Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Cover Page
- Unaudited condensed consolidate
- Unaudited condensed consolida_2
- Unaudited condensed consolida_3
- Unaudited condensed consolida_4
- Unaudited condensed consolida_5
- Analysis of cash flows - Procee
- Basis of accounting
- Accounting policies
- Currency conversion
- Costs of services and general a
- Share of results of associates
- Finance and investment income,
- Segmental analysis
- Taxation
- Ordinary dividends
- Earnings per share
- Analysis of cash flows
- Cash and cash equivalents and d
- Goodwill and acquisitions
- Trade and other receivables
- Trade and other payables_ amoun
- Trade and other payables_ amo_2
- Related party transactions
- Going concern and liquidity ris
- Financial instruments
- Reconciliation of operating pro
- Costs of services and general_2
- Share of results of associates
- Finance and investment income_2
- Segmental analysis (Tables)
- Earnings per share (Tables)
- Analysis of cash flows (Tables)
- Cash and cash equivalents and_2
- Trade and other receivables (Ta
- Trade and other payables_ amo_3
- Trade and other payables_ amo_4
- Related party transactions (Tab
- Financial instruments (Tables)
- Reconciliation of operating p_2
- Accounting Policies (Detail)
- Currency conversion (Detail)
- Costs of services and general_3
- Costs of services and general_4
- Share of results of associate_2
- Share of results of associate_3
- Finance and investment income_3
- Segmental analysis - Contributi
- Segmental analysis - Contribu_2
- Taxation (Detail)
- Ordinary dividends (Detail)
- Earnings per share - Calculatio
- Earnings per share - Reconcilia
- Earnings per share - Additional
- Analysis of cash flows - Net ca
- Analysis of cash flows - Acquis
- Analysis of cash flows - Share
- Analysis of cash flows - Repaym
- Cash and cash equivalents and_3
- Cash and cash equivalents and_4
- Cash and cash equivalents and_5
- Goodwill and acquisitions (Deta
- Trade and other receivables - S
- Trade and other receivables -_2
- Trade and other receivables - A
- Trade and other payables - Summ
- Trade and other payables - Su_2
- Trade and other payables - Paym
- Trade and other payables - Amou
- Related party transactions - Ad
- Related party transactions - Su
- Going concern and liquidity r_2
- Financial instruments - Fair Va
- Financial instruments - Level 3
- Financial instruments - Additio
- Reconciliation of operating (lo