Personal Income Tax
The basic tax rates applicable in Poland are 12 percent and 32 percent. The 12 percent rate is applied if the annual tax base does not exceed PLN 120,000. The 32 percent rate is applied if the annual tax base exceeds that amount. The tax is additionally reduced by a fixed tax reduction amount of PLN 3,600.
Self-employed taxpayers, in addition to taxing their income according to the above rules, have the right to elect to have their business income taxed at a uniform rate of 19 percent. In addition, taxpayers may tax, among other things, certain income as a lump sum according to a particular tax rate specified in separate provisions.
Income from selling securities and other financial instruments is subject to 19 percent income tax, which is specified in a separate tax return to be submitted no later than April 30 of the year following the relevant tax year.
Excise Tax
Polish law on excise duty complies with the EU general arrangements for excise duty and with the specific regulations regarding taxation of the energy products, electricity, alcoholic beverages and tobacco products.
As a result, excise duty is imposed on the following goods: energy products (e.g., petrol, gas oil, kerosene, LPG, natural gas, fuel oil, coal and coke), electricity, alcoholic beverages (e.g., ethyl alcohol, intermediate products, beer, wine and fermented beverages other than wine and beer) and tobacco products (e.g., cigarettes, cigars and cigarillos, smoking tobacco).
Additionally, excise duty is also levied on certain other goods such as passenger cars and raw tobacco, as well as liquid for electric cigarettes and novel tobacco products.
The excise duty system provides exemptions for certain groups of entities or certain goods (e.g., goods used in the context of diplomatic relations). A number of tax incentives targeted at low emission vehicles have been introduced. As of January 1, 2024, an increase in excise tax rates of 5 percent has been introduced for ethyl alcohol, beer, wine, fermented beverages and intermediate products, and 10 percent for cigarettes, cigar and cigarillo smoking tobacco, novelty products and dried tobacco.
Tax on Financial Institutions
Banks, insurance companies, credit unions and non-bank lending companies are subject to a tax on financial institutions, which came into force on February 1, 2016. The tax covers all bank assets over PLN 4 billion (EUR 0.9 billion), insurance groups’ assets over PLN 2 billion (EUR 0.45 billion) and non-bank lending companies’ assets over PLN 0.2 billion, which are in each case taxed at a rate of 0.0366 percent per month (0.44 percent per year). For the purposes of this tax, the taxable asset base of banks (but not other financial institutions) is reduced, among others, by the value of their own funds and holdings of State Treasury debt securities, the value of bonds issued by the Bank Guarantee Fund purchased by the taxpayer, the value of credits or loans granted by the taxpayer to the Bank Guarantee Fund, state-guaranteed bonds, and repo and reverse repo transactions the subject of which are government bonds. This tax does not apply to state-owned banks, private banks under recovery proceedings, in receivership, or in liquidation, or banks which have filed for bankruptcy and whose activities have been suspended. The tax does not reduce financial institutions’ CIT base.
Retail Sales Tax
The retail sales tax has been levied since January 1, 2021.
The tax is paid by retailers (natural persons, legal persons and organizational entities having no legal personality) in the framework of their retail business.
A tax obligation arises when a taxpayer achieves revenue above PLN 17 million in a given month, and applies to turnover above that amount derived from that moment until the end of the month.
The basis of assessment is the surplus of the retail sales revenue reached in a particular month over the amount of PLN 17 million, excluding the amounts paid to consumers for returning the goods. Revenue includes excise tax, but does not include value-added tax.
The progressive tax scale is from 0 to 1.4 percent of the tax base:
turnover from 0 to PLN 17 million is not subject to taxation,