planned outage are accrued over the period from the end of the last outage to the end of the next planned outage. Any difference between the estimated and actual costs is included in O&M expenses when known. The accrued liability for nuclear maintenance costs at December 31, 2016 and 2015 totaled approximately $65 million and $48 million , respectively, and is included in noncurrent regulatory liabilities on NEE's and FPL's consolidated balance sheets. For the years ended December 31, 2016, 2015 and 2014 , FPL recognized approximately $89 million , $90 million and $76 million , respectively, in nuclear maintenance costs which are primarily included in O&M expenses in NEE's and FPL's consolidated statements of income. NEER uses the deferral method to account for certain planned major maintenance costs. NEER's major maintenance costs for its nuclear generation units and combustion turbines are capitalized and amortized on a unit of production method over the period from the end of the last outage to the beginning of the next planned outage. NEER's capitalized major maintenance costs, net of accumulated amortization, totaled approximately $69 million and $97 million at December 31, 2016 and 2015 , respectively, and are included in noncurrent other assets on NEE's consolidated balance sheets. For the years ended December 31, 2016, 2015 and 2014 , NEER amortized approximately $74 million , $79 million and $81 million in major maintenance costs which are included in O&M expenses in NEE's consolidated statements of income. |
Cash Equivalents | Cash Equivalents - Cash equivalents consist of short-term, highly liquid investments with original maturities of three months or less. |
Restricted Cash | Restricted Cash - At December 31, 2016 and 2015 , NEE had approximately $311 million ( $120 million for FPL) and $244 million ($ 75 million for FPL), respectively, of restricted cash included in other current assets on NEE's and FPL's consolidated balance sheets, which was primarily related to margin cash collateral requirements, debt service payments and bond proceeds held for construction at FPL. Where offsetting positions exist, restricted cash related to margin cash collateral is netted against derivative instruments. See Note 3. |
Allowance for Doubtful Accounts | Allowance for Doubtful Accounts - FPL maintains an accumulated provision for uncollectible customer accounts receivable that is estimated using a percentage, derived from historical revenue and write-off trends, of the previous five months of revenue. Additional amounts are included in the provision to address specific items that are not considered in the calculation described above. NEER regularly reviews collectibility of its receivables and establishes a provision for losses estimated as a percentage of accounts receivable based on the historical bad debt write-off trends for its retail electricity provider operations and, when necessary, using the specific identification method for all other receivables. |
Inventory | Inventory - FPL values materials, supplies and fossil fuel inventory using a weighted-average cost method. NEER's materials, supplies and fossil fuel inventories are carried at the lower of weighted-average cost or market, unless evidence indicates that the weighted-average cost (even if in excess of market) will be recovered with a normal profit upon sale in the ordinary course of business. |
Energy Trading | Energy Trading - NEE provides full energy and capacity requirements services primarily to distribution utilities, which include load-following services and various ancillary services, in certain markets and engages in power and gas marketing and trading activities to optimize the value of electricity and fuel contracts, generation facilities and gas infrastructure assets, as well as to take advantage of projected favorable commodity price movements. Trading contracts that meet the definition of a derivative are accounted for at fair value and realized gains and losses from all trading contracts, including those where physical delivery is required, are recorded net for all periods presented. See Note 3. |
Securitized Storm-Recovery Costs, Storm Fund and Storm Reserve | Securitized Storm-Recovery Costs, Storm Fund and Storm Reserve - In connection with the 2007 storm-recovery bond financing (see Note 8 - FPL), the net proceeds to FPL from the sale of the storm-recovery property were used primarily to reimburse FPL for its estimated net of tax deficiency in its storm and property insurance reserve (storm reserve) and provide for a storm and property insurance reserve fund (storm fund). Upon the issuance of the storm-recovery bonds, the storm reserve deficiency was reclassified to securitized storm-recovery costs which is recorded as a current and noncurrent regulatory asset on NEE's and FPL's consolidated balance sheets. As storm-recovery charges are billed to customers (which are included in operating revenues), the securitized storm-recovery costs are amortized and included in depreciation and amortization expense in NEE's and FPL's consolidated statements of income. Marketable securities held in the storm fund are classified as available for sale and are carried at fair value. See Note 4. Fund earnings, consisting of dividends, interest and realized gains and losses, net of taxes, are reinvested in the fund. Fund earnings, as well as any changes in unrealized gains and losses, are not recognized in income and are reflected as a corresponding adjustment to the storm reserve. The tax effects of amounts not yet recognized for tax purposes are included in deferred income taxes. The storm fund is included in special use funds on NEE's and FPL's consolidated balance sheets and was approximately $74 million at December 31, 2015 . During the fourth quarter of 2016, all available funds were withdrawn from the storm fund to pay for the storm restoration costs associated with Hurricane Hermine and Hurricane Matthew (see below regarding Hurricane Hermine and Hurricane Matthew). FPL was impacted by Hurricane Hermine in September 2016 and Hurricane Matthew in October 2016. Hurricane Matthew resulted in damage in much of FPL's service territory and caused approximately 1.2 million of FPL's customers to lose electrical service. Damage to FPL property was primarily limited to the transmission and distribution systems. Storm restoration costs eligible for recovery for both events totaled approximately $315 million , the majority of which relates to Hurricane Matthew. Prior to these storms, FPL's storm and property insurance reserve had the capacity to absorb approximately $112 million in additional storm restoration costs ( $20 million of which was absorbed by Hurricane Hermine). At December 31, 2016, FPL's storm and property insurance reserve was fully depleted and storm restoration costs expected to be recoverable from customers exceeded the balance of the storm reserve by approximately $203 million . This deficiency has been deferred and recorded as a regulatory asset on NEE's and FPL's consolidated balance sheets. In February 2017, the FPSC approved FPL’s request to begin recovering eligible storm restoration costs over the reserve amount, plus approximately $117 million to replenish the reserve to the level authorized by the 2012 rate agreement. The recovery will take place through an interim surcharge that applies for a 12-month period starting March 1, 2017, with the amount collected subject to refund based on an FPSC prudence review. The replenished reserve will not initially be reflected on NEE’s and FPL’s consolidated balance sheets because the associated regulatory asset does not meet the specific recognition criteria under the accounting guidance for certain regulated entities. As a result, as the storm surcharge is billed to customers (which is recorded as operating revenues), the storm reserve will be recognized as a regulatory liability and charged to depreciation and amortization expense in NEE’s and FPL’s consolidated statements of income. |
Impairment of Long-Lived Assets | Impairment of Long-Lived Assets - NEE evaluates long-lived assets for impairment when events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable. An impairment loss is required to be recognized if the carrying value of the asset exceeds the undiscounted future net cash flows associated with that asset. The impairment loss to be recognized is the amount by which the carrying value of the long-lived asset exceeds the asset's fair value. In most instances, the fair value is determined by discounting estimated future cash flows using an appropriate interest rate. |
Goodwill and Other Intangible Assets | NEE's goodwill relates to various acquisitions which were accounted for using the purchase method of accounting. Other intangible assets subject to amortization are amortized, primarily on a straight-line basis, over their estimated useful lives. Amortization expense was approximately $35 million , $17 million and $15 million for the years ended December 31, 2016, 2015 and 2014 , respectively, and is expected to be approximately $ 31 million , $46 million , $39 million , $26 million and $19 million for 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021, respectively. Goodwill and other intangible assets are primarily included in noncurrent other assets on NEE's consolidated balance sheets. Goodwill and other intangible assets not subject to amortization are assessed for impairment at least annually by applying a fair value-based analysis. Other intangible assets subject to amortization are periodically reviewed when impairment indicators are present to assess recoverability from future operations using undiscounted future cash flows. |
Pension Plan | Pension Plan - NEE allocates net periodic pension income to its subsidiaries based on the pensionable earnings of the subsidiaries' employees. Accounting guidance requires recognition of the funded status of the pension plan in the balance sheet, with changes in the funded status recognized in other comprehensive income within shareholders' equity in the year in which the changes occur. Since NEE is the plan sponsor, and its subsidiaries do not have separate rights to the plan assets or direct obligations to their employees, this accounting guidance is reflected at NEE and not allocated to the subsidiaries. The portion of previously unrecognized actuarial gains and losses and prior service costs or credits that are estimated to be allocable to FPL as net periodic (income) cost in future periods and that otherwise would be recorded in accumulated other comprehensive income (AOCI) are classified as regulatory assets and liabilities at NEE in accordance with regulatory treatment. |
Stock-Based Compensation | Stock-Based Compensation - NEE accounts for stock-based payment transactions based on grant-date fair value. Compensation costs for awards with graded vesting are recognized on a straight-line basis over the requisite service period for the entire award. See Note 10 - Stock-Based Compensation. |
Income Taxes | Income Taxes - Deferred income taxes are recognized on all significant temporary differences between the financial statement and tax bases of assets and liabilities, and are presented as noncurrent on NEE's and FPL's consolidated balance sheets. In connection with the tax sharing agreement between NEE and certain of its subsidiaries, the income tax provision at each applicable subsidiary reflects the use of the "separate return method," except that tax benefits that could not be used on a separate return basis, but are used on the consolidated tax return, are recorded by the subsidiary that generated the tax benefits. Any remaining consolidated income tax benefits or expenses are recorded at the corporate level. Included in other regulatory assets and other regulatory liabilities on NEE's and FPL's consolidated balance sheets is the revenue equivalent of the difference in deferred income taxes computed under accounting rules, as compared to regulatory accounting rules. The net regulatory asset totaled $ 289 million ( $266 million for FPL) and $ 283 million ( $268 million for FPL) at December 31, 2016 and 2015 , respectively, and is being amortized in accordance with the regulatory treatment over the estimated lives of the assets or liabilities for which the deferred tax amount was initially recognized. Production tax credits (PTCs) are recognized as wind energy is generated and sold based on a per kWh rate prescribed in applicable federal and state statutes and are recorded as a reduction of current income taxes payable, unless limited by tax law in which instance they are recorded as deferred tax assets. NEER recognizes ITCs as a reduction to income tax expense when the related energy property is placed into service. FPL recognizes ITCs as a reduction to income tax expense over the depreciable life of the related energy property. At December 31, 2016 and 2015 , FPL’s accumulated deferred ITCs were approximately $ 123 million and $ 3 million , respectively, and are included in noncurrent regulatory liabilities on NEE's and FPL's consolidated balance sheets. NEE and FPL record a deferred income tax benefit created by the convertible ITCs on the difference between the financial statement and tax bases of renewable property. For NEER, this deferred income tax benefit is recorded in income tax expense in the year that the renewable property is placed in service. For FPL, this deferred income tax benefit is offset by a regulatory liability, which is amortized as a reduction of depreciation expense over the approximate lives of the related renewable property in accordance with the regulatory treatment. At December 31, 2016 and 2015 , the net deferred income tax benefits associated with FPL's convertible ITCs were approximately $ 46 million and $ 48 million , respectively, and are included in noncurrent regulatory assets and noncurrent regulatory liabilities on NEE's and FPL's consolidated balance sheets. A valuation allowance is recorded to reduce the carrying amounts of deferred tax assets when it is more likely than not that such assets will not be realized. NEE recognizes interest income (expense) related to unrecognized tax benefits (liabilities) in interest income and interest expense, respectively, net of the amount deferred at FPL. At FPL, the offset to accrued interest receivable (payable) on income taxes is classified as a regulatory liability (regulatory asset) which will be amortized to income (expense) over a five-year period upon settlement in accordance with regulatory treatment. All tax positions taken by NEE in its income tax returns that are recognized in the financial statements must satisfy a more-likely-than-not threshold. NEE and its subsidiaries file income tax returns in the U.S. federal jurisdiction and various states, the most significant of which is Florida, and certain foreign jurisdictions. Federal tax liabilities, with the exception of certain refund claims, are effectively settled for all years prior to 2013. State and foreign tax liabilities, which have varied statutes of limitations regarding additional assessments, are generally effectively settled for years prior to 2009. At December 31, 2016 , NEE had unrecognized tax benefits of approximately $ 40 million that, if disallowed, could impact the annual effective income tax rate. The amounts of unrecognized tax benefits and related interest accruals may change within the next 12 months; however, NEE and FPL do not expect these changes to have a significant impact on NEE’s or FPL’s financial statements. See Note 5. |
Sale of Differential Membership Interests | Sale of Differential Membership Interests - Certain subsidiaries of NEER sold their Class B membership interest in entities that have ownership interests in wind and solar facilities, with generating capacity totaling approximately 6,847 MW and 374 MW, respectively, at December 31, 2016 , to third-party investors. In exchange for the cash received, the holders of the Class B membership interests will receive a portion of the economic attributes of the facilities, including income tax attributes, for variable periods. The transactions are not treated as a sale under the accounting rules and the proceeds received are deferred and recorded as a liability in deferral related to differential membership interests - VIEs on NEE's consolidated balance sheets. The deferred amount is being recognized in benefits associated with differential membership interests - net in NEE's consolidated statements of income as the Class B members receive their portion of the economic attributes. NEE continues to operate and manage the wind and solar facilities, and consolidates the entities that own the wind and solar facilities. |
Variable Interest Entities (VIEs) | Variable Interest Entities (VIEs) - An entity is considered to be a VIE when its total equity investment at risk is not sufficient to permit the entity to finance its activities without additional subordinated financial support, or its equity investors, as a group, lack the characteristics of having a controlling financial interest. A reporting company is required to consolidate a VIE as its primary beneficiary when it has both the power to direct the activities of the VIE that most significantly impact the VIE's economic performance, and the obligation to absorb losses or the right to receive benefits from the VIE that could potentially be significant to the VIE. NEE and FPL evaluate whether an entity is a VIE whenever reconsideration events as defined by the accounting guidance occur. See Note 8. |
New Accounting Pronouncements | Leases - In February 2016, the FASB issued an accounting standards update which requires, among other things, that lessees recognize a lease liability, initially measured at the present value of the future lease payments; and a right-of-use asset for all leases (with the exception of short-term leases). The standards update will be effective for NEE and FPL beginning January 1, 2019. Early adoption is permitted. Lessees and lessors must apply a modified retrospective approach for all leases existing at, or entered into after, the beginning of the earliest comparative period presented in the financial statements. NEE and FPL are currently reviewing their portfolio of contracts and are in the process of determining the proper application of the standards update to these contracts in order to determine the impact the adoption will have on their consolidated financial statements, including timing of adoption. Financial Instruments Accounting Standards Update - In January 2016, the FASB issued an accounting standards update which modifies current guidance for financial instruments. The standards update requires that equity investments (except investments accounted for under the equity method and investments that are consolidated) be measured at fair value with changes in fair value recognized in net income and provides an option for those equity investments that do not have readily determinable fair values to be measured at cost minus impairment (plus or minus changes resulting from observable price changes). The standards update also makes certain changes to presentation and disclosure requirements of financial instruments. The standards update is effective for NEE and FPL beginning January 1, 2018 and will be applied retrospectively with the cumulative effect recognized as of the date of initial application. NEE and FPL are currently evaluating the effect the adoption of this standards update will have, if any, on their consolidated financial statements. |
Assets and Liabilities Associated with Assets Held for Sale | Assets and Liabilities Associated with Assets Held for Sale - In April 2016, a subsidiary of NEER completed the sale of its ownership interest in merchant natural gas generation facilities located in Texas with a total generating capacity of 2,884 MW for net cash proceeds of approximately $456 million , after transaction costs and working capital adjustments. A NEER affiliate continued to operate the facilities included in the sale through September 2016. In connection with the sale and the related consolidating state income tax effects, a gain of approximately $254 million ( $106 million after tax) was recorded in NEE's consolidated statements of income for the year ended December 31, 2016 and is included in losses (gains) on disposal of assets - net. The carrying amounts of the major classes of assets and liabilities related to the facilities that were classified as held for sale on NEE's consolidated balance sheets as of December 31, 2015 primarily represent property, plant and equipment and the related long-term debt. In 2016, a subsidiary of NEER initiated a plan, received internal authorization and completed the sale of its ownership interest in natural gas generation facilities located primarily in Pennsylvania with a total generating capacity of 840 MW for net cash proceeds of approximately $260 million , after transaction costs and working capital adjustments. In connection with the sale and the related consolidating state income tax effects, a gain of approximately $191 million ($ 113 million after tax) was recorded in NEE's consolidated statements of income for the year ended December 31, 2016 and is included in losses (gains) on disposal of assets - net. In January 2017, an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of NEE completed the sale of its membership interests in its fiber-optic telecommunications business (FPL FiberNet) for net cash proceeds of approximately $1.1 billion , after repayment of $370 million of related long-term debt. In connection with the sale and the related consolidating state income tax effects, a gain of approximately $1.1 billion (approximately $700 million after tax) will be recorded in NEE's consolidated statements of income during the three-months ended March 31, 2017. The carrying amounts of the major classes of assets and liabilities related to FPL FiberNet that were classified as held for sale on NEE's consolidated balance sheets as of December 31, 2016 primarily represent property, plant and equipment and the related long-term debt. |
Terminated Merger | Merger Termination - In 2014, NEE and Hawaiian Electric Industries, Inc. (HEI) entered into an Agreement and Plan of Merger (the HEI merger agreement) pursuant to which Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc. (HECO), HEI's wholly owned electric utility subsidiary, was to become a wholly owned subsidiary of NEE. In July 2016, the Hawaii Public Utilities Commission issued an order dismissing NEE's and HECO's merger application and, as a result, NEE terminated the HEI merger agreement. Pursuant to the terms of the HEI merger agreement, NEE paid HEI a termination fee of $90 million plus reimbursement to HEI for out-of-pocket expenses incurred in connection with the HEI merger agreement of $5 million , which is included in merger-related expenses in NEE's consolidated statements of income for the year ended December 31, 2016. |
Fair Value of Financial Instruments, Policy | The fair value of assets and liabilities are determined using either unadjusted quoted prices in active markets (Level 1) or pricing inputs that are observable (Level 2) whenever that information is available and using unobservable inputs (Level 3) to estimate fair value only when relevant observable inputs are not available. NEE and FPL use several different valuation techniques to measure the fair value of assets and liabilities, relying primarily on the market approach of using prices and other market information for identical and/or comparable assets and liabilities for those assets and liabilities that are measured at fair value on a recurring basis. NEE's and FPL's assessment of the significance of any particular input to the fair value measurement requires judgment and may affect placement within the fair value hierarchy levels. Non-performance risk, including the consideration of a credit valuation adjustment, is also considered in the determination of fair value for all assets and liabilities measured at fair value. Cash Equivalents and Restricted Cash - NEE primarily holds investments in money market funds. The fair value of these funds is estimated using a market approach based on current observable market prices. Special Use Funds and Other Investments - NEE and FPL hold primarily debt and equity securities directly, as well as indirectly through commingled funds. Substantially all directly held equity securities are valued at their quoted market prices. For directly held debt securities, multiple prices and price types are obtained from pricing vendors whenever possible, which enables cross-provider validations. A primary price source is identified based on asset type, class or issue of each security. Commingled funds, which are similar to mutual funds, are maintained by banks or investment companies and hold certain investments in accordance with a stated set of objectives. The fair value of commingled funds is primarily derived from the quoted prices in active markets of the underlying securities. Because the fund shares are offered to a limited group of investors, they are not considered to be traded in an active market. Derivative Instruments - NEE and FPL measure the fair value of commodity contracts using a combination of market and income approaches utilizing prices observed on commodities exchanges and in the OTC markets, or through the use of industry-standard valuation techniques, such as option modeling or discounted cash flows techniques, incorporating both observable and unobservable valuation inputs. The resulting measurements are the best estimate of fair value as represented by the transfer of the asset or liability through an orderly transaction in the marketplace at the measurement date. Most exchange-traded derivative assets and liabilities are valued directly using unadjusted quoted prices. For exchange-traded derivative assets and liabilities where the principal market is deemed to be inactive based on average daily volumes and open interest, the measurement is established using settlement prices from the exchanges, and therefore considered to be valued using other observable inputs. NEE, through its subsidiaries, including FPL, also enters into OTC commodity contract derivatives. The majority of these contracts are transacted at liquid trading points, and the prices for these contracts are verified using quoted prices in active markets from exchanges, brokers or pricing services for similar contracts. NEE, through NEER, also enters into full requirements contracts, which, in most cases, meet the definition of derivatives and are measured at fair value. These contracts typically have one or more inputs that are not observable and are significant to the valuation of the contract. In addition, certain exchange and non-exchange traded derivative options at NEE have one or more significant inputs that are not observable, and are valued using industry-standard option models. In all cases where NEE and FPL use significant unobservable inputs for the valuation of a commodity contract, consideration is given to the assumptions that market participants would use in valuing the asset or liability. The primary input to the valuation models for commodity contracts is the forward commodity curve for the respective instruments. Other inputs include, but are not limited to, assumptions about market liquidity, volatility, correlation and contract duration as more fully described below in Significant Unobservable Inputs Used in Recurring Fair Value Measurements. In instances where the reference markets are deemed to be inactive or do not have transactions for a similar contract, the derivative assets and liabilities may be valued using significant other observable inputs and potentially significant unobservable inputs. In such instances, the valuation for these contracts is established using techniques including extrapolation from or interpolation between actively traded contracts, or estimated basis adjustments from liquid trading points. NEE and FPL regularly evaluate and validate the inputs used to determine fair value by a number of methods, consisting of various market price verification procedures, including the use of pricing services and multiple broker quotes to support the market price of the various commodities. In all cases where there are assumptions and models used to generate inputs for valuing derivative assets and liabilities, the review and verification of the assumptions, models and changes to the models are undertaken by individuals that are independent of those responsible for estimating fair value. NEE uses interest rate contracts and foreign currency contracts to mitigate and adjust interest rate and foreign currency exchange exposure related primarily to certain outstanding and expected future debt issuances and borrowings when deemed appropriate based on market conditions or when required by financing agreements. NEE estimates the fair value of these derivatives using an income approach based on a discounted cash flows valuation technique utilizing the net amount of estimated future cash inflows and outflows related to the agreements. |
Derivatives, Policy | NEE and FPL use derivative instruments (primarily swaps, options, futures and forwards) to manage the commodity price risk inherent in the purchase and sale of fuel and electricity, as well as interest rate and foreign currency exchange rate risk associated primarily with outstanding and expected future debt issuances and borrowings, and to optimize the value of NEER's power generation and gas infrastructure assets. With respect to commodities related to NEE's competitive energy business, NEER employs risk management procedures to conduct its activities related to optimizing the value of its power generation and gas infrastructure assets, providing full energy and capacity requirements services primarily to distribution utilities, and engaging in power and gas marketing and trading activities to take advantage of expected future favorable price movements and changes in the expected volatility of prices in the energy markets. These risk management activities involve the use of derivative instruments executed within prescribed limits to manage the risk associated with fluctuating commodity prices. Transactions in derivative instruments are executed on recognized exchanges or via the over-the-counter (OTC) markets, depending on the most favorable credit terms and market execution factors. For NEER's power generation and gas infrastructure assets, derivative instruments are used to hedge all or a portion of the expected output of these assets. These hedges are designed to reduce the effect of adverse changes in the wholesale forward commodity markets associated with NEER's power generation and gas infrastructure assets. With regard to full energy and capacity requirements services, NEER is required to vary the quantity of energy and related services based on the load demands of the customers served. For this type of transaction, derivative instruments are used to hedge the anticipated electricity quantities required to serve these customers and reduce the effect of unfavorable changes in the forward energy markets. Additionally, NEER takes positions in energy markets based on differences between actual forward market levels and management's view of fundamental market conditions, including supply/demand imbalances, changes in traditional flows of energy, changes in short- and long-term weather patterns and anticipated regulatory and legislative outcomes. NEER uses derivative instruments to realize value from these market dislocations, subject to strict risk management limits around market, operational and credit exposure. Derivative instruments, when required to be marked to market, are recorded on NEE's and FPL's consolidated balance sheets as either an asset or liability measured at fair value. At FPL, substantially all changes in the derivatives' fair value are deferred as a regulatory asset or liability until the contracts are settled, and, upon settlement, any gains or losses are passed through the fuel and purchased power cost recovery clause (fuel clause). For NEE's non-rate regulated operations, predominantly NEER, essentially all changes in the derivatives' fair value for power purchases and sales, fuel sales and trading activities are recognized on a net basis in operating revenues; fuel purchases used in the production of electricity are recognized in fuel, purchased power and interchange expense; and the equity method investees' related activity is recognized in equity in earnings of equity method investees in NEE's consolidated statements of income. Settlement gains and losses are included within the line items in the consolidated statements of income to which they relate. Transactions for which physical delivery is deemed not to have occurred are presented on a net basis in the consolidated statements of income. For commodity derivatives, NEE believes that, where offsetting positions exist at the same location for the same time, the transactions are considered to have been netted and therefore physical delivery has been deemed not to have occurred for financial reporting purposes. Settlements related to derivative instruments are primarily recognized in net cash provided by operating activities in NEE's and FPL's consolidated statements of cash flows. In January 2016, NEE discontinued hedge accounting for its cash flow and fair value hedges related to interest rate and foreign currency derivative instruments and, therefore, all changes in the derivatives' fair value, as well as the transaction gain or loss on foreign denominated debt, are recognized in interest expense in NEE's consolidated statements of income |
Earnings Per Share | Prior to the issuance of NEE’s common stock, the stock purchase contracts, if dilutive, will be reflected in NEE’s diluted earnings per share calculations using the treasury stock method. Under this method, the number of shares of NEE common stock used in calculating diluted earnings per share is deemed to be increased by the excess, if any, of the number of shares that would be issued upon settlement of the stock purchase contracts over the number of shares that could be purchased by NEE in the market, at the average market price during the period, using the proceeds receivable upon settlement. |