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ABT, AEP, Agent, analyzing, answering, bond, borne, bounded, broad, bulk, Cagua, carbon, Carlo, causation, Centre, CIE, clarification, coalition, cohesive, colder, Columbia, comparison, Con, constituent, contractor, contrast, Coordinating, copy, Corporacion, Council, criminal, CTDEP, defend, degree, del, delegate, delegated, delegation, deprived, destruction, diesel, disciplined, dispatch, dispatched, distortion, east, efficacy, EMP, empower, engineering, enrichment, equitable, ERO, erred, evidence, evidenced, evolving, expended, explicit, exploring, fabrication, false, FCM, flexibility, frequently, FWPCA, Gavazzi, GDC, geographic, Green, grew, hexafluoride, hourly, ICSID, idea, inadequate, indenture, India, injection, injunctive, instrument, Lawrenceburg, LCC, LDS, lender, lesser, lifting, long, longest, MAAC, mandate, mandatory, manipulation, Maracay, Maryland, MBR, met, minimized, mirrored, mutually, MWh, NEPOOL, NERC, NGC, NTC, NYISO, official, older, opposition, orderly, organizational, overcollection, PPN, precise, Preliminary, prohibit, prohibited, Prosecuting, proxy, pulled, purported, recontracting, recruit, recurrence, recycling, redesign, remanding, remeasurement, resumption, role, route, RPS, salvage, Sequestration, shareholder, shoreline, shut, Side, slightly, smaller, smart, socialization, socialized, Southwest, splitting, spur, sunk, supervision, Supreme, Sur, tangible, TBC, team, technique, TGM, timeframe, Tracy, trained, Turboven, Turkey, Turkish, turn, understatement, upheld, uranium, vacated, variance, vast, Venezuela, Venezuelan, venued, vision, voluntarily, whatsoever, write, WW, zone
accelerated, accept, accepting, achievement, acquire, acquired, acted, actuarial, Advocate, agree, amend, amounted, APB, approximated, asserted, BEC, began, Berry, billing, birthday, Bottom, Brazil, Brazilian, Bridgeport, budgeting, call, cap, capped, CAS, catalytic, certified, CEZ, clock, closure, Coast, cogeneration, collect, collectively, combination, conclusion, concrete, connected, consolidating, consummation, contaminant, contemplate, contested, conversion, converted, convertibility, County, death, deciding, deconsolidation, decree, degradation, delay, delivering, demanding, denominated, depending, description, detected, devaluation, Dhofar, die, disability, disagreement, disallow, disbursed, discount, dismissed, disproportionate, Dow, dual, Eagle, earned, EDC, EDECA, elasticity, Elevated, Eleventh, employ, employment, enact, encompassing, England, enhance, enhanced, escalation, essentially, estimable, exceeding, exclude, execution, exercisable, exercised, expenditure, expensed, expensing, experienced, expert, explained, expropriation, extending, failed, fit, forecasting, forfeiture, fringe, GCUA, good, govern, grant, Greenhouse, groundwater, health, high, Housing, hydro, ICC, Index, inflow, input, installment, instruction, integrated, intrinsic, investigated, involuntary, jurisdiction, Justice, KinderCare, KKR, labor, laboratory, lapse, leakage, Learning, legislative, LIBOR, library, licensed, life, lowered, LTIP, Maine, majeure, memorandum, Mercantile, mil, Ministry, MISO, modest, monetize, MOU, moved, MPC, nationalization, nominal, nullification, NWPA, NYMEX, obstructed, obstruction, occurrence, Odessa, Oman, Omani, opportunistically, original, package, panel, participant, partner, payroll, Peach, permanent, permission, petitioned, possession, presently, principle, producing, properly, PUHCA, rata, ratepayer, reactor, realization, receipt, recession, reconsideration, redeemed, Reference, refocused, reimbursed, reinforcing, rely, renegotiation, repatriation, repeal, replacing, represented, representing, repurchase, requisite, reserve, restriction, retail, retainer, retention, retirement, retroactive, retroactively, reviewing, revoking, RGGI, RMR, RPA, RTOR, Salalah, salary, SAOC, satisfied, SECA, sector, segment, selective, Sewaren, shallow, shopping, shorter, show, solution, source, South, spread, staggered, statewide, steel, stimulate, stipulated, stockholder, stored, strike, stronger, Subordinated, substituted, Sultanate, taxable, termination, testing, thereto, TIE, tritium, ultimately, unchanged, Underrecovery, understand, understanding, unplanned, unvested, upholding, utilized, UU, variety, venture, vest, vested, vesting, vote, waive, watch, Waterford, withdrawal, workforce, workplan
Filing tables
Filing exhibits
- 10-Q Quarterly report
- 3.1 EX-3.1(A)
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- 32.7 EX-32.7
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