Filing exhibits
Table of Contents
- Document and Entity Information
- Group income statement
- Group statement of comprehensiv
- Group balance sheet
- Group statement of changes in e
- Group statement of changes in_2
- Group cash flow statement
- Group cash flow statement (Pare
- Group plc balance sheet
- Group plc balance sheet (Parent
- Group plc statement of changes
- Group plc statement of change_2
- Basis of preparation
- Prior Year Restatement and Open
- Critical accounting estimates a
- Significant accounting policies
- Segment information
- Revenue
- Operating Costs
- Employees
- Audit, audit related and other
- Specific items
- Taxation
- Dividends
- Intangible assets
- Property, plant and equipment
- Programme rights
- Trade and other receivables
- Trade and other payables
- Provisions
- Retirement Benefit Plans
- Share-based payments
- Investments
- Cash and cash equivalents
- Loans and other borrowings
- Finance expense
- Financial instruments and risk
- Other reserves
- Directors emoluments and pensio
- Related Party Transactions
- Financial commitments and conti
- Post Balance Sheet Events
- Significant accounting polici_2
- Basis of preparation (Tables)
- Prior Year Restatement and Op_2
- Segment information (Tables)
- Revenue (Tables)
- Operating Costs (Tables)
- Employees (Tables)
- Audit, audit related and othe_2
- Specific items (Tables)
- Taxation (Tables)
- Intangible assets (Tables)
- Property, plant and equipment (
- Programme rights (Tables)
- Trade and other receivables (Ta
- Trade and other payables (Table
- Provisions (Tables)
- Retirement Benefit Plans (Table
- Share-based payments (Tables)
- Investments (Tables)
- Cash and cash equivalents (Tabl
- Loans and other borrowings (Tab
- Finance expense (Tables)
- Financial instruments and ris_2
- Other reserves (Tables)
- Related Party Transactions (Tab
- Financial commitments and con_2
- Basis of Preparation - Addition
- Basis of Preparation - Group In
- Basis of Preparation - Group Ba
- Prior Year Restatement and Op_3
- Prior Year Restatement and Op_4
- Prior Year Restatement and Op_5
- Segment Information - Summary o
- Segment Information - Summary_2
- Segment Information - Summary_3
- Segment Information - Summary_4
- Segment Information - Summary_5
- Segment Information - Summary_6
- Segment Information - Summary_7
- Revenue - Additional Informatio
- Revenue - Summary of Disaggrega
- Revenue- Summary of Contract As
- Operating Costs - Summary of Op
- Operating Costs - Summary of _2
- Operating Costs - Summary of Co
- Employees - Summary of Number o
- Audit, Audit Related and Othe_3
- Audit, Audit Related and Othe_4
- Audit, Audit Related and Othe_5
- Specific Items - Summary of Spe
- Specific Items - Additional Inf
- Taxation - Additional Informati
- Taxation - Analysis of Our Taxa
- Taxation - Analysis of Our Ta_2
- Taxation - Summary of Factors A
- Taxation - Summary of Factors_2
- Taxation - Summary of Tax Compo
- Taxation - Summary of Tax Com_2
- Taxation - Summary of Tax (Expe
- Taxation - Summary of Deferred
- Taxation - Summary of Deferre_2
- Taxation - Summary of Restricte
- Dividends - Additional Informat
- Intangible Assets - Additional
- Intangible Assets - Summary of
- Intangible Assets - Summary o_2
- Intangible Assets - Summary o_3
- Intangible Assets - Summary o_4
- Property, Plant and Equipment -
- Property, Plant and Equipment_2
- Property, Plant and Equipment_3
- Property, Plant and Equipment_4
- Property, Plant and Equipment_5
- Programme Rights - Summary of P
- Trade and Other Receivables - S
- Trade and Other Receivables -_2
- Trade and Other Receivables -_3
- Trade and Other Receivables -_4
- Trade and Other Receivables - A
- Trade and Other Receivables -_5
- Trade and Other Receivables -_6
- Trade and Other Payables - Summ
- Trade and Other Payables - Su_2
- Provisions - Additional Informa
- Provisions - Details of Estimat
- Provisions - Details of Provisi
- Retirement Benefit Plans - Addi
- Retirement Benefit Plan - Summa
- Retirement Benefit Plan - Sum_2
- Retirement Benefit Plan - Sum_3
- Retirement Benefit Plan - Sum_4
- Retirement Benefit Plan - Sum_5
- Retirement Benefit Plan - Sum_6
- Retirement Benefit Plan - Sum_7
- Retirement Benefit Plan - Sum_8
- Retirement Benefit Plan - Sum_9
- Retirement Benefit Plan - Su_10
- Retirement Benefit Plan - Su_11
- Retirement Benefit Plan - Su_12
- Retirement Benefit Plan - Su_13
- Retirement Benefit Plan - Su_14
- Retirement Benefit Plan - Su_15
- Retirement Benefit Plans - Summ
- Retirement Benefit Plan - Su_16
- Retirement Benefit Plan - Su_17
- Retirement Benefit Plans - Sche
- Retirement Benefit Plans - Sc_2
- Retirement Benefit Plans - Sc_3
- Share-Based Payments - Summary
- Share-Based Payments - Addition
- Share-Based Payments - Summar_2
- Share-Based Payments - Summar_3
- Share-Based Payments - Summaris
- Share-Based Payments - Summar_4
- Share-Based Payments - Summar_5
- Investments - Summary of Invest
- Investments - Additional Inform
- Investments - Fair Value Hierar
- Cash and Cash Equivalents - Sum
- Cash and Cash Equivalents - Add
- Loans and Other Borrowings - Ad
- Loans and Other Borrowings - Su
- Loans and Other Borrowings - _2
- Loans and Other Borrowings - _3
- Loans and Other Borrowings - _4
- Loans and Other Borrowings - _5
- Loans and Other Borrowings - _6
- Loans and Other Borrowings - _7
- Finance Expense - Summary of Fi
- Financial Instruments and Ris_3
- Financial Instruments and Ris_4
- Financial Instruments and Ris_5
- Financial Instruments and Ris_6
- Financial Instruments and Ris_7
- Financial Instruments and Ris_8
- Financial Instruments and Ris_9
- Financial Instruments and Ri_10
- Financial Instruments and Ri_11
- Financial Instruments and Ri_12
- Financial Instruments and Ri_13
- Financial instruments and Ri_14
- Financial instruments and Ri_15
- Other Reserves - Summary of Oth
- Other Reserves - Summary of O_2
- Directors' Emoluments and Pensi
- Related Party Transactions - Ad
- Related Party Transactions - Ba
- Related Party Transactions - _2
- Financial Commitments and Con_3
- Financial Commitments and Con_4
- Financial Commitments and Con_5
- Post Balance Sheet Events - Add