16 | | Information Technology and Electronic Communications Parker’s information technology assets and electronic communications resources are provided to employees for Parker business purposes. Parker information technology assets and electronic communications resources include electronic devices, systems, networks, servers, databases, software and other data or information storage or processing vehicles that are owned, leased, issued or otherwise contracted for by Parker (for example, computers, laptops, tablets, telephones, cell phones, PDAs/smart phones, copy machines, portable storage media, wireless devices, e-mail and voice messaging and internet connectivity). All files, information, communications and other data stored, transmitted or processed on Parker information technology assets and electronic communications resources are the property of Parker, and Parker reserves the right to access, monitor or disclose such files, information, communications and other data at any time, within Parker and to third parties, as permitted by law. Use of Parker information technology assets and electronic communications resources is subject to Parker’s policies, except as permitted by local law. Limited personal use of Parker information technology assets and electronic communications resources is permitted if such use does not (1) interfere with work duties, (2) adversely impact the functionality of Parker’s information technology assets, (3) relate to an outside business | | venture and (4) violate the law, this Code or any other Parker policies, practices or procedures. Employees must use Parker’s information technology assets and electronic communications resources in an authorized manner and in a manner that avoids security threats. Parker may allow access to Parker networks, servers, systems, files, information, communications and/or other data through employee-owned personal devices. Such access shall be limited and subject to data privacy and security restrictions and monitoring in accordance with Parker policies. Parker may allow law enforcement or other third-party access to any and all Parker information technology assets and electronic communications resources. Parker may also access, review and disclose files, information, communications and other data suspected to have been used by a former or current employee to conduct an illegal activity using Parker information technology assets or electronic communications resources. Social Networking As the use of online social networking increases, it is important that Parker employees use these forums appropriately and responsibly. While social networking opens up new opportunities to have a positive impact on our brand reputation and business growth, it also carries significant business risk when used inappropriately. While engaged in social networking, you should remember that all of our existing policies |