That, section 8.1 of article 8 of the aforementioned Urgency Decree N° 016-2019, establishes that, for the implementation of external bond issuances referred to in article 6, a ministerial resolution issued by the Ministry of Economy and Finance will determine the amounts to be issued, the general conditions of the bonds, the appointment of the investment bank or banks that will provide arrangement and placement services, the entities that will provide complementary services, among other aspects;
That, the Ministry of Economy and Finance is planning to launch an external bond issuance under the approval contained in article 6 of Law N° 31086, Annual Indebtedness Law of the Public Sector for the Fiscal Year 2021;
That, to implement the aforementioned external bond issuance, it is necessary to hire specialized legal and financial advice services, as well as other complementary services;
That, the Third Transitory Complementary Provision of Legislative Decree N° 1437, states that, until procedures for the hiring of legal, financial and complementary specialized services referred to in the Third Final Complementary Provision are approved, the “Procedure for the hiring of specialized legal and financial advisory services under Law N° 28563, General Law of the National Indebtedness System”, approved by Supreme Decree N° 033-2006-EF, shall apply in whatever results pertinent;
That, under the aforementioned procedure, BofA through BofA Securities Inc. and Merrill Lynch International, J.P. Morgan through J.P. Morgan Securities LLC and J.P. Morgan Securities plc, and Morgan Stanley through Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC and Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc, have been selected as financial advisors;
That, under articles 6 and 7 of the “Procedure for the hiring of specialized legal and financial advisory services”, set forth in Supreme Decree N° 033-2006-EF, Paul Hastings LLP, a law firm from the State of New York was selected as external legal advisor, and Hernandez & Cía. Abogados, a law firm from the city of Lima, was selected as local legal advisor;
That, Paul Hastings LLP and Hernandez & Cia. Abogados will be hired to provide legal advice, external and local respectively, for the external issuance of bonds, and the General Director of the General Directorate of the Public Treasury shall be authorized to execute the respective agreements;
That, for the external issuance of bonds the contract denominated “Indenture” whose text was approved by Ministerial Resolution N° 258-2015-EF/52 will be used.
That, in addition, for the implementation of the external bond issuance indicated in previous paragraphs, it is necessary to approve the texts for the documents denominated “Prospectus Supplement” and “Report under form 18-K/A”; as well as the contracts denominated “Underwriting Agreement” and “Trustee, Registrar, Transfer Agent and Paying Agent, Luxembourg Listing and London Paying Agent Fee Schedule”; “Paying Agency Agreement” and “Listing Engagement Letter”;