Loans, Notes, Trade and Other Receivables Disclosure [Text Block] | 7 . LOANS The loans receivable portfolio is segmented into residential mortgage, commercial and consumer loans. Loans outstanding at September 30, 2019 December 31, 2018 Summary of Loans by Type (In Thousands) Sept. 30, Dec. 31, 2019 2018 Residential mortgage: Residential mortgage loans - first liens $ 487,425 $ 372,339 Residential mortgage loans - junior liens 29,056 25,450 Home equity lines of credit 35,492 34,319 1-4 Family residential construction 32,699 24,698 Total residential mortgage 584,672 456,806 Commercial: Commercial loans secured by real estate 297,519 162,611 Commercial and industrial 115,213 91,856 Political subdivisions 46,466 53,263 Commercial construction and land 22,386 11,962 Loans secured by farmland 7,103 7,146 Multi-family (5 or more) residential 27,633 7,180 Agricultural loans 5,145 5,659 Other commercial loans 12,828 13,950 Total commercial 534,293 353,627 Consumer 20,435 17,130 Total 1,139,400 827,563 Less: allowance for loan losses (9,257 ) (9,309 ) Loans, net $ 1,130,143 $ 818,254 In the table above, outstanding loan balances are presented net of deferred loan origination fees of $2,384,000 September 30, 2019 $1,999,000 December 31, 2018. As described in Note 2, April 1, 2019, $259,295,000. 2, April 1, 2019 $1,807,000 $1,914,000 $318,000 third 2019, $110,000 $260,000, $7,000 nine September 30, 2019, $259,000, $521,000 $10,000. September 30, 2019, $1,548,000, $1,393,000 $308,000. The Corporation grants loans to individuals as well as commercial and tax-exempt entities. Commercial, residential and personal loans are made to customers geographically concentrated in northcentral Pennsylvania, the southern tier of New York State and southeastern Pennsylvania. Although the Corporation has a diversified loan portfolio, a significant portion of its debtors’ ability to honor their contracts is dependent on the local economic conditions within the region. There is no 10% September 30, 2019 December 31, 2018. The Corporation maintains an allowance for loan losses that represents management’s estimate of the losses inherent in the loan portfolio as of the balance sheet date and recorded as a reduction of the investment in loans. The allowance for loan losses is maintained at a level considered adequate to provide for losses that can be reasonably anticipated. Management performs a quarterly evaluation of the adequacy of the allowance. The allowance is based on the Corporation’s past loan loss experience, known and inherent risks in the portfolio, adverse situations that may may September 30, 2019 December 31, 2018, no Transactions within the allowance for loan losses, summarized by segment and class, for the three nine September 30, 2019 2018 Three Months Ended September 30, 2019 June 30, Sept. 30, (In Thousands) 2019 Balance Charge-offs Recoveries Provision (Credit) 2019 Balance Allowance for Loan Losses: Residential mortgage: Residential mortgage loans - first liens $ 3,130 $ (50 ) $ 1 $ 83 $ 3,164 Residential mortgage loans - junior liens 333 0 1 16 350 Home equity lines of credit 280 0 1 1 282 1-4 Family residential construction 220 0 0 38 258 Total residential mortgage 3,963 (50 ) 3 138 4,054 Commercial: Commercial loans secured by real estate 1,577 0 0 928 2,505 Commercial and industrial 1,246 0 3 7 1,256 Commercial construction and land 152 0 0 6 158 Loans secured by farmland 102 0 0 (1 ) 101 Multi-family (5 or more) residential 150 0 0 5 155 Agricultural loans 42 0 0 7 49 Other commercial loans 119 0 0 1 120 Total commercial 3,388 0 3 953 4,344 Consumer 264 (66 ) 9 67 274 Unallocated 585 0 0 0 585 Total Allowance for Loan Losses $ 8,200 $ (116 ) $ 15 $ 1,158 $ 9,257 Three Months Ended September 30, 2018 June 30, Sept. 30, (In Thousands) 2018 Balance Charge-offs Recoveries Provision (Credit) 2018 Balance Allowance for Loan Losses: Residential mortgage: Residential mortgage loans - first liens $ 3,055 $ (21 ) $ 1 $ 98 $ 3,133 Residential mortgage loans - junior liens 353 0 1 (25 ) 329 Home equity lines of credit 292 (13 ) 0 15 294 1-4 Family residential construction 247 0 0 (21 ) 226 Total residential mortgage 3,947 (34 ) 2 67 3,982 Commercial: Commercial loans secured by real estate 2,613 0 0 (67 ) 2,546 Commercial and industrial 973 (11 ) 2 34 998 Commercial construction and land 135 0 0 (21 ) 114 Loans secured by farmland 106 0 0 (2 ) 104 Multi-family (5 or more) residential 174 0 0 (7 ) 167 Agricultural loans 46 0 0 0 46 Other commercial loans 134 0 0 (3 ) 131 Total commercial 4,181 (11 ) 2 (66 ) 4,106 Consumer 204 (47 ) 12 59 228 Unallocated 499 0 0 0 499 Total Allowance for Loan Losses $ 8,831 $ (92 ) $ 16 $ 60 $ 8,815 Nine Months Ended September 30, 2019 Dec. 31, Sept. 30, (In Thousands) 2018 Balance Charge-offs Recoveries Provision (Credit) 2019 Balance Allowance for Loan Losses: Residential mortgage: Residential mortgage loans - first liens $ 3,156 $ (133 ) $ 3 $ 138 $ 3,164 Residential mortgage loans - junior liens 325 (24 ) 1 48 350 Home equity lines of credit 302 0 5 (25 ) 282 1-4 Family residential construction 203 0 0 55 258 Total residential mortgage 3,986 (157 ) 9 216 4,054 Commercial: Commercial loans secured by real estate 2,538 0 0 (33 ) 2,505 Commercial and industrial 1,553 (6 ) 6 (297 ) 1,256 Commercial construction and land 110 0 0 48 158 Loans secured by farmland 102 0 0 (1 ) 101 Multi-family (5 or more) residential 114 0 0 41 155 Agricultural loans 46 0 0 3 49 Other commercial loans 128 0 0 (8 ) 120 Total commercial 4,591 (6 ) 6 (247 ) 4,344 Consumer 233 (132 ) 31 142 274 Unallocated 499 0 0 86 585 Total Allowance for Loan Losses $ 9,309 $ (295 ) $ 46 $ 197 $ 9,257 Nine Months Ended September 30, 2018 Dec. 31, Sept. 30, (In Thousands) 2017 Balance Charge-offs Recoveries Provision (Credit) 2018 Balance Allowance for Loan Losses: Residential mortgage: Residential mortgage loans - first liens $ 3,200 $ (108 ) $ 3 $ 38 $ 3,133 Residential mortgage loans - junior liens 224 0 4 101 329 Home equity lines of credit 296 (25 ) 0 23 294 1-4 Family residential construction 243 0 0 (17 ) 226 Total residential mortgage 3,963 (133 ) 7 145 3,982 Commercial: Commercial loans secured by real estate 2,584 (21 ) 0 (17 ) 2,546 Commercial and industrial 1,065 (144 ) 5 72 998 Commercial construction and land 150 0 0 (36 ) 114 Loans secured by farmland 105 0 0 (1 ) 104 Multi-family (5 or more) residential 172 0 0 (5 ) 167 Agricultural loans 57 0 0 (11 ) 46 Other commercial loans 102 0 0 29 131 Total commercial 4,235 (165 ) 5 31 4,106 Consumer 159 (120 ) 33 156 228 Unallocated 499 0 0 0 499 Total Allowance for Loan Losses $ 8,856 $ (418 ) $ 45 $ 332 $ 8,815 In the evaluation of the loan portfolio, management determines two 1 2 Loans acquired from Monument that were identified as having a deterioration in credit quality (purchased credit impaired, or PCI) were valued at $441,000 April 1, 2019 September 30, 2019. $1,914,000, $1,393,000 September 30, 2019. None September 30, 2019, In the third 2019, $1,158,000, $60,000 third 2018. third 2019 $790,000 $101,000 $689,000 $368,000 third 2019 $678,000 $1,261,000 September 30, 2019. third 2018 $40,000 $20,000 The provision for loan losses was $197,000 first nine 2019 $332,000 first nine 2018. nine September 30, 2019 $370,000 $249,000, $619,000 $481,000 $86,000 first nine 2018 $153,000 $179,000 In determining the larger loan relationships for detailed assessment under the specific allowance component, the Corporation uses an internal risk rating system. Under the risk rating system, the Corporation classifies problem or potential problem loans as “Special Mention,” “Substandard,” or “Doubtful” on the basis of currently existing facts, conditions and values. Substandard loans include those characterized by the distinct possibility that the Corporation will sustain some loss if the deficiencies are not not not The following tables summarize the aggregate credit quality classification of outstanding loans by risk rating as of September 30, 2019 December 31, 2018: September 30, 2019 Purchased (In Thousands) Special Credit Pass Mention Substandard Doubtful Impaired Total Residential Mortgage: Residential mortgage loans - first liens $ 478,737 $ 500 $ 8,027 $ 84 $ 77 $ 487,425 Residential mortgage loans - junior liens 28,493 82 481 0 0 29,056 Home equity lines of credit 34,961 59 472 0 0 35,492 1-4 Family residential construction 32,519 0 180 0 0 32,699 Total residential mortgage 574,710 641 9,160 84 77 584,672 Commercial: Commercial loans secured by real estate 288,258 5,553 3,344 0 364 297,519 Commercial and Industrial 105,456 7,781 1,976 0 0 115,213 Political subdivisions 46,466 0 0 0 0 46,466 Commercial construction and land 17,602 4,713 71 0 0 22,386 Loans secured by farmland 4,989 305 1,809 0 0 7,103 Multi-family (5 or more) residential 27,633 0 0 0 0 27,633 Agricultural loans 4,105 372 668 0 0 5,145 Other commercial loans 12,708 0 120 0 0 12,828 Total commercial 507,217 18,724 7,988 0 364 534,293 Consumer 20,416 0 19 0 0 20,435 Totals $ 1,102,343 $ 19,365 $ 17,167 $ 84 $ 441 $ 1,139,400 December 31, 2018 (In Thousands) Special Pass Mention Substandard Doubtful Total Residential Mortgage: Residential mortgage loans - first liens $ 363,407 $ 937 $ 7,944 $ 51 $ 372,339 Residential mortgage loans - junior liens 24,841 176 433 0 25,450 Home equity lines of credit 33,659 59 601 0 34,319 1-4 Family residential construction 24,698 0 0 0 24,698 Total residential mortgage 446,605 1,172 8,978 51 456,806 Commercial: Commercial loans secured by real estate 156,308 740 5,563 0 162,611 Commercial and Industrial 84,232 5,230 2,394 0 91,856 Political subdivisions 53,263 0 0 0 53,263 Commercial construction and land 11,887 0 75 0 11,962 Loans secured by farmland 5,171 168 1,796 11 7,146 Multi-family (5 or more) residential 7,180 0 0 0 7,180 Agricultural loans 4,910 84 665 0 5,659 Other commercial loans 13,879 0 71 0 13,950 Total commercial 336,830 6,222 10,564 11 353,627 Consumer 17,116 0 14 0 17,130 Totals $ 800,551 $ 7,394 $ 19,556 $ 62 $ 827,563 The general component of the allowance for loan losses covers pools of loans including commercial loans not not 1 2 $400,000 September 30, 2019 December 31, 2018, five three Qualitative risk factors are evaluated for the impact on each of the three The qualitative factors used in the general component calculations are designed to address credit risk characteristics associated with each segment. The Corporation’s credit risk associated with all of the segments is significantly impacted by these factors, which include economic conditions within its market area, the Corporation’s lending policies, changes or trends in the portfolio, risk profile, competition, regulatory requirements and other factors. Loans are classified as impaired, when, based on current information and events, it is probable that the Corporation will be unable to collect the scheduled payments of principal or interest when due according to the contractual terms of the loan agreement. Factors considered by management in determining impairment include payment status, collateral value and the probability of collecting scheduled principal and interest payments when due. Loans that experience insignificant payment delays and payment shortfalls generally are not The scope of loans reviewed individually each quarter to determine if they are impaired include all commercial loan relationships greater than $200,000 $400,000 one not not not September 30, 2019 December 31, 2018. $200,000 $400,000 $100,000 The following tables present a summary of loan balances and the related allowance for loan losses summarized by portfolio segment and class for each impairment method used as of September 30, 2019 December 31, 2018. September 30, 2019 April 1, 2019 ( 2 second third 2019 September 30, 2019 Loans: Allowance for Loan Losses: (In Thousands) Individually Evaluated Collectively Evaluated Purchased Performing Loans Totals Individually Evaluated Collectively Evaluated Totals Residential mortgage: Residential mortgage loans - first liens $ 966 $ 381,027 $ 105,432 $ 487,425 $ 0 $ 3,164 $ 3,164 Residential mortgage loans - junior liens 285 26,445 2,326 29,056 127 223 350 Home equity lines of credit 0 32,730 2,762 35,492 0 282 282 1-4 Family residential construction 0 32,211 488 32,699 0 258 258 Total residential mortgage 1,251 472,413 111,008 584,672 127 3,927 4,054 Commercial: Commercial loans secured by real estate 2,065 190,821 104,633 297,519 678 1,827 2,505 Commercial and industrial 1,262 110,036 3,915 115,213 133 1,123 1,256 Political subdivisions 0 46,466 0 46,466 0 0 0 Commercial construction and land 0 16,451 5,935 22,386 0 158 158 Loans secured by farmland 1,359 5,483 261 7,103 48 53 101 Multi-family (5 or more) residential 0 10,181 17,452 27,633 0 155 155 Agricultural loans 6 5,139 0 5,145 0 49 49 Other commercial loans 0 12,485 343 12,828 0 120 120 Total commercial 4,692 397,062 132,539 534,293 859 3,485 4,344 Consumer 0 19,442 993 20,435 0 274 274 Unallocated 585 Total $ 5,943 $ 888,917 $ 244,540 $ 1,139,400 $ 986 $ 7,686 $ 9,257 December 31, 2018 Loans: Allowance for Loan Losses: (In Thousands) Individually Collectively Individually Collectively Evaluated Evaluated Totals Evaluated Evaluated Totals Residential mortgage: Residential mortgage loans - first liens $ 991 $ 371,348 $ 372,339 $ 0 $ 3,156 $ 3,156 Residential mortgage loans - junior liens 293 25,157 25,450 116 209 325 Home equity lines of credit 0 34,319 34,319 0 302 302 1-4 Family residential construction 0 24,698 24,698 0 203 203 Total residential mortgage 1,284 455,522 456,806 116 3,870 3,986 Commercial: Commercial loans secured by real estate 4,302 158,309 162,611 781 1,757 2,538 Commercial and industrial 2,157 89,699 91,856 659 894 1,553 Political subdivisions 0 53,263 53,263 0 0 0 Commercial construction and land 0 11,962 11,962 0 110 110 Loans secured by farmland 1,349 5,797 7,146 49 53 102 Multi-family (5 or more) residential 0 7,180 7,180 0 114 114 Agricultural loans 665 4,994 5,659 0 46 46 Other commercial loans 0 13,950 13,950 0 128 128 Total commercial 8,473 345,154 353,627 1,489 3,102 4,591 Consumer 17 17,113 17,130 0 233 233 Unallocated 499 Total $ 9,774 $ 817,789 $ 827,563 $ 1,605 $ 7,205 $ 9,309 Summary information related to impaired loans at September 30, 2019 December 31, 2018 (In Thousands) September 30, 2019 December 31, 2018 Unpaid Unpaid Principal Recorded Related Principal Recorded Related Balance Investment Allowance Balance Investment Allowance With no related allowance recorded: Residential mortgage loans - first liens $ 729 $ 701 $ 0 $ 750 $ 721 $ 0 Residential mortgage loans - junior liens 50 50 0 54 54 0 Commercial loans secured by real estate 804 804 0 1,787 1,787 0 Commercial and industrial 476 476 0 817 817 0 Loans secured by farmland 879 879 0 862 862 0 Agricultural loans 6 6 0 665 665 0 Consumer 0 0 0 17 17 0 Total with no related allowance recorded 2,944 2,916 0 4,952 4,923 0 With a related allowance recorded: Residential mortgage loans - first liens 265 265 0 270 270 0 Residential mortgage loans - junior liens 235 235 127 239 239 116 Commercial loans secured by real estate 1,261 1,261 678 2,515 2,515 781 Commercial and industrial 786 786 133 1,340 1,340 659 Loans secured by farmland 480 480 48 487 487 49 Total with a related allowance recorded 3,027 3,027 986 4,851 4,851 1,605 Total $ 5,971 $ 5,943 $ 986 $ 9,803 $ 9,774 $ 1,605 In the table immediately above, two one first one The average balance of impaired loans, excluding purchased credit impaired loans, and interest income recognized on these impaired loans is as follows: Interest Income Recognized on Average Investment in Impaired Loans Impaired Loans on a Cash Basis (In Thousands) 3 Months Ended 9 Months Ended 3 Months Ended 9 Months Ended Sept. 30, Sept. 30, Sept. 30, Sept. 30, 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 2019 2018 Residential mortgage: Residential mortgage loans - first lien $ 1,057 $ 1,067 $ 997 $ 1,102 $ 21 $ 17 $ 39 $ 47 Residential mortgage loans - junior lien 285 295 289 298 8 3 10 10 Home equity lines of credit 65 0 16 0 3 0 3 0 Total residential mortgage 1,407 1,362 1,302 1,400 32 20 52 57 Commercial: Commercial loans secured by real estate 1,738 4,050 2,371 4,921 49 25 66 95 Commercial and industrial 1,202 184 1,460 346 4 4 38 11 Loans secured by farmland 1,359 1,355 1,443 1,359 23 11 42 27 Multi-family (5 or more) residential 0 392 0 392 0 0 0 0 Agricultural loans 6 677 481 512 0 16 24 34 Other commercial loans 50 0 13 0 2 0 2 0 Total commercial 4,355 6,658 5,768 7,530 78 56 172 167 Consumer 0 17 4 18 0 1 0 1 Total $ 5,762 $ 8,037 $ 7,074 $ 8,948 $ 110 $ 77 $ 224 $ 225 Loans are placed on nonaccrual status for all classes of loans when, in the opinion of management, collection of interest is doubtful. Any unpaid interest previously accrued on those loans is reversed from income. Interest income is not six no The breakdown by portfolio segment and class of nonaccrual loans and loans past due ninety (In Thousands) September 30, 2019 December 31, 2018 Past Due Past Due 90+ Days and 90+ Days and Accruing Nonaccrual Accruing Nonaccrual Residential mortgage: Residential mortgage loans - first liens $ 1,312 $ 3,649 $ 1,633 $ 4,750 Residential mortgage loans - junior liens 119 235 151 239 Home equity lines of credit 180 73 219 27 Total residential mortgage 1,611 3,957 2,003 5,016 Commercial: Commercial loans secured by real estate 273 2,474 394 3,958 Commercial and industrial 57 1,158 18 2,111 Commercial construction and land 0 51 0 52 Loans secured by farmland 430 1,311 459 1,297 Agricultural loans 5 6 0 665 Other commercial 0 50 0 0 Total commercial 765 5,050 871 8,083 Consumer 19 13 32 14 Totals $ 2,395 $ 9,020 $ 2,906 $ 13,113 The amounts shown in the table immediately above include loans classified as troubled debt restructurings (described in more detail below), if such loans are past due ninety The table below presents a summary of the contractual aging of loans as of September 30, 2019 December 31, 2018: As of September 30, 2019 As of December 31, 2018 Current & Current & (In Thousands) Past Due Past Due Past Due Past Due Past Due Past Due Less than 30-89 90+ Less than 30-89 90+ 30 Days Days Days Total 30 Days Days Days Total Residential mortgage: Residential mortgage loans - first liens $ 479,405 $ 4,456 $ 3,564 $ 487,425 $ 361,362 $ 6,414 $ 4,563 $ 372,339 Residential mortgage loans - junior liens 28,620 82 354 29,056 24,876 184 390 25,450 Home equity lines of credit 34,952 360 180 35,492 33,611 480 228 34,319 1-4 Family residential construction 32,519 180 0 32,699 24,531 167 0 24,698 Total residential mortgage 575,496 5,078 4,098 584,672 444,380 7,245 5,181 456,806 Commercial: Commercial loans secured by real estate 296,282 170 1,067 297,519 160,668 226 1,717 162,611 Commercial and industrial 114,622 486 105 115,213 90,915 152 789 91,856 Political subdivisions 46,466 0 0 46,466 53,263 0 0 53,263 Commercial construction and land 22,335 0 51 22,386 11,910 0 52 11,962 Loans secured by farmland 5,207 722 1,174 7,103 5,390 487 1,269 7,146 Multi-family (5 or more) residential 27,633 0 0 27,633 7,104 76 0 7,180 Agricultural loans 5,053 81 11 5,145 5,624 29 6 5,659 Other commercial loans 12,828 0 0 12,828 13,950 0 0 13,950 Total commercial 530,426 1,459 2,408 534,293 348,824 970 3,833 353,627 Consumer 20,232 171 32 20,435 16,991 93 46 17,130 Totals $ 1,126,154 $ 6,708 $ 6,538 $ 1,139,400 $ 810,195 $ 8,308 $ 9,060 $ 827,563 Nonaccrual loans are included in the contractual aging in the immediately preceding table. A summary of the contractual aging of nonaccrual loans at September 30, 2019 December 31, 2018 Current & (In Thousands) Past Due Past Due Past Due Less than 30-89 90+ 30 Days Days Days Total September 30, 2019 Nonaccrual Totals $ 3,399 $ 1,478 $ 4,143 $ 9,020 December 31, 2018 Nonaccrual Totals $ 5,793 $ 1,166 $ 6,154 $ 13,113 Loans whose terms are modified are classified as Troubled Debt Restructurings (TDRs) if the Corporation grants such borrowers concessions, and it is deemed that those borrowers are experiencing financial difficulty. Loans classified as TDRs are designated as impaired. The outstanding balance of loans subject to TDRs, as well as contractual aging information at September 30, 2019 December 31, 2018 Current & (In Thousands) Past Due Past Due Past Due Less than 30-89 90+ 30 Days Days Days Nonaccrual Total September 30, 2019 Totals $ 716 $ 208 $ 73 $ 1,671 $ 2,668 December 31, 2018 Totals $ 612 $ 43 $ 0 $ 2,884 $ 3,539 At September 30, 2019 December 31, 2018, no TDRs that occurred during the three nine September 30, 2019 2018 (Balances in Thousands) Three Months Ended Three Months Ended September 30, 2019 September 30, 2018 Post- Post- Number Modification Number Modification of Recorded of Recorded Loans Investment Loans Investment Commercial loans secured by real estate, Extended interest only payments and reduced monthly payments with a balloon payment at maturity 1 $ 1,261 0 $ 0 (Balances in Thousands) Nine Months Ended Nine Months Ended September 30, 2019 September 30, 2018 Post- Post- Number Modification Number Modification of Recorded of Recorded Loans Investment Loans Investment Residential mortgage - first liens, Reduced monthly payments for a six-month period 0 $ 0 1 $ 80 Residential mortgage - junior liens, Reduced monthly payments and extended maturity date 1 18 0 0 Commercial loans secured by real estate, Extended interest only payments for a six-month period 0 0 2 36 Extended interest only payments and reduced monthly payments with a balloon payment at maturity 1 1,261 0 0 Commercial and industrial: Extended interest only payments for a six-month period 0 0 1 46 Reduced monthly payments and extended maturity date 9 448 0 0 Agricultural loans, Reduced monthly payments and extended maturity date 1 84 0 0 Total 12 $ 1,811 4 $ 162 In the third 2019, $678,000 nine September 30, 2019 one third 2019 In the three nine September 30, 2019 2018, 12 (Balances in Thousands) Three Months Ended Three Months Ended September 30, 2019 September 30, 2018 Number Number of Recorded of Recorded Loans Investment Loans Investment Residential mortgage - junior liens 1 $ 18 0 0 Commercial and industrial 9 431 0 0 Agricultural loans 1 81 0 0 Total 11 $ 530 0 $ 0 (Balances in Thousands) Nine Months Ended Nine Months Ended September 30, 2019 September 30, 2018 Number Number of Recorded of Recorded Loans Investment Loans Investment Residential mortgage - junior liens 1 $ 18 0 0 Commercial and industrial 9 431 0 0 Agricultural loans 1 81 0 0 Total 11 $ 530 0 $ 0 All of the TDRs for which payment defaults occurred in the third 2019 one September 30, 2019 December 31, 2018, no The carrying amount of foreclosed residential real estate properties held as a result of obtaining physical possession (included in Foreclosed assets held for sale in the unaudited consolidated balance sheets) is as follows: (In Thousands) Sept. 30, Dec. 31, 2019 2018 Foreclosed residential real estate $ 329 $ 64 The recorded investment of consumer mortgage loans secured by residential real properties for which formal foreclosure proceedings were in process is as follows: (In Thousands) Sept. 30, Dec. 31, 2019 2018 Residential real estate in process of foreclosure $ 1,088 $ 1,097 |