Segment Reporting Disclosure [Text Block] | 14. Revenue and Business Segments We account for our revenue in accordance with FASB ASC 606, Revenue from Contracts with Customers six four We have strategically transitioned from a refrigerated long-haul carrier to a multifaceted business offering a network of time and temperature-sensitive and dry truck-based transportation and distribution capabilities across our six distinct business platforms – Temperature-Sensitive and Dry Truckload, Dedicated, Intermodal, Brokerage and MRTN de Mexico. Our Truckload segment provides a combination of regional short-haul and medium-to-long-haul full-load transportation services. We transport food and other consumer packaged goods that require a temperature-controlled or insulated environment, along with dry freight, across the United States and into and out of Mexico and Canada. Our agreements with customers are typically for one year. Our Dedicated segment provides customized transportation solutions tailored to meet individual customers’ requirements, utilizing temperature-controlled trailers, dry vans and other specialized equipment within the United States. Our agreements with customers range from three five Generally, we are paid by the mile for our Truckload and Dedicated services. We also derive Truckload and Dedicated revenue from fuel surcharges, loading and unloading activities, equipment detention and other accessorial services. The main factors that affect our Truckload and Dedicated revenue are the rate per mile we receive from our customers, the percentage of miles for which we are compensated, the number of miles we generate with our equipment and changes in fuel prices. We monitor our revenue production primarily through average Truckload and Dedicated revenue, net of fuel surcharges, per tractor per week. We also analyze our average Truckload and Dedicated revenue, net of fuel surcharges, per total mile, non-revenue miles percentage, the miles per tractor we generate, our fuel surcharge revenue, our accessorial revenue and our other sources of operating revenue. Our Intermodal segment transports our customers’ freight within the United States utilizing our refrigerated containers on railroad flatcars for portions of trips, with the balance of the trips using our tractors or, to a lesser extent, contracted carriers. The main factors that affect our Intermodal revenue are the rate per mile and other charges we receive from our customers. Our Brokerage segment develops contractual relationships with and arranges for third-party carriers to transport freight for our customers in temperature-controlled trailers and dry vans within the United States and into and out of Mexico through Marten Transport Logistics, LLC, which was established in 2007 and operates pursuant to brokerage authority granted by the United States Department of Transportation, or DOT. We retain the billing, collection and customer management responsibilities. The main factors that affect our Brokerage revenue are the rate per mile and other charges that we receive from our customers. Operating results of our MRTN de Mexico business which offers our customers door-to-door service between the United States and Mexico with our Mexican partner carriers is reported within our Truckload and Brokerage segments. Our customer agreements are typically for one-year no The following table sets forth for the years indicated our operating revenue and operating income by segment. (In thousands) 2024 2023 2022 Operating revenue: Truckload revenue, net of fuel surcharge revenue $ 377,452 $ 395,565 $ 411,448 Truckload fuel surcharge revenue 62,340 69,910 89,014 Total Truckload revenue 439,792 465,475 500,462 Dedicated revenue, net of fuel surcharge revenue 267,077 334,962 336,973 Dedicated fuel surcharge revenue 52,058 73,310 92,119 Total Dedicated revenue 319,135 408,272 429,092 Intermodal revenue, net of fuel surcharge revenue 49,468 75,887 100,452 Intermodal fuel surcharge revenue 9,286 16,191 29,313 Total Intermodal revenue 58,754 92,078 129,765 Brokerage revenue 146,027 165,630 204,559 Total operating revenue $ 963,708 $ 1,131,455 $ 1,263,878 Operating income/(loss): Truckload $ 3,283 $ 24,835 $ 59,392 Dedicated 23,037 48,377 50,566 Intermodal (3,922 ) (156 ) 10,639 Brokerage 10,822 17,054 22,747 Total operating income $ 33,220 $ 90,110 $ 143,344 The following segment operating results for the years indicated are provided monthly to our chief operating decision maker, our chief executive officer, and used in assessing segment performance and allocating resources, primarily based upon each segment’s variances in operating revenue, operating income and operating ratio. We do not prepare separate balance sheets by segment and, as a result, assets are not separately identifiable by segment. 2024 Segment Operating Results (In thousands) Truckload Dedicated Intermodal Brokerage Total Operating revenue $ 439,792 $ 319,135 $ 58,754 $ 146,027 $ 963,708 Operating expense (income): Salaries, wages and benefits 185,871 137,340 11,028 7,493 341,732 Purchased transportation 4,520 10,568 31,612 122,442 169,142 Fuel and fuel taxes 88,868 52,925 5,350 - 147,143 Supplies and maintenance 39,925 20,141 3,285 (14 ) 63,337 Depreciation 64,074 39,452 6,076 2,051 111,653 Operating taxes and licenses 5,577 4,066 330 329 10,302 Insurance and claims 29,693 21,025 1,617 774 53,109 Communications and utilities 5,121 2,861 223 824 9,029 Gain on disposition of revenue equipment (2,683 ) (2,111 ) (177 ) - (4,971 ) Other 15,543 9,831 3,332 1,306 30,012 Total operating expenses 436,509 296,098 62,676 135,205 930,488 Operating income/(loss) $ 3,283 $ 23,037 $ (3,922 ) $ 10,822 $ 33,220 Operating ratio 99.3 % 92.8 % 106.7 % 92.6 % 96.6 % Operating ratio, net of fuel surcharges 99.1 % 91.4 % 107.9 % 92.6 % 96.0 % 2023 Segment Operating Results (In thousands) Truckload Dedicated Intermodal Brokerage Total Operating revenue $ 465,475 $ 408,272 $ 92,078 $ 165,630 $ 1,131,455 Operating expense (income): Salaries, wages and benefits 189,010 165,257 17,666 6,885 378,818 Purchased transportation 4,958 10,778 47,531 136,067 199,334 Fuel and fuel taxes 98,852 73,083 8,502 - 180,437 Supplies and maintenance 37,495 26,061 3,826 29 67,411 Depreciation 61,644 46,151 7,071 1,856 116,722 Operating taxes and licenses 5,483 4,881 470 219 11,053 Insurance and claims 28,460 24,503 2,341 710 56,014 Communications and utilities 5,064 3,727 359 999 10,149 Gain on disposition of revenue equipment (6,694 ) (6,304 ) (614 ) - (13,612 ) Other 16,368 11,758 5,082 1,811 35,019 Total operating expenses 440,640 359,895 92,234 148,576 1,041,345 Operating income/(loss) $ 24,835 $ 48,377 $ (156 ) $ 17,054 $ 90,110 Operating ratio 94.7 % 88.2 % 100.2 % 89.7 % 92.0 % Operating ratio, net of fuel surcharges 93.7 % 85.6 % 100.2 % 89.7 % 90.7 % 2022 Segment Operating Results (In thousands) Truckload Dedicated Intermodal Brokerage Total Operating revenue $ 500,462 $ 429,092 $ 129,765 $ 204,559 $ 1,263,878 Operating expense (income): Salaries, wages and benefits 188,131 172,179 21,602 8,392 390,304 Purchased transportation 4,835 9,559 65,271 170,127 249,792 Fuel and fuel taxes 114,306 91,091 13,174 - 218,571 Supplies and maintenance 30,495 21,268 4,028 (91 ) 55,700 Depreciation 56,365 45,630 7,493 1,526 111,014 Operating taxes and licenses 5,037 4,855 516 355 10,763 Insurance and claims 25,848 21,723 2,268 674 50,513 Communications and utilities 4,548 3,471 412 746 9,177 Gain on disposition of revenue equipment (6,308 ) (6,386 ) (685 ) - (13,379 ) Other 17,813 15,136 5,047 83 38,079 Total operating expenses 441,070 378,526 119,126 181,812 1,120,534 Operating income $ 59,392 $ 50,566 $ 10,639 $ 22,747 $ 143,344 Operating ratio 88.1 % 88.2 % 91.8 % 88.9 % 88.7 % Operating ratio, net of fuel surcharges 85.6 % 85.0 % 89.4 % 88.9 % 86.4 % |