Finance Assets | Finance Assets Finance Receivables Finance receivables are comprised of sales-type lease receivables and unsecured revolving loan receivables. Sales-type lease receivables are generally due in monthly, quarterly or semi-annual installments over periods ranging from three to five years. Loan receivables arise primarily from financing services offered to our customers for postage and supplies. Loan receivables are generally due each month; however, customers may rollover outstanding balances. Interest is recognized on loan receivables using the effective interest method and related annual fees are initially deferred and recognized ratably over the annual period covered. Customer acquisition costs are expensed as incurred. Finance receivables at June 30, 2017 and December 31, 2016 consisted of the following: June 30, 2017 December 31, 2016 North America International Total North America International Total Sales-type lease receivables Gross finance receivables $ 1,061,888 $ 276,795 $ 1,338,683 $ 1,088,053 $ 273,262 $ 1,361,315 Unguaranteed residual values 82,581 14,083 96,664 90,190 13,655 103,845 Unearned income (221,083 ) (61,768 ) (282,851 ) (223,908 ) (60,458 ) (284,366 ) Allowance for credit losses (8,456 ) (2,496 ) (10,952 ) (8,247 ) (2,647 ) (10,894 ) Net investment in sales-type lease receivables 914,930 226,614 1,141,544 946,088 223,812 1,169,900 Loan receivables Loan receivables 351,077 36,187 387,264 374,147 32,716 406,863 Allowance for credit losses (7,503 ) (1,157 ) (8,660 ) (8,517 ) (1,089 ) (9,606 ) Net investment in loan receivables 343,574 35,030 378,604 365,630 31,627 397,257 Net investment in finance receivables $ 1,258,504 $ 261,644 $ 1,520,148 $ 1,311,718 $ 255,439 $ 1,567,157 Allowance for Credit Losses We provide an allowance for probable credit losses based on historical loss experience, the nature and volume of our portfolios, adverse situations that may affect a client's ability to pay, prevailing economic conditions and our ability to manage the collateral. We continually evaluate the adequacy of the allowance for credit losses and make adjustments as necessary. The assumptions used in determining an estimate of credit losses are inherently subjective and actual results may differ significantly from estimated reserves. We establish credit approval limits based on the credit quality of the client and the type of equipment financed. Our policy is to discontinue revenue recognition for lease receivables that are more than 120 days past due and for loan receivables that are more than 90 days past due. We resume revenue recognition when the client's payments reduce the account aging to less than 60 days past due. Finance receivables deemed uncollectible are written off against the allowance after all collection efforts have been exhausted and management deems the account to be uncollectible. We believe that our finance receivable credit risk is low because of the geographic and industry diversification of our clients and small account balances for most of our clients. Activity in the allowance for credit losses for the six months ended June 30, 2017 and 2016 was as follows: Sales-type Lease Receivables Loan Receivables North America International North America International Total Balance at January 1, 2017 $ 8,247 $ 2,647 $ 8,517 $ 1,089 $ 20,500 Amounts charged to expense 5,182 466 2,891 450 8,989 Write-offs and other (4,973 ) (617 ) (3,905 ) (382 ) (9,877 ) Balance at June 30, 2017 $ 8,456 $ 2,496 $ 7,503 $ 1,157 $ 19,612 Sales-type Lease Receivables Loan Receivables North America International North America International Total Balance at January 1, 2016 $ 6,606 $ 3,542 $ 10,024 $ 1,518 $ 21,690 Amounts charged to expense 1,895 186 2,765 390 5,236 Write-offs and other (2,784 ) (1,031 ) (3,798 ) (569 ) (8,182 ) Balance at June 30, 2016 $ 5,717 $ 2,697 $ 8,991 $ 1,339 $ 18,744 Aging of Receivables The aging of gross finance receivables at June 30, 2017 and December 31, 2016 was as follows: June 30, 2017 Sales-type Lease Receivables Loan Receivables North America International North America International Total 1 - 90 days $ 1,006,333 $ 271,713 $ 343,205 $ 36,044 $ 1,657,295 > 90 days 55,555 5,082 7,872 143 68,652 Total $ 1,061,888 $ 276,795 $ 351,077 $ 36,187 $ 1,725,947 Past due amounts > 90 days Still accruing interest $ 7,484 $ 1,578 $ — $ — $ 9,062 Not accruing interest 48,071 3,504 7,872 143 59,590 Total $ 55,555 $ 5,082 $ 7,872 $ 143 $ 68,652 As of June 30, 2017, we had North America sales-type lease receivables aged greater than 90 days with a contract value of $56 million . As of August 1, 2017, we received payments with a contract value of approximately $26 million related to these receivables. December 31, 2016 Sales-type Lease Receivables Loan Receivables North America International North America International Total 1 - 90 days $ 1,025,313 $ 269,247 $ 366,726 $ 32,420 $ 1,693,706 > 90 days 62,740 4,015 7,421 296 74,472 Total $ 1,088,053 $ 273,262 $ 374,147 $ 32,716 $ 1,768,178 Past due amounts > 90 days Still accruing interest $ 8,831 $ 972 $ — $ — $ 9,803 Not accruing interest 53,909 3,043 7,421 296 64,669 Total $ 62,740 $ 4,015 $ 7,421 $ 296 $ 74,472 Credit Quality The extension of credit and management of credit lines to new and existing clients uses a combination of an automated credit score, where available, and a detailed manual review of the client's financial condition and, when applicable, payment history. Once credit is granted, the payment performance of the client is managed through automated collections processes and is supplemented with direct follow up should an account become delinquent. We have robust automated collections and extensive portfolio management processes. The portfolio management processes ensure that our global strategy is executed, collection resources are allocated appropriately and enhanced tools and processes are implemented as needed. We use a third party to score the majority of the North America portfolio on a quarterly basis using a commercial credit score. We do not use a third party to score our International portfolio because the cost to do so is prohibitive, given that it is a localized process and there is no single credit score model that covers all countries. The table below shows the North America portfolio at June 30, 2017 and December 31, 2016 by relative risk class based on the relative scores of the accounts within each class. The relative scores are determined based on a number of factors, including the company type, ownership structure, payment history and financial information. A fourth class is shown for accounts that are not scored. Absence of a score is not indicative of the credit quality of the account. The degree of risk (low, medium, high), as defined by the third party, refers to the relative risk that an account in the next 12 month period may become delinquent. • Low risk accounts are companies with very good credit scores and are considered to approximate the top 30% of all commercial borrowers. • Medium risk accounts are companies with average to good credit scores and are considered to approximate the middle 40% of all commercial borrowers. • High risk accounts are companies with poor credit scores, are delinquent or are at risk of becoming delinquent and are considered to approximate the bottom 30% of all commercial borrowers. June 30, December 31, Sales-type lease receivables Low $ 837,486 $ 879,823 Medium 152,362 135,953 High 21,767 22,600 Not Scored 50,273 49,677 Total $ 1,061,888 $ 1,088,053 Loan receivables Low $ 272,022 $ 296,598 Medium 55,493 53,647 High 6,672 7,216 Not Scored 16,890 16,686 Total $ 351,077 $ 374,147 |