Acquisitions | Acquisitions On September 23, 2022, we made an all cash offer to acquire all of the outstanding shares of RPS Group plc ("RPS"), a publicly traded company on the London Stock Exchange for 222 pence per share, through a scheme of arrangement, which was unanimously recommended by RPS' Board of Directors. On November 3, 2022, RPS' shareholders approved the scheme of arrangement. On January 19, 2023, the court-sanctioned scheme of arrangement to purchase RPS was approved, and we completed the acquisition on January 23, 2023. RPS employs approximately 5,000 associates in the United Kingdom, Europe, Asia Pacific and North America, delivering high-end solutions, especially in energy transformation, water and program management for government and commercial clients. Substantially all of RPS is included in our CIG segment. The total purchase price of RPS was approximately £633 million ($784 million). In the second quarter and first half of fiscal 2023, we incurred $19.9 million and $23.7 million, respectively, related to acquisition and integration costs primarily for professional fees, substantially all of which were paid as of the end of the second quarter of fiscal 2023. On January 23, 2023, we also settled a foreign exchange forward contract that was integral to our plan to finance the RPS acquisition developed in the fourth quarter of fiscal 2022. The cash gain of $109.3 million did not qualify for hedge accounting. As a result, the gain was recognized as non-operating income over the life of the contract and not included in the purchase price allocation below. However, the cash proceeds of $109.3 million economically reduced the purchase price for the shares of RPS to approximately $675 million. This forward contract is explained further in Note 15, "Derivative Financial Instruments". The table below represents the preliminary purchase price allocation for RPS based on estimates, assumptions, valuations and other analyses as of January 23, 2023, that has not been finalized in order to make a definitive allocation. The purchase consideration, excluding the aforementioned forward contract gain, is allocated to the tangible and intangible assets, and liabilities of RPS based on their estimated fair values, with any excess purchase consideration allocated to goodwill as follows (in thousands): Amount Cash and cash equivalents $ 32,093 Accounts receivable and contract assets 202,634 Prepaid expenses and other current assets 49,216 Income taxes receivables 1,999 Property and equipment 43,276 Right-of-use assets, operating leases 40,179 Intangible assets 206,186 Deferred income taxes 28,995 Other long-term assets 1,061 Total assets acquired 605,639 Accounts payable $ (44,376) Accrued compensation (22,290) Contract liabilities (46,287) Income tax payable (7,083) Short-term lease liabilities, operating leases (13,477) Other current liabilities (124,851) Long-term debt (91,973) Long-term lease liabilities, operating leases (26,702) Other long-term liabilities (7,423) Deferred tax liabilities (55,965) Total liabilities assumed (440,427) Fair value of net assets acquired 165,212 Goodwill 618,997 Total purchase consideration $ 784,209 The following table summarizes the estimated fair values that were assigned to intangible assets at the acquisition date: Fair Value Weighted-Average Estimated Useful Life (in thousands) (in years) Backlog $ 19,702 1.5 Trade names 17,843 3.0 Client relations 168,641 8.0 Total intangible assets acquired $ 206,186 6.9 Supplemental Pro Forma Information (Unaudited) Following are the supplemental consolidated financial results of Tetra Tech and RPS on an unaudited pro forma basis, as if the RPS acquisition had been consummated as of the beginning of fiscal 2022 (in thousands): Three Months Ended Six Months Ended April 2, April 3, April 2, April 3, Revenue $ 1,203,538 $ 1,040,645 $ 2,310,839 $ 2,074,544 Net Income including noncontrolling interests $ 40,200 $ 36,104 $ 103,901 $ 59,043 For the period from January 23, 2023 through April 2, 2023, RPS had revenue o f $169.5 million. RPS' net income, including interest expense, for this period was a loss of $2.0 million, or $0.03 per share, before intangible amortization. Intangible amortization for RPS was $7.7 million, or $0.11 per share . In the second quarter of fiscal 2023, we also acquired Amyx, Inc. (“Amyx”), an enterprise technology services, cybersecurity and management consulting firm. Based in Reston, Virginia, Amyx, with over 500 employees, provides application modernization, cybersecurity, systems engineering, financial management and program management support on over 30 Federal Government programs. Amyx is included in our GSG segment. The total fair value of the purchase price of Amyx was $120.9 million, comprised of a $100.0 million payable in a promissory note issued to the sellers (paid subsequent to closing), $8.7 million of payables related to estimated post-closing adjustments, and $12.2 million for the estimated fair value of contingent earn-out obligations, with a maximum of $25.0 million, based upon the achievement of specified operating income targets in each of the three years following the acquisition date. Amyx was not considered significant to our consolidated financial statements. As a result, no pro forma information has been provided. In fiscal 2022, we acquired The Integration Group of America ("TIGA"), Piteau Associates (“PAE”) and two other financially immaterial acquisitions. TIGA is based in Spring, Texas and is an industry leader in process automation and system integration solutions, including customized software and platform (SaaS/PaaS) applications, advanced data analytics, cloud data integration and platform virtualization. PAE is based in Vancouver, British Columbia and is a global leader in sustainable natural resource analytics including hydrologic numerical modeling and dewatering system design. PAE is part of our CIG segment, and TIGA and the other financially immaterial acquisitions are part of our GSG segment. The total fair value of the purchase price for all four acquisitions was $88.3 million. This amount is comprised of $44.0 million in initial cash payments made to the sellers, $2.5 million of receivables (net) related to estimated post-closing adjustments for the net assets acquired, $15.5 million payable in a promissory note issued to the sellers along with related transaction expenses of the sellers (which were subsequently paid in July 2022), and $31.3 million for the estimated fair value of contingent earn-out obligations, with a maximum of $47.0 million, based upon the achievement of specified operating income targets in each of the three These acquisitions were not considered significant, individually or in the aggregate, to our consolidated financial statements. As a result, no pro forma information has been provided. The majority of the goodwill from the fiscal 2023 acquisitions is not deductible for tax purposes, while the majority of the goodwill from the fiscal 2022 acquisitions is deductible for tax purposes. The results of fiscal 2022 and 2023 acquisitions were included in our consolidated financial statements beginning on the respective closing dates. Goodwill additions resulting from the fiscal 2023 business combinations are primarily attributable to the significant technical expertise residing in embedded workforces that are sought out by clients, synergies expected to arise after the acquisitions in the areas of enterprise technology services, data management, energy transformation, water, program management, and data analytics and the long-standing reputations of RPS and Amyx. These acquisitions further expand and complement our market-leading positions in water, renewable energy and sustainable infrastructure; enhanced by a combined suite of differentiated data analytics and digital technologies, and expansion into existing and new geographies. Our fiscal 2022 goodwill additions are primarily attributable to the significant technical expertise residing in embedded workforces that are sought out by clients, long-term management experience, the industry reputations and the synergies expected to arise after the acquisitions in the areas of data management, digitization, modeling, water and natural resources. These acquired capabilities, when combined with our exis ting global consulting and engineering business, result in opportunities that allow us to provide services under contracts that could not have been pursued individually by either us or the acquired companies. Intangible assets with finite lives arise from business acquisitions and are amortized based on the period over which the contractual or economic benefit of the intangible assets are expected to be realized or on a straight-line basis over the useful lives of the underlying assets, ranging from one Most of our acquisition agreements include contingent earn-out agreements, which are generally based on the achievement of future operating income thresholds. The contingent earn-out arrangements are based on our valuations of the acquired companies and reduce the risk of overpaying for acquisitions if the projected financial results are not achieved. The fair values of any earn-out arrangements are included as part of the purchase price of the acquired companies on their respective acquisition dates. For each transaction, we estimate the fair value of contingent earn-out payments as part of the initial purchase price and record the estimated fair value of contingent consideration as a liability in “Current contingent earn-out liabilities” and “Non-current contingent earn-out liabilities” on the consolidated balance sheets. We consider several factors when determining that contingent earn-out liabilities are part of the purchase price, including the following: (1) the valuation of our acquisitions is not supported solely by the initial consideration paid, and the contingent earn-out formula is a critical and material component of the valuation approach to determining the purchase price; and (2) the former owners of acquired companies that remain as key employees receive compensation other than contingent earn-out payments at a reasonable level compared with the compensation of our other key employees. The contingent earn-out payments are not affected by employment termination. We measure our contingent earn-out liabilities at fair value on a recurring basis using significant unobservable inputs classified within Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy. We use a probability-weighted discounted income approach as a valuation technique to convert future estimated cash flows to a single present value amount. The significant unobservable inputs used in the fair value measurements are operating income projections over the earn-out period (generally three We review and re-assess the estimated fair value of contingent consideration on a quarterly basis, and the updated fair value could differ materially from the initial estimates. Changes in the estimated fair value of our contingent earn-out liabilities related to the time component of the present value calculation are reported in interest expense. Adjustments to the estimated fair value related to changes in all other unobservable inputs are reported in operating income. For the first half of fiscal 2023, we evaluated our estimates for contingent consideration liabilities for the remaining earn-out periods for each individu al acquisition, which included a review of their financial results to-date, the status of ongoing projects in their RUPO, and the inventory of prospective new contract awards. During the first half of fiscal 2023, we recorded adjustments to our contingent earn-out liabilities and reported a related net loss in operating income of $8.5 million (largely in the second quarter). The net loss primarily resulted from increased valuations of the contingent consideration liabilities for our prior acquisitions of Segue Technologies, Inc. (SEG), Hoare Lea, LLP (HLE) and TIGA reflecting financial performance that exceeded our previous expectations. For the second quarter and first half of fiscal 2022, we had no material adjustments to our contingent earn-out liabilities in operating income. At April 2, 2023, there was a total potential maximum of $143.9 million of outstanding contingent consideration related to acquisitions. Of this amount, $88.1 million was estimated as the fair value and accrued on our consolidated balance sheet at April 2, 2023. |