2017 - 2019 Summary PG&E Forecast PG&E Forecast PG&E Forecast Settlement Settlement Settlement 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Capital-Related RRQ $5,030 $5,392 $5,664 $4,946 $5,304 $5,582 Rate Base $24,541 $25,708 $26,937 $24,331 $25,379 $26,328 Capital Additions $4,083 $3,880 $4,206 $3,920 $3,655 $3,578 Expense RRQ $3,205 $3,310 $3,406 $3,058 $3,145 $3,228 Escalation Rates Labor 3.20% 3.34% 3.20% 2.40% 2.40% 2.40% Material Global Insight Global Insight Global Insight Global Insight Global Insight Global Insight Medical N/A 5.01% 1.52% N/A 3.90% 3.80% Total RRQ $8,235 $8,702 $9,070 $8,004 $8,449 $8,810 (Millions of Nominal Dollars) * Consistent with capital expenditures shown in Appendix A, capital additions include cost of removal, capitalized pension contributions and common and general. Capitalized pension contributions and the non-GRC components of common and general are excluded from PG&E’s authorized GRC capital revenue requirements and rate base.