1. Delivering a consistentand reliable service The communications we enable are so essential to our customers that delayed orders, faults or service disruptions can cause significant distress. This year, therefore, our investments included: • speeding up our ultrafast fibre rollout (FTTP), passing an average of c14,000 new premises every week in 2018/19. • hiring over 4,000 new contact centre agents, and switching 800 from agency contracts to full time, helping cut call centre wait times for business customers by a third and for EE broadband customers by a half. • increasing the proportion of all BT brand Consumer service conversations handled in the UK to around 83%, and working towards a target of 100%. All BT Plus, EE and Plusnet calls are handled in the UK • improving our eChat service, which is now used by one in five BT brand Consumer customers for service queries. • increasing our intake of engineering apprentices by around 1,700. We are innovating to improve the experience of our customers. For example, we are using remote visual assistant technology to help our call centre agents and our engineers provide expert advice more quickly. Openreach’s proactive maintenance meant we had 2% fewer copper network faults than in 2017/18, Global Services transformation has enabled 71% of service incidents to be proactively detected. Openreach provided 99% of all customers with their first appointment date for a new service within 12 days, an improvement from 92% in 2017/18. Customer complaints to Ofcom reduced by a third for both BT’s consumer broadband and EE’s mobile customers when measured on ayear-on-year basis. Like many businesses, our complexity is still a challenge. But making our portfolio smaller and simplifying our processes will cut the cost and inertia that leads to poor customer experience. Service progress around BT • We have met or exceeded all of Ofcom’s 42 Minimum Service Level targets on copper and broadband services. • We now miss less than 1.8% of engineering appointments, 23% fewer than last year. • Average Ethernet provisioning times went down 7.6% compared to last year. • Enterprise won two golds at the UK Customer Experience Awards. | | | | 2. Loyalty and value We want to reward customer loyalty by focusing on value for money. There will be no price increases for our BT brand consumer broadband, line rental and mobile products in 2019. We want to do more than just stop customers leaving. We want to build more loyalty across all our brands, by focusing on value for money. We want customers to increasingly get more for their money – whether that is faster broadband speeds or better mobile coverage. Loyalty and value progress around BT • Customers can talk to usface-to-face in more than 600 EE shops about BT broadband and TV and EE products and services, with a full BT service planned for the end of 2019/20. • Average broadband speeds for BT’s Consumer customers have improved 10% to 45Mbps. • We now have nearly 3.4 million customers using our Call Protect product, preventing more than 220 million unwanted calls since launch in January 2017. 3. Products that fit our customers’ needs Our BT Plus convergence proposition includes mobile replacement, guaranteed minimum speeds and double mobile data allowances for customers. BT Plus launched in May 2018 and has around one million subscribers. CompleteWi-Fi subsequently launched as an enhanced version of the service and the take up has been encouraging. BT Sport saw a 4% audience increase for English Premier League games and an 18% increase for Champions League coverage. We also launched BT’s new Stay Fast Guarantee to improve customer experience and reduce churn. We’ll optimise connection performance for new andre-contracting customers and then monitor and proactively manage connection quality, offering £20 compensation if we cannot fix speed issues. We launched EE Smart Plans to expand our differentiation and drive value through more for more offers. The handset plan came with Swappable Benefits to increase value and encourage migration from SIM only, whilst both handset and Smart SIM plans offer a Service Pack including annual device health checks, accessory vouchers and extended device warranties. | | | | Openreach launched a new volume-related discount offer for communications providers to help them boost their customers’ adoption of higher-speed and more reliable broadband services. We have also started migrating customers to ourall-IP digital platform. This brings opportunities for a range of richer experiences and propositions – from smart home technologies for consumers to sophisticated voice services for SMEs. Products progress around BT • We have launched innovative converged products for businesses such as BTNet,SD-WAN and cloud solution collaboration with Microsoft Azure. • In TV, we are now a content super- aggregator with Netflix and Amazon Prime already available, and Sky (via NOW TV) on its way later in 2019. • We launched a trial of fast mobile phone delivery through Enjoy on EE (within the M25) – offering customers delivery andset-up of their smartphone as quickly as two hours from placing their order. • We launched a trialsame-day repair service with Samsung where more than 90% of repairs were fixed on the same day and 80% in the same hour. • We launched 4G Assure for our business customers, providing 4G connectivity if their fixed broadband service was not available. Half of new SME business orders now take this product. 4. Enabling digital global business Our Global Services unit is refocusing on truly global customers. We are offering a smaller portfolio of repeatable, scalablecloud-of-clouds solutions – supported by market-leading security – to give customers flexibility, choice and control. We are also making processes smoother with self-service tools and automation. Digital global business progress around BT • Next generation,SD-WAN services are now available in 180 countries and we have launched two new Cisco and Meraki- based solutions. • We were the first to market with Riverbed’s ‘Visibility as a Service’, which allows customers to view and manage their application traffic. • To help our customers migrate to the cloud, last year we added Google and IBM to the partners we already support on our Cloud Connect Platform. • Last year, a BT joint venture was awarded domestic operating licences within China. This is a major step towards allowing us to better serve our multinational customers. | | |