3. | Expand your disclosure of the capital spent during the fiscal year on development activities to quantify the portion of that amount incurred to convert proved undeveloped reserves to proved developed reserves. Refer to Item 1203(c) ofRegulation S-K. |
As disclosed on page 301 of the 2018Form 20-F, the Group spent US$1.8 billion dollars on Petroleum development activities during FY2018. Expenditure incurred in FY2018, including amounts to convert proved undeveloped reserves to proved developed reserves, is set out below.
The Group spent US$1.8 billion dollars on Petroleum development activities during FY2018 of which:
| • | | US$323 million converted previously reported proved undeveloped reserves to proved developed reserves status in FY2018. (Note: due to timing, expenditures prior to FY2018 may have contributed to the conversions occurring in FY2018); |
| • | | US$502 million progressed the conversion of proved undeveloped reserves where developed status was achieved in early FY2019 or, in the case of major offshore projects, will be achieved when development is completed in the future; |
| • | | US$695 million was spent drilling and convertingnon-proved locations to proved developed status predominantly within Onshore US assets and related to acreage with Hold by Production clauses; and |
| • | | US$257 million represented other development expenditure, including compliance and infrastructure improvements. |
The Group’s future filings onForm 20-F will include disclosure of the amounts of capital spent for converting reported proved undeveloped reserves to proved developed reserves during the most recently completed fiscal year.
Supplementary Oil and Gas Information-Unaudited
Standardized Measure of Discounted Future Net Cash Flows Relating to Proved Oil and Gas
Reserves (Standardized Measure), pageF-109
4. | Tell us if the costs associated with the abandonment of your proved properties, including the costs related to your proved undeveloped locations, have been included as part of the development costs used in the calculation of the standardized measure for each of the annual periods presented. If such costs have been omitted, explain to us your basis for excluding these costs from your calculation of the standardized measure. |
The Group confirms that abandonment costs for our proved properties, including the costs related to proved undeveloped locations, have been included in future development costs in the standardized measure calculations for each of the annual periods presented in the 2018 Form20-F.
Drilling and Other Exploratory and Development Activities, pageF-112
5. | Expand your disclosure to discuss your present activities, such as the number of wells in the process of being drilled (including wells temporarily suspended), waterfloods in process of being installed, pressure maintenance operations, and any other related activities of material importance subsequent to the fiscalyear-end. Refer to Item 1206 of RegulationS-K. |
The Group refers the Staff to the disclosure titled ‘Drilling’ within the Strategic Report on page 131 of the 2018Form 20-F. The disclosure provides the number of wells (gross and net) in process of being drilled split by region and activity type (exploration, development) as of 30 June 2018. Narrative discussion of our present Petroleum activities is included on page 131 and page 132 of the 2018Form 20-F.
Oil and Gas Properties, Wells, Operations, and Acreage, pageF-113
6. | If there are material quantities of net proved undeveloped reserves assigned to locations which are currently scheduled to be drilled after lease expiration, expand the disclosure under this section to explain the steps and related costs which would be necessary to extend the time to the expiration of such leases. |
The Group confirms that there are no net proved undeveloped reserves assigned to locations which are currently scheduled to be drilled after lease expiration. The Group will continue to monitor the existence of such reserves at future reporting dates and will include disclosure in future Form20-F filings to the extent the quantities are considered material.
We are available to discuss any of the foregoing with you at your convenience. Please contact me if you wish to discuss the information provided in this response.
Yours sincerely
/s/ Peter Beaven
Peter Beaven
Chief Financial Officer
Cc: Waldo D. Jones, Jr. (Sullivan & Cromwell)