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Abatement, ability, absolute, acceptable, accepted, accessed, accompanying, accredited, accretive, accrue, accrued, accumulated, accuracy, achieve, achieved, achievement, achieving, acknowledgment, acquire, acquired, acquiring, acquisition, active, activity, added, adding, addition, additional, Additionally, addressed, Addressing, adequate, adjacent, adjusted, adjusting, adjustment, administration, administrative, advance, advantage, adverse, adversely, advertising, advice, advisor, affect, affected, affiliation, afford, affordable, age, agreed, agreement, AH, AHI, Ahroum, Aid, Air, Alex, allocated, allocating, allocation, Allstate, Alpharetta, alter, alternative, America, amortization, amortized, amount, amounted, announced, anticipate, anticipated, apparent, applicable, application, applied, apply, appointed, approach, approximate, approximately, arising, arrived, artificially, ASC, asserted, asset, assigned, assist, assisting, assume, assumed, assuming, assurance, assure, ASU, attached, attempt, attempting, attended, attention, attorney, attract, attractive, attributable, audit, audited, auditor, August, authoritative, automatic, automatically, avoid, awarded, aware, Bachelor, back, background, bad, balance, bank, Banking, bargaining, base, based, Basic, BBA, BCF, bearing, began, behavior, Bellevue, beneficial, beneficially, bifurcated, billed, bind, binomial, blank, bookkeeping, bore, borrow, brand, breach, Brewing, broad, broker, Broward, Build, building, Buy, Buyback, buyer, buying, CA, cable, CableRep, calendar, California, cancelation, canceled, Cap, capital, capitalization, capitalized, caption, Captioning, Car, Card, care, career, carefully, carried, carry, carrying, case, cash, Casino, categorized, cautionary, cautioned, CDIX, Cendant, central, CEO, certificate, cessation, CFO, chain, challenging, characterized, charged, chief, children, choose, church, Circuit, circumvented, Citicorp, claim, clarification, classification, classified, clear, Closed, closely, closing, closure, Codification, collaborative, collateral, collect, collecting, collective, collectively, College, collusion, Colorado, combination, commercial, Commission, commitment, committee, communicated, communicating, communication, community, comparable, compared, comparison, compensation, compete, competing, competition, competitive, complement, complementary, complex, compliance, component, comprehensive, comprised, compromise, conceived, concentrated, concept, concluded, condensed, condition, conduct, conducted, confidence, configuration, conform, conformity, confusion, conjunction, connection, consecutive, consent, consideration, consist, consistency, consistent, consisting, consolidated, consolidation, constitute, construction, Consult, Consultant, Consulting, consumer, consummate, consummation, contacted, contemplated, contingent, continually, continue, continued, continuing, continuity, contract, contractual, controverted, conventional, conversion, convert, converted, convertible, cooperative, copied, copy, copyright, corporate, corporation, correlation, corroborated, corroboration, COSO, cost, counter, counterparty, County, court, cover, covered, covid, Cox, create, created, creating, Creative, credit, criteria, critical, critically, Crummer, Cunningham, curtail, curve, customer, daily, database, date, dated, dba, DC, dealer, debenture, debt, December, decide, decided, deciding, decision, declared, declaring, decline, decrease, decreased, dedicated, deduction, deem, deemed, default, defended, deferred, deficiency, deficit, degree, delisting, deliver, demand, Density, department, departure, depend, dependent, deposit, depreciation, depression, depth, derivative, derive, derived, design, designated, designed, designing, desired, detailed, detected, deteriorate, deterioration, determination, determine, determined, determining, detrimental, develop, developed, developer, developing, development, difficult, difficulty, diligence, dilute, diluted, dilutive, direct, directly, director, disciplinary, disclose, disclosed, discontinued, discount, discounted, discover, discovered, discretion, discussed, discussion, disposal, disposed, disposition, disrupt, disruption, distributed, distribution, diversification, diversified, diversion, divert, diverting, divested, divestiture, divided, dividend, dividing, doctor, doctorate, dollar, domain, domestic, doubt, downturn, Dr, dream, driven, driver, due, earlier, earn, economic, economy, edge, Edgeview, effect, effected, effecting, effective, effectively, effort, eligible, eliminated, elimination, embedded, employ, employee, employing, enable, enabling, enacted, enactment, encounter, encroachment, end, ended, ending, enforce, enhance, enhanced, enrolled, ensure, enter, entered, entering, Enterprise, entertainment, entirety, entity, Entrepreneurship, entry, environment, environmental, equal, equating, equipment, error, establish, established, establishing, estate, estimate, estimated, estimation, evaluate, evaluated, evaluating, evaluation, event, eventually, evidence, evolving, examination, examining, exceed, exceeding, excellence, exempt, exemption, exercise, exercised, exist, existing, exit, expand, expansion, expect, expected, expense, expensive, experience, experienced, expert, expertise, expiration, expire, expired, explanation, expressed, expressing, expressly, extension, extensive, extent, external, face, facilitated, fact, failed, failure, fair, fairly, faith, familiar, family, Farm, FASB, faulty, favor, favorable, feature, February, federal, field, Fifty, finalize, finalized, finalizing, finance, financing, fixed, Florida, flow, fluctuate, focused, food, footnote, force, forecast, forecasting, foregoing, foreign, foreseeable, forfeitable, forgiven, formal, format, Fort, Fortuna, forward, found, founded, founder, fourth, frame, framework, Fran, franchise, franchised, franchising, Frank, fraud, free, freestanding, front, full, fullest, fully, function, functionality, fund, funding, future, GAAP, gain, Game, garnishment, Gelato, Gene, general, generally, generate, generated, generating, geographic, goal, good, goodwill, governance, government, governmental, Graduate, grant, granted, grantee, grantor, great, greater, group, grow, growing, guarantee, guidance, hand, hard, harm, HDR, healthcare, Hedging, hierarchical, hierarchy, high, higher, highest, highly, hiring, historical, historically, history, hit, hold, holder, holding, home, homeowner, hope, Hospitality, Hotel, house, housing, human, hundred, Ice, Idaho, identical, identifiable, identified, identify, identifying, Iham, Ihsane, ii, impact, impacted, impair, impaired, impairment, implement, implementation, implementing, implied, important, impose, imposing, improper, improve, improved, inaccurate, inadequate, incentive, inception, income, inconsistent, incorrect, increase, increased, increasing, incur, incurred, incurring, indemnification, indemnified, indemnify, indemnity, independence, independent, index, indexed, indirectly, individual, industry, IndyMac, ineffective, inflated, inflation, Influential, infrastructure, infringement, infusion, inherent, initial, initially, initiated, initiative, inspected, Installment, instituting, institution, instrument, instrumental, insurance, intangible, integral, integrate, integrated, integration, intellectual, intend, intended, intentionally, inter, intercompany, InterContinental, interest, interim, interpretation, intrinsic, introduction, inventory, invest, investing, investment, investor, involve, involved, involving, IRS, issuance, Italian, iv, Jacksonville, Jahid, Jamaica, January, Jay, JM, join, joint, jointly, judged, judgment, Judicial, July, June, Kanuck, Kentucky, Kerzner, key, Khalid, knew, labor, lack, Lambert, land, language, larger, largest, lattice, launch, law, lawsuit, lead, leadership, leakout, lease, leasehold, leasing, led, left, Legacy, legal, legislation, level, leverage, leveraging, liability, liable, Liberty, Lien, life, light, likelihood, limit, limitation, limited, limiting, line, liquid, liquidate, Liquidation, liquidity, list, listed, listing, Litefti, litigation, LLC, loan, local, located, location, lockup, London, longer, Los, lose, losing, low, lower, lowering, lowest, magnitude, maintain, maintaining, maintenance, make, making, mandated, manner, manufactured, manufacturing, margin, marketplace, Maryville, material, materially, Matt, matter, mature, matured, maturity, maximize, MBA, MDR, measurable, measure, measured, measurement, measuring, media, medical, Medium, meet, member, memorandum, Merchandising, merge, merged, merger, met, method, methodology, middle, Miller, million, minimal, minimize, Mission, misstatement, mistake, mitigate, mitigation, mobile, model, modification, modified, monetary, month, monthly, mortgage, movement, multiple, narrative, narrowed, nasdaq, nation, national, Nationwide, nature, Nebraska, negate, negative, negatively, negotiate, net, network, Nevada, newly, niche, nominating, nonperformance, nonpublic, nonrecurring, note, novate, November, nullify, number, NY, obligation, observable, obtain, obtained, obtaining, occur, occurred, occurrence, October, offer, offering, offset, Omaha, ongoing, operate, operated, operating, operation, operational, opinion, opportunity, option, oral, order, orderly, ordinary, oriented, orthopedic, OTC, outbreak, outcome, overhead, override, oversaw, Oversight, owed, owner, ownership, page, paid, pandemic, paragraph, park, partial, partially, participant, participation, partner, party, passionately, Patent, Patrick, pay, payable, payment, payroll, PCAOB, Penalty, penetrated, penny, pension, people, percent, perform, performance, performed, performing, permit, permitted, personnel, pervasive, phase, Phillip, Pink, Pizza, placement, plan, planned, planning, plant, platform, platinum, platted, policy, political, pooled, popular, population, portfolio, portion, position, positive, post, potential, potentially, power, PPP, practicable, practice, predict, predicted, preferred, preliminary, premier, prepaid, president, pressure, prevent, prevented, preventing, previously, primarily, primary, prime, prior, priority, private, procedure, proceeding, processed, produce, producer, product, production, professional, profit, profitability, profitable, profitably, program, programming, progressive, project, projected, promissory, Promotional, promulgated, proper, property, proposed, proprietary, prospective, protect, protection, proven, provision, provisional, publicly, purpose, pursue, quadrupled, qualified, qualify, quarterly, quotation, quoted, range, rapid, rapidly, rate, ratio, reached, read, readily, real, realization, realize, realized, realizing, reassessed, rebound, receipt, receivable, receive, received, recession, reclassification, reclassified, recognition, recognize, recognized, recognizing, recommended, reconciliation, Reconsideration, reconsidered, record, recorded, recoverability, recoverable, recovered, recreation, recruit, recurring, Red, Redeemable, redeemed, redemption, redomiciled, Redrock, reduce, reduced, reducing, reduction, reflect, reflected, reflecting, Reform, refuse, regime, Regional, regulatory, relate, related, relating, relationship, relevant, reliability, reliably, reliance, relied, relief, relinquish, rely, remain, remeasured, remit, removal, removed, rendered, renewed, rent, repaid, repatriated, repatriation, repayment, repealing, Repicci, Repici, replace, replaced, Replacement, represent, representation, represented, representing, reputation, Rescue, resell, residential, resigned, resolution, resolve, resolved, Resort, respectfully, respond, responded, restated, restatement, restaurant, restricted, restriction, restructure, restructured, result, resulted, resulting, retail, retain, retained, retirement, retrospective, return, revalued, revenue, reverse, review, reviewed, revolving, RFG, risk, risky, Rita, river, Rock, Rollan, Romeo, roster, rounding, run, safely, sale, salesperson, Salmon, satisfied, SBA, scale, schedule, School, Science, scope, sec, secondary, Secretary, sector, secure, secured, security, seek, seeking, segment, segregation, select, selected, selecting, sell, selling, Senior, separate, separately, September, serve, served, service, servicing, serving, set, settle, settled, settlement, Seventeenth, share, shared, shareholder, sheet, short, Show, showing, shown, side, significance, significant, significantly, similar, simple, simplified, size, skilled, small, solvency, SOX, speak, specific, Specifically, speculative, split, Sponsoring, sporadic, spouse, spread, standalone, standardized, startup, statutory, stipulate, stockholder, strategic, strategy, streamline, Street, strong, structural, structure, structured, structuring, Style, subsequent, subsequently, subsidiary, substantial, substantially, subtopic, successful, successfully, successive, successor, sufficient, suitability, suitable, summarize, summarized, summary, superior, supervision, support, surgery, sustain, sustained, sustaining, symbol, system, table, Taharraoui, talented, Taoufik, target, targeting, tax, taxable, taxing, team, technology, television, temporary, Tennessee, term, terminate, terminated, termination, territorial, test, testing, thereof, therewith, thinly, thousand, threatened, tied, time, timely, timing, Top, Topic, track, Trademark, traditional, train, training, trait, tranche, transact, transaction, transfer, Travel, Treadway, Treasurer, treasury, treated, treatment, Trump, Tuition, turn, turned, twelve, type, typically, ultimate, ultimately, umbrella, unable, unadjusted, unanticipated, unauthorized, uncertain, uncertainty, uncollectible, underlying, undermine, understanding, undervalued, undue, unemployment, unenforceable, unforeseen, uniform, unissued, unit, United, University, unknown, unobservable, unpaid, unrecognized, unrelated, unsecured, unsuccessful, unvested, update, urge, USA, utilized, utilizing, vacant, validity, valuation, Vance, variance, venture, versed, vest, vested, vesting, view, violation, volatility, volume, voluntary, wage, warrant, Wayne, website, weekly, weighted, whichever, whitewater, wholly, widespread, Winter, worked, working, world, worldwide, worth, written, Wyndham, year, yield, York, zoned
Filing tables
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- 10-K/A Annual report
- 21.1 Subsidiaries of Cardiff Lexington Corp.
- 31.1 Certification Pursuant to 18 U.s.c. Section 1350,
- 31.2 Certification Pursuant to 18 U.s.c. Section 1350,
- 32.1 Certification Pursuant to 18 U.s.c. Section 1350, As Adopted Pursuant to
- 32.2 Certification Pursuant to 18 U.s.c. Section 1350, As Adopted Pursuant to
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