Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document and Entity Information
- Condensed Consolidated Statemen
- Condensed Consolidated Statem_2
- Condensed Consolidated Balance
- Condensed Consolidated Balanc_2
- Condensed Consolidated Statem_3
- Consolidated Statements of Chan
- Basis of Presentation
- New Accounting Pronouncements
- Revenue from Contracts with Cus
- Contract Costs
- Supplemental Financial Informat
- Goodwill and Acquired Intangibl
- Income Taxes
- Derivative Instruments and Hedg
- Commitments and Contingencies
- Fair Value Measurements
- Debt
- Leases
- Earnings per Share
- Segment and Other Supplemental
- Reorganization and Business Tra
- New Accounting Pronouncements (
- Revenue from Contracts with C_2
- Contract Costs (Tables)
- Supplemental Financial Inform_2
- Goodwill and Acquired Intangi_2
- Income Taxes (Tables)
- Derivative Instruments and He_2
- Commitments and Contingencies (
- Fair Value Measurements (Tables
- Leases (Tables)
- Earnings per Share (Tables)
- Segment and Other Supplementa_2
- Reorganization and Business T_2
- Revenue from Contracts with C_3
- Revenue from Contracts with C_4
- Revenue from Contracts with C_5
- Revenue from Contracts with C_6
- Contract Costs (Details)
- Supplemental Financial Inform_3
- Goodwill and Acquired Intangi_3
- Goodwill and Acquired Intangi_4
- Goodwill and Acquired Intangi_5
- Income Taxes (Detail)
- Derivative Instruments and He_3
- Commitments and Contingencies -
- Commitments and Contingencies_2
- Fair Value Measurements (Detail
- Debt - Additional Information (
- Leases - Narrative (Details)
- Leases - Lease-related Assets
- Leases - Lease Cost (Details)
- Leases - Other Information (Det
- Leases - Undiscounted Cash Flow
- Leases - Undiscounted Cash Fl_2
- Leases - Rental Revenue (Detail
- Earnings per Share (Detail)
- Segment and Other Supplementa_3
- Segment and Other Supplementa_4
- Reorganization and Business T_3
- Uncategorized Items - tdc-06301