Derivatives | Derivatives The Company’s operating results are affected by changes to commodity prices. The Trade and Renewables businesses have established “unhedged” futures position limits (the amount of a commodity, either owned or contracted for, that does not have an offsetting derivative contract). To reduce the exposure to market price risk on commodities owned and forward purchase and sale contracts, the Company enters into exchange traded commodity futures and options contracts and over-the-counter forward and option contracts with various counterparties. These contracts are primarily traded via regulated commodity exchanges. The Company’s forward purchase and sales contracts are for physical delivery of the commodity in a future period. Contracts to purchase commodities from producers generally relate to the current or future crop years for delivery periods quoted by regulated commodity exchanges. Most contracts for the sale of commodities to processors or other commercial consumers generally do not extend beyond one year. Most of these contracts meet the definition of derivatives. While the Company considers its commodity contracts to be effective economic hedges, the Company does not designate or account for its commodity contracts as hedges as defined under current accounting standards. The Company primarily accounts for its commodity derivatives at estimated fair value. The estimated fair value of the commodity derivative contracts that require the receipt or posting of cash collateral is recorded on a net basis (offset against cash collateral posted or received, also known as margin deposits) within commodity derivative assets or liabilities. Management determines fair value based on exchange-quoted prices and in the case of its forward purchase and sale contracts, estimated fair value is adjusted for differences in local markets and non-performance risk. For contracts for which physical delivery occurs, balance sheet classification is based on estimated delivery date. For futures, options and over-the-counter contracts in which physical delivery is not expected to occur but, rather, the contract is expected to be net settled, the Company classifies these contracts as current or noncurrent assets or liabilities, as appropriate, based on the Company’s expectations as to when such contracts will be settled. Realized and unrealized gains and losses in the value of commodity contracts (whether due to changes in commodity prices, changes in performance or credit risk, or due to sale, maturity or extinguishment of the commodity contract) and commodity inventories are included in cost of sales and merchandising revenues. Generally accepted accounting principles permit a party to a master netting arrangement to offset fair value amounts recognized for derivative instruments against the right to reclaim cash collateral or obligation to return cash collateral under the same master netting arrangement. The Company has master netting arrangements for its exchange traded futures and options contracts and certain over-the-counter contracts. When the Company enters into a future, option or an over-the-counter contract, an initial margin deposit may be required by the counterparty. The amount of the margin deposit varies by commodity. If the market price of a future, option or an over-the-counter contract moves in a direction that is adverse to the Company’s position, an additional margin deposit, called a maintenance margin, is required. The margin deposit assets and liabilities are included in short-term commodity derivative assets or liabilities, as appropriate, in the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets. The following table presents at June 30, 2023, December 31, 2022 and June 30, 2022, a summary of the estimated fair value of the Company’s commodity derivative instruments that require cash collateral and the associated cash posted/received as collateral. The net asset or liability positions of these derivatives (net of their cash collateral) are determined on a counterparty-by-counterparty basis and are included within current or non-current commodity derivative assets (or liabilities) on the Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets: (in thousands) June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022 June 30, 2022 Cash collateral (received) paid $ (15,290) $ 64,530 $ 70,442 Fair value of derivatives 85,123 (10,014) 165,223 Net derivative asset position $ 69,833 $ 54,516 $ 235,665 The following table presents, on a gross basis, current and non-current commodity derivative assets and liabilities: June 30, 2023 (in thousands) Commodity Derivative Assets - Current Commodity Derivative Assets - Noncurrent Commodity Derivative Liabilities - Current Commodity Derivative Liabilities - Noncurrent Total Commodity derivative assets $ 438,227 $ 3,959 $ 26,312 $ 59 $ 468,557 Commodity derivative liabilities (75,253) (1,029) (277,413) (4,215) (357,910) Cash collateral (received) paid (15,290) — — — (15,290) Balance sheet line item totals $ 347,684 $ 2,930 $ (251,101) $ (4,156) $ 95,357 December 31, 2022 (in thousands) Commodity Derivative Assets - Current Commodity Derivative Assets - Noncurrent Commodity Derivative Liabilities - Current Commodity Derivative Liabilities - Noncurrent Total Commodity derivative assets $ 325,762 $ 1,796 $ 18,426 $ 686 $ 346,670 Commodity derivative liabilities (94,704) (149) (116,945) (1,484) (213,282) Cash collateral (received) paid 64,530 — — — 64,530 Balance sheet line item totals $ 295,588 $ 1,647 $ (98,519) $ (798) $ 197,918 June 30, 2022 (in thousands) Commodity Derivative Assets - Current Commodity Derivative Assets - Noncurrent Commodity Derivative Liabilities - Current Commodity Derivative Liabilities - Noncurrent Total Commodity derivative assets $ 707,542 $ 14,257 $ 29,223 $ 1,945 $ 752,967 Commodity derivative liabilities (138,627) (2,132) (216,126) (12,040) (368,925) Cash collateral (received) paid 69,442 — 1,000 — 70,442 Balance sheet line item totals $ 638,357 $ 12,125 $ (185,903) $ (10,095) $ 454,484 The net gains and losses on commodity derivatives not designated as hedging instruments included in the Company’s Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations and the line items in which they are located for the three and six months ended June 30, 2023 and 2022 are as follows: Three months ended June 30, Six months ended June 30, (in thousands) 2023 2022 2023 2022 Gains (losses) on commodity derivatives included in Cost of sales and merchandising revenues $ 4,827 $ 230,188 $ (22,741) $ 264,186 The Company had the following volume of commodity derivative contracts outstanding (on a gross basis) at June 30, 2023, December 31, 2022 and June 30, 2022: June 30, 2023 (in thousands) Number of Bushels Number of Gallons Number of Tons Non-exchange traded: Corn 547,805 — — Soybeans 42,273 — — Wheat 236,316 — — Oats 27,824 — — Ethanol — 208,251 — Dried distillers grain — — 479 Soybean meal — — 290 Other 11,064 33,819 2,704 Subtotal 865,282 242,070 3,473 Exchange traded: Corn 177,425 — — Soybeans 27,555 — — Wheat 59,262 — — Oats 960 — — Ethanol — 74,760 — Propane — 63,630 — Other — 1,008 393 Subtotal 265,202 139,398 393 Total 1,130,484 381,468 3,866 December 31, 2022 (in thousands) Number of Bushels Number of Gallons Number of Tons Non-exchange traded: Corn 567,405 — — Soybeans 56,608 — — Wheat 102,716 — — Oats 24,710 — — Ethanol — 178,935 — Dried distillers grain — — 449 Soybean meal — — 570 Other 10,054 44,547 2,029 Subtotal 761,493 223,482 3,048 Exchange traded: Corn 170,280 — — Soybeans 46,380 — — Wheat 111,567 — — Oats 365 — — Ethanol — 94,206 — Propane — 47,208 — Other — 588 581 Subtotal 328,592 142,002 581 Total 1,090,085 365,484 3,629 June 30, 2022 (in thousands) Number of Bushels Number of Gallons Number of Tons Non-exchange traded: Corn 628,471 — — Soybeans 116,679 — — Wheat 97,224 — — Oats 37,355 — — Ethanol — 200,388 — Dried distillers grain — — 318 Soybean meal — — 421 Other 8,549 25,767 3,032 Subtotal 888,278 226,155 3,771 Exchange traded: Corn 219,020 — — Soybeans 69,115 — — Wheat 74,418 — — Oats 650 — — Ethanol — 94,794 — Propane — 25,578 — Other 95 546 360 Subtotal 363,298 120,918 360 Total 1,251,576 347,073 4,131 Interest Rate and Other Derivatives The Company’s objectives for using interest rate derivatives are to add stability to interest expense and to manage its exposure to interest rate movements. To accomplish these objectives, the Company primarily uses interest rate swaps as part of its interest rate risk management strategy. Interest rate swaps designated as cash flow hedges involve the receipt of variable amounts from a counterparty in exchange for the Company making fixed-rate payments over the life of the agreements without exchange of the underlying notional amount. The gains or losses on the derivatives designated as hedging instruments are recorded in Other comprehensive income (loss) and subsequently reclassified into interest expense in the same periods during which the hedged transaction affects earnings. Amounts reported in accumulated other comprehensive income related to derivatives will be reclassified to interest expense as interest payments are made on the Company’s variable-rate debt. The Company had recorded the following amounts for the fair value of the Company's other derivatives: (in thousands) June 30, 2023 December 31, 2022 June 30, 2022 Derivatives not designated as hedging instruments Foreign currency contracts included in Other current assets (liabilities) $ 852 $ (3,124) $ (1,749) Derivatives designated as hedging instruments Interest rate contracts included in Other current assets $ 11,107 $ 8,759 $ 3,276 Interest rate contracts included in Other assets 22,881 22,641 15,047 The recording of derivatives gains and losses and the financial statement line in which they are located are as follows: Three months ended June 30, Six months ended June 30, (in thousands) 2023 2022 2023 2022 Derivatives designated as hedging instruments Interest rate derivative gains (losses) included in Other comprehensive income (loss) $ 8,996 $ 8,923 $ 2,590 $ 25,464 Interest rate derivative gains (losses) included in Interest expense, net 2,515 (1,013) 4,619 (2,631) Outstanding interest rate derivatives, as of June 30, 2023, are as follows: Interest Rate Hedging Instrument Year Entered Year of Maturity Initial Notional Amount Description Interest Rate Long-term Swap 2019 2025 $ 96.9 Interest rate component of debt - accounted for as a hedge 2.3% Swap 2019 2025 $ 48.4 Interest rate component of debt - accounted for as a hedge 2.4% Swap 2019 2025 $ 48.4 Interest rate component of debt - accounted for as a hedge 2.4% Swap 2020 2030 $ 50.0 Interest rate component of debt - accounted for as a hedge 0.0% to 0.8% Swap 2020 2030 $ 50.0 Interest rate component of debt - accounted for as a hedge 0.0% to 0.8% Swap 2022 2025 $ 20.0 Interest rate component of debt - accounted for as a hedge 2.6% Swap 2022 2029 $ 100.0 Interest rate component of debt - accounted for as a hedge 2.0% Swap 2022 2029 $ 50.0 Interest rate component of debt - accounted for as a hedge 2.4% Swap 2023 2024 $ 50.0 Interest rate component of debt - accounted for as a hedge 3.7% Swap 2023 2025 $ 50.0 Interest rate component of debt - accounted for as a hedge 3.7% Swap 2023 2031 $ 50.0 Interest rate component of debt - accounted for as a hedge 2.9% |