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abated, abatement, absolute, advocacy, agency, allotted, allottee, ambient, annum, AOCI, Apache, APB, argued, arid, arrive, attract, attrition, bargaining, Basin, Begay, Belen, BHP, Billiton, Blvd, buyout, calendar, carved, cease, ceased, Chapter, charter, Chase, Code, commonly, comparison, condemnation, cooling, coordinate, curtailment, desired, died, dioxide, drought, duty, effluent, EIB, electronically, endanger, endangerment, exacerbated, excusing, experience, fiduciary, frozen, Garden, GEaR, geographic, Governor, groundwork, guaranty, handle, hexafluoride, highly, ICR, impede, impose, imposition, impoundment, Interactive, Interior, intrinsic, introduced, Jicarilla, JPMorgan, Ken, Kingston, land, launch, LCC, legislature, LP, Lyondell, membership, memorial, methane, monetary, motor, MRI, NEE, Noncontrolling, northwestern, Obama, obsolete, OCI, OSM, ozone, pack, path, plume, pose, postponed, precipitation, produce, promote, promotion, proper, proportionate, prudence, ratably, ratification, rebuttal, recourse, refused, relocate, repository, repurchase, repurchased, rider, Ridge, rose, Salazar, SB, science, securitization, Senate, session, shortage, shortened, Similarly, slated, snow, spent, spring, statewide, steam, sued, sulfur, Superior, switch, switching, Tennessee, tentative, therefrom, Traditionally, Tribe, turnover, uncollectible, underway, Union, Valley, variance, vast, VCA, vigorously, volumetric, wage, waste, watershed, Web, welfare
abandonment, acceptable, achieving, acting, add, added, addressed, adequately, advantage, agenda, allocating, amortized, antitrust, appellate, approximate, arbitrary, assigning, assure, attempted, attend, attended, automatically, awaiting, back, balancing, Box, cancelled, Canyon, caption, central, certiorari, clarified, clarifying, colder, collected, Colorado, commence, Commission, commitment, comparing, competition, complied, comprise, concentrate, concert, conclusion, conducting, confirmed, consent, conspired, contending, contested, Controller, convened, conversion, Coop, cooperate, corporation, correctly, counsel, CPUC, damaged, declining, decree, defaulted, defer, deferral, demonstrated, deny, deposited, depreciated, deterioration, diesel, Director, disagreed, discretion, disposition, diverse, docket, docketing, documented, Duke, EaR, earning, EEI, eighteen, EITF, electrical, eliminate, emitting, employee, encourage, Enforcement, Enron, entry, erred, escrow, evidenced, evidentiary, exclusion, explained, extension, facilitate, failed, failure, Farmington, firm, FIRREA, floating, formal, formally, formation, formed, formula, Fourth, fulfilled, game, gaming, generator, Grand, group, grow, harm, headed, historic, hosted, hourly, impair, impasse, inadequate, incentive, inception, increasing, indemnification, independently, initiate, injection, institutional, interested, investigate, irrevocable, irrevocably, ISO, IV, join, judge, landfill, landmark, leadership, left, lending, LIBOR, light, Likewise, litigating, Lockyer, lowered, maintenance, majeure, mature, measured, memorandum, merit, Mineral, misapplication, moderate, modification, network, nitrogen, NODA, NOPR, Northwest, notional, NSR, OATT, objecting, obtaining, Occidental, older, operated, oppose, opposition, outlook, overhaul, overturn, panel, parking, partial, participant, paying, penalty, Petroleum, PGAC, phase, photovoltaic, planned, planning, Plateau, Port, positive, postage, PowerEx, practice, precedent, preclude, prevent, privately, procedure, proceed, processing, promulgating, proposal, prospectively, prudent, PSD, Puget, putting, Pyramid, reallocated, reassigned, recast, receivership, receiving, reconsider, referred, refueling, regime, reinstatement, reiterated, reject, relation, relationship, relinquished, rely, remand, remanded, remanding, remarket, remarketed, remediable, reopened, reorganization, repair, replace, reply, restitution, restructure, restructuring, returned, reversing, revisit, rollover, RPS, safely, satisfaction, satisfy, SCE, Seattle, selling, serving, settling, shareholder, shortfall, significance, simultaneously, SMCRA, SOAH, software, Sound, south, Southwest, spot, statute, stay, stemming, stipulated, stopping, strategic, streamlined, submission, successfully, supported, suspension, sustained, team, temporary, tendering, therewith, thirteen, threshold, throughput, tied, topic, transparency, transparent, truncate, turn, understanding, unfair, universal, unjust, unnecessary, unopposed, unreasonable, unrecognized, unsuccessful, upheld, upholding, urging, verbally, warranted, watch, west, white, withdrawal, wood, worn, writ, yellow
Filing tables
Filing exhibits
- 10-Q Quarterly report
- 10.2 Exhibit 10.2
- 12.1 Exhibit 12.1
- 12.2 Exhibit 12.2
- 12.3 Exhibit 12.3
- 31.1 Exhibit 31.1
- 31.2 Exhibit 31.2
- 31.3 Exhibit 31.3
- 31.4 Exhibit 31.4
- 31.5 Exhibit 31.5
- 31.6 Exhibit 31.6
- 32.1 Exhibit 32.1
- 32.2 Exhibit 32.2
- 32.3 Exhibit 32.3
- 32.4 Exhibit 32.4
- 32.5 Exhibit 32.5
- 32.6 Exhibit 32.6
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