Consolidated statement of
financial position
Notes 31 Dec. 2019 31 Dec. 2018
EUR in millions EUR in millions
Cash reserves (35) 28,195 17,465
Loans and advances to banks (7), (11), (12), (36), (39), (64) 281,912 280,413
Loans and advances to customers (7), (11), (12), (37), (39), (64) 129,416 126,878
Risk provisions for lending business (7), (13), (38) –1,670 –1,545
Value adjustments from macro fair value hedge accounting (8), (40), (64) 10,887 9,071
Derivatives designated for hedge accounting (8), (41), (63), (64), (65) 10,859 9,512
Other derivatives (7), (8), (42), (65) 5,383 5,274
Securities and investments (7), (14), (15), (43), (63) 37,795 35,729
Investments accounted for using the equity method (6), (44) 609 514
Property, plant and equipment (16), (45) 1,021 958
Intangible assets (17), (46) 188 225
Income tax assets (47) 703 579
Other assets (10), (48) 723 716
Total 506,022 485,790
Liabilities and equity
Notes 31 Dec. 2019 31 Dec. 2018
EUR in millions EUR in millions
Liabilities to banks (7), (18), (49), (63), (64), (66) 14,899 8,220
Liabilities to customers (7), (18), (50), (63), (64), (67) 10,131 12,303
Certificated liabilities (7), (18), (51), (63), (68) 436,191 418,581
Value adjustments from macro fair value hedge accounting (8), (52), (64) 77 98
Derivatives designated for hedge accounting (8), (53), (63), (64), (65) 6,674 9,891
Other derivatives (7), (8), (54), (65) 2,453 2,529
Provisions (13), (19), (55) 3,335 3,028
Income tax liabilities (56) 358 284
Other liabilities (10), (57) 542 540
Equity (20), (58) 31,362 30,315
Paid-in subscribed capital 3,300 3,300
Capital reserve 8,447 8,447
Reserve from the ERP Special Fund 1,191 1,191
Retained earnings 18,742 17,371
Fund for general banking risks 600 600
Revaluation reserves (7), (20) –918 –594
Total 506,022 485,790
55 | KfW Financial Report 2019 Consolidated financial statements | Consolidated statement of financial position