Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document And Entity Information
- Condensed Consolidated Statemen
- Condensed Consolidated Statem_2
- Condensed Consolidated Balance
- Condensed Consolidated Balanc_2
- Condensed Consolidated Statem_3
- Condensed Consolidated Statem_4
- Condensed Consolidated Statem_5
- Note 1 - Interim Condensed Cons
- Note 2 - Summary of Significant
- Note 3 - Segment Reporting Info
- Note 4 - Earnings Per Common Sh
- Note 5 - Inventories
- Note 6 - Accrued Expenses
- Note 7 - Goodwill and Other Int
- Note 8 - Revolving Line of Cred
- Note 9 - Cash Dividends
- Note 10 - Equity Compensation
- Note 11 - Supplemental Cash Flo
- Note 12 - Commitments and Conti
- Note 13 - Severance Costs
- Note 14 - Restructuring Costs
- Note 15 - Leases
- Note 16 - Income Taxes
- Significant Accounting Policies
- Note 2 - Summary of Significa_2
- Note 3 - Segment Reporting In_2
- Note 4 - Earnings Per Common _2
- Note 5 - Inventories (Tables)
- Note 6 - Accrued Expenses (Tabl
- Note 7 - Goodwill and Other I_2
- Note 11 - Supplemental Cash F_2
- Note 13 - Severance Costs (Tabl
- Note 14 - Restructuring Costs (
- Note 15 - Leases (Tables)
- Note 16 - Income Taxes (Tables)
- Note 2 - Summary of Significa_3
- Note 2 - Summary of Significa_4
- Note 2 - Summary of Significa_5
- Note 3 - Segment Reporting In_3
- Note 3 - Segment Reporting In_4
- Note 3 - Segment Reporting In_5
- Note 3 - Segment Reporting In_6
- Note 4 - Earnings Per Common _3
- Note 4 - Earnings Per Common _4
- Note 5 - Inventories - Inventor
- Note 6 - Accrued Expenses - Acc
- Note 7 - Goodwill and Other I_3
- Note 7 - Goodwill and Other I_4
- Note 7 - Goodwill and Other I_5
- Note 7 - Goodwill and Other I_6
- Note 7 - Goodwill and Other I_7
- Note 8 - Revolving Line of Cr_2
- Note 9 - Cash Dividends (Detail
- Note 10 - Equity Compensation (
- Note 11 - Supplemental Cash F_3
- Note 12 - Commitments and Con_2
- Note 13 - Severance Costs (Deta
- Note 13 - Severance Costs - Acc
- Note 14 - Restructuring Costs_2
- Note 14 - Restructuring Costs -
- Note 14 - Restructuring Costs_3
- Note 15 - Leases (Details Textu
- Note 15 - Leases - Operating Le
- Note 15 - Leases - Maturities o
- Note 16 - Income Taxes (Details
- Note 16 - Income Taxes - Reconc