The Company entered into a Consulting Agreement (the “Agreement”), a copy of which is attached as Exhibit 99.4, with Morris Weiss, a director, on November 1, 2008 pursuant to which Mr., Weiss served as Chief Restructuring Officer for a period of six months ended May 1, 2009. The Agreement provided that Mr. Weiss’ duties included: (i) oversight and management of (1) pending and anticipated securities, corporate, insurance and other significant litigation involving the Company or its affiliates, including the Class Action (2) the disposition of the contract mining business and such other businesses and entities in which the Company holds an interest as may be determined by the Board, and (3) such other matters as agreed upon by Mr. Weiss and the Board; (ii) advising the Board and senior management of the Company with respect to other significant restructuring matters, and (iii) such other duties and responsibilities on which the Board and the Consultant shall mutually agree. The Agreement provided for compensation in the form of stock options and cash. The stock option compensation under the Agreement was 550,000 options to acquire Company common stock with an exercise price of $.70 per share and expiring in ten years. 250,000 options vested during the term of the Agreement and 300,000 options would vest at the end of the Agreement unless the Board determined that Mr. Weiss’ performance was not satisfactory, in which case the number of options awarded was in the discretion of the Board. The reported closing price of the Company’s stock on October 31, 2008 was $.28. The board concluded that Mr. Weiss’ performance was more than satisfactory and thus 300,000 options vested at the end of the Agreement (for a total of 550,000 options as provided under the agreement).. The cash compensation under the Agreement was $100,000 during the term of the Agreement plus a bonus of up to $100,000, the award of which was dependent on a Board determination as to whether Mr. Weiss’ performance was satisfactory and the amount of such bonus was in the discretion of the Board. The board has determined that Mr. Weiss’ performance was more than satisfactory thus the amount of the cash bonus was $100,000 and the Board and Mr. Weiss agreed would be payable in six monthly installments. In addition, on May 1, 2009, Mr. Weiss agreed to review the documentation to be generated in connection with the negotiation of the final settlement agreements in the Class Action and the insurance coverage litigation involving the Company . As compensation for such services, the Board granted Mr. Weiss 100,000 options to acquire Company common stock with an exercise price of $.70 per share, expiring in ten years, and vesting on completion of the final settlement agreements The reported closing price of the Company’s stock on April 30, 2009 was $.49. |