Division Overviews
Skilled Nursing
Rehabilitation Services
$1.3 billion pro forma1 operating revenues for LTM 6/30/10
Rehabilitation Services
HIH = Hospital in Hospital
Hospital Division
1Reflects acquisition of Triumph HealthCare on Nov. 24, 2009
n $611 mm - 47% of pro forma
n 29 LTACHs, 6 IRFs; 13 states
n 20 FS LTACHs, 9 HIHs; 4 FS
IRFs, 2 HIHs
n 1,605 licensed LTACH beds;
243 IRF beds
n 420,000 annual patient days
n $507 mm - 39% of pro forma
n 1,115 SNF/long-term care
programs in 37 states
n 8.1 mm annual patient visits
n Polaris Group - consulting for
long-term care facilities
n VTA Management Services -
therapy and nurse staffing for
New York
n $178 mm - 14% of pro forma
n 148 hospital-based programs
in 34 states
n 42,000 IRF discharges/year
n 1.2 mm annual outpatient