Andrew I. Telsey, P.C. Attorney at Law |
12835 E. Arapahoe Road, Tower One, Penthouse #803, Englewood, Colorado 80112 Telephone: 303/768-9221 • Facsimile: 303/768-9224 • E-Mail: |
October 28, 2014
Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F St., NE
Washington, D.C. 20549
Attn: Greg Dundas, Esq.
RE: | | Energie Holdings, Inc.; |
| | Our Phone Conversation of October 28, 2014; |
| | Registration Statement on Form S-1/A2 |
| | Filed October 6, 2015 |
| | SEC File No. 33-1199174 |
Dear Mr Dundas:
Filed electronically on behalf of Energie Holdings, Inc. (the “Registrant” or “Company”) is Amendment No. 2 to the Form S-1 (the “Amendment”), submitted in response to our phone conversation of this date concerning the above referenced matter. The Amendment includes this firms’ legality opinion.
Based on the foregoing response to the staff's only comment, and the revisions made by this Amendment, we believe this Amendment is in compliance with the applicable form instructions and rules pertaining thereto and that it is complete. Additionally, we believe that, because of the completeness of the Amendment, an effective date as soon thereafter as practicable, is appropriate. We have left a message for you on this date to confirm.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Very truly yours,
s/ Andrew I. Telsey
For the Firm