Q4 2017 Exelon Corporation Quarter Review GAAP Earnings $1.94 per share Adjusted earnings of $0.55 per share* IN Q4 Full-year GAAP earnings of $3.97 per share/ Adjusted full-year earnings of $2.60 per share* 2017 Total Shareholder Return of 15.1 percent Dividend growth raised to 5 percent annually Outperformed the utility sector index two consecutive years THIS YEAR * For reconciliation of GAAP Net Income to Adjusted (non-GAAP) Operating Earnings, refer to the tables beginning on Pg. 9 in our press release Exelon Nuclear 157 million mwh Owned and operated 2017 production was best on record 94.1% 2017 nuclear capacity factor Commitment to Community employee volunteering hours, breaking all previous records 210,000 record-breaking giving to nonprofits $52.1 million spent with minority, women and veteran-owned firms $2 billion 2 0 1 7 H I G H L I G H T S & P E R F O R M A N C E Utilities 23% improvement in speed of restoration of outages and 11 percent fewer outages at Delmarva Power 37% improvement in speed of restoration of outages and 9 percent fewer outages at ACE 41% improvement in speed of restoration of outages and 18 percent fewer outages at Pepco Best-ever reliability and performance for BGE, ComEd and PHI Top quartile performance across all six utilities Grid Investment invested in technology and infrastructure across all utilities in 2017 $5.3 billion