Fair value measurements | Fair value measurements Securities owned, securities sold but not yet purchased, investments and derivative contracts are carried at fair value with changes in fair value recognized in earnings each period. Valuation Techniques A description of the valuation techniques applied, and inputs used in measuring the fair value of the Company's financial instruments, is as follows: U.S. Government Obligations U.S. Treasury securities are valued using quoted market prices obtained from active market makers and inter-dealer brokers. U.S. Agency Obligations U.S. agency securities consist of agency issued debt securities and mortgage pass-through securities. Non-callable agency issued debt securities are generally valued using quoted market prices. Callable agency issued debt securities are valued by benchmarking model-derived prices to quoted market prices and trade data for identical or comparable securities. The fair value of mortgage pass-through securities are model driven with respect to spreads of the comparable to-be-announced ("TBA") security. Sovereign Obligations The fair value of sovereign obligations is determined based on quoted market prices when available or a valuation model that generally utilizes interest rate yield curves and credit spreads as inputs. Corporate Debt and Other Obligations The fair value of corporate bonds is estimated using recent transactions, broker quotations and bond spread information. Mortgage and Other Asset-Backed Securities The Company values non-agency securities collateralized by home equity and various other types of collateral based on external pricing and spread data provided by independent pricing services. When specific external pricing is not observable, the valuation is based on yields and spreads for comparable bonds. Municipal Obligations The fair value of municipal obligations is estimated using recently executed transactions, broker quotations, and bond spread information. Convertible Bonds The fair value of convertible bonds is estimated using recently executed transactions and dollar-neutral price quotations, where observable. When observable price quotations are not available, fair value is determined based on cash flow models using yield curves and bond spreads as key inputs. Corporate Equities Equity securities and options are generally valued based on quoted prices from the exchange or market where traded. To the extent quoted prices are not available, fair values are generally derived using bid/ask spreads. Auction Rate Securities ("ARS") Background In February 2010, Oppenheimer finalized settlements with each of the New York Attorney General's office ("NYAG") and the Massachusetts Securities Division ("MSD" and, together with the NYAG, the "Regulators") concluding proceedings by the Regulators concerning Oppenheimer's marketing and sale of ARS. Pursuant to the settlements with the Regulators, Oppenheimer agreed to extend offers to repurchase ARS from certain of its clients. As of September 30, 2021, the Company had completed its ARS purchase obligations related to the settlements with the Regulators. In addition to the settlements with the Regulators, Oppenheimer had also reached settlements of and received adverse awards in legal proceedings with various clients where the Company was obligated to purchase ARS. As of September 30, 2022, the Company no longer had any obligations to purchase ARS from such legal settlements or adverse awards. As of September 30, 2022, the Company owned $33.1 million of ARS. This amount represents the unredeemed or unsold amount that the Company holds as a result of ARS buybacks pursuant to the settlements with the Regulators and legal settlements and awards referred to above. Valuation The Company’s ARS owned referred to above have, for the most part, been subject to issuer tender offers. The Company has valued the ARS securities owned at the tender offer price and categorized them in Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy due to the illiquid nature of the securities and the period of time since the last tender offer. The fair value of ARS is particularly sensitive to movements in interest rates. However, an increase or decrease in short-term interest rates may or may not result in a higher or lower tender offer in the future or the tender offer price may not provide a reasonable estimate of the fair value of the securities. In such cases, other valuation techniques might be necessary. As of September 30, 2022, the Company had a valuation allowance totaling $5.2 million relating to ARS owned (which is included as a reduction to securities owned on the condensed consolidated balance sheet). Investments In its role as general partner in certain hedge funds and private equity funds, the Company, through its subsidiaries, holds direct investments in such funds. The Company uses the net asset value of the underlying fund as a basis for estimating the fair value of its investment. The following table provides information about the Company's investments in Company-sponsored funds as of September 30, 2022: (Expressed in thousands) Fair Value Unfunded Redemption Redemption Hedge funds (1) $ 589 $ — Quarterly - Annually 30 - 120 Days Private equity funds (2) 8,327 3,161 N/A N/A $ 8,916 $ 3,161 (1) Includes investments in hedge funds and hedge fund of funds that pursue long/short, event-driven, and activist strategies (2) Includes private equity funds and private equity fund of funds with diversified portfolios focusing on but not limited to technology companies, venture capital and global natural resources The following table provides information about the Company's investments in Company-sponsored funds as of December 31, 2021: (Expressed in thousands) Fair Value Unfunded Redemption Redemption Hedge funds (1) $ 900 $ — Quarterly - Annually 30 - 120 Days Private equity funds (2) 4,621 4,035 N/A N/A $ 5,521 $ 4,035 (1) Includes investments in hedge funds and hedge fund of funds that pursue long/short, event-driven, and activist strategies. (2) Includes private equity funds and private equity fund of funds with diversified portfolios focusing on but not limited to technology companies, venture capital and global natural resources. During 2020, the Company made an investment in a financial technologies firm. The Company elected the fair value option for this investment and it is included in other assets on the condensed consolidated balance sheet. The Company determined the fair value of the investment based on an implied market-multiple approach and observable market data, including comparable company transactions. As of September 30, 2022, the fair value of the investment was $5.8 million and was categorized in Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy. Assets and Liabilities Measured at Fair Value The Company's assets and liabilities, recorded at fair value on a recurring basis as of September 30, 2022, and December 31, 2021, have been categorized based upon the above fair value hierarchy as follows: Assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis as of September 30, 2022 : (Expressed in thousands) Fair Value Measurements as of September 30, 2022 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Assets Deposits with clearing organizations $ 41,389 $ — $ — $ 41,389 Securities owned: U.S. Treasury securities 519,569 — — 519,569 U.S. Agency securities — 19,063 — 19,063 Sovereign obligations — 345 — 345 Corporate debt and other obligations — 12,174 — 12,174 Mortgage and other asset-backed securities — 2,050 — 2,050 Municipal obligations — 31,838 — 31,838 Convertible bonds — 17,139 — 17,139 Corporate equities 27,298 — — 27,298 Money markets 78 — — 78 Auction rate securities — — 33,123 33,123 Securities owned, at fair value 546,945 82,609 33,123 662,677 Investments (1) — 8,650 — 8,650 Total $ 588,334 $ 91,259 $ 33,123 $ 712,716 Liabilities Securities sold but not yet purchased: U.S. Treasury securities $ 72,842 $ — $ — $ 72,842 U.S. Agency securities — 6 — 6 Corporate debt and other obligations — 6,931 — 6,931 Convertible bonds — 3,799 — 3,799 Corporate equities 11,315 — — 11,315 Securities sold but not yet purchased, at fair value 84,157 10,736 — 94,893 Derivative contracts: Futures 149 — — 149 Derivative contracts, total 149 — — 149 Total $ 84,306 $ 10,736 $ — $ 95,042 (1) Included in other assets on the condensed consolidated balance sheet. Assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis as of December 31, 2021: (Expressed in thousands) Fair Value Measurements as of December 31, 2021 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Assets Deposits with clearing organizations $ 29,083 $ — $ — $ 29,083 Securities owned: U.S. Treasury securities 505,875 — — 505,875 U.S. Agency securities — 5,622 — 5,622 Sovereign obligations — 1,494 — 1,494 Corporate debt and other obligations — 8,111 — 8,111 Mortgage and other asset-backed securities — 3,889 — 3,889 Municipal obligations — 18,520 — 18,520 Convertible bonds — 13,778 — 13,778 Corporate equities 45,380 — — 45,380 Money markets 31 — — 31 Auction rate securities — — 31,804 31,804 Securities owned, at fair value 551,286 51,414 31,804 634,504 Investments (1) — 12,970 — 12,970 Derivative contracts: TBAs — 92 — 92 Total $ 580,369 $ 64,476 $ 31,804 $ 676,649 Liabilities Securities sold but not yet purchased: U.S. Treasury securities $ 42,298 $ — $ — $ 42,298 U.S. Agency securities — 4 — 4 Corporate debt and other obligations — 2,515 — 2,515 Convertible bonds — 8,462 — 8,462 Corporate equities 18,679 — — 18,679 Securities sold but not yet purchased, at fair value 60,977 10,981 — 71,958 Derivative contracts: Futures 287 — — 287 TBAs — 81 — 81 Derivative contracts, total 287 81 — 368 Total $ 61,264 $ 11,062 $ — $ 72,326 (1) Included in other assets on the condensed consolidated balance sheet. The following tables present changes in Level 3 assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2022 and 2021: (Expressed in thousands) Level 3 Assets and Liabilities For the Three Months Ended September 30, 2022 Total Realized Beginning and Unrealized Purchases Sales and Transfers Ending Balance Losses (3) (4) and Issuances Settlements In (Out) Balance Assets Auction rate securities (1) $ 31,977 $ (29) $ 1,175 $ — $ — $ 33,123 (1) Represents auction rate securities that failed in the auction rate market. (Expressed in thousands) Level 3 Assets and Liabilities For the Three Months Ended September 30, 2021 Total Realized Beginning and Unrealized Purchases Sales and Transfers Ending Balance Losses (3)(4) and Issuances Settlements In (Out) Balance Assets Auction rate securities (1) $ 31,422 $ (68) $ 450 $ — $ — $ 31,804 Liabilities ARS Purchase Commitments (2) 66 — — (66) — — (1) Represents auction rate securities that failed in the auction rate market. (2) Represents the difference in principal and fair value for auction rate securities purchase commitments outstanding at the end of the period. (3) Included in principal transactions in the condensed consolidated income statement. (4) Unrealized gains are attributable to assets or liabilities that are still held at the reporting date. Level 3 Assets and Liabilities For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2022 Total Realized Beginning and Unrealized Purchases Sales and Transfers Ending Balance Losses (3) (4) and Issuances Settlements In (Out) Balance Assets Auction rate securities (1) $ 31,804 $ (56) $ 1,375 $ — $ — $ 33,123 (1) Represents auction rate securities that failed in the auction rate market. . Level 3 Assets and Liabilities For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2021 Total Realized Beginning and Unrealized Purchases Sales and Transfers Ending Balance Losses (3)(4) and Issuances Settlements In (Out) Balance Assets Auction rate securities (1) $ 30,701 $ (197) $ 2,325 $ (1,025) $ — $ 31,804 Liabilities ARS Purchase Commitments (2) 195 (1) — (196) — — (1) Represents auction rate securities that failed in the auction rate market. (2) Represents the difference in principal and fair value for auction rate securities purchase commitments outstanding at the end of the period. (3) Included in principal transactions in the condensed consolidated income statement. (4) Unrealized losses are attributable to assets or liabilities that are still held at the reporting date. Financial Instruments Not Measured at Fair Value The table below presents the carrying value, fair value and fair value hierarchy category of certain financial instruments that are not measured at fair value on the condensed consolidated balance sheets. The table below excludes non-financial assets and liabilities (e.g., furniture, equipment and leasehold improvements, and accrued compensation). The carrying value of financial instruments not measured at fair value categorized in the fair value hierarchy as Level 1 or Level 2 (e.g., cash and receivables from customers) approximates fair value because of the relatively short-term nature of the underlying assets. The fair value of the Company's senior secured notes, categorized in Level 2 of the fair value hierarchy, is based on quoted prices from the market in which the notes trade. Assets and liabilities not measured at fair value as of September 30, 2022: (Expressed in thousands) Fair Value Measurement: Assets Carrying Value Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Cash $ 36,578 $ 36,578 $ — $ — $ 36,578 Restricted cash 128,280 128,280 — — 128,280 Deposits with clearing organization 54,256 54,256 — — 54,256 Receivable from brokers, dealers and clearing organizations: Securities borrowed 72,267 — 72,267 — 72,267 Receivables from brokers 69,653 — 69,653 — 69,653 Securities failed to deliver 9,801 — 9,801 — 9,801 Clearing organizations 22,287 — 22,287 — 22,287 Other 3,198 — 3,198 — 3,198 177,206 — 177,206 — 177,206 Receivable from customers 1,178,713 — 1,178,713 — 1,178,713 Notes receivable, net 57,205 — 57,205 — 57,205 Investments (1) 75,437 — 75,437 — 75,437 (1) Included in other assets on the condensed consolidated balance sheet. (Expressed in thousands) Fair Value Measurement: Liabilities Carrying Value Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Drafts payable $ 9,644 $ 9,644 $ — $ — $ 9,644 Bank call loans $ 53,600 $ — $ 53,600 $ — $ 53,600 Payables to brokers, dealers and clearing organizations: Securities loaned 307,383 — 307,383 — 307,383 Payable to brokers 199 — 199 — 199 Securities failed to receive 22,359 — 22,359 — 22,359 Other 163,356 — 163,356 — 163,356 493,297 — 493,297 — 493,297 Payables to customers 381,112 — 381,112 — 381,112 Securities sold under agreements to repurchase 284,032 — 284,032 — 284,032 Senior secured notes 125,000 — 124,423 — 124,423 Assets and liabilities not measured at fair value as of December 31, 2021: (Expressed in thousands) Fair Value Measurement: Assets Carrying Value Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Cash $ 213,759 $ 213,759 $ — $ — $ 213,759 Restricted cash 127,765 127,765 — — 127,765 Deposits with clearing organization 37,885 37,885 — — 37,885 Receivable from brokers, dealers and clearing organizations: Securities borrowed 99,752 — 99,752 — 99,752 Receivables from brokers 39,716 — 39,716 — 39,716 Securities failed to deliver 9,212 — 9,212 — 9,212 Clearing organizations 19,518 — 19,518 — 19,518 Other 1,693 — 1,693 — 1,693 169,891 — 169,891 — 169,891 Receivable from customers 1,221,450 — 1,221,450 — 1,221,450 Securities purchased under agreements to resell 935 — 935 — 935 Notes receivable, net 53,983 — 53,983 — 53,983 Investments (1) 99,169 — 99,169 — 99,169 (1) Included in other assets on the condensed consolidated balance sheet. (Expressed in thousands) Fair Value Measurement: Liabilities Carrying Value Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total Bank call loans $ 69,500 $ — $ 69,500 $ — $ 69,500 Payables to brokers, dealers and clearing organizations: Securities loaned 244,223 — 244,223 — 244,223 Payable to brokers 2,077 — 2,077 — 2,077 Securities failed to receive 6,457 — 6,457 — 6,457 Other 169,013 — 169,013 — 169,013 421,770 — 421,770 — 421,770 Payables to customers 456,958 — 456,958 — 456,958 Securities sold under agreements to repurchase 277,322 — 277,322 — 277,322 Senior secured notes 125,000 — 131,094 — 131,094 Fair Value Option The Company elected the fair value option for securities sold under agreements to repurchase ("repurchase agreements") and securities purchased under agreements to resell ("reverse repurchase agreements") that do not settle overnight or have an open settlement date. The Company has elected the fair value option for these instruments to reflect more accurately market and economic events in its earnings and to mitigate a potential mismatch in earnings caused by using different measurement attributes (i.e. fair value versus carrying value) for certain assets and liabilities. As of September 30, 2022, the Company did not have any repurchase agreements and reverse repurchase agreements that do not settle overnight or have an open settlement date. Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities The Company transacts, on a limited basis, in exchange traded and over-the-counter derivatives for both asset and liability management as well as for trading and investment purposes. Risks managed using derivative instruments include interest rate risk and, to a lesser extent, foreign exchange risk. All derivative instruments are measured at fair value and are recognized as either assets or liabilities on the condensed consolidated balance sheet. Foreign exchange hedges From time to time, the Company also utilizes forward and options contracts to hedge the foreign currency risk associated with compensation obligations to Oppenheimer Israel (OPCO) Ltd. employees denominated in New Israeli Shekel ("NIS"). Such hedges have not been designated as accounting hedges. Unrealized gains and losses on foreign exchange forward contracts are recorded in other assets or other liabilities on the condensed consolidated balance sheet and other income in the condensed consolidated income statement. Derivatives used for trading and investment purposes Futures contracts represent commitments to purchase or sell securities or other commodities at a future date and at a specified price. Market risk exists with respect to these instruments. Notional or contractual amounts are used to express the volume of these transactions and do not represent the amounts potentially subject to market risk. The Company uses futures contracts, including U.S. Treasury notes, Federal Funds, General Collateral futures, and Eurodollar contracts primarily as an economic hedge of interest rate risk associated with government trading activities. Unrealized gains and losses on futures contracts are recorded on the condensed consolidated balance sheet in payable to brokers, dealers and clearing organizations and in the condensed consolidated income statement as principal transactions revenue, net. To-be-announced securities The Company also transacts in pass-through mortgage-backed securities eligible to be sold in the TBA market as economic hedges against mortgage-backed securities that it owns or has sold but not yet purchased. TBAs provide for the forward or delayed delivery of the underlying instrument with settlement up to 180 days. The contractual or notional amounts related to these financial instruments reflect the volume of activity and do not reflect the amounts at risk. Net unrealized gains and losses on TBAs are recorded on the condensed consolidated balance sheet in receivable from brokers, dealers and clearing organizations or payable to brokers, dealers and clearing organizations and in the condensed consolidated income statement as principal transactions revenue, net. The notional amounts and fair values of the Company's derivatives as of September 30, 2022 and December 31, 2021 by product were as follows: (Expressed in thousands) Fair Value of Derivative Instruments as of September 30, 2022 Description Notional Fair Value Liabilities: Derivatives not designated as hedging instruments (1) Commodity contracts Futures $ 5,000,000 $ 149 $ 5,000,000 $ 149 (1) See "Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities" above for a description of derivative financial instruments. Such derivative instruments are not subject to master netting agreements, thus the related amounts are not offset. (Expressed in thousands) Fair Value of Derivative Instruments as of December 31, 2021 Description Notional Fair Value Assets: Derivatives not designated as hedging instruments (1) Other contracts TBAs $ 14,300 $ 92 $ 14,300 $ 92 Liabilities: Derivatives not designated as hedging instruments (1) Commodity contracts Futures $ 3,520,000 $ 287 Other contracts TBAs 14,300 81 $ 3,534,300 $ 368 (1) See "Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities" above for a description of derivative financial instruments. Such derivative instruments are not subject to master netting agreements, thus the related amounts are not offset. The following table presents the location and fair value amounts of the Company's derivative instruments and their effect in the condensed consolidated income statements for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2022 and 2021: (Expressed in thousands) The Effect of Derivative Instruments in the Income Statement For the Three Months Ended September 30, 2022 Recognized in Income on Derivatives Types Description Location Net Gain Commodity contracts Futures Principal transactions revenue, net $ 349 Other contracts TBAs Principal transactions revenue, net 1 $ 350 (Expressed in thousands) The Effect of Derivative Instruments in the Income Statement For the Three Months Ended September 30, 2021 Recognized in Income on Derivatives Types Description Location Net Loss Commodity contracts Futures Principal transactions revenue, net $ (13) Other contracts TBAs Principal transactions revenue, net (15) Purchase commitments Principal transactions revenue, net (497) $ (525) The Effect of Derivative Instruments in the Income Statement For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2022 Recognized in Income on Derivatives Types Description Location Net Gain/(Loss) Commodity contracts Futures Principal transactions revenue, net $ 3,868 Other contracts Foreign exchange forward contracts Other revenue (20) TBAs Principal transactions revenue, n et 57 $ 3,905 (Expressed in thousands) The Effect of Derivative Instruments in the Income Statement For the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2021 Recognized in Income on Derivatives Types Description Location Net Gain/(Loss) Commodity contracts Futures Principal transactions revenue, net $ 482 Other contracts Foreign exchange forward contracts Other revenue (8) TBAs Principal transactions revenue, net 146 Purchase commitments Principal transactions revenue, net (987) ARS purchase commitments Principal transactions revenue, net (1) $ (368) |