Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document And Entity Information
- Consolidated Balance Sheets
- Consolidated Balance Sheets (Pa
- Consolidated Statements of Oper
- Consolidated Statements of Stoc
- Consolidated Statements of Cash
- Note 1 - Organization and Basis
- Note 2 - Significant Accounting
- Note 3 - Inventories
- Note 4 - Equipment and Leasehol
- Note 5 - Short-term Contract Ob
- Note 6 - Line of Credit and Lon
- Note 7 - Accrued Expenses
- Note 8 - Operating Leases
- Note 9 - Other Commitments and
- Note 10 - Share-based Compensat
- Note 11 - Common and Preferred
- Note 12 - Earnings (Loss) Per S
- Note 13 - Profit Sharing and 40
- Note 14 - Product Line and Geog
- Note 15 - Income Taxes
- Note 16 - Related-party Transac
- Note 17 - Subsequent Events
- Note 18 - Selected Quarterly Fi
- Schedule II - Valuation and Qua
- Significant Accounting Policies
- Note 2 - Significant Accounti_2
- Note 3 - Inventories (Tables)
- Note 4 - Equipment and Leaseh_2
- Note 6 - Line of Credit and L_2
- Note 7 - Accrued Expenses (Tabl
- Note 8 - Operating Leases (Tabl
- Note 10 - Share-based Compens_2
- Note 12 - Earnings (Loss) Per_2
- Note 14 - Product Line and Ge_2
- Note 15 - Income Taxes (Tables)
- Note 18 - Selected Quarterly _2
- Schedule II - Valuation and Q_2
- Note 1 - Organization and Bas_2
- Note 2 - Significant Accounti_3
- Note 2 - Significant Accounti_4
- Note 3 - Inventories (Details T
- Note 3 - Inventories - Componen
- Note 4 - Equipment and Leaseh_3
- Note 4 - Equipment and Leaseh_4
- Note 5 - Short-term Contract _2
- Note 6 - Line of Credit and L_3
- Note 6 - Line of Credit and L_4
- Note 6 - Line of Credit and L_5
- Note 7 - Accrued Expenses - Com
- Note 8 - Operating Leases (Deta
- Note 8 - Operating Leases - Sup
- Note 8 - Operating Leases - Ope
- Note 9 - Other Commitments an_2
- Note 10 - Share-based Compens_3
- Note 10 - Share-based Compens_4
- Note 10 - Share-based Compens_5
- Note 10 - Share-based Compens_6
- Note 10 - Share-based Compens_7
- Note 10 - Share-based Compens_8
- Note 10 - Share-based Compens_9
- Note 11 - Common and Preferre_2
- Note 12 - Earnings (Loss) Per_3
- Note 12 - Earnings (Loss) Per_4
- Note 13 - Profit Sharing and _2
- Note 14 - Product Line and Ge_3
- Note 14 - Product Line and Ge_4
- Note 14 - Product Line and Ge_5
- Note 15 - Income Taxes (Details
- Note 15 - Income Taxes - Compon
- Note 15 - Income Taxes - Reconc
- Note 15 - Income Taxes - Effect
- Note 15 - Income Taxes - Net Op
- Note 15 - Income Taxes - Open T
- Note 16 - Related-party Trans_2
- Note 18 - Selected Quarterly _3
- Schedule II - Valuation and Q_3