Non-Operating Cash/Tax Position
Cash Refunds as of Dec. 31, 2009
• Federal tax recoveries virtually complete.
– Approx. $43 million received.
• State tax refunds in progress.
– Approx. $21 million received.
– Approx. $10 million net receivable on
the balance sheet.
Future Cash Tax Payments
• Expect to pay about $5-7 million per year of income
– State income tax.
– Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT).
• The Company does not expect to pay significant
federal income taxes for the next 10-12 years, due
to approximately $905 million in deferred tax assets
as of 12/31/09 outlined in the Form 10-K to be filed
with the SEC. The majority of the deferred tax asset
is related to net operating losses (NOLs).
– At this time, we do not believe the use
of NOLs will be limited before they
expire, however, no assurances can
be provided.
• HealthSouth is not currently subject to an annual
use limitation (AUL) under the Internal Revenue
Code section 382.
• If we experienced a “change of ownership” as
defined by the Internal Revenue Code section 382,
we would be subject to an AUL, which is equal to
the value of the company at the time of the “change
of ownership” multiplied by the long-term tax exempt
GAAP Considerations
• HealthSouth’s balance sheet currently
reflects a valuation allowance for the
potential value of NOLs and future
deductions. The valuation allowance is
approximately $893 million.
• GAAP tax rate will net to small amount for
foreseeable future as there will be a
reduction in the valuation allowance when
NOLs are utilized.