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aa, aaa, abandonment, abbreviation, abrasion, absorption, academia, accelerate, accelerated, accessible, accessory, accompanied, accompanying, accomplishing, accreditation, accredited, accretive, accrued, Accurassay, acid, acquire, acquired, acre, adapt, adaptation, adapted, add, added, addressed, addressing, adhered, adherence, adhering, adjacent, administration, administrative, adsorption, advance, advanced, advancing, advantage, advice, Advisor, advisory, aerial, affiliate, affirmative, aforementioned, Africa, afternoon, Ag, age, agency, agenda, aggregate, aging, ago, agreed, agreement, AI, air, airborne, AISC, Ajax, Alberta, Alexander, alkali, alkalic, alkaline, alleged, Alliance, allocate, allocation, alloy, ALS, alteration, altered, alternative, aluminium, alumna, amalgamated, amalgamation, AMC, America, amortization, amount, analytical, analyze, analyzed, Ancaster, ancillary, Anglo, angular, Animakee, Anishinaabeg, ankit, anniversary, announced, anomaly, applied, apply, applying, appoint, appointed, appointment, April, apron, aqua, arbitrary, Archean, arise, arising, armed, arose, arrangement, arrive, artificial, ash, Asia, assay, assayed, assaying, assemblage, assert, asserted, asset, assigned, assignment, assimilating, assist, assistance, Assistant, assume, assumed, asterisk, atmospheric, atomic, attach, attached, attaching, attack, attain, attainment, attend, attention, attributable, attributed, Au, AuEq, AuRico, Australia, automatically, Avenue, avoca, awarding, axial, Bachelor, background, Baffinland, balance, ball, Band, Bank, banking, bankrupt, bankruptcy, barrel, Barrick, baseline, basic, batholith, batholithic, Battery, Bay, Bayfield, BC, BDO, bear, bedrock, began, beginning, behavior, bell, Belt, beneficial, beneficially, BGC, BHP, Big, billion, Biovail, bit, blasted, blasting, block, Bocking, body, bond, bonding, book, bornite, borrow, borrower, borrowing, bottom, bouchard, Branch, branching, brassy, breach, breadth, breakdown, breaking, Breakwater, breccia, brecciated, bribery, bring, bringing, British, brittle, broad, broader, broken, bronze, brought, brown, brownfield, Brucejack, buchanan, budgetary, build, building, built, bulk, Burrard, buy, buyback, ca, Caa, cable, calcium, calculated, calculation, calendar, Calgary, calibration, calibre, call, Called, Cambior, Cambrian, camera, campaign, cancel, cancellation, capable, capacity, capex, capture, carbon, career, careful, carefully, cast, categorized, cave, caving, CCAA, CCC, cease, ceased, ceasing, cement, Cenozoic, Centimeter, central, centre, CEO, cerro, Certified, certify, CFO, CGMexpert, CGU, chalcocite, chalcopyrite, challenged, challenging, chamber, character, characteristic, characterization, characterized, charge, charter, Chartered, chemical, chemically, Chemistry, Chiasson, chiefly, child, choice, Christian, CIM, circa, circular, circulated, circulation, civil, claim, claimed, clarity, classified, clastic, cleaner, cleaning, cleanup, closure, cluster, cm, CMA, coarse, coining, cole, collaboratively, collar, collared, collected, collection, collective, collectively, College, Colorado, Columbia, columnar, combination, combined, commence, commenced, commencement, commencing, comment, Commerce, commercial, commercially, comminution, Commissioner, commitment, committed, Compact, complex, complexity, compliant, component, composed, composition, comprise, comprised, comprising, compromise, compromising, computed, computer, Computershare, concentrate, concentration, concerted, concession, concrete, Conference, confidence, confidential, configuration, confined, confirm, confirmation, confirmed, conflict, conglomerate, conjunction, consecutive, conservatism, considerable, consideration, constitute, constrained, consumed, consumer, consuming, contact, contamination, content, context, continental, contract, contractor, contractual, contributor, convene, conventional, convergence, conversion, convert, converted, convertible, converting, conveyed, conveyor, convicted, cooperation, core, costly, Council, county, Coupled, court, covenant, coverage, CPA, crack, create, created, credit, Crescent, crew, criminal, criminality, critical, Crop, crushed, crusher, crushing, crust, crystalline, CSA, CSP, Cu, CuEq, culture, cumulative, curtail, curtailed, curtailment, customary, customer, cut, cutting, cyanidation, cyanide, cyber, cybersecurity, cyclical, cylinder, Cylindrical, dacitic, damage, dark, database, David, davidson, de, dealing, death, decarbonized, declaration, declaratory, declared, declaring, decline, declining, decrease, decreased, decreasing, dedicated, deducted, deemed, deep, deeper, default, defend, Defense, defer, deferral, Deficient, deformation, deformed, degree, delay, delegated, delineate, delineating, delineation, delisted, delisting, deliver, delivered, delivery, demand, demonstrate, demonstrated, demonstrating, denied, denominated, dense, density, Denver, depleted, depletion, deploy, deposit, deposited, depositing, Deposition, depth, desirable, destruction, deteriorate, deterioration, Detoxified, detrimental, detrital, devastating, deviate, device, devoid, Devonian, dewater, dewatering, dialogue, diameter, diamond, dictated, difficult, difficulty, digestion, diligence, diligent, diluting, dilution, dilutive, dimensional, dip, Diploma, direct, directed, direction, directly, director, discharge, discharged, discontinue, discount, discover, discovered, discovering, discovery, discretion, dispersed, displacement, disposal, disproportionally, dispute, disputed, dissolution, dissolving, distinct, distributed, district, diverse, diversified, diversity, divert, divestment, divide, divided, Division, documented, dominated, dor, double, downgraded, downtime, Dr, drained, drawn, DRC, drift, driven, driver, drying, dual, dumped, dust, duty, earlier, earth, easily, east, eastern, ecological, EcoTech, Edinburgh, education, efficiency, efficient, efficiently, effort, ejection, electrum, element, elevated, elevation, Elfving, eliminate, eliminated, eliminating, elimination, embracing, emission, EMLI, employ, employed, employee, employing, enable, enabling, enact, enacted, encounter, encountered, encouraging, endangered, energy, Eng, engineer, engineering, enhance, enhanced, enhancement, enhancing, enriched, enrichment, ensuing, enter, entered, entering, entitled, entity, envelope, environment, Eon, EOR, eq, equal, equaling, era, Ernst, erosion, ESG, essential, ethical, Europe, event, eventual, evidence, evolve, evolving, exact, examination, examined, excavated, Excavation, exceed, exceeding, excellence, excellent, excluded, exclusive, exercisable, exercise, exercised, exist, existence, existing, expand, expanded, expanding, expansion, expend, expense, expensed, experience, experienced, expertise, expiration, expired, explanation, exploited, explosive, exporting, expose, exposed, exposing, expropriation, extension, extensive, extract, extracted, extracting, extraction, extractive, extreme, extrusive, face, facilitated, facilitation, facility, facing, fail, failing, fair, Falconbridge, fall, fault, fauna, favorable, favour, favourable, FCPA, feasibility, feasible, fed, federal, feedback, feldspar, feldspathic, felsic, field, figure, fill, filled, filling, final, Finally, finance, financing, fine, finely, fire, fissure, fixed, fixing, fleet, float, floor, flora, flotation, flow, flowsheet, Fluor, focused, focusing, fold, fool, Foot, footprint, force, forced, forest, Forestry, forfeiture, formal, Fort, Forum, fossil, foster, found, foundation, fourth, fracture, fracturing, frame, free, Freewest, freezing, freight, frequency, frequent, frequently, fst, ft, fulfill, fulfilling, full, fully, function, functional, furnace, Gagnon, gained, Gap, gentle, gently, Geo, geochemical, geochemistry, geoff, geographic, Geography, geologic, geological, geologist, geology, geophysical, geopolitical, Georgia, geoscientist, Giga, gillian, GIS, Gitxaala, glacial, Glasgow, glassy, godin, Goldcorp, Golder, good, governmental, Governor, gradually, graduate, Gram, granitoid, graphite, Grassy, gravimetric, gray, grayish, greater, greenfield, greenhouse, Greenstone, grid, grinding, ground, group, guarantee, guaranteed, gyratory, hacking, half, Halyard, hand, handed, handling, Hanging, harder, hardware, harm, HATSF, haul, haulage, hauled, hazard, health, healthcare, heap, heaped, hear, heard, heavily, height, heightened, hematite, hereof, Heritage, high, higher, highest, highlight, highly, Highway, hiring, History, HOD, hold, holder, holding, hole, Holger, horizontal, Horizonte, host, hosted, HQ, hub, human, hybrid, hydraulic, Hydro, hydrogeological, hydrological, hydrothermal, hypogene, IAA, IAMGOLD, ian, ICP, ideal, ii, iii, illegal, immaterial, imparted, impediment, Imperial, imposition, impossible, impractical, improper, improve, improved, improvement, inaccessible, inadvertent, inappropriate, inaugural, incentive, Inch, incident, inclement, inclined, inclusion, inclusive, income, Incoming, increasingly, incremental, incur, incurred, incurring, indefinite, indemnification, indenture, Indian, indirect, indirectly, induced, Induction, ineffective, infallible, infill, inflationary, inflow, infrequent, initial, initiated, initiating, injury, innate, innovation, InnovExplo, input, Inquire, inserted, insertion, insolvency, inspect, Inspector, install, installation, installed, Institut, Institute, instituted, institution, insufficient, intelligence, intensive, intercepted, interim, interior, intermediate, internationally, interpret, interpretation, interpreted, interrupt, interruption, intersection, intervention, Intrepid, introduced, introducing, intruded, intrusion, intrusive, invalid, invasion, inventory, investigate, investigated, investigating, investigation, investor, involve, involved, involving, IP, Ireland, iridescent, iron, irrevocable, Iso, isolation, issuance, ITRB, iv, Jack, January, Jason, jewelry, jig, jigging, Johannesburg, joined, joining, joint, Joshua, judgment, judicial, June, Jurassic, Justice, justified, JV, keating, keith, Kenora, Kilo, Kilometer, kilometre, Kingdom, km, knowledge, KoBold, komatiitic, koz, KPMG, Krutzelmann, kt, la, lab, laboratory, lag, laid, Lake, lAMGOLD, land, Landsat, lapse, lapsed, large, largely, larger, largest, launching, Laval, lb, LBMA, leach, leaching, lead, leadership, leading, leak, leaking, lean, lease, leasehold, leaving, Lecomte, Lecuyer, led, length, lessening, letter, leverage, leveraging, liability, liable, liberate, license, lie, lifecycle, light, lighter, likewise, lime, limestone, Linamar, Linda, line, linked, literacy, literate, lithological, Litre, Liverpool, living, loaded, loading, Lobe, locate, located, location, logistical, London, long, longer, longest, longitudinal, Longshore, Longueil, lose, lost, low, lower, lowering, lowest, luke, Luna, Lundin, Lydian, MAC, macroeconomic, mafic, magma, magnesia, magnesium, magnetic, magnetite, magnetotelluric, magnitude, main, mainland, majeure, man, Mandate, manner, mantle, mapping, marine, Maritime, Mary, Mask, Mason, massive, Master, Math, matrix, maturing, maturity, maximize, maximum, McCann, mcculley, meaningful, mechanism, media, meet, meeting, Mega, member, membership, merit, mesothermal, Mesozoic, metal, metallic, metallurgy, metavolcanic, method, metre, metric, Metso, Microgram, Micron, Middle, mile, milestone, military, Millimeter, mineable, Minera, mineralogical, mineralogy, MineSense, minimal, minimize, minimizing, minimum, Ministry, misappropriation, misrepresentation, Mississippian, misstatement, misuse, Mlb, mm, mobile, modal, model, modeling, modelled, modelling, Modern, modified, modifier, modify, modifying, molten, monetary, monitor, monitored, monitoring, month, Montreal, Moody, Moraine, Morgan, Morrison, mortgage, Mount, move, moving, MSX, mucked, mud, multiple, multiplying, municipal, murphy, mutual, Naicatchewenin, Naongashing, Naotkamegwanning, native, NATSF, nearest, negligent, negotiate, net, network, Nevsun, newly, Newmont, Nexa, Nexen, NextSource, NGD, Nick, nickel, Nicola, noise, nominal, nominated, Nominating, Normand, north, northeast, northern, Northland, northwest, northwesterly, northwestern, note, noted, notice, notwithstanding, Nova, NQ, NSR, Nuinsco, nullification, numerical, Nussipakynova, objective, objectivity, obligor, observation, obsolete, occupation, occupational, occupied, occurrence, ocean, October, ODM, offering, official, offset, offsetting, offsite, ongoing, Onigaming, onsite, Ontario, open, opportunity, oppose, opposite, opposition, optical, optimized, optimizing, option, order, orderly, ordinary, Ordovician, orebody, organization, organizational, original, originally, outcome, outer, outermost, outlined, outlook, Outotec, overflow, overlain, overprinted, oversaw, oversight, overspending, oxide, oxidized, oxygen, oz, PA, package, pad, paid, Paleogene, Paleozoic, palladium, parallel, partial, participating, participation, particle, particpating, partner, partnership, passed, patented, patrick, pause, paved, pay, payable, paying, Peabody, pearce, peat, pebble, pedro, peer, Peggy, penalty, pending, penetrated, Pennsylvanian, Pension, percent, percentage, permanently, Permian, permissible, pertinent, Peru, petrographical, petroleum, Phanerozoic, phase, phasing, PhD, phenomena, phishing, phreatic, physical, piezometer, Pinewood, pipe, pipeline, pit, planet, plant, Plasmaspectrometry, plc, pledge, point, pollution, Polytechnique, pond, poor, poorly, populated, population, pore, porphyry, portal, portion, posing, posted, Postle, postponement, potassium, Pothook, pound, pounding, Powdering, PQ, pre, precipitation, precision, predetermined, predominantly, preferred, preliminary, premature, premium, presence, present, PRESENTATION, presented, presently, preserve, preserving, pressing, Pretium, primarily, Primero, primitive, prior, prioritized, priority, privacy, proactive, procedure, proceed, proceeding, procure, produce, produced, producing, profession, profile, profit, profitability, profitable, profitably, program, Programme, progression, progressive, progressively, prolonged, prominence, promising, promote, promoted, promoting, promotion, prone, propagation, proper, properly, proponent, proportion, proposal, proposed, prospect, prospecting, prospectivity, protect, protected, protecting, protection, protective, prove, provincial, proving, provision, provisional, proximity, publicly, published, pulp, pulverizing, pumped, punishment, pure, purple, pursue, pursuing, pursuit, put, pyrite, pyroclastic, QPO, Qualitative, quality, quantification, quantitative, quantity, quantum, quarter, quartz, Quaternary, Quebec, Quesnel, Quest, questionable, quickly, quorum, quoted, radiation, rail, railway, rain, rainfall, range, ranging, ranked, ranking, ratio, ravenelle, raw, RBC, RC, reach, reached, reaching, read, readily, reassessing, reassessment, recalculate, receipt, Recherche, reclaim, reclaimed, recognition, recognize, recognized, recommend, recommendation, recommended, recommending, reconciliation, reconnaissance, recover, recoverable, recovered, recruitment, recused, recycled, redeem, redeemed, redemption, reduce, reduced, reducing, reduction, redundancy, refinery, reforestation, Regeneration, regia, region, regional, regionally, registrar, regrind, regular, regularization, regularly, relationship, release, released, reliant, rely, relying, remain, remained, remaining, remedial, remediate, remediation, remedying, remining, remote, remotely, removal, remove, removed, remuneration, Renard, renegotiation, renewal, renewing, Rennie, rental, repair, repatriate, repatriation, repayment, replace, replaced, replacement, represent, representative, representing, repurchase, repurchased, reputation, reputational, research, Reservoir, residence, resolution, resolved, resolving, Restated, restoration, restore, restricted, restructure, restructuring, retain, retained, retaining, retention, retired, retirement, retreat, return, returned, revenue, reverse, revocation, revoked, revolving, reward, rich, Richardson, Richfield, Richmont, road, robust, rock, rockfill, rocky, role, rolling, ROM, Roscoe, rotating, rotation, rougher, rounding, routine, Royal, royalty, RRRL, Russia, sabotage, safe, safeguarding, safety, SAG, Saint, sale, sample, sampled, sampling, san, sanction, sandstone, satellite, satisfactory, satisfy, sawn, scale, scenario, scheme, School, Science, Scientifique, scope, scoping, scorecard, Scotia, Scotiabank, scout, scrutiny, sean, season, sec, secondary, secretary, sector, sedimentary, seismic, seizure, select, selected, selective, sell, selling, SEMARNAT, senior, sensing, separate, separation, separator, September, sequence, serve, served, session, settlement, setup, sewage, SGL, shah, Shahin, shale, Shallow, shape, share, shareholder, sharp, shear, shearing, shell, ship, shipment, shipped, shipping, shop, short, shortage, shovel, show, showing, shown, side, Silicate, silicon, Silurian, similarly, single, sink, site, situated, situation, size, Skeetchestn, skew, skilled, skin, Slavery, slope, sloped, small, smaller, smallest, smelter, smelting, snow, snowfall, social, socially, societal, sociopolitical, sodium, software, soil, solid, solidified, solution, sought, source, sourced, south, southeast, southerly, southern, southwest, sovereign, sovereignty, SOX, spanning, spare, spatial, speak, specific, specifically, spectroanalytical, spectrometry, speed, spending, spent, spill, spreading, spring, square, squared, SRK, SSN, St, stability, stabilization, stabilized, stage, stake, staked, stakeholder, standby, standing, statutory, steady, steel, step, stimuli, stockpile, stockpiled, stoping, storage, store, Stornoway, strategic, strategically, strategy, stratigraphy, streak, stream, streaming, Street, strength, stricter, strictly, strike, stringent, stripping, strong, study, style, subdivided, submission, Subprovince, subscription, subsequent, subsequently, subsidence, subsidiary, substantial, substantially, substantive, substation, substitute, subsurface, successfully, suffer, suffering, suitability, suitable, suitably, Suite, sulfur, sulphide, sulphur, sum, summary, summer, supergene, Superior, supplemental, supplementary, supplemented, support, supported, Supreme, surety, surface, survey, surveyed, suspend, suspended, suspension, swap, symbol, syndicate, syndication, synformal, systematically, table, tabular, Taghimohammadi, tailing, tarnish, Task, TAT, tax, Taylor, te, technological, technology, Teck, Temperature, temporal, temporarily, temporary, tenure, terminated, termination, terrain, Terrane, territory, terrorism, terrorist, tertiary, test, tested, testing, theft, thereunder, thick, thickened, tholeiitic, thought, thousand, threat, Thunder, till, timetable, TimkenSteel, TMA, toe, tolerance, Tom, ton, tonnage, tonne, top, Topography, Township, toxic, tpa, tpd, track, traditional, training, trajectory, transaction, transect, transfer, transferred, transitory, translation, transmission, transparency, transverse, treat, treated, trend, trending, Triassic, troy, truck, trucking, true, Trust, trustee, TSX, tuff, tunnel, turmoil, turn, turnover, twelve, type, typically, Ukraine, ULC, ultimate, ultimately, unable, unattractive, unaudited, unavoidably, unaware, uncertain, unconsolidated, unconstitutional, uncover, undercut, underlying, undermine, underperformance, underpinning, understand, understanding, undertaken, undertook, undetectable, undetected, undiscovered, UNDRIP, uneconomic, uneconomical, unexpectedly, unfavorably, unforeseen, uniform, UNINSURED, unintended, Union, unionization, unionized, university, unjust, unlimited, unlock, unlocking, unpaid, unpassable, unpatented, unplanned, unprocessed, unprofitable, unrealized, unregistered, unrelated, unreliable, unrest, unspecified, unstable, unsuccessful, unsupported, unworn, upfront, upgrade, upgraded, upholding, uphole, upper, upward, utilization, utilized, vacancy, Valley, valuable, Vancouver, vandalism, variability, variable, variety, vary, varying, Vasquez, vein, vent, ventilation, venture, verification, verified, verify, version, vertical, vertically, vi, viability, viable, vicinity, view, vigorously, vii, Vincent, violating, violation, Virginia, visibility, vocal, volcanic, volcanogenic, volume, voluntary, vote, voting, Wabigoon, wall, war, warehouse, warrant, waste, Waterloo, Watt, weak, weaker, weather, WEF, weight, welfare, west, Western, wet, WGC, Wheaton, wholly, wick, wide, widely, wider, widespread, width, wildfire, wildlife, wind, winding, winter, wire, withdrawn, Witwatersrand, Women, work, worked, worker, working, workshop, world, worldwide, worsening, write, Xavier, Xstrata, Yamana, Yard, yd, yellow, yellowish, Yirdaw, yohann, York, Young, younger, Zerwer, Zhing, zinc, Zn, zonation, zone
AIF, assessed, attorney, behalf, chapter, check, circumvented, clarify, collusion, conceived, COSO, detection, disposition, domestic, duly, electronically, eligible, error, exempt, Exhibit, furnish, GAAP, grant, Instruction, Integrated, Interactive, listing, mark, Michele, mistake, override, paragraph, prepare, prevented, prevention, promptly, referencing, Reform, registrant, relaxing, sheet, shorter, Sponsoring, submit, succeed, supervision, Treadway, undersigned, unqualified, Washington, website, zip
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