Finance Assets and Lessor Operating Leases | Finance Assets and Lessor Operating Leases Finance Assets Finance receivables are comprised of sales-type lease receivables, secured loans and unsecured loans. Sales-type leases and secured loans are from financing options for the purchase or lease of Pitney Bowes equipment or other manufacturers' equipment and are generally due in installments over periods ranging from three Finance receivables consisted of the following: March 31, 2023 December 31, 2022 North America International Total North America International Total Sales-type lease receivables Gross finance receivables $ 971,663 $ 149,227 $ 1,120,890 $ 967,298 $ 158,167 $ 1,125,465 Unguaranteed residual values 38,688 8,628 47,316 38,832 8,798 47,630 Unearned income (242,564) (47,243) (289,807) (239,238) (48,334) (287,572) Allowance for credit losses (13,458) (2,873) (16,331) (14,131) (2,893) (17,024) Net investment in sales-type lease receivables 754,329 107,739 862,068 752,761 115,738 868,499 Loan receivables Loan receivables 313,945 17,426 331,371 311,887 16,636 328,523 Allowance for credit losses (5,423) (150) (5,573) (4,787) (139) (4,926) Net investment in loan receivables 308,522 17,276 325,798 307,100 16,497 323,597 Net investment in finance receivables $ 1,062,851 $ 125,015 $ 1,187,866 $ 1,059,861 $ 132,235 $ 1,192,096 Maturities of gross finance receivables at March 31, 2023 were as follows: Sales-type Lease Receivables Loan Receivables North America International Total North America International Total Remainder 2023 $ 279,986 $ 52,333 $ 332,319 $ 229,683 $ 17,426 $ 247,109 2024 299,265 44,812 344,077 31,141 — 31,141 2025 207,186 28,061 235,247 24,666 — 24,666 2026 126,392 16,005 142,397 15,966 — 15,966 2027 55,014 6,320 61,334 10,122 — 10,122 Thereafter 3,820 1,696 5,516 2,367 — 2,367 Total $ 971,663 $ 149,227 $ 1,120,890 $ 313,945 $ 17,426 $ 331,371 Aging of Receivables The aging of gross finance receivables was as follows: March 31, 2023 Sales-type Lease Receivables Loan Receivables North International North International Total Past due amounts 0 - 90 days $ 963,890 $ 146,958 $ 310,819 $ 17,321 $ 1,438,988 Past due amounts > 90 days 7,773 2,269 3,126 105 13,273 Total $ 971,663 $ 149,227 $ 313,945 $ 17,426 $ 1,452,261 December 31, 2022 Sales-type Lease Receivables Loan Receivables North International North International Total Past due amounts 0 - 90 days $ 959,203 $ 155,596 $ 308,872 $ 16,503 $ 1,440,174 Past due amounts > 90 days 8,095 2,571 3,015 133 13,814 Total $ 967,298 $ 158,167 $ 311,887 $ 16,636 $ 1,453,988 Allowance for Credit Losses We provide an allowance for credit losses based on historical loss experience, the nature of our portfolios, adverse situations that may affect a client's ability to pay and current economic conditions and outlook based on reasonable and supportable forecasts. We continually evaluate the adequacy of the allowance for credit losses and adjust as necessary. The assumptions used in determining an estimate of credit losses are inherently subjective and actual results may differ significantly from estimated reserves. We established credit approval limits based on the credit quality of the client and the type of equipment financed. We cease financing revenue recognition for lease receivables and for unsecured loan receivables that are more than 90 days past due. Revenue recognition is resumed when the client's payments reduce the account aging to less than 60 days past due. Finance receivables are written off against the allowance after all collection efforts have been exhausted and management deems the account to be uncollectible. We believe that our credit risk is low because of the geographic and industry diversification of our clients and small account balances for most of our clients. Activity in the allowance for credit losses for finance receivables was as follows: Sales-type Lease Receivables Loan Receivables North International North International Total Balance at January 1, 2023 $ 14,131 $ 2,893 $ 4,787 $ 139 $ 21,950 Amounts charged to expense 395 238 1,097 55 1,785 Write-offs (1,683) (267) (1,109) (46) (3,105) Recoveries 614 111 648 — 1,373 Other 1 (102) — 2 (99) Balance at March 31, 2023 $ 13,458 $ 2,873 $ 5,423 $ 150 $ 21,904 Sales-type Lease Receivables Loan Receivables North International North International Total Balance at January 1, 2022 $ 19,546 $ 3,246 $ 3,259 $ 167 $ 26,218 Amounts charged to expense 297 47 616 143 1,103 Write-offs (1,640) (360) (1,341) (117) (3,458) Recoveries 744 — 761 — 1,505 Other 13 (143) 2 (9) (137) Balance at March 31, 2022 $ 18,960 $ 2,790 $ 3,297 $ 184 $ 25,231 The table below shows write-offs of gross finance receivables by year of origination. March 31, 2023 Sales Type Lease Receivables Loan Receivables Total 2022 2021 2020 2019 Prior Write-offs $ 455 $ 675 $ 412 $ 250 $ 158 $ 1,155 $ 3,105 Credit Quality The extension of credit and management of credit lines to new and existing clients uses a combination of a client's credit score, where available, a detailed manual review of their financial condition and payment history, or an automated process. Once credit is granted, the payment performance of the client is managed through automated collections processes and is supplemented with direct follow up should an account become delinquent. We have robust automated collections and extensive portfolio management processes to ensure that our global strategy is executed, collection resources are allocated and enhanced tools and processes are implemented as needed. Over 85% of our finance receivables are within the North American portfolio. We use a third-party to score the majority of this portfolio on a quarterly basis using a proprietary commercial credit score. The relative scores are determined based on a number of factors, including financial information, payment history, company type and ownership structure. We stratify the third party's credit scores of our clients into low, medium and high-risk accounts. Due to timing and other issues, our entire portfolio may not be scored at period end. We report these amounts as "Not Scored"; however, absence of a score is not indicative of the credit quality of the account. The third-party credit score is used to predict the payment behaviors of our clients and the probability that an account will become greater than 90 days past due during the subsequent 12-month period. • Low risk accounts are companies with very good credit scores and a predicted delinquency rate of less than 5%. • Medium risk accounts are companies with average to good credit scores and a predicted delinquency rate between 5% and 10%. • High risk accounts are companies with poor credit scores, are delinquent or are at risk of becoming delinquent. The predicted delinquency rate would be greater than 10%. We do not use a third-party to score our International portfolio because the cost to do so is prohibitive as there is no single credit score model that covers all countries. Accordingly, the entire International portfolio is reported in the Not Scored category. This portfolio comprises less than 15% of total finance receivables. Most of the International credit applications are small dollar applications (i.e. below $50 thousand) and are subjected to an automated review process. Larger credit applications are manually reviewed, which includes obtaining client financial information, credit reports and other available financial information. The table below shows gross finance receivables by relative risk class and year of origination based on the relative scores of the accounts within each class. March 31, 2023 Sales Type Lease Receivables Loan Receivables Total 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 Prior Low $ 77,542 $ 266,461 $ 193,093 $ 127,566 $ 81,723 $ 32,032 $ 243,405 $ 1,021,822 Medium 15,687 49,635 36,497 27,075 18,527 8,744 55,282 211,447 High 1,251 5,104 3,358 2,806 1,326 996 6,080 20,921 Not Scored 40,595 58,689 38,828 19,716 10,064 3,575 26,604 198,071 Total $ 135,075 $ 379,889 $ 271,776 $ 177,163 $ 111,640 $ 45,347 $ 331,371 $ 1,452,261 December 31, 2022 Sales Type Lease Receivables Loan Receivables Total 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 Prior Low $ 286,297 $ 206,511 $ 140,800 $ 95,485 $ 34,721 $ 12,674 $ 239,635 $ 1,016,123 Medium 53,419 40,669 27,013 19,668 6,751 3,441 56,048 207,009 High 6,492 3,840 3,119 1,942 750 508 6,800 23,451 Not Scored 71,435 53,831 29,957 19,232 5,889 1,021 26,040 207,405 Total $ 417,643 $ 304,851 $ 200,889 $ 136,327 $ 48,111 $ 17,644 $ 328,523 $ 1,453,988 Lease Income Lease income from sales-type leases, excluding variable lease payments, was as follows: Three Months Ended March 31, 2023 2022 Profit recognized at commencement $ 31,822 $ 35,040 Interest income 38,931 42,283 Total lease income from sales-type leases $ 70,753 $ 77,323 Lessor Operating Leases We also lease mailing equipment under operating leases with terms of one Remainder 2023 $ 15,217 2024 17,812 2025 19,591 2026 5,808 2027 2,205 Thereafter 434 Total $ 61,067 |