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aa, aaa, AAI, Aaron, abandoned, abatement, Abdullah, Abierto, ability, Abimva, abolished, abrasion, abroad, absence, Absent, absolute, abuse, ABX, ABXFC, AC, Acacia, Academy, accelerated, acceptable, accepted, accessed, accessible, accessing, accompanied, accompany, accomplished, accreditation, accretion, accrue, accrued, accumulated, accuracy, accurate, accurately, achieve, achieved, achievement, achieving, acid, acidity, acquire, acquired, acquiring, acquisition, acreage, activated, active, actively, activity, acute, acutely, Ad, add, added, addendum, adding, addition, additional, Additionally, addressed, addressing, ADEFA, adequacy, adequate, adequately, adhere, adherence, adjacent, adjusted, adjusting, adjustment, administered, administering, admit, admitted, adsorbed, advance, advanced, advancement, advancing, advantage, adverse, adversely, advertising, advice, advisor, advisory, advocate, aerial, Aerodrome, AES, AfDB, affect, affected, affecting, affidavit, affiliate, affiliated, affirmed, AFIP, aforementioned, Africa, African, AFSI, Ag, Age, aged, agency, agenda, aggregate, aggregated, Aggressive, aging, ago, agree, agreed, agreement, ahead, Aibetsu, aim, aimed, aiming, Aindi, air, airborne, airline, al, Alaska, Albermarle, albite, albizia, Alcoa, Alibaba, allegation, alleged, allegedly, alleging, alliance, allocate, allocated, allocation, allochthon, alluvial, alongside, alter, alteration, altered, alternate, alternation, alternative, alternatively, amalgamated, amalgamation, Ambarau, ambient, Ambiental, Ambiente, amenable, American, Ammar, amortization, amount, amounting, amp, amparo, amplitude, analyst, analytical, analyze, analyzed, analyzing, anchor, ancillary, Andean, andesitic, Andina, Andrew, anew, angle, Anglo, AngloGold, anisotropy, ankerite, Anne, anniversary, announce, announced, announcement, announcing, annul, annulled, annum, anomaly, answer, anticipate, anticipated, anticipation, anticlinal, antimony, Antler, Antofagasta, apparently, appeal, appealed, appellate, applied, apply, applying, appointed, appointment, approach, approximately, April, aquifer, Arabia, arbitral, arbitration, arc, Archean, area, Argentina, Argentine, Argentinean, Argentinian, argillic, argillized, argument, arid, arise, arisen, arising, Arizona, armed, Army, arose, arrangement, array, arrive, arrived, Arroyo, arsenic, arsenopyite, arsenopyrite, Art, article, artisanal, Arturo, Arua, ascertain, Ashanti, Asia, assay, assayed, assemblage, assembly, asserted, asserting, asset, assign, assigned, assignment, assimilating, assist, assistance, assume, assumed, assuming, assumption, assurance, assure, assured, Atacama, Atahualpa, Atalla, Atlantic, attached, attempt, attempted, attend, attended, attention, Attorney, attract, attracting, attractive, attributable, attributed, attrition, Au, Audio, auger, augment, augmented, August, Austral, Australia, Australian, autoclave, automotive, auxiliary, average, averaged, avoid, awaiting, award, awarded, aware, Azambi, Baa, Baboto, Babson, bachelor, back, backfill, backup, Bajo, balance, balanced, ball, Balochistan, Bamako, Bambadji, ban, band, banded, bank, bankable, banker, banking, bankruptcy, BAP, Baqata, Bar, Barack, bargaining, barite, barrel, barrier, Bartell, basalt, basaltic, base, based, baseline, basement, basic, basin, battery, Battle, Bayo, Bazza, bb, BBB, BBT, BCBCA, bearing, bedded, bedding, bedrock, began, begin, beginning, Beguaertii, belief, Bell, belt, bench, Benchmark, Bendheim, beneath, beneficial, beneficially, beneficiation, Beringer, Betze, BGC, BGFC, BGI, BHP, BIBC, bid, Biden, bifurcated, Bilateral, bill, billed, billion, binding, biodiversity, Biological, bit, blast, blasted, blasting, blended, blending, blind, BLM, block, Bloomberg, Blue, BNAF, BNL, Boac, body, Bofill, boil, Bonanza, bond, book, Bootstrap, border, borehole, Boroo, borrow, borrowed, borrowing, Bottle, bottled, Bottling, bottom, Boulder, bound, boundary, bounded, bounding, Boy, BPDAF, branch, Brazil, breach, breached, breadth, breccia, brecciated, brecciation, Brett, Brian, bridge, bring, bringing, British, broad, broader, broadly, broken, Brookfield, Brooklyn, brought, brownfield, budget, Buffalo, build, building, built, bulk, Bullfrog, bullion, Bulyanhulu, Bureau, Burkina, burnt, Burton, businessman, buttressing, buy, buyback, Buzwagi, Caa, Cai, Calancan, California, Calista, called, calling, Cambrian, Camflo, camp, campaign, CAMT, Canada, Canadian, Canal, canceled, cancellation, cancelled, Canyon, capability, capacity, Capel, capped, captured, carbon, carbonate, Cardiff, cardinal, care, career, carefully, Caribbean, Carlin, Carmen, carried, carry, carrying, Casale, case, cash, Casper, Caspiche, Cassation, Cast, catastrophic, categorized, category, cathode, Cautelam, cautionary, cautioned, Cayman, cc, CCC, CDC, CDE, CDP, cease, ceased, Cedrate, cemented, center, centered, central, Centre, Centro, CERCLA, ceremony, Cerro, certainty, certified, certifying, cessation, CFA, CGeol, CGU, Chacao, chain, chair, chaired, chairman, chalcopyrite, challenge, challenged, challenging, chamber, champion, channel, channeled, character, characterization, characterized, charge, charitable, chart, charter, Chartered, Chase, cheaper, chemical, Chicago, chief, chiefly, Chile, Chilean, Chimi, Chimney, China, Chinese, chip, chloride, chlorite, choose, chosen, Christopher, CIC, CIL, CIM, cinnabar, CIPPEC, circuit, Circular, circulated, circulation, circumstance, Citibank, citing, civic, civil, claim, claimed, claiming, clarified, clarify, clarifying, clashed, classified, Classifying, clastic, clause, clay, clean, cleaner, cleanup, clear, cleared, clearing, client, climate, climatic, Clinton, closest, closure, CLP, cluster, CMN, CMZ, CNE, CNX, coal, coalition, coarse, coast, coconut, codified, COG, coherent, coincide, cold, Coleman, collapse, collar, collect, collected, collection, collective, collectively, College, Columbia, combination, combine, combined, combustion, comfortably, command, commence, commenced, commencement, comment, Commerce, commercial, commercially, comminution, commit, commitment, committed, commodity, commonly, communicate, communicated, communicating, communication, community, comparable, comparative, compare, compared, comparison, compelling, compensation, compensatory, compete, competence, competency, competent, competition, competitive, competitor, complaint, complementary, complementing, complex, complexity, compliance, compliant, component, composed, Compound, compounded, comprehensive, comprise, comprised, comprising, compromise, compromised, compromising, computer, concealed, concentrate, concentrated, concentration, Concentrator, concept, conceptual, concession, conciliation, conclude, concluded, conclusion, concrete, concurrent, concurrently, condemnation, confidence, confidential, confined, confirm, confirmation, confirmed, confirming, conflict, conflicting, conform, conformance, conglomerate, Congo, Congolese, conjunction, consecutive, Conservancy, conservation, conservational, conserve, considerable, consideration, consist, consisted, consistent, consistently, consisting, CONSOL, consortium, constitute, constitution, constitutional, constitutionality, constrained, construct, constructed, construction, constructive, constructively, consultant, consultation, consulting, Consumptive, contaminate, contamination, contemplate, contemplated, contended, content, contested, context, contingent, continually, continuation, continue, continued, continuing, continuity, continuously, contouring, contract, contracted, contractional, contractor, contrary, contrast, contravention, convention, conventional, Convergence, Conversely, conversion, convert, converted, conveyance, conviction, cooling, Coordinador, coordinated, Copiapo, copper, copy, Coquimbo, Cordillera, core, Corona, Coronado, correlate, corridor, corrosion, Corrupt, corruption, Cortez, cost, Costantini, costly, Cote, Council, counterparty, country, County, coup, coupled, court, covenant, coverage, CPA, Cranfield, create, created, creation, Crecimiento, credibility, credible, credit, Creek, Crescent, criminal, criteria, critical, crop, crosscutting, crown, crushed, crusher, crushing, crust, Cruz, CSAMT, Cu, Cuaba, cubic, culminating, cultural, culture, Cumba, cumulative, CuproChlor, cure, currency, curtail, curve, curvilinear, customarily, customary, customer, cut, cutting, cyanidation, cyanide, cybersecurity, cycle, cyclical, cyclone, cylindrical, dacite, daily, Dakar, Dalema, dam, damage, Damar, Dar, database, David, DB, dd, DDB, de, deadline, deal, dealing, death, debate, debt, decade, decalcified, decarbonated, decarbonatized, decay, decided, deciding, decimal, decision, declaration, declare, declared, decline, declined, decommission, decommissioned, decommissioning, decorative, decrease, decreased, decreasing, decree, dedicated, deducted, deductible, deduction, deem, deemed, deep, deeper, defeasance, defence, defend, defended, defending, defense, deferred, deformation, deformational, degradation, degree, del, delay, delegate, delegated, delegation, delineated, delineating, delineation, deliver, delivered, delivering, delivery, demand, demanded, Democratic, demonstrate, demonstrated, denial, denied, denominated, density, dentistry, deny, denying, department, depend, dependable, dependent, depending, deplete, depleted, depletion, deploy, deployed, deposit, depreciated, depreciation, depressed, deprivation, depth, Deputy, Derek, derivative, derive, derived, des, description, desert, design, designate, designated, designation, designed, desirable, desired, desktop, destabilization, destabilize, destruction, detail, detailed, detect, detected, detection, deteriorate, determination, determine, determined, determining, detox, detrimental, Deutsche, devaluation, develop, developed, developing, development, Devonian, dewatering, diagram, dialogue, diamond, Diangoumerila, Diego, diesel, difficult, difficulty, Digby, digging, digit, digital, dike, diligence, diligently, diluting, dilution, dimension, diminished, dioxide, dip, dipping, Diq, direct, directed, directing, direction, directive, directly, director, disagreement, disappointing, discarded, discharge, discharged, disciplinary, disciplined, disclose, disclosed, discontinued, discount, discounted, discovered, discovering, discovery, discrete, discretion, disease, dislocation, dismissal, dismissed, dismissing, dispersed, disposal, dispose, disposed, disposition, dispute, disputed, disregarded, disrupt, disrupted, disruption, disseminated, dissemination, dissolution, dissolve, dissolved, distinct, distinction, distinctive, distinguish, distinguished, distributed, distribution, district, disturbed, diverse, diversification, diversity, divert, diverted, divest, divested, divesting, divestiture, divestment, divided, dividend, division, Divisional, DL, DNA, doctorate, DOI, dollar, domain, domaining, Dome, domestic, dominant, dominated, Domingo, Dominican, Dominicana, Domo, Donlin, dor, Dorothy, dosing, double, downgrade, downgraded, downhole, downstream, downturn, dozen, DR, draft, drainage, drawn, DRC, drift, drifting, drill, drilled, drilling, Drinking, driven, driver, drop, dropped, drought, dry, dual, ductile, due, duration, duty, dynamic, earlier, earliest, earn, earned, earning, earth, earthquake, east, eastern, Ebino, EBITDA, Ebola, Ebony, ecologically, ecology, economic, economically, economy, ecosystem, EDGAR, Editor, educated, education, educational, ee, efficacy, efficiency, efficient, efficiently, effort, Egypt, Egyptian, eighteen, EIS, el, electric, electrical, Electricidad, electricity, electrification, element, elemental, elevated, elevation, eliminate, eliminated, Eliza, Elko, elongate, Emigrant, emission, emphasize, emphasizing, emplaced, employed, employee, employing, empower, EMS, en, enable, enabled, enabling, enargite, encapsulation, encompassed, encompassing, encountered, encouragement, encouraging, encroach, endangered, Endeavour, endemic, endnote, endorsed, endowed, endure, energization, energize, energized, energy, enforce, enforcement, Enga, engineer, engineered, engineering, English, enhance, enhanced, enhancing, enjoined, enriched, ensure, ensuring, Ente, Entebbe, enter, entered, entering, enterprise, entertainment, entirety, entity, entrenched, entry, enveloped, environment, environmental, environmentally, Eocene, epidemic, epithermal, equal, equating, Equidad, equipment, equipping, equitably, equity, equivalent, erosional, es, escalate, escape, Escobar, Escondida, Escondido, escrow, ESG, ESIA, Eskay, Estado, estate, Ester, estimate, estimated, estimating, estimation, Etchart, ethically, eugeoclinal, Eureka, Europe, European, evaluate, evaluated, evaluating, evaluation, evaporation, event, eventual, evidence, evidentiary, evolve, examine, examined, excavation, exceed, exceeded, exceeding, excellence, excellent, excessive, excise, excluded, excluding, exclusively, exemption, exercise, exercised, exert, Exeter, exhaust, exist, existed, existence, existing, exit, exiting, exoneration, expand, expanded, expanding, expansion, expansive, expect, expectation, expected, expend, expenditure, expense, expensed, experience, experienced, expert, expertise, expiration, expire, expired, explanation, exploit, exploitation, exploiting, exploration, explore, exploring, export, exportation, exported, exporter, expose, exposed, exposure, expressed, expressly, expropriation, extensional, extent, extinguishment, extortion, extract, extracted, extracting, extraction, extractive, extraordinary, extreme, fabrication, face, faced, facilitate, facilitated, facilitating, facility, facing, fact, factor, fail, failed, failure, fair, fairly, Faleme, fall, false, familiar, familiarity, familiarize, fan, Faraba, Farfetch, farm, Faso, fatality, Fatima, Fatiri, fault, Faulting, FAusIMM, favor, favorable, favorably, Fe, feasibility, feasible, feature, February, fed, federal, fee, feed, feedback, feeder, Feet, feldspar, fell, fellowship, felsic, felt, fence, Fenceline, fencing, ferruginea, fertile, ff, FGS, fiat, Fiberline, field, Fieldwork, fifteen, fill, filled, Filter, Fina, final, finalization, finalize, finalized, finally, finance, Financeco, Financiero, financing, fine, finely, finger, Firefinch, Fish, fit, fitted, fixed, fixing, flanked, flanking, flash, flat, fleet, flexibility, flight, floating, flooding, floor, Flora, flotation, flow, flowsheet, fluctuate, fluctuated, fluctuation, fluent, fluid, focal, focused, focusing, fold, folding, foliation, Fonondara, Food, foot, footprint, footwall, force, forced, forecast, forecasting, foreclose, foregoing, foregone, foreign, forest, forestry, formal, formalizing, formally, formation, formula, Fortune, forward, fossilized, fostering, found, foundation, founded, Fourmile, fourth, framework, franc, fraud, free, freezing, French, frequency, frequent, frequently, fresh, front, Frontera, Frontier, fuel, Fulbright, fulfilled, fulfilling, full, fully, function, functioning, fund, fundamental, funded, funding, future, FW, gabbroic, gain, gained, gangue, gap, Gara, Garamba, garden, gas, Gate, gather, gathered, gathering, Gazette, Gender, genetically, gently, genuine, geochemical, geochemistry, geographic, geographical, geologic, geological, geologically, geology, geometallurgical, geometry, geophysical, geopolitical, George, Georgetown, Georgia, geoscientist, geotechnical, Germany, Getchell, gg, GHG, Gillespie, GISTM, glacier, global, globalization, globally, globe, Glossary, goal, GOB, Godofredo, Gokona, Golconda, Goldcorp, Golden, Goldman, Goldrush, Goldstar, Goldstrike, good, goodwill, GOP, Gorumbwa, Gounkoto, governmental, Governor, graben, graduated, graduating, Grand, Grande, granodiorite, grant, granted, granting, gravel, gravity, great, greater, greatly, Green, greenfield, greenhouse, greenschist, Greenspun, greenstone, greywacke, grid, grievance, Griffin, grinding, gritty, Grizzly, ground, groundwater, group, grouped, grouse, grow, growing, grown, Grupo, GST, guarantee, guaranteed, guarantor, Guarea, guest, Guiana, guidance, Guide, Guiding, Guinea, Guinean, Gulch, Gustavo, Guyana, habitat, Hadley, half, halt, handed, handle, handling, handover, hanging, Hanson, hard, hardrock, hardware, harm, harmful, Harvard, Harvest, Harvey, Hatillo, haul, haulage, hauled, hauling, Haut, head, heading, healthy, heap, hear, heard, hearing, heart, heat, heaviest, heavy, hedge, hedging, heightening, Helen, hematite, Hemlo, henceforth, hereof, hereto, Heritage, Hernandez, hh, high, higher, highest, highlight, highlighted, highlighting, highly, highway, Hill, hilly, Hippo, hire, hiring, Hishikari, Hispaniola, historic, historical, historically, history, HMC, hoisted, hoisting, Hokkaido, hold, holder, holding, hole, holistic, Holm, home, Homestake, Hondo, Hong, honorary, horizon, horizontal, Horse, host, hosted, hosting, hot, Hound, hour, hourly, house, housing, HSBC, Hudbay, human, Humboldt, hundred, Hungary, hurdle, HW, hydrogen, hydrogeological, hydrological, hydropower, hydrothermal, hydrothermally, hygiene, hypogene, IAMGOLD, IAS, ICAFAL, ICC, ICM, ICMI, ICMM, ICSID, identified, identify, identifying, ii, iii, Ikamva, illegal, image, immaterial, impact, impacted, impacting, impair, impaired, impairment, impede, impediment, imperative, Imperial, impermeabilization, impermeable, Implead, implement, implementation, implemented, implementing, implied, import, important, importation, impose, imposed, imposition, impoundment, impressive, improper, improperly, improve, improved, improvement, improving, inability, inadequate, inadvertent, inappropriate, incentive, incentivize, inception, incidence, incident, incidental, inclement, inclusion, inclusive, income, incomplete, inconsistent, incorrect, increase, increased, increasing, increasingly, incremental, incur, incurred, incurring, indemnification, Indenture, indict, indicted, Indio, indirect, indirectly, individual, individually, induced, inevitable, inferred, infill, infilling, infiltration, inflation, inflationary, inflow, influence, influenced, influential, influx, infrastructural, infrastructure, infringement, inherent, inherently, initial, initially, initiate, initiated, initiative, injection, injunction, injured, injury, inlier, innovation, inorganic, input, inquiry, inside, insight, inspected, inspection, instability, install, installation, installed, Institute, Institution, Institutional, instruction, instructive, instrument, insufficiency, insufficient, insurance, insurgent, integrate, integrated, integrating, integration, integrity, intend, intended, intense, intensely, intensity, intensive, intention, Inter, interagency, interbedded, intercept, intercepted, intercompany, interconnected, interest, interference, interim, Interior, interlayered, interlink, intermediate, intermittently, internationally, interpret, interpretation, interpreted, intersect, intersected, intersection, Interstate, intervene, intervened, Intervention, intimately, introduce, introduced, introducing, introduction, intruded, intrusive, invalid, invasion, inventory, invest, invested, investigate, investigating, investigation, investigative, investing, investment, investor, invite, invited, involve, involved, involvement, involving, ion, IPO, IRA, IRC, iron, ironstone, IRP, IRR, irrigation, IRS, Isela, island, Ismail, ISO, isoclinal, isolation, issuance, item, iv, Izzenhood, JA, Jabal, Jachal, Jamie, Janob, January, Japan, jasperoid, JB, Jersey, jewelry, jj, Joe, join, joined, joining, joint, jointly, Journal, Journey, JPMorgan, JSE, Juan, Jubula, judge, judgment, judicial, July, jumbo, June, Junior, Juniper, jurisprudence, Justice, justified, JV, Kababisa, Kabagambe, Kabetea, Kabewest, Kach, Kaiser, Kalgoorlie, Kalikasan, Kalimva, Kamalamba, Kamisengo, Kampala, KCD, Kedougou, Kenieba, Kennecott, Kennedy, Kenorland, Kenya, Kenyan, key, Kibali, killed, Kiln, kilometer, kina, kind, King, Kingdom, Kinshasa, Kinver, Kisangani, knowledge, Kofi, Kombokolo, Kong, Koro, kt, Kumul, Kuskokwim, kwacha, Kyushu, KZ, la, labor, laboratory, lack, lacking, laid, Laja, Lama, land, Lander, landlocked, landmark, landscape, Lane, Lanete, language, Lantern, large, largely, larger, largest, Las, Latin, Laurel, law, lawsuit, lawyer, layering, layout, LBMA, lbs, leach, leached, leaching, lead, leadership, leading, leak, leakage, lease, leasing, leave, led, Leeville, left, legacy, legal, legality, legalization, legally, legislation, legislative, legislature, lending, length, lesser, letter, level, leverage, levied, liability, liable, liaising, liberate, LIBOR, licence, license, licensing, Lider, life, lift, lifted, lifting, light, likelihood, likewise, Lila, limb, lime, limestone, limit, Limitada, limitation, limited, line, lineament, lineation, liner, linguistic, link, linked, liquefied, list, listed, literate, lithic, lithium, lithological, lithology, litigate, litigated, litigation, lived, livelihood, livestock, living, Llagal, LLC, LME, load, loaded, loading, loadout, loan, local, localized, locally, locate, located, locating, location, lode, lodge, lodging, logging, logistical, Loma, London, Lone, long, longer, longhole, longitudinal, longstanding, Loreto, Los, losing, lost, Loulo, low, lower, lowering, lowest, Loyola, Ltda, LTIFR, Lubwe, Lumwana, Lundin, Lupine, Ma, machinery, macroeconomic, mafic, magazine, Maggie, magnetic, magnetite, magnetized, Magnetotelluric, magnitude, Mahlangu, maiden, Maimon, main, maintain, maintained, maintaining, maintenance, Makapa, Maker, Makoro, malaria, Mali, Malian, malware, Mamerto, mandate, maneuver, Manhattan, manifest, manipulation, manner, Manoy, manual, manually, manufacture, manufacturing, map, mapping, Mara, Marabi, Marakeke, Marape, Marcopper, Margajita, margin, Maricunga, Marinduque, market, marketing, marketplace, MAS, Massawa, massive, master, matrix, matter, mature, maturing, maturity, Maverix, maximize, maximizing, maximum, MBA, McCullough, McKinsey, meaningful, meantime, measurable, measure, measured, measuring, mechanical, mechanism, medal, media, mediation, medical, medically, Medio, medium, meet, meeting, mega, megavolt, megawatt, Megi, Meikle, Mejita, Mellon, member, Memorial, men, Mendoza, Mengu, mentioned, Merchant, mercury, merged, merger, merit, met, metal, metallic, metallurgical, metallurgy, metamorphosed, meter, method, methodology, metric, Mexico, MGeol, Miami, Michael, Michilla, mid, middle, Midway, Mike, mild, milestone, military, militia, mill, milled, Millennium, milling, million, mineable, mineplan, Minera, mineral, mineralization, mineralized, mineralizing, minesite, minimal, minimize, minimizing, minimum, minister, ministerial, Ministry, misconception, misleading, misrepresentation, Mississippian, mitigate, mitigated, mitigating, mitigation, mix, Mizobe, MNFR, mobile, mobilization, model, modeling, moderate, moderating, modern, Modernization, modernize, modest, modification, modified, modifier, modify, modifying, Mofu, Mogoyafara, Mogpog, molten, MoMA, Mombasa, monetary, monetization, monetize, monitor, monitoring, Monte, Montenegro, month, monthly, Moody, Moore, Morehouse, Morila, Morningstar, Morro, motion, motivate, motivation, Moto, Mountain, move, movement, moving, MPhil, MRE, MRI, MRM, mudstone, mule, Multinational, multiple, municipal, Museum, mutual, mutually, Nacional, nameplate, Naranjo, Narrative, narrow, narrower, national, Nationale, nationalization, nationalize, Native, natural, naturally, nature, Naty, navigate, nearby, nearest, necessarily, negative, negatively, negotiate, negotiated, Negro, Neil, NEPA, net, netted, network, neutral, neutrality, neutralization, Nevada, newly, Newmont, Nickel, nil, Nile, Nino, Niugini, NM, nominal, nominating, Norte, northeast, northern, northwest, northwestern, Norton, notable, notably, note, noted, notice, notified, noting, notional, Notwithstanding, NOVAGOLD, November, NPT, nuisance, nullify, numerical, nurture, NV, NW, NYSE, Nzoro, Obama, OBCA, objection, objective, obligor, observable, observe, observed, obsolescence, obtain, obtained, obtaining, occasionally, occur, occurred, occurrence, occurring, October, OECD, Oere, offer, official, offset, offsetting, offshore, offsite, ohm, oil, Okuchi, onboarding, ongoing, onset, onsite, Ontario, open, opening, openly, operatorship, opinion, opportunity, oppose, opposed, opposition, optimistic, optimization, optimize, optimized, optimizing, option, optionality, oral, order, ordered, ordering, orderly, ordinance, ordinary, Ordovician, orebody, organizational, Orientale, orientation, Oriente, origin, original, originally, Orogen, orogenic, Ortiga, Osgood, Otsuka, ounce, outcome, outcrop, outcropping, outer, outline, outlined, outlook, outreach, outright, overarching, overburden, overcoming, overlain, overlap, overlying, overnight, overprinted, overprinting, overriding, oversee, overseeing, overseen, oversight, overturned, owed, owner, ownership, Oxford, oxidation, oxide, oxidize, oxygen, ozs, Pacific, PacifiCorp, package, packed, pad, PAG, paid, Pakaka, Pakistan, Pakistani, Paleozoic, Pamao, Panama, PanCana, pandemic, panel, Pangea, Papa, paper, Papua, para, Paraguay, parallel, paramount, Paran, parent, Park, Parliament, part, partial, partially, participate, participated, participating, participation, partner, partnering, partnership, party, passage, passageway, passed, passing, patented, path, pathfinder, paused, paved, pay, payable, payment, PD, peacefully, peak, Pearl, Peattie, pediment, Pedro, peer, pending, Penelope, Pension, people, percentage, perception, percolation, perform, performance, performed, performing, perimeter, peripheral, permanent, permeability, Permian, permit, permitted, permitting, Perry, personnel, perspective, pertain, pertaining, Peru, Peruvian, peso, Pete, Peter, Petition, petitioned, petrol, Petroleum, PGC, pharmaceutical, phase, phenomena, Philippine, philosophy, Phoenix, photovoltaic, physical, physically, physiographic, Pic, Pierina, pile, pillar, pilot, Pine, PineBridge, pink, Pinson, pioneering, pipe, pipeline, Piping, pit, pivotal, placement, placer, plaintiff, plan, planned, planning, plant, plastic, plate, played, plc, pleaded, pleading, Plenary, plunge, plunging, plutonic, PNG, point, polarization, police, policy, political, pollution, polymetallic, polymictic, pond, Pontificia, Poor, popular, population, Porfiada, Porgera, porphyry, port, portal, portfolio, portion, Portuguese, pose, posed, position, positioned, positive, positively, possession, post, posted, postponed, potable, potential, potentially, Potosi, pound, power, powerful, practicable, practical, practice, Prayer, Preble, Precipitate, precipitated, precipitation, preclusive, predecessor, predict, predicted, predominantly, preference, preferred, pregnant, prejudice, preliminary, prepayment, prescribed, presence, Preservation, preserve, preserved, preserving, president, Presidential, presiding, pressure, pressurized, prevailing, prevalent, prevent, prevented, preventing, prevention, Preygota, price, pricing, primarily, Prime, Princeton, principle, prior, prioritization, prioritize, prioritized, prioritizing, priority, private, privately, proactively, procedural, procedure, proceed, proceeding, processed, processing, procurement, produce, produced, producer, producing, product, production, productivity, professional, Professor, proficiency, proficient, profile, profit, profitability, profitable, profitably, program, programme, progressed, progressing, progressive, progressively, prohibit, prohibited, project, projected, prolific, prolonged, prominent, promote, promoted, promoting, Promotion, promulgated, prone, proper, properly, property, proportion, proposal, propose, proposed, proposing, proprietary, prosecution, prospect, prospecting, prospective, prospectivity, prosperity, Proterozoic, prove, proven, provincial, provision, provisional, provisionally, proximal, proximity, proxy, Pte, Pty, publicly, publish, published, Publisher, Pueblo, pump, pumping, pure, purification, Purple, purport, purported, purportedly, purpose, pursue, pursued, pursuing, pursuit, pushback, put, putative, PV, PVD, pyrite, pyroclastic, pyrrhotite, qualified, qualifying, quality, quantify, quantity, quantum, quarantine, Quarmby, Quarry, quarter, quarterly, quartz, Quartzite, Quebec, Quebrada, question, questionable, questionnaire, Quevar, quickly, Quinlan, Quinn, quotational, quoted, RAB, Rabbit, rail, rain, rainfall, raisebore, Ramirez, ramming, ramp, ramped, ramping, ranch, rand, Randgold, range, ranged, ranging, ranked, ranking, ransomware, rapid, rapidly, rare, rate, rateably, rated, ratification, ratified, rating, ratio, rationalization, rationalized, raw, RC, RDI, reach, reached, reacquired, reactivation, read, readily, ready, reagent, real, realizable, realize, realized, realizing, reapproved, reassessment, reassigned, rebuild, recalculated, recapture, receipt, receivable, receive, received, receiving, recent, recently, recession, reciprocating, recirculation, reclaim, Reclaimed, reclaiming, reclamation, reclassified, recognition, recognize, recognized, recognizing, recommence, recommendation, recommended, recommending, reconcile, reconciliation, reconnaissance, reconsideration, reconstituted, reconstitution, record, recorded, recording, recoupment, recover, recoverable, recovered, recovery, recruitment, recumbent, recurrence, recusal, recycle, recycled, recycling, redeemed, redemption, redistribution, reduce, reduced, reducing, reduction, redundant, reevaluate, refinance, refined, refinement, refiner, refinery, refining, reflect, reflected, reflecting, reflection, reflective, refractory, refuge, refused, Regent, regime, region, regional, registrar, regolith, regrettably, Regulador, regular, regularly, rehabilitate, rehabilitation, rehandle, reinforce, reinforced, reinstated, reinterpretation, reintroduced, reinvest, reject, rejected, rejection, Reko, relationship, relaxed, release, released, relevant, reliability, reliable, reliance, relief, relinquished, relocate, relocating, rely, remain, remained, remaining, remanded, remeasurement, remedial, remediate, remediation, remedy, reminder, remit, remitted, remodeling, removal, remove, removed, remuneration, Ren, renamed, render, rendered, renegotiation, renewable, renewal, renewed, Reno, rental, reopened, reopening, repaid, repair, repatriate, repatriated, repatriation, repay, repayable, repaying, repayment, repeated, replace, replaced, replacement, replacing, replenish, replenishment, replied, Reply, represent, representation, representative, represented, representing, reproduced, Republic, repurchase, repurchased, reputation, reputational, requisite, rescheduled, rescinded, rescued, research, reserve, Reservoir, reset, resettlement, resident, residual, resilience, resilient, resistance, resistivity, resolute, resolutely, resolution, resolve, resolved, resolving, resource, resourced, response, responsibility, responsible, responsibly, rest, restart, restated, restatement, restrict, restricted, restrictive, restructuring, result, resulted, resulting, resume, resumed, resuming, resumption, retain, retained, retaining, retention, retired, retirement, retraction, retreat, Retrieval, retroactive, retroactively, return, returned, Reunion, reuse, revealing, revenue, reversal, reverse, reversed, review, reviewed, reviewing, revocation, revoke, revoked, revoking, revolving, Rey, RGMP, rheological, Rhino, rich, Richard, Ridge, Ridgeline, rift, rig, Rita, river, riverine, road, roadmap, roaster, Rob, Robertson, robust, rock, Rockwell, ROD, Rodeo, Rojo, role, roll, rolled, room, Rosario, rose, Rosebel, Rosemont, rotary, rotating, Rothschild, rounding, roundtable, route, routine, rowing, Royal, royalty, RRE, rugged, rulemaking, run, running, rupee, Rural, Russia, SA, Saarelainen, sabotage, saddened, saddle, Sadler, safe, safeguard, safely, SAG, sage, sagebrush, Salaam, sale, salt, sample, sampling, San, Sanchez, sanction, sandstone, sanitary, Santa, Santiago, Santo, SARL, satellite, satisfaction, satisfactory, satisfied, satisfy, Saudi, saving, Sayi, Sayid, scale, scanned, scarce, scarcity, scenario, schedule, scheduled, scheduling, scheme, scholarship, School, Schwarzman, Science, scientific, scope, score, Scorecard, scored, scoring, scout, scouting, Screamer, screen, screened, screening, scrub, sea, season, seasonal, sec, Seca, secondary, sector, secure, secured, securing, security, sedar, sediment, sedimentary, seek, seeking, seepage, segment, segregating, segregation, seismic, seismically, select, selected, selecting, selection, sell, selling, Senegal, Senegalese, senior, sense, sensitive, separate, separated, separately, separation, September, sequence, sequencing, sequential, Serena, sericite, Sernageomin, serve, served, Servicio, serving, Sessenge, session, set, setting, settle, settled, settlement, settling, Seydou, SFA, shaft, shale, shallow, shallower, shallowly, Shandong, Shanghai, Shanta, shape, share, shared, sharing, Shaun, shear, sheared, shelf, shell, Shield, Shift, shifted, shilling, shipped, shoot, short, shortage, shortfall, shovel, show, showing, shown, shut, side, signatory, signature, significance, significant, significantly, silica, siliciclastic, Silicification, silicified, siltstone, silty, Silva, silver, similar, Similarly, simple, simultaneously, single, sinking, sit, site, situated, situation, size, sized, Skeena, skilled, skillset, skip, skipping, SLA, slice, sliding, slight, slowdown, sludge, slurry, SMA, small, smaller, smelter, smelting, SML, snow, social, socially, societal, Society, socioeconomic, SOFR, soft, software, soil, Sokalsky, SOKIMO, sol, solar, solicited, solid, solution, solvent, SOMILO, sophistication, sought, sound, source, sourced, south, southeast, southern, southward, southwest, Southwestern, sovereign, SpA, space, spaced, spacing, Spalding, Spanish, spanning, sparsely, speaker, specific, specifically, spectral, speculative, speed, spend, spending, spent, sphalerite, spill, splay, split, Sponsoring, sporadic, sporadically, spot, spread, spring, Spur, square, SRL, stability, stabilization, stabilized, stabilizing, Stabilo, stable, stack, stacked, stacking, stage, stake, staked, stakeholder, standalone, standby, standstill, Star, StarMine, starter, state, stated, static, stating, station, statute, statutory, stay, stayed, steady, Steelwork, steeply, step, Stepout, steppe, stepped, stepping, stewardship, stockpile, stockpiled, stockwork, stop, stoping, stopping, storage, store, stored, storm, strain, strata, strategic, strategically, strategy, stratigraphy, stream, streaming, streamlining, strength, strict, strife, strike, striking, string, stringent, stripping, striving, strong, stronger, strongly, struck, structural, structure, structured, studied, study, style, subcommittee, subdivided, submergence, submicron, submission, subordinate, subpart, subsequent, subsequently, subsidiary, substantial, substantially, substantive, substation, substitute, subsurface, subtropical, subunit, successful, successfully, successive, successor, Sudan, sudden, suddenly, suffer, sufficient, sufficiently, suggest, suitability, suitable, Suite, suited, sulfate, sulfidation, sulfide, sulfidized, sulfur, sulphide, sulphidized, sum, summarized, summary, summer, Sun, sunk, Sunlight, Sunnyside, super, Superintendencia, Superior, supervision, supplement, supplemental, supplementary, supplemented, supplied, Supplier, supply, supplying, support, supported, supporting, suppressive, Supreme, Sur, surcharge, surface, Suriname, surrender, surveillance, survey, suspend, suspended, suspending, suspension, sustain, sustainability, sustainable, sustained, sustaining, SW, Swahili, Swift, Switch, switching, Switzerland, syndicated, Synergy, system, systematic, table, tabular, tackled, tailoring, talent, tank, tantamount, Tanzania, Tanzanian, target, targeted, targeting, Task, tasked, Taskforce, taxable, taxation, TCC, TCFD, TD, team, technical, technically, technological, technology, tectonic, tectonism, teleremote, Tembo, temperature, tempered, temporally, temporarily, temporary, tender, tenor, tentative, Teranga, term, terminate, terminated, terminating, termination, terrain, terrane, terrorism, test, tested, testing, testwork, Tethyan, Thacker, Thamsanqa, theft, thereunder, thermal, thick, thickening, thicker, thin, Thornton, thought, thoughtful, thousand, threatened, threshold, throughput, thrust, tied, tier, tiered, tight, tightened, till, time, timeframe, timeline, timely, timetable, timing, Tin, today, tolerance, toll, ton, Tongon, tonnage, tonne, top, topographic, Toronto, tourism, tourmaline, tourmalinized, tourminalized, Tower, town, TRA, track, tragic, train, training, tranche, transaction, transected, transfer, transferred, transform, transformed, transitory, translation, transmission, transmitted, transparency, transparently, transport, transportation, transported, transposed, Traore, travel, traveling, travelled, Treadway, treasury, treat, treated, treating, treatment, treaty, Tree, Trench, trenching, trend, trending, trial, triangle, Triassic, tribunal, TRIFR, tripling, tropical, Tropicalia, Troy, truck, trucked, trucking, true, Trusler, trust, trustee, TS, Tsinghua, TSX, Tulawaka, Tungsten, tunnel, Turf, turn, turnover, turquoise, twelve, Twiga, twin, type, typical, typically, TZ, Uchi, UCSD, Uganda, Ugandan, UK, Ukraine, ultimately, Umbrella, Umm, unable, unacceptable, unadjusted, unaffiliated, unanticipated, unavailability, unavoidably, uncemented, uncertain, uncertainty, unchanged, unconditional, unconditionally, unconformably, undeclared, undergo, undergoing, undergraduate, underground, underhand, underlain, underlying, underperformance, underpinning, understand, understanding, undertaken, undertook, underway, underwent, undetected, undeveloped, undiscounted, undrawn, undrilled, undue, uneconomic, unexpected, unfavorable, unfounded, uniform, unilaterally, union, unionized, Universidade, University, Univision, unknown, unlawful, unlimited, unmined, unpaid, unpatented, unpermitted, unpredictability, unprofitable, unproved, unrealized, unrecognized, unregistered, unrelated, unresolved, unrestricted, unsecured, unspecified, unstable, unsuccessful, unsuccessfully, untested, unusual, unwanted, unweathered, upcoming, update, updated, upfront, upgrade, upgraded, upheld, uphold, upholding, uplifted, upper, uppermost, upside, urgent, Uruguay, USA, USACE, usage, USD, Utah, utility, utilize, utilized, utilizing, vacated, valid, validate, validated, validating, validity, valley, Valmy, valuable, valuation, Vancouver, vandalism, variable, varied, variety, vary, varying, VAT, vector, vegetation, vein, veining, Veladero, ventilated, ventilation, venture, verification, verified, verify, verifying, version, vertical, Vespucio, vessel, vested, viability, viable, Vice, vicinity, Viejo, view, viewed, vigorously, village, violated, violation, Virgin, virtual, virtue, visibility, visible, vision, visit, visited, Vista, vital, VLF, vocal, volatile, volatility, volcanic, volcaniclastic, volcanism, volume, Voluntary, Vos, vote, voting, VPSHR, vulnerable, waived, Walker, war, Wari, warm, warp, warrant, warranted, Warrior, Wartsila, washing, waste, water, waterway, Watsa, weakly, wealth, weather, weathered, weathering, weekly, weighted, west, western, westward, wet, WGC, Wheaton, White, Whittle, wholesale, wholly, wide, widely, wider, width, Wiesenthal, wildlife, Wilmington, Winnemucca, winter, withdraw, withdrawal, withdrawing, withdrawn, withholding, withstand, woman, women, won, work, worked, worker, workforce, working, workplace, world, worldwide, worth, Writ, wrong, wrongdoing, WSMC, WWF, XOF, Yale, Yalea, yield, yielded, York, youth, Zakitoko, Zambia, Zambian, Zambula, Zarara, Zijin, zika, zinc, zone
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Exhibit 99.7
I, Simon Bottoms, hereby consent to the use of my name in connection with the references to scientific and technical information relating to mineral properties of Barrick Gold Corporation (the “Company”) in the Annual Information Form for the year ended December 31, 2022 (the “AIF”) and the related Annual Report on Form 40-F of the Company.
I do also hereby consent to the use of my name and the incorporation by reference of the information contained in the AIF and Annual Report on Form 40-F into the Registration Statements of the Company on Form S-8 (File Nos. 333-121500, 333-131715, 333-135769, 333-224560), Form F-3 (File No. 333-206417) and Form F-10 (File No. 333-255874).
Yours very truly, | ||
/s/ Simon Bottoms | ||
Name: | Simon Bottoms | |
Title: | Mineral Resource Management and Evaluation Executive | |
Dated: | March 17, 2023 |