Conservation Trust Fund
Funds activities that promote the conservation of natural resources by creating, conserving or enhancing the natural infrastructure for the benefit of Manitobans.
Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation Fund
Generates annual grant making activity to be used at the discretion of the Board of Directors of MHHC in accordance with their charitable purposes.
Harry J. Enns Oak Hammock Marsh Fund
Provides annual, sustainable grant making activity for the purpose of operating and maintaining the Oak Hammock Marsh Interpretive Centre.
Oak Hammock Marsh Capital Renewal Fund
Funds capital improvements to the Oak Hammock Marsh Interpretive Centre.
Watershed Districts Capacity Fund
Generates annual grant making activity to support activities that enhance the abililty of watershed districts to protect, preserve, conserve and prudently manage use of water resources within their district.
Hunter Education and Safety Fund
Generates annual grant making activity to support activities that educate, train, recruit hunters, and enhance safe and sustainable hunting and trapping of wildlife populations within Manitoba.
4-H Manitoba Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship Fund
Generates annual grant making activity to be used to support 4-H Manitoba.
Growing Outcomes in Watersheds Fund
Funds activities that promote the conservation of natural resources by creating, conserving or enhancing the natural infrastructure for the benefit of Manitobans.
Provincial Parks Endowment Fund
Supports projects that enhance the ecological integrity and/or public experiences in Manitoba provincial parks.
Employment and Income Assistance Fund
Generates annual grant making activity to support activities which are intended to reduce barriers and improve labour market outcomes for participants receiving, or applying for social assistance.
Manitoba Accessiblity Fund
Provides annual, sustainable grant making activity to be used to undertake activities to promote the principles of The Accessibility for Manitobans Act and provide assistance to organizations in Manitoba to comply with The Accessibility for Manitobans Act and its standards.
Child Care Sustainability Fund
Supports eligible licensed child care facilities, as defined under The Community Child Care Standards Act, by providing grant funding targeted towards infrastructure improvements and repairs, as well as new, innovative child care projects with the goal of enhancing child care programming.
Manitoba Trails Improvement Endowment Fund
Promotes, plans, co-ordinates and supervises the development of recreational trails in Manitoba as public amenities.