(h) Notices. All notices under this Agreement shall be given in writing. Each such notice shall be either hand delivered or transmitted by overnight carrier or certified United States mail, return receipt requested, to the last known address of the addressee and shall be effective upon delivery.
(i) Authorized Representative. No writing shall be of any force or effect as against the Distributor or the Company unless signed on its behalf by an officer or such other person as may be designated in writing by a Senior Vice President thereof.
(i) Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York.
(j) Effective Date. This Agreement will take effect on the date, following receipt by the Distributor of a signed counterpart of this Agreement from you, on which the Distributor enters into this Agreement, as set forth below.
(a) “Approved Sales Materials” means illustrations, brochures, sales scripts, seminar or other types of presentations, advertising, direct mailings and any other sales materials relating to the Company or the Company Products provided to you by the Company or the Distributor.
(b) “Company” means Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company, Equitable Financial Life Insurance Company of America, Equitable Financial Life and Annuity Company or an insurance company affiliate or subsidiary of any of the foregoing, as the case may be, which is the issuer of a particular policy or contract.
(c) “Company Products” means the life insurance and annuity products which a BGA is authorized to distribute from time to time pursuant to its General Agent Agreement.
(d) “Compensation” means compensation of any kind, whether called commissions, fees or any other name.
(e) “Distributor” means Equitable Distributors, LLC.
(f) “Distributor Policies” means the rules and procedures issued by the Distributor or the Company from time to time with respect to the solicitation and/or servicing of the Company Products.
(g) “General Agent Agreement” means the General Agent Agreement with a BGA, as now or hereafter modified and amended.
(h) “Letter Ruling” means the letter ruling issued by the staff of the Securities and Exchange Commission to Howard & Howard (sub. nom. First of America Brokerage Services, Inc.) (avail. Sept. 28, 1995) or any successor letter ruling with respect to the non-registration as a broker-dealer of an insurance agency associated with a registered broker-dealer.
(i) “FINRA” means the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority.
(j) “Networking Agreement” means a written agreement between a BGA and you which complies with the terms and conditions of the Letter Ruling.
(k) “1934 Act” means the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended.
(l) “Prospectuses” shall mean all product prospectuses, trust prospectuses and statements of additional information relating to the Variable Company Products and such other materials as the Distributor shall determine to be necessary or desirable to distribute to prospective purchasers of the Variable Sales Products.
(m) “Qualified Retailer” means (1) a broker-dealer who is also an insurance agency or (2) a broker-dealer and its associated insurance agency, as the case may be, authorized to distribute Company Products pursuant to a Broker Dealer and General Agent Sales Agreement with the Distributor.
(n) “You” shall mean the entity entering into this Agreement as the Broker-Dealer below.
(o) “Variable Company Products” means the Company Products that are subject to regulation by the Securities and Exchange Commission.
This Agreement is entered into as of .