Financial risks | 4 Financial risks General As an insurance group, Aegon is exposed to a variety of risks. Aegon’s largest exposures are to changes in financial markets (e.g. foreign currency, interest rate, credit and equity market risks) that affect the value of the investments, liabilities from products that Aegon sells, deferred expenses and value of business acquired. Other risks include insurance related risks, such as changes in mortality, morbidity, bond credit spread and liquidity premium, which are discussed in note 34 Insurance contracts. Aegon manages risk at local level where business is transacted, based on principles and policies established at the Group level. Aegon’s integrated approach to risk management involves similar measurement of risk and scope of risk coverage to allow for aggregation of the Group’s risk position. To manage its risk exposure, Aegon has risk policies in place. Many of these policies are group-wide while others are specific to the unique situation of local businesses. The Group level policies limit the Group’s exposure to major risks such as equity, interest rates, credit, and currency. The limits in these policies in aggregate remain within the Group’s overall tolerance for risk and the Group’s financial resources. Operating within this policy framework, Aegon employs risk management programs including asset liability management (ALM) processes and models and hedging programs (which are largely conducted via the use of financial derivative instruments). These risk management programs are in place in each country unit and are not only used to manage risk in each unit, but are also part of the Group’s overall risk strategy. Aegon operates a Derivative Use Policy to govern its usage of derivatives. This policy establishes the control, authorization, execution and monitoring requirements of the usage of such instruments. In addition, the policy stipulates necessary mitigation of credit risk created through derivatives management tools. For derivatives, counterparty credit risk is normally mitigated by requirements to post collateral via credit support annex agreements or through a central clearinghouse. As part of its risk management programs, Aegon takes inventory of its current risk position across risk categories. Aegon also measures the sensitivity of net income and shareholders’ equity under both deterministic and stochastic scenarios. Management uses the insight gained through these ‘what if?’ scenarios to manage the Group’s risk exposure and capital position. The models, scenarios and assumptions used are reviewed regularly and updated as necessary. Results of Aegon’s sensitivity analyses are presented throughout this section to show the estimated sensitivity of net income and shareholders’ equity to various scenarios. For each type of market risk, the analysis shows how net income and shareholders’ equity would have been affected by changes in the relevant risk variable that were reasonably possible at the reporting date. For each sensitivity test the impact of a reasonably possible change in a single factor is shown. Management action is taken into account to the extent that it is part of Aegon’s regular policies and procedures, such as established hedging programs. However, incidental management actions that would require a change in policies and procedures are not considered. Each sensitivity analysis reflects the extent to which the shock tested would affect management’s critical accounting estimates and judgment in applying Aegon’s accounting policies. Market-consistent assumptions underlying the measurement of non-listed The accounting mismatch inherent in IFRS is also apparent in the reported sensitivities. A change in interest rates has an immediate impact on the carrying amount of assets measured at fair value. However, the shock will not have a similar effect on the carrying amount of the related insurance liabilities that are measured based on locked-in ‘available-for-sale’, Unrealized gains and losses on these assets are not recognized in the income statement but are booked through other comprehensive income to the revaluation reserves in shareholders’ equity, unless impaired. As a result, economic sensitivities predominantly impact shareholders’ equity but leave net income unaffected. The effect of movements of the revaluation reserve on capitalization ratios and capital adequacy are minimal. Aegon’s target ratio for the composition of its capital base is based on shareholders’ equity excluding the revaluation reserve. The sensitivities do not reflect what the net income for the period would have been if risk variables had been different because the analysis is based on the exposures in existence at the reporting date rather than on those that actually occurred during the year. Nor are the results of the sensitivities intended to be an accurate prediction of Aegon’s future shareholders’ equity or earnings. The analysis does not take into account the impact of future new business, which is an important component of Aegon’s future earnings. It also does not consider all methods available to management to respond to changes in the financial environment, such as changing investment portfolio allocations or adjusting premiums and crediting rates. Furthermore, the results of the analyses cannot be extrapolated for wider variations since effects do not tend to be linear. Concentration risk for financial risks are measured and managed at the following levels: ◆ Concentration per risk type: Risk exposures are measured per risk type as part of Aegon’s internal economic framework. A risk tolerance framework is in place which sets risk limits per risk type to target desired risk balance and promote diversification across risk types; ◆ Concentration per counterparty: Risk exposure is measured and risk limits are in place per counterparty as part of the Counterparty Name Limit Policy; and ◆ Concentration per sector, geography and asset class: Aegon’s investment strategy is translated in investment mandates for its internal and external asset managers. Through these investment mandates limits on sector, geography and asset class are set. Compliance monitoring of the investment mandates is done by the insurance operating companies. Moreover, concentration of financial risks are measured in Aegon business planning cycle. As part of business planning, the resilience of Aegon’s business strategy is tested in several extreme event scenarios. In the Adverse Financial scenario, financial markets are stressed without assuming diversification across different market factors. Within the projection certain management actions may be implemented when management deems this necessary. Aegon’s significant financial risks and related financial information are explained in the order as follows: ◆ Credit risk ◆ Equity market risk and other investment risks ◆ Interest rate risk ◆ Currency exchange risk ◆ Liquidity risk Credit risk As premiums and deposits are received, these funds are invested to pay for future policyholder obligations. For general account products, Aegon typically bears the risk for investment performance which is equal to the return of principal and interest. Aegon is exposed to credit risk on its general account fixed-income portfolio (debt securities, mortgages and private placements), over-the-counter The table that follows shows the Group’s maximum exposure to credit risk from investments in general account financial assets, as well as general account derivatives and reinsurance assets, collateral held and net exposure. Please refer to note 45 and 46 for further information on capital commitments and contingencies and on collateral given, which may expose the Group to credit risk. 2019 Maximum Cash Securities Letters of Real Master Other Total Surplus Net Debt securities - carried at fair value 86,853 - - 267 - - - 267 - 86,586 Money market and other short-term investments - carried at fair value 5,327 - 363 - - - - 363 23 4,987 Mortgage loans - carried at amortized cost 37,750 2,648 - 65 61,159 - - 63,872 26,249 127 Private loans - carried at amortized cost 4,487 51 - - - - - 51 - 4,436 Other loans - carried at amortized cost 2,353 - - - - - 2,008 2,008 1,329 1,674 Other financial assets - carried at fair value 4,083 - - - - - - - - 4,083 Derivatives 10,658 2,666 47 31 - 8,186 - 10,930 283 10 Reinsurance assets 20,835 - 3,884 105 - - - 3,989 - 16,845 At December 31 172,346 5,365 4,294 468 61,159 8,186 2,008 81,481 27,884 118,749 2018 Maximum Cash Securities Letters of Real Master Other Total Surplus Net Debt securities - carried at fair value 81,253 - - 169 - - - 169 - 81,084 Money market and other short-term investments - carried at fair value 6,307 - 484 - - - - 484 29 5,852 Mortgage loans - carried at amortized cost 36,240 2,535 - 136 57,009 - - 59,680 23,589 149 Private loans - carried at amortized cost 4,103 45 - - - - - 45 - 4,058 Other loans - carried at amortized cost 2,310 - - - - - 1,960 1,960 1,238 1,589 Other financial assets - carried at fair value 3,551 - - - - - - - - 3,551 Derivatives 7,337 2,627 233 31 - 4,606 - 7,496 225 66 Reinsurance assets 20,505 - 4,035 104 - - - 4,139 - 16,366 At December 31 161,607 5,207 4,752 439 57,009 4,606 1,960 73,972 25,081 112,715 Debt securities Several bonds in Aegon’s Americas’ portfolio are guaranteed by Monoline insurers. This is shown in the table above in the column ‘Letters of credit / guarantees’. Further information on the Monoline insurers is provided below under ‘Monoline insurers’. Money market and short-term investments The collateral reported for the money market and short-term investments are related to tri-party tri-party Mortgage loans The real estate collateral for mortgages includes both residential and commercial properties. The collateral for commercial mortgage loans in Aegon Americas is measured at fair value. At a minimum on an annual basis, a fair value is estimated for each individual real estate property that has been pledged as collateral. When a loan is originally provided, an external appraisal is obtained to estimate the value of the property. In subsequent years, the value is typically estimated internally using various professionally accepted valuation methodologies. Internal appraisals are performed by qualified, professionally accredited personnel. International valuation standards are used and the most significant assumptions made during the valuation of real estate are the current cost of reproducing or replacing the property, the value that the property’s net earning power will support, and the value indicated by recent sales of comparable properties. Valuations are primarily supported by market evidence. For Aegon the Netherlands, collateral for the residential mortgages is measured as the foreclosure value which is indexed periodically. Cash collateral for mortgage loans includes the savings that have been received to redeem the underlying mortgage loans at redemption date. These savings are part of the credit side of the statement of financial position, but reduce the credit risk for the mortgage loan as a whole. A substantial part of Aegon’s Dutch residential mortgage loan portfolio benefits from guarantees by a Dutch government-backed trust (Stichting Waarborgfonds Eigen Woning) through the Dutch Mortgage loan Guarantee program (NHG). With exception of NHG-backed Derivatives The master netting agreements column in the table relates to derivative liability positions which are used in Aegon’s credit risk management. The offset in the master netting agreements column includes balances where there is a legally enforceable right of offset, but no intention to settle these balances on a net basis under normal circumstances. As a result, there is a net exposure for credit risk management purposes. However, as there is no intention to settle these balances on a net basis, they do not qualify for net presentation for accounting purposes. Reinsurance assets The collateral related to the reinsurance assets include assets in trust that are held by the reinsurer for the benefit of Aegon. The assets in trust can be accessed to pay policyholder benefits in the event the reinsurers fail to perform under the terms of their contract. Further information on the related reinsurance transactions is included in note 26 Reinsurance assets. Other loans The collateral included in the other column represents the policyholders account value for policy loans. The excess of the account value over the loan value is included in the surplus collateral column. For further information on the policy loans refer to note 22.1 Financial assets, excluding derivatives. The total collateral includes both under- and over-collateralized positions. To present a net exposure of credit risk, the over-collateralization, which is shown in the surplus collateral column, is extracted from the total collateral. Credit risk management Aegon manages credit risk exposure by individual counterparty, sector and asset class, including cash positions. Normally, Aegon mitigates credit risk in derivative contracts by entering into credit support agreement, where practical, and in ISDA master netting agreements for most of Aegon’s legal entities to facilitate Aegon’s right to offset credit risk exposure. Main counterparties to these transactions are investment banks which are typically rated ‘A’ or higher. The credit support agreement will normally dictate the threshold over which collateral needs to be pledged by Aegon or its counterparty. Transactions requiring Aegon or its counterparty to post collateral are typically the result of derivative trades, comprised mostly of interest rate swaps, equity swaps, currency swaps and credit swaps. Collateral received is mainly cash (USD and EUR). The credit support agreements that outline the acceptable collateral require high-quality instruments to be posted. Over the last three years, there was no default with any derivatives counterparty. The credit risk associated with financial assets subject to a master netting agreement is eliminated only to the extent that financial liabilities due to the same counterparty will be settled after the assets are realized. Eligible derivative transactions are traded via Central Clearing Houses as required by EMIR and the Dodd-Frank act. Credit risk in these transactions is mitigated through posting of initial and variation margins. Aegon may also mitigate credit risk in reinsurance contracts by including downgrade clauses that allow the recapture of business, retaining ownership of assets required to support liabilities ceded or by requiring the reinsurer to hold assets in trust. For the resulting net credit risk exposure, Aegon employs deterministic and stochastic credit risk modeling in order to assess the Group’s credit risk profile, associated earnings and capital implications due to various credit loss scenarios. Aegon operates a Credit Name Limit Policy (CNLP) under which limits are placed on the aggregate exposure that it has to any one counterparty. Limits are placed on the exposure at both group level and individual country units. The limits also vary by a rating system, which is a composite of the main rating agencies (S&P, Moody’s and Fitch) and Aegon’s internal rating of the counterparty. If an exposure exceeds the stated limit, then the exposure must be reduced to the limit for the country unit and rating category as soon as possible. Exceptions to these limits can only be made after explicit approval from Aegon’s Group Risk and Capital Committee (GRCC). The policy is reviewed regularly. At December 31, 2019, there were two violations of the Credit Name Limit Policy at Group level (December 31, 2018: nil). These related to Bank of America and Republic of Turkey. The Bank of America violation was addressed in early 2020 and the Turkey violation is being monitored. At December 31, 2019, Aegon’s largest corporate credit exposures are to Wilton Re Holdings Ltd, American United Mutual Insurance, SCOR and Reinsurance Group of America. Aegon had large government exposures, the largest being in the Americas, the Netherlands and Germany. Highly rated government bonds and government exposure domestically issued and owned in local currency are excluded from the Credit Name Limit Policy. Aegon group level long-term counterparty exposure limits are as follows: Group limits per credit rating Amounts in EUR million 2019 2018 AAA 900 900 AA 900 900 A 675 675 BBB 450 450 BB 250 250 B 125 125 CCC or lower 50 50 Credit rating The ratings distribution of general account portfolios of Aegon’s major reporting units, excluding reinsurance assets, are presented in the table that follows, organized by rating category and split by assets that are valued at fair value and assets that are valued at amortized cost. Aegon uses a composite rating based on a combination of the external ratings of S&P, Moody’s, Fitch and National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC which is for US only) and internal ratings. The rating used is the lower of the external rating and the internal rating. Credit rating general account investments, excluding reinsurance assets 2019 Americas The Netherlands United Kingdom Southern & Eastern Amortized Amortized Amortized Amortized cost Fair value cost Fair value cost Fair value cost Fair value AAA 1,311 14,664 1,799 13,342 - 91 - 15 AA 3,671 4,162 82 7,625 - 624 - 101 A 3,580 19,752 47 8,271 - 307 61 592 BBB 275 19,062 970 1,758 - 120 5 572 BB 15 1,314 49 97 - 1 - 10 B 4 926 - 2 - - 36 212 CCC or lower - 677 - - - - - 1 Assets not rated 1,971 4,028 30,306 1,493 - 959 16 72 Total 10,827 64,584 33,251 32,589 - 2,103 118 1,574 Past due and / or impaired assets 95 1,051 210 19 - - - - At December 31 10,922 65,635 33,460 32,609 - 2,103 118 1,574 Credit rating general account investments, excluding reinsurance assets 2019 Asia Asset Management Total 2019 1) Amortized Amortized Amortized Total carrying cost Fair value cost Fair value cost Fair value value AAA - 1,032 - 164 3,110 29,322 32,431 AA - 500 - 2 3,752 13,014 16,766 A - 2,260 - 11 3,688 31,206 34,895 BBB - 2,530 - 15 1,249 24,058 25,307 BB - 158 - 27 64 1,678 1,742 B - 100 - 34 40 1,274 1,314 CCC or lower - 13 - 9 - 699 699 Assets not rated 42 17 - 5 32,383 6,789 39,172 Total 42 6,611 - 266 44,286 108,040 152,327 Past due and / or impaired assets - 9 - - 305 1,101 1,406 At December 31 42 6,620 - 266 44,591 109,142 153,732 1 Includes investments of Holding and other activities. Credit rating general account investments, excluding reinsurance assets 2018 Americas The Netherlands United Kingdom Southern & Eastern Amortized Amortized Amortized Amortized cost Fair value cost Fair value cost Fair value cost Fair value AAA 941 15,338 1,611 12,956 - 84 - 10 AA 3,104 3,855 83 6,704 - 594 - 100 A 3,567 17,428 55 2,482 - 291 54 505 BBB 266 17,609 924 1,299 - 95 3 682 BB 7 1,393 52 39 - 1 9 22 B - 1,013 - - - - 64 105 CCC or lower - 741 - - - - 1 1 Assets not rated 1,952 4,126 29,534 4,423 - 1,085 13 70 Total 9,837 61,501 32,259 27,905 - 2,149 143 1,496 Past due and / or impaired assets 108 1,346 277 25 - - - 1 At December 31 9,945 62,847 32,536 27,930 - 2,149 143 1,497 Asia Asset Management Total 2018 1) Credit rating general account investments, Amortized Fair Amortized Fair Amortized Fair value Total carrying AAA - 987 - 136 2,552 29,518 32,070 AA - 372 - - 3,188 11,626 14,813 A - 1,823 - 5 3,675 22,542 26,218 BBB - 2,186 - 1 1,193 21,871 23,064 BB - 140 - 9 68 1,653 1,721 B - 132 - 17 64 1,267 1,331 CCC or lower - 22 - 9 1 773 774 Assets not rated 16 14 - 5 31,527 9,960 41,488 Total 16 5,676 - 181 42,268 99,210 141,478 Past due and / or impaired assets - 27 - - 385 1,399 1,784 At December 31 16 5,704 - 181 42,653 100,609 143,263 1 Includes investments of Holding and other activities. The following table shows the credit quality of the gross positions in the statement of financial position for general account reinsurance assets specifically: Carrying value 2019 Carrying value 2018 AAA - - AA 10,477 9,150 A 10,002 11,041 Below A 40 30 Not rated 316 284 At December 31 20,835 20,505 Credit risk concentration The tables that follow present specific credit risk concentration information for general account financial assets. Credit risk concentrations – debt Americas The United Southern Asia Asset Total 1 ) Of which Residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBSs) 2,289 311 - - 128 - 2,729 909 Commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBSs) 3,428 13 128 - 584 1 4,154 8 Asset-backed securities (ABSs) - CDOs backed by ABS, Corp. bonds, Bank loans 519 1,050 - - 73 - 1,642 4 ABSs – Other 1,724 73 72 6 384 - 2,258 1 Financial - Banking 6,561 2,684 154 224 928 3 10,554 4 Financial - Other 8,885 191 38 71 742 154 10,096 4 Industrial 23,158 2,243 234 176 2,966 57 28,835 61 Utility 3,760 136 67 45 402 1 4,411 52 Government bonds 9,558 16,072 449 975 401 44 27,500 2 At December 31 59,882 22,773 1,143 1,497 6,609 260 92,180 1,046 1 Includes investments of Holding and other activities. Credit risk concentrations – Government Americas The United Southern & Asia Asset Total 1) United States 8,893 1 - 4 309 2 9,210 Netherlands - 6,316 - - - - 6,316 United Kingdom - - 362 - - 18 380 Austria - 1,227 - 4 - - 1,230 Belgium - 1,097 21 5 - - 1,123 Finland - 135 - - - - 135 France - 1,512 35 3 - - 1,551 Germany - 4,649 - - - - 4,649 Hungary 2 - - 345 - - 348 Luxembourg - 807 - - - - 807 Spain - 95 - 273 - - 368 Rest of Europe 85 216 - 336 6 3 646 Rest of world 576 17 32 5 85 22 737 Supranational 1 - - - - - 1 At December 31 9,558 16,072 449 975 401 44 27,500 1 Includes investments of Holding and other activities. Credit risk concentrations – Credit rating 2019 2) Government Corporate RMBSs Other Total 1) AAA 20,324 719 6,344 1,861 29,248 AA 4,903 3,514 1,429 2 9,848 A 899 22,416 1,378 - 24,693 BBB 949 22,137 284 - 23,371 BB 110 1,292 122 - 1,524 B 297 956 27 - 1,280 CCC or lower 18 309 1,197 - 1,524 Assets not rated - 3 3 686 691 At December 31 27,500 51,347 10,783 2,549 92,180 1 Includes investments of Holding and other activities. 2 CNLP Ratings are used and are the lower of the Barclay’s Rating and the Internal Rating with the Barclay’s rating being a blended rating of S&P, Fitch, and Moody’s. Credit risk concentrations – debt Americas The United Southern Asia Asset Total 1) Of which Residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBSs) 2,138 395 - - 52 - 2,585 918 Commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBSs) 3,314 35 127 - 537 - 4,013 14 Asset-backed securities (ABSs) - CDOs backed by ABS, Corp. bonds, Bank loans 717 1,669 - - 61 - 2,447 3 ABSs – Other 1,915 247 61 6 323 - 2,552 40 Financial - Banking 6,423 1,473 132 210 815 6 9,059 29 Financial - Other 8,863 188 33 116 595 121 9,924 19 Industrial 21,060 1,515 213 148 2,486 33 25,457 187 Utility 3,572 115 60 51 370 - 4,169 144 Government bonds 9,607 15,948 438 889 457 17 27,356 8 At December 31 57,609 21,586 1,064 1,419 5,696 176 87,560 1,362 1 Includes investments of Holding and other activities. Credit risk concentrations – Government Americas The United Southern & Asia Asset Total 1) United States 8,891 - - - 362 - 9,253 Netherlands - 6,040 - - - - 6,040 United Kingdom - - 356 1 - 17 374 Austria - 1,102 - 4 - - 1,106 Belgium - 1,000 21 6 - - 1,027 Finland - 949 - - - - 949 France - 1,292 33 5 - - 1,329 Germany - 4,397 - - - - 4,397 Hungary 3 - - 410 - - 413 Luxembourg - 786 - 1 - - 787 Spain - 89 - 209 - - 298 Rest of Europe 103 264 - 247 9 - 623 Rest of world 580 30 28 5 86 - 730 Supranational 30 - - - - - 30 At December 31 9,607 15,948 438 889 457 17 27,356 1 Includes investments of Holding and other activities. Credit risk concentrations – Credit rating 2018 2) Government Corporate RMBSs Other Total 1) AAA 20,479 772 6,505 1,753 29,511 AA 4,949 3,264 1,721 - 9,934 A 614 18,482 1,490 1 20,587 BBB 961 20,360 349 1 21,670 BB 215 1,279 144 - 1,638 B 136 1,003 69 - 1,207 CCC or lower 1 302 1,318 - 1,621 Assets not rated - - - 1,391 1,391 At December 31 27,356 45,462 11,596 3,147 87,560 1 Includes investments of Holding and other activities. 2 CNLP Ratings are used and are the lower of the Barclay’s Rating and the Internal Rating with the Barclay’s rating being a blended rating of S&P, Fitch, and Moody’s. Credit risk concentrations – Americas The United Southern Asia Asset Total 1) Of which past due Agricultural 69 - - - - - 69 - Apartment 4,383 - - - - - 4,383 94 Industrial 1,266 - - - - - 1,266 - Office 1,395 - - - - - 1,395 - Retail 1,575 8 - - - - 1,583 1 Other commercial 258 43 - - - - 302 1 Residential 9 28,742 - 1 - - 28,752 163 At December 31 8,956 28,793 - 1 - - 37,750 259 1 Includes investments of Holding and other activities. Credit risk concentrations – mortgage loans 2018 Americas The United Southern Asia Asset Total 1) Of which past due Agricultural 69 - - - - - 69 15 Apartment 3,993 - - - - - 3,993 92 Industrial 871 - - - - - 871 - Office 1,342 - - - - - 1,343 - Retail 1,457 9 - - - - 1,466 1 Other commercial 258 35 - - - - 292 2 Residential 12 28,193 - 1 - - 28,207 227 At December 31 8,002 28,237 - 1 - - 36,240 337 1 Includes investments of Holding and other activities. The fair value of Aegon Americas commercial and agricultural mortgage loan portfolio as per December 31, 2019, amounted to EUR 9,447 million (2018: EUR 8,059 million). The loan to value (LTV) amounted to approximately 53% (2018: 54%). Of the portfolio 1.06% (2018: 1.25%) is in delinquency (defined as 60 days in arrears). In 2019, Aegon Americas recognized EUR 0 million of net recoveries (2018: EUR 1 million net impairments) on this portfolio. In 2019, there were no foreclosures (2018: EUR 0 million) and no impairments or recoveries associated with foreclosed loans (2018: EUR 0 million). The fair value of Aegon the Netherlands mortgage loan portfolio as per December 31, 2019, amounted to EUR 33,111 million (2018: EUR 31,686 million). The LTV amounted to approximately 67% (2018: 70%). A significant part of the portfolio 4 9 Unconsolidated structured entities Aegon’s investments in unconsolidated structured entities such as RMBSs, CMBSs and ABSs and investment funds are presented in the line item ‘Investments’ of the statement of financial position. Aegon’s interests in these unconsolidated structured entities can be characterized as basic interests, Aegon does not have loans, derivatives, guarantees or other interests related to these investments. Any existing commitments such as future purchases of interests in investment funds are disclosed in note 45 Commitments and contingencies. For debt instruments, specifically for RMBSs, CMBSs and ABSs, the maximum exposure to loss is equal to the carrying amount which is reflected in the credit risk concentration table regarding debt securities and money market investments. To manage credit risk Aegon invests primarily in senior notes of RMBSs, CMBSs and ABSs. Additional information on credit ratings for Aegon’s investments in RMBSs, CMBSs and ABSs are disclosed in the sections that describe per category of debt securities the composition and impairment assessments. The composition of the RMBSs, CMBSs and ABSs portfolios of Aegon are widely dispersed looking at the individual amount per entity, therefore Aegon only has non-controlling Except for commitments as noted in note 45 Commitments and contingencies, Aegon did not provide, nor is required to provide financial or other support to unconsolidated structured entities. Nor does Aegon have intentions to provide financial or other support to unconsolidated structured entities in which Aegon has an interest or previously had an interest. For RMBSs, CMBSs and ABSs in which Aegon has an interest at reporting date, the following table presents total income received from those interests. The Investments column reflects the carrying values recognized in the statement of financial position of Aegon’s interests in RMBSs, CMBSs and ABSs. Total income 2019 December 31, 2019 2019 Interest income Total gains and Total Investments Residential mortgage-backed securities 140 97 237 2,729 Commercial mortgage-backed securities 138 182 320 4,153 Asset-backed securities 47 (1 ) 45 1,642 ABSs - Other 87 81 168 2,258 Total 412 358 769 10,782 Total income 2018 December 31, 2018 2018 Interest income Total gains and losses on Total Investments Residential mortgage-backed securities 140 (3 ) 137 2,585 Commercial mortgage-backed securities 139 (41 ) 98 4,013 Asset-backed securities 54 - 54 2,447 ABSs - Other 84 15 99 2,552 Total 417 (28 ) 389 11,596 Monoline insurers EUR 272 million (2018: EUR 178 million) of the bonds in Aegon Americas’ and Asia’s portfolios are insured by Monoline insurers. An insolvency by one of the Monolines could create significant market price volatility for the affected holdings. Of the EUR 272 million indirect exposure on the Monoline insurers, 6% relates to Municipal Bond Insurance Association, Inc. (MBIA), 54% to Ambac Financial Group, Inc. (AMBAC), and 27% to Assured Guaranty Corporation (AGC) (2018: 15% related to MBIA, 13% to AMBAC, and 52% to AGC). Additional information on credit risk, unrealized losses and impairments Debt instruments The amortized cost and fair value of debt securities, money market investments and other, included in Aegon’s available-for-sale 2019 Amortized Unrealized Unrealized Total fair Fair value of Fair value of Debt securities, money market instruments and other United States government 7,443 1,377 (8 ) 8,812 8,478 335 Dutch government 4,869 1,448 - 6,316 6,267 49 Other government 8,901 2,989 (17 ) 11,872 11,662 210 Mortgage-backed securities 6,366 470 (25 ) 6,811 5,773 1,037 Asset-backed securities 3,776 103 (9 ) 3,869 2,881 989 Corporate 40,552 4,853 (167 ) 45,238 42,801 2,437 Money market investments 5,169 - - 5,169 4,702 467 Other 976 49 (117 ) 908 628 280 Total 78,052 11,289 (345 ) 88,995 83,192 5,803 Of which held by Aegon Americas and NL 69,012 10,493 (327 ) 79,178 74,025 5,153 2018 Amortized Unrealized Unrealized Total fair Fair value of Fair value of Debt securities, money market instruments and other United States government 6,973 603 (127 ) 7,449 4,772 2,676 Dutch government 4,908 1,136 (3 ) 6,040 6,002 38 Other government 11,327 684 (54 ) 11,957 11,105 852 Mortgage-backed securities 6,275 366 (84 ) 6,557 3,700 2,857 Asset-backed securities 4,948 65 (55 ) 4,958 1,825 3,133 Corporate 39,770 1,748 (1,138 ) 40,379 21,441 18,939 Money market investments 5,955 - - 5,955 5,701 254 Other 919 71 (88 ) 902 707 194 Total 81,073 4,673 (1,550 ) 84,196 55,253 28,943 Of which held by Aegon Americas and NL 72,520 4,336 (1,352 ) 75,504 50,976 24,528 Unrealized bond losses by sector The composition by industry category of Aegon’s available-for-sale December 31, 2019 December 31, 2018 Unrealized losses - debt securities, money market investments and other Carrying value of Unrealized losses Carrying value of Unrealized losses Residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBSs) 413 (18 ) 446 (30 ) Commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBSs) 494 (6 ) 2,012 (45 ) Asset-backed securities (ABSs) - CDOs backed by ABS, Corp. bonds, Bank loans 662 (5 ) 2,088 (42 ) ABSs - Other 242 (4 ) 829 (10 ) Financial Industry - Banking 349 (20 ) 2,522 (106 ) Financial Industry - Insurance 104 (5 ) 646 (36 ) Financial Industry - Other 615 (15 ) 1,523 (69 ) Industrial 1,293 (105 ) 10,073 (684 ) Utility 249 (10 ) 1,258 (78 ) Government 453 (23 ) 2,935 (164 ) Other 279 (117 ) 194 (88 ) Total held by Aegon Americas and NL 5,153 (327 ) 24,528 (1,352 ) Held by other segments 650 (18 ) 4,415 (197 ) Total 5,803 (345 ) 28,943 (1,550 ) As of December 31, 2019, there are EUR 10,493 million (December 31, 2018: EUR 4,370 million) of gross unrealized gains and EUR 327 million (December 31, 2018: EUR 1,352 million) of gross unrealized losses in the AFS debt securities, money markets and other portfolio of Aegon Americas and Aegon the Netherlands. US credit and equity market returns were strong during 2019, rebounding from sharp sell-offs at the end of 2018. Credit spreads tightened dramatically, and US equity markets rose throughout the year. Developed-world economic growth was steady and positive, though somewhat lack-luster, with the US generally outperforming most other developed economies. Outside of US, global equity markets were also very strong. The dollar was modestly stronger versus the Euro, and little-changed versus the yen. The US Federal Reserve paused its tightening cycle at the beginning of 2019, and began easing in July, ultimately reducing the Fed Funds rate target by 75 basis points. US Treasury rates declined sharply. Corporate default rates remained low. Oil prices ended the year higher than the very low levels at the end of 2018, but low |