Impact of Healthcare Reform
n Extends LTACH provisions of Medicare, Medicaid and SCHIP Extension Act (MMSEA) of 2007
through Dec. 31, 2012
n Maintains existing status related to 25% Rule and short-stay outliers
n Delays one-time budget neutrality adjustment (estimated at 3.75%)
n Continues moratorium on new LTACH beds while facility criteria is established
n Extends auto exception process for Part B therapy caps through Dec. 31, 2010
n Delays implementation of RUGs IV until Oct. 1, 2011; concurrent therapy rules take effect Oct.
1, 2010
n Establishes negative adjustments to annual market basket calculations for IRFs and LTACHs
of an average 32 bps/year beginning Apr. 1, 2010 through rate year 2019; no market basket
adjustments for SNFs; all sectors subject to productivity adjustments beginning in 2012
n Establishes a national pilot program by 2013 to study effectiveness of bundled payment
system for hospital services, physician services and post-acute care delivered three days prior
to hospitalization through 30 days post-discharge
n Implements payment penalties for hospitals with high readmission rates
n Beginning in 2012, allows providers organized as Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) that
voluntarily meet quality thresholds to share in cost savings achieved in Medicare program
n Prohibits physician ownership of hospitals, effective Dec. 31, 2010, and creates new
transparency, reporting and expansion requirements for “grandfathered” hospitals