Responsibility to Our Shareholders
Our Purpose
Acting with responsibility and transparency goes hand-in-hand with protecting shareholder value. Each employee creates value for our shareholders by putting our company’s interests first, maintaining accurate business records and protecting and properly using company resources, information and property.
Accurate Business Records
Your business records must be accurate and complete.
PepsiCo’s focus on speaking with truth and candor underscores our commitment to accuracy in our company’s books and records. Business records, including our financial statements, contracts and agreements, must always be accurate and reflect a forthright presentation of the facts. No matter what type of document or how insignificant it might seem, the information contained in a business record must always be truthful and complete. Financial records must reflect all components of the financial transactions and events. Likewise, all of your transactions, no matter what the dollar amount, must be properly authorized, executed and recorded.
You are accountable for the accuracy of the business records that you handle in the normal course of business. You should never:
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• | Falsify, omit, misstate, alter or conceal any information or otherwise misrepresent the facts on a company record |
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• | Encourage or allow anyone else to compromise the accuracy and integrity of our records |
If you notice an inaccuracy in a company record, or a failure to follow our internal control processes, you must promptly speak up and report it.
See your sector or region Financial Policies.
What is meant by “business records?”
“Business records” include any document, or communication in paper or electronic form that is maintained in the course of business. This covers a wide variety of information, including: presentations, spreadsheets, payroll documents, time cards, attendance records, legal agreements, information in filings with governmental agencies, inventory records, invoices, purchase orders, market research tests, lab tests, quality control tests, travel and expense reports, inspection records, transportation logs, hazardous material records, accident reports, and business plans.
Public Disclosures
Our financial reporting obligations rely on PepsiCo’s accurate business records.
Our investors and the general public rely on our company, and the law obligates us, to accurately report on our business, our earnings and our financial condition. The disclosures we make in our public communications, regulatory disclosures and reports submitted to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and to other governmental agencies must always be full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable.
If you are involved in any aspect of preparing our financial statements, or the certifications on which they rely, you must always follow our financial policies, our system of internal controls and generally accepted accounting principles.
See our Disclosure Policy.
Putting Accurate Financial Information Into Practice
Accurate financial reporting means you should never:
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• | Understate or overstate known or estimated liabilities or assets |
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• | Accelerate or defer costs in violation of generally accepted accounting principles |
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• | Fail to properly maintain supporting documents for business transactions |
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• | “Channel stuff,” “trade load” or otherwise inflate or deflate quarterly or annual sales by pulling forward or delaying shipments or intentionally selling larger quantities than the customer needs |
Records Management
You should maintain business records in accordance with our Records Management Policies.
A company the size of PepsiCo generates a large volume of records and documents each day. The business records that you work with must be maintained, retained and destroyed in accordance with all legal and regulatory recordkeeping requirements. To manage your business records properly, you should:
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• | Comply with our records management policies for all documents, files, electronic records and emails |
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• | Follow the retention periods specified in the Records Retention Schedule for your sector, country or function |
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• | Follow the instructions in a “Legal Hold” record retention notification |
You should consult the Law Department if you have specific questions about the retention period of a document, or if you have questions concerning the documents referred to in a Legal Hold notification. Destruction of documents subject to a Legal Hold notice, even inadvertently, could expose our company and you to civil and criminal liability.
See your sector or region Records Management Policies and the Record Retention Schedules.
Audits and Investigations
Our auditors and investigators require your full cooperation.
During your employment with PepsiCo, you may be asked to participate in an audit or internal investigation conducted by our internal auditors, external auditors, Global Compliance or the Law Department. When this happens, you are always expected to cooperate fully and communicate honestly.
You may also receive a request for documents or a request to meet with regulators or lawyers in connection with a legal proceeding or government investigation. If you receive such a request, you should immediately contact the Law Department for assistance.
Company Resources
You have an obligation to protect PepsiCo’s resources.
PepsiCo relies on you to use company resources honestly and efficiently. Resources include physical property, such as facilities, supplies, equipment, machinery, spare parts, raw ingredients, finished products, vehicles and company funds. They also include intangible assets, such as